Promoting AI ethics research in Latin America and the Caribbean

Norberto Andrade is the Global Policy Lead for Digital and AI Ethics.

It’s becoming more and more difficult to imagine a world without AI. As a general-purpose, ubiquitous technology, AI is becoming further embedded into our daily lives, making and supporting decisions that directly affect all of us. From helping us get through traffic to determining whether we get a loan or the opportunity to interview for a job, AI is everywhere and makes an impact on everyone.

As we increasingly delegate to machines those tasks and decisions that used to be done and made by humans, we’re passing on to them the values and norms behind them. The challenges derived from the technical and moral agency that machines are being called to exercise have sparked an explosive interest in AI ethics and governance.

Nonetheless, and despite AI being everywhere and affecting everyone, proposals on how to ethically govern this technology are predominantly coming from a handful of countries and regions in the world. In a recent study that looked at the geographic distribution of institutions that released ethical AI guidelines, the overwhelming majority of such proposals came from the United States and the European Union.

When we look at the scientific research being done to advance the field of AI, the picture is very similar. Most research publications and academic-corporate collaborations in the field of AI are from Europe, North America, and the East Asia and Pacific region. Moreover, such research is predominantly technical in nature — in other words, it is generally detached from social science disciplines.

While the impact of AI is global, its debate has been dominated by a very restricted set of actors. And while the effects and implications of AI are diverse, its study and research are increasingly focused on technical aspects.


To promote novel and different perspectives on AI, expanding its debate to other regions and topics, Facebook joined forces with the Centro de Estudios en Tecnología y Sociedad (CETyS) and the Inter-American Development Bank to support independent research on AI ethics, which culminated in the launch of

This project, which gathered 19 researchers and academic experts from Latin America and the Caribbean, resulted in the publication of eight articles and a handbook that guides readers through the issues of ethics, regulation, and the public policy environment for the development and adoption of AI. The academic papers — which touch upon topics as diversified as the impact of AI in the public sector; AI fairness and its legal ramifications; AI national strategies in the region; and country-specific perspectives on social justice and human rights, among others — can be found here.

As opposed to applying values, concepts, and perspectives from other regions without taking into account regional perspectives and particularities, this project advances the study of AI ethics by leveraging and adapting it to the local context and knowledge of underrepresented regions, namely in Latin America and the Caribbean. plugged into the talent of researchers from the region and provided them with a platform to raise their voice and add their input to this debate. brings a fresh and different perspective to the forefront of AI ethics, incorporating and disseminating new AI governance approaches, AI ethical toolkits, and localized takes on issues of fairness and inequality from various regional cultures and traditions. Moreover, this project has paved the way for the launch of similar AI ethics research initiatives from Facebook in India, the Asia Pacific region, and Africa.

It is our hope that this network of researchers continues to expand, enrich, and diversify the study of AI ethics while contributing to comparative projects among researchers from these different regions.

The post Promoting AI ethics research in Latin America and the Caribbean appeared first on Facebook Research.

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Sand Safety: Startup’s Lifeguard AI Hits the Beach to Save Lives

Sand Safety: Startup’s Lifeguard AI Hits the Beach to Save Lives

A team in Israel is making a splash with AI.

It started as biz school buddies Netanel Eliav and Adam Bismut were looking to solve a problem to change the world. The problem found them: Bismut visited the Dead Sea after a drowning and noticed a lack of tech for lifeguards, who scanned the area with age-old binoculars.

The two aspiring entrepreneurs — recent MBA graduates of Ben-Gurion University, in the country’s south — decided this was their problem to solve with AI.

“I have two little girls, and as a father, I know the feeling that parents have when their children are near the water,” said Eliav, the company’s CEO.

They founded Sightbit in 2018 with BGU classmates Gadi Kovler and Minna Shezaf to help lifeguards see dangerous conditions and prevent drownings.

The startup is seed funded by Cactus Capital, the venture arm of their alma mater.

Sightbit is now in pilot testing at Palmachim Beach, a popular escape for sunbathers and surfers in the Palmachim Kibbutz area along the Mediterranean Sea, south of Tel Aviv. The sand dune-lined destination, with its inviting, warm aquamarine waters, gets packed with thousands of daily summer visitors.

But it’s also a place known for deadly rip currents.

Danger Detectors

Sightbit has developed image detection to help spot dangers to aid lifeguards in their work. In collaboration with the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, the Beersheba-based startup has installed three cameras that feed data into a single NVIDIA Jetson AGX at the lifeguard towers at Palmachim beach. NVIDIA Metropolis is deployed for video analytics.

The system of danger detectors enables lifeguards to keep tabs on a computer monitor that flags potential safety concerns while they scan the beach.

Sightbit has developed models based on convolutional neural networks and image detection to provide lifeguards views of potential dangers. Kovler, the company’s CTO, has trained the company’s danger detectors on tens of thousands of images, processed with NVIDIA GPUs in the cloud.

Training on the images wasn’t easy with sun glare on the ocean, weather conditions, crowds of people, and people partially submerged in the ocean, said Shezaf, the company’s CMO.

But Sightbit’s deep learning and proprietary algorithms have enabled it to identify children alone as well as clusters of people. This allows its system to flag children who have strayed from the pack.

Rip Current Recognition

The system also harnesses optical flow algorithms to detect dangerous rip currents in the ocean for helping lifeguards keep people out of those zones.  These algorithms make it possible to identify the speed of every object in an image, using partial differential equations to calculate acceleration vectors of every voxel in the image.

Lifeguards can get updates on ocean conditions so when they start work they have a sense of hazards present that day.

“We spoke with many lifeguards. The lifeguard is trying to avoid the next accident. Many people go too deep and get caught in the rip currents,” said Eliav.

Cameras at lifeguard towers processed on the single compact supercomputing Jetson Xavier and accessing Metropolis can offer split-second inference for alerts, tracking, statistics and risk analysis in real time.

The Israel Nature and Parks Authority is planning to have a structure built on the beach to house more cameras for automated safety, according to Sightbit.

COVID-19 Calls 

Palmachim Beach lifeguards have a lot to watch, especially now as people get out of their homes for fresh air after the region begins reopening from COVID-19-related closures.

As part of Sightbit’s beach safety developments, the company had been training its network to spot how far apart people were to help gauge child safety.

This work also directly applies to monitoring social distancing and has attracted the attention of potential customers seeking ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. The Sightbit platform can provide them crowding alerts when a public area is overcrowded and proximity alerts for when individuals are too close to each other, said Shezaf.

The startup has put in extra hours to work with those interested in its tech to help monitor areas for ways to reduce the spread of the pathogen.

“If you want to change the world, you need to do something that is going to affect people immediately without any focus on profit,” said Eliav.


Sightbit is a member of NVIDIA Inception, a virtual accelerator program that helps startups in AI and data science get to market faster.

The post Sand Safety: Startup’s Lifeguard AI Hits the Beach to Save Lives appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.

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2019 Q4 recipients of AWS Machine Learning Research Awards

2019 Q4 recipients of AWS Machine Learning Research Awards

The AWS Machine Learning Research Awards (MLRA) aims to advance machine learning (ML) by funding innovative research and open-source projects, training students, and providing researchers with access to the latest technology. Since 2017, MLRA has supported over 180 research projects from 73 schools and research institutes in 13 countries, with topics such as ML algorithms, computer vision, natural language processing, medical research, neuroscience, social science, physics, and robotics.

On February 18, 2020, we announced the winners of MLRA’s 2019 Q2/Q3 call-for-proposal cycles. We’re now pleased to announce 28 new recipients of MLRA’s 2019 Q4 call-for-proposal cycle. The MLRA recipients represent 26 universities in six countries. The funded projects aim to develop open-source tools and research that benefit the ML community at large, or create impactful research using AWS ML solutions, such as Amazon SageMaker, AWS AI Services, and Apache MXNet on AWS. The following are the 2019 Q4 award recipients:

Recipient University Research Title
Anasse Bari New York University Predicting the 2020 Elections Using Big Data, Analyzing What the World Wants Using Twitter and Teaching Next Generation of Thinkers How to Apply AI for Social Good
Andrew Gordon Wilson New York University Scalable Numerical Methods and Probabilistic Deep Learning with Applications to AutoML
Bo Li University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Trustworthy Machine Learning as Services via Robust AutoML and Knowledge Enhanced Logic Inference
Dawn Song University of California, Berkeley Protecting the Public Against AI-Generated Fakes
Dimosthenis Karatzas Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona Document Visual Question Answer (DocVQA) for Large-Scale Document Collections
Dit-Yan Yeung Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Temporally Misaligned Spatiotemporal Sequence Modeling
Lantao Liu Indiana University Bloomington Environment-Adaptive Sensing and Modeling using Autonomous Robots
Leonidas Guibas Stanford University Learning Canonical Spaces for Object-Centric 3D Perception
Maryam Rahnemoonfar University of Maryland, Baltimore Combining Model-Based and Data Driven Approaches to Study Climate Change via Amazon SageMaker
Mi Zhang Michigan State University DA-NAS: An AutoML Framework for Joint Data Augmentation and Neural Architecture Search
Michael P. Kelly Washington University Web-Based Machine Learning for Surgeon Benchmarking in Pediatric Spine Surgery
Ming Zhao Arizona State University Enabling Deep Learning across Edge Devices and Cloud Resources
Nianwen Xue Brandeis University AMR2KB: Construct a High-Quality Knowledge by Parsing Meaning Representations
Nicholas Chia Mayo Clinic Massively-Scaled Inverse Reinforcement Learning Approach for Reconstructing the Mutational History of Colorectal Cancer
Oswald Lanz Fondazione Bruno Kessler Structured Representation Learning for Video Recognition and Question Answering
Pierre Gentine Columbia University Learning Fires
Pratik Chaudhari University of Pennsylvania Offline and Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning
Pulkit Agrawal Massachusetts Institute of Technology Curiosity Baselines for the Reinforcement Learning Community
Quanquan Gu University of California, Los Angeles Towards Provably Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning
Shayok Chakraborty Florida State University Active Learning with Imperfect Oracles
Soheil Feizi University of Maryland, College Park Explainable Deep Learning: Accuracy, Robustness and Fairness
Spyros Makradakis University of Nicosia Clustered Ensemble of Specialist Amazon GluonTS Models for Time Series Forecasting
Xin Jin Johns Hopkins University Making Sense of Network Performance for Distributed Machine Learning
Xuan (Sharon) Di Columbia University Multi-Autonomous Vehicle Driving Policy Learning for Efficient and Safe Traffic
Yi Yang University of Technology Sydney Efficient Video Analysis with Limited Supervision
Yun Raymond Fu Northeastern University Generative Feature Transformation for Multi-Viewed Domain Adaptation
Zhangyang (Atlas) Wang Texas A&M University Mobile-Captured Wound Image Analysis and Dynamic Modeling for Post-Discharge Monitoring of Surgical Site Infection
Zhi-Li Zhang University of Minnesota Universal Graph Embedding Neural Networks for Learning Graph-Structured Data

Congratulations to all MLRA recipients! We look forward to supporting your research.

For more information about MLRA, see AWS Machine Learning Research Awards or send an email to

About the Author

Seo Yeon Shin is a program manager for the AWS AI Academic Programs.






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Cisco uses Amazon SageMaker and Kubeflow to create a hybrid machine learning workflow

Cisco uses Amazon SageMaker and Kubeflow to create a hybrid machine learning workflow

This is a guest post from members of Cisco’s AI/ML best practices team, including Technical Product Manager Elvira Dzhuraeva, Distinguished Engineer Debo Dutta, and Principal Engineer Amit Saha.

Cisco is a large enterprise company that applies machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) across many of its business units. The Cisco AI team in the office of the CTO is responsible for the company’s open source (OSS) AI/ML best practices across the business units that use AI and ML, and is also a major contributor to the Kubeflow open-source project and MLPerf/MLCommons. Our charter is to create artifacts and best practices in ML that both Cisco business units and our customers can use, and we share these solutions as reference architectures.

Due to business needs, such as localized data requirements, Cisco operates a hybrid cloud environment. Model training is done on our own Cisco UCS hardware, but many of our teams leverage the cloud for inference to take advantage of the scalability, geo redundancy, and resiliency. However, such implementations may be challenging to customers, because hybrid integration often requires deep expertise and knowledge to build and support consistent AI/ML workflows.

To address this, we built an ML pipeline using the Cisco Kubeflow starter pack for a hybrid cloud implementation that uses Amazon SageMaker to serve models in the cloud. By providing this reference architecture, we aim to help customers build seamless and consistent ML workloads across their complex infrastructure to satisfy whatever limitations they may face.

Kubeflow is a popular open-source library for ML orchestration on Kubernetes. If you operate in a hybrid cloud environment, you can install the Cisco Kubeflow starter pack to develop, build, train, and deploy ML models on-premises. The starter pack includes the latest version of Kubeflow and an application examples bundle.

Amazon SageMaker is a managed ML service that helps you prepare data, process data, train models, track model experiments, host models, and monitor endpoints. With SageMaker Components for Kubeflow Pipelines, you can orchestrate jobs from Kubeflow Pipelines, which we did for our hybrid ML project. This approach lets us seamlessly use Amazon SageMaker managed services for training and inference from our on-premises Kubeflow cluster. Using Amazon SageMaker provides our hosted models with enterprise features such as automatic scaling, multi-model endpoints, model monitoring, high availability, and security compliance.

To illustrate how our use case works, we recreate the scenario using the publicly available BLE RSSI Dataset for Indoor Localization and Navigation dataset, which contains Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) measurements. The pipeline trains and deploys a model to predict the location of Bluetooth devices. The following steps outline how a Kubernetes cluster can interact with Amazon SageMaker for a hybrid solution. The ML model, written in Apache MXNet, is trained using Kubeflow running on Cisco UCS servers to satisfy our localized data requirements and then deployed to AWS using Amazon SageMaker.

The created and trained model is uploaded to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and uses Amazon SageMaker endpoints for serving. The following diagram shows our end-to-end workflow.

Development environment

To get started, if you don’t currently have Cisco hardware, you can set up Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) running with Kubeflow. For instructions, see Creating an Amazon EKS cluster and Deploying Kubeflow Pipelines.

If you have an existing UCS machine, the Cisco Kubeflow starter pack offers a quick Kubeflow setup on your Kubernetes cluster (v15.x or later). To install Kubeflow, set the INGRESS_IP variable with the machine’s IP address and run the kubeflowup.bash installation script. See the following code:

export INGRESS_IP=<UCS Machine's IP>
bash kubeflowup.bash

For more information about installation, see Installation Instructions on the GitHub repo.

Preparing the hybrid pipeline

For a seamless ML workflow between Cisco UCS and AWS, we created a hybrid pipeline using the Kubeflow Pipelines component and Amazon SageMaker Kubeflow components.

To start using the components you need to import Kubeflow Pipeline packages, including the AWS package:

import kfp
import kfp.dsl as dsl
from kfp import components
from import use_aws_secret

For the full code to configure and get the pipeline running, see the GitHub repo.

The pipeline describes the workflow and how the components relate to each other in the form of a graph. The pipeline configuration includes the definition of the inputs (parameters) required to run the pipeline and the inputs and outputs of each component. The following screenshot shows the visual representation of the finished pipeline on the Kubeflow UI.

The pipeline runs the following three steps:

  1. Train the model
  2. Create the model resource
  3. Deploy the model

Training the model

You train the model with the BLE data locally, create an image, upload it to the S3 bucket, and register the model to Amazon SageMaker by applying the MXNet model configurations .yaml file.

When the trained model artifacts are uploaded to Amazon S3, Amazon SageMaker uses the model stored in Amazon S3 to deploy the model to a hosting endpoint. Amazon SageMaker endpoints make it easier for downstream applications to consume models and help the team monitor them with Amazon CloudWatch. See the following code:

def blerssi_mxnet_train_upload_op(step_name='mxnet-train'):
    return dsl.ContainerOp(
        command=['python', '/opt/', 'train'],
        arguments=['--bucket-name', bucket_name]
    ).apply(use_aws_secret(secret_name=aws_secret_name, aws_access_key_id_name='AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_secret_access_key_name='AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'))

Creating the model resource

When the MXNet model and artifacts are uploaded to Amazon S3, use the KF Pipeline CreateModel component to create an Amazon SageMaker model resource.

The Amazon SageMaker endpoint API is flexible and offers several options to deploy a trained model to an endpoint. For example, you can let the default Amazon SageMaker runtime manage the model deployment, health check, and model invocation. Amazon SageMaker also allows for customization to the runtime with custom containers and algorithms. For instructions, see Overview of containers for Amazon SageMaker.

For our use case, we wanted some degree of control over the model health check API and the model invocation API. We chose the custom override for the Amazon SageMaker runtime to deploy the trained model. The custom predictor allows for flexibility in how the incoming request is processed and passed along to the model for prediction. See the following code:

sagemaker_model_op = components.load_component_from_url(model)

Deploying the model

You deploy the model to an Amazon SageMaker endpoint with the KF Pipeline CreateEndpoint component.

The custom container used for inference gives the team maximum flexibility to define custom health checks and invocations to the model. However, the custom container must follow the golden path for APIs prescribed by the Amazon SageMaker runtime. See the following code:

sagemaker_deploy_op = components.load_component_from_url(deploy)

Running the pipeline

To run your pipeline, complete the following steps:

  1. Configure the Python code that defines the hybrid pipeline with Amazon SageMaker components:
        name='MXNet Sagemaker Hybrid Pipeline',
        description='Pipeline to train BLERSSI model using mxnet and save in aws s3 bucket'
    def mxnet_pipeline(
        train_upload_model = blerssi_mxnet_train_upload_op()
        create_model = sagemaker_model_op(
        ).apply(use_aws_secret(secret_name=aws_secret_name, aws_access_key_id_name='AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_secret_access_key_name='AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'))
        ).apply(use_aws_secret(secret_name=aws_secret_name, aws_access_key_id_name='AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', aws_secret_access_key_name='AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'))

    For more information about configuration, see Pipelines Quickstart. For the full pipeline code, see the GitHub repo.

  2. Run the pipeline by feeding the following parameters to execute the pipeline:
    run = client.run_pipeline(, 'blerssi-sagemaker-pipeline-'+timestamp, pipeline_package_path='mxnet_pipeline.tar.gz', params={
        'region': aws_region,
        'image': inference_image,
        'model_name': model_name,
        'endpoint_config_name': endpoint_config_name,
        'endpoint_name': endpoint_name,
        'model_artifact_url': model_path,
        'instance_type_1': instance_type,
        'role': role_arn

At this point, the BLERSSI Amazon SageMaker pipeline starts executing. After all the components execute successfully, check the logs of the sagemaker-deploy component to verify that the endpoint is created. The following screenshot shows the logs of the last step with the URL to the deployed model.

Validating the model

After the model is deployed in AWS, we validate it by submitting sample data to the model via an HTTP request using the endpoint name of the model deployed on AWS. The following screenshot shows a snippet from a sample Jupyter notebook that has a Python client and the corresponding output with location predictions.


Amazon SageMaker and Kubeflow Pipelines can easily integrate in one single hybrid pipeline. The complete set of blogs and tutorials for Amazon SageMaker makes it easy to create a hybrid pipeline via the Amazon SageMaker components for Kubeflow Pipelines. The API was exhaustive, covered all the key components we needed to use, and allowed for the development of custom algorithms and integration with the Cisco Kubeflow Starter Pack. By uploading a trained ML model to Amazon S3 to serve on AWS with Amazon SageMaker, we reduced the complexity and TCO of managing complex ML lifecycles by about 50%. We comply with the highest standards of enterprise policies in data privacy and serve models in a scalable fashion with redundancy on AWS all over the United States and the world.

About the Authors

Elvira Dzhuraeva is a Technical Product Manager at Cisco where she is responsible for cloud and on-premise machine learning and artificial intelligence strategy. She is also a Community Product Manager at Kubeflow and a member of MLPerf community.

Debo Dutta is a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco where he leads a technology group at the intersection of algorithms, systems and machine learning. While at Cisco, Debo is currently a visiting scholar at Stanford. He got his PhD in Computer Science from University of Southern California, and an undergraduate in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur, India.

Amit Saha is a Principal Engineer at Cisco where he leads efforts in systems and machine learning. He is a visiting faculty at IIT Kharagpur. He has a PhD in Computer Science from Rice University, Houston and an undergraduate from IIT Kharagpur. He has served on several program committees for top Computer Science conferences.


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SmartReply for YouTube Creators

SmartReply for YouTube Creators

Posted by Rami Al-Rfou, Research Scientist, Google Research

It has been more than 4 years since SmartReply was launched, and since then, it has expanded to more users with the Gmail launch and Android Messages and to more devices with Android Wear. Developers now use SmartReply to respond to reviews within the Play Developer Console and can set up their own versions using APIs offered within MLKit and TFLite. With each launch there has been a unique challenge in modeling and serving that required customizing SmartReply for the task requirements.

We are now excited to share an updated SmartReply built for YouTube and implemented in YouTube Studio that helps creators engage more easily with their viewers. This model learns comment and reply representation through a computationally efficient dilated self-attention network, and represents the first cross-lingual and character byte-based SmartReply model. SmartReply for YouTube is currently available for English and Spanish creators, and this approach simplifies the process of extending the SmartReply feature to many more languages in the future.

YouTube creators receive a large volume of responses to their videos. Moreover, the community of creators and viewers on YouTube is diverse, as reflected by the creativity of their comments, discussions and videos. In comparison to emails, which tend to be long and dominated by formal language, YouTube comments reveal complex patterns of language switching, abbreviated words, slang, inconsistent usage of punctuation, and heavy utilization of emoji. Following is a sample of comments that illustrate this challenge:

Deep Retrieval
The initial release of SmartReply for Inbox encoded input emails word-by-word with a recurrent neural network, and then decoded potential replies with yet another word-level recurrent neural network. Despite the expressivity of this approach, it was computationally expensive. Instead, we found that one can achieve the same ends by designing a system that searches through a predefined list of suggestions for the most appropriate response.

This retrieval system encoded the message and its suggestion independently. First, the text was preprocessed to extract words and short phrases. This preprocessing included, but was not limited to, language identification, tokenization, and normalization. Two neural networks then simultaneously and independently encoded the message and the suggestion. This factorization allowed one to pre-compute the suggestion encodings and then search through the set of suggestions using an efficient maximum inner product search data structure. This deep retrieval approach enabled us to expand SmartReply to Gmail and since then, it has been the foundation for several SmartReply systems including the current YouTube system.

Beyond Words
The previous SmartReply systems described above relied on word level preprocessing that is well tuned for a limited number of languages and narrow genres of writing. Such systems face significant challenges in the YouTube case, where a typical comment might include heterogeneous content, like emoji, ASCII art, language switching, etc. In light of this, and taking inspiration from our recent work on byte and character language modeling, we decided to encode the text without any preprocessing. This approach is supported by research demonstrating that a deep Transformer network is able to model words and phrases from the ground up just by feeding it text as a sequence of characters or bytes, with comparable quality to word-based models.

Although initial results were promising, especially for processing comments with emoji or typos, the inference speed was too slow for production due to the fact that character sequences are longer than word equivalents and the computational complexity of self-attention layers grows quadratically as a function of sequence length. We found that shrinking the sequence length by applying temporal reduction layers at each layer of the network, similar to the dilation technique applied in WaveNet, provides a good trade-off between computation and quality.

The figure below presents a dual encoder network that encodes both the comment and the reply to maximize the mutual information between their latent representations by training the network with a contrastive objective. The encoding starts with feeding the transformer a sequence of bytes after they have been embedded. The input for each subsequent layer will be reduced by dropping a percentage of characters at equal offsets. After applying several transformer layers the sequence length is greatly truncated, significantly reducing the computational complexity. This sequence compression scheme could be substituted by other operators such as average pooling, though we did not notice any gains from more sophisticated methods, and therefore, opted to use dilation for simplicity.

A dual encoder network that maximizes the mutual information between the comments and their replies through a contrastive objective. Each encoder is fed a sequence of bytes and is implemented as a computationally efficient dilated transformer network.

A Model to Learn Them All
Instead of training a separate model for each language, we opted to train a single cross-lingual model for all supported languages. This allows the support of mixed-language usage in the comments, and enables the model to utilize the learning of common elements in one language for understanding another, such as emoji and numbers. Moreover, having a single model simplifies the logistics of maintenance and updates. While the model has been rolled out to English and Spanish, the flexibility inherent in this approach will enable it to be expanded to other languages in the future.

Inspecting the encodings of a multilingual set of suggestions produced by the model reveals that the model clusters appropriate replies, regardless of the language to which they belong. This cross-lingual capability emerged without exposing the model during training to any parallel corpus. We demonstrate in the figure below for three languages how the replies are clustered by their meaning when the model is probed with an input comment. For example, the English comment “This is a great video,” is surrounded by appropriate replies, such as “Thanks!” Moreover, inspection of the nearest replies in other languages reveal them also to be appropriate and similar in meaning to the English reply. The 2D projection also shows several other cross-lingual clusters that consist of replies of similar meaning. This clustering demonstrates how the model can support a rich cross-lingual user experience in the supported languages.

A 2D projection of the model encodings when presented with a hypothetical comment and a small list of potential replies. The neighborhood surrounding English comments (black color) consists of appropriate replies in English and their counterparts in Spanish and Arabic. Note that the network learned to align English replies with their translations without access to any parallel corpus.

When to Suggest?
Our goal is to help creators, so we have to make sure that SmartReply only makes suggestions when it is very likely to be useful. Ideally, suggestions would only be displayed when it is likely that the creator would reply to the comment and when the model has a high chance of providing a sensible and specific response. To accomplish this, we trained auxiliary models to identify which comments should trigger the SmartReply feature.

We’ve launched YouTube SmartReply, starting with English and Spanish comments, the first cross-lingual and character byte-based SmartReply. YouTube is a global product with a diverse user base that generates heterogeneous content. Consequently, it is important that we continuously improve comments for this global audience, and SmartReply represents a strong step in this direction.

SmartReply for YouTube creators was developed by Golnaz Farhadi, Ezequiel Baril, Cheng Lee, Claire Yuan, Coty Morrison‎, Joe Simunic‎, Rachel Bransom‎, Rajvi Mehta, Jorge Gonzalez‎, Mark Williams, Uma Roy and many more. We are grateful for the leadership support from Nikhil Dandekar, Eileen Long, Siobhan Quinn, Yun-hsuan Sung, Rachel Bernstein, and Ray Kurzweil.

TensorFlow operation fusion in the TensorFlow Lite converter

TensorFlow operation fusion in the TensorFlow Lite converter

Posted by Ashwin Murthy, Software Engineer, TensorFlow team @ Google


Efficiency and performance are critical for edge deployments. TensorFlow Lite achieves this by means of fusing and optimizing a series of more granular TensorFlow operations (which themselves are composed of composite operations, like LSTM) into a single executable TensorFlow Lite unit.

Many users have asked us for more granular control of the way operations can be fused to achieve greater performance improvements. Today, we are delivering just that by providing users with the ability to specify how operations can be fused.

Furthermore, this new capability allows for seamless conversion of TensorFlow Keras LSTM operations—one of our most requested features. And to top it off, you can now plug in a user-defined RNN conversion to TensorFlow Lite!

Fused operations are more efficient

As mentioned earlier, TensorFlow operations are typically composed of a number of primitive, more granular operations, such as tf.add. This is important in order to have a level of reusability, enabling users to create operations that are a composition of existing units. An example of a composite operation is tf.einsum. Executing a composite operation is equivalent to executing each of its constituent operations.

However, with efficiency in mind, it is common to “fuse” the computation of a set of more granular operations into a single operation.

Another use for fused operations is providing a higher level interface to define complex transformations like quantization, which would otherwise be infeasible or very hard to do at a more granular level.

Concrete examples of fused operations in TensorFlow Lite include various RNN operations like Unidirectional and Bidirectional sequence LSTM, convolution (conv2d, bias add, relu), fully connected (matmul, bias add, relu) and more.

Fusing TensorFlow operations into TensorFlow Lite operations has historically been challenging until now!

Out-of-the-box RNN conversion and other composite operation support

Out-of-the-box RNN conversion

We now support conversion of Keras LSTM and Keras Bidirectional LSTM, both of which are composite TensorFlow operations. This is the simplest way to get RNN-based models to take advantage of the efficient LSTM fused operations in TensorFlow Lite. See this notebook for end-to-end keras LSTM to TensorFlow Lite conversion and execution via the TensorFlow Lite interpreter.

Furthermore, we enabled conversion to any other TensorFlow RNN implementation by providing a convenient interface to the conversion infrastructure. You can see a couple of examples of this capability using lingvo’s LSTMCellSimple and LayerNormalizedLSTMCellSimple RNN implementations.

For more information, please look at our RNN conversion documentation.

Note: We are working on adding quantization support for TensorFlow Lite’s LSTM operations. This will be announced in the future.

Extending conversion to other composite operations

We extended the TensorFlow Lite converter to enable conversion of other composite TensorFlow operations into existing or custom TensorFlow Lite operations.

The following steps are needed to implement a TensorFlow operation fusion to TensorFlow Lite:

  1. Wrap the composite operation in a tf.function. In the TensorFlow model source code, identify and abstract out the composite operation into a tf.function with the experimental_implements function annotation.
  2. Write conversion code. Conceptually, the conversion code replaces the composite implementation of this interface with the fused one. In the prepare-composite-functions pass, plug in your conversion code.
  3. Invoke the TensorFlow Lite converter. Use the TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model API to convert to TensorFlow Lite.

For the overall architecture of this infrastructure, see here. For detailed steps with code examples, see here. To learn how operation fusion works under the hood, see the detailed documentation.


Please email or create a GitHub issue with the component label “TFLiteConverter”.


This work would not have been possible without the efforts of Renjie Liu, a key collaborator on this project since its inception. We would like to thank Raziel Alvarez for his leadership and guidance. We would like to thank Jaesung Chung, Scott Zhu, Sean Silva, Mark Sandler, Andrew Selle, Qiao Liang and River Riddle for important contributions. We would like to acknowledge Sarah Sirajuddin, Jared Duke, Lawrence Chan, Tim Davis and the TensorFlow Lite team as well as Tatiana Shpeisman, Jacques Pienaar and the Google MLIR team for their active support of this work.Read More