Saving Green: Accelerated Analytics Cuts Costs and Carbon

Saving Green: Accelerated Analytics Cuts Costs and Carbon

Companies are discovering how accelerated computing can boost their bottom lines while making a positive impact on the planet.

The NVIDIA RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark, software that speeds data analytics, not only raises performance and lowers costs, it increases energy efficiency, too. That means it can help companies meet goals for net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.

A new benchmark shows that the RAPIDS Accelerator can reduce a company’s carbon footprint by as much as 80% while delivering 5x average speedups and 4x reductions in computing costs.

That’s a big win many can enjoy. Thousands of companies, including 80% of the Fortune 500, use Apache Spark to analyze their growing mountains of data.

In fact, if every Apache Spark user adopted the RAPIDS Accelerator, they could collectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a whopping 7.8 metric tons a year — or the amount of emissions a car produces on 878 gallons of gas. It’s a great example of how green computing can advance the fight against climate change.

A Challenge for Humankind

More than 70 countries have set a net-zero target for greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations. It describes the transition to net-zero as “one of the greatest challenges humankind has faced.”

Companies are getting on board, too.

For example, NVIDIA is working with a large financial services company to test Apache Spark for real-time fraud protection. The company hopes to lower its carbon footprint with accelerated computing so it can align with groups like the Net-Zero Banking Alliance.

One of the world’s largest AI supercomputers validated the energy efficiency of accelerated computing in May.

Across four popular scientific applications, the Perlmutter system at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) reported energy efficiency gains of 5x on average, thanks to NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs. An application for weather forecasting logged speed-ups of 9.8x compared to CPUs.

Chart of NERSC's efficiency gains with accelerated computing
NERSC apps got efficiency gains with accelerated computing.

AT&T Dials Up RAPIDS Accelerator

Organizations like AT&T, Adobe and the Internal Revenue Service have already discovered the performance and cost benefits of the RAPIDS Accelerator.

In a test last year, AT&T processed a month’s worth of mobile data — 2.8 trillion rows of information — in just five hours. That’s 3.3x faster at 60% lower cost than any prior test.

“It was a ‘wow’ moment because on CPU clusters, it takes more than 48 hours to process just seven days of data — in the past, we had the data but couldn’t use it because it took such a long time to process it,” said Abhay Dabholkar, an AI architect at AT&T, in a blog.

“We recommend that if a job is taking too long and you have a lot of data, turn on GPUs — with Spark, the same code that runs on CPUs runs on GPUs,” he added.

Adobe Speeds Services

Adobe used accelerated computing on its Intelligent Services platform, which helps marketing teams speed analytics with AI.

It found that, using the RAPIDS Accelerator, a single NVIDIA GPU node could outperform a 16-node CPU cluster by 33% while slashing computing costs by 70%.

In a separate test, GPU-accelerated RAPIDS libraries trained an AI model 7x faster, saving 90% of the cost of running the same job on CPUs.

“This is an amazing cost savings and speed-up,” said Lei Zhang, a machine learning engineer at Adobe in a talk at GTC (free with registration).

20x Gains on Spark

CPUs weren’t powerful enough to ingest the 3+ terabyte dataset it needed to analyze, so the IRS turned to the RAPIDS Accelerator.

A Spark cluster of GPU-powered servers processed the load and opened the door to tackling even bigger datasets.

“We’re currently implementing this integration and already seeing over 20x speed improvements at half the cost for our data engineering and data science workflows,” said Joe Ansaldi, technical branch chief of the research and applied analytics and statistics division at the IRS, in a blog.

How to Get Started

Performance speedups and cost savings vary across workloads. That’s why NVIDIA offers an accelerated Spark analysis tool.

The tool shows users what the RAPIDS Accelerator can deliver on their applications without any code changes. It also helps users tune GPU acceleration to get the best results on their workloads.

Once the RAPIDS Accelerator is boosting the bottom line, companies can calculate their energy savings and report their progress in protecting the planet.

Learn more in this solution brief. And watch the video below to see how the Cloudera Data Platform delivered a 44x speedup with the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark.

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Rapid and Scalable Bayesian AB Testing

AB testing aids business operators with their decision making, and is considered the gold standard method for learning from data to improve digital user experiences. However, there is usually a gap between the requirements of practitioners, and the constraints imposed by the statistical hypothesis testing methodologies commonly used for analysis of AB tests. These include the lack of statistical power in multivariate designs with many factors, correlations between these factors, the need of sequential testing for early stopping, and the inability to pool knowledge from past tests. Here, we…Apple Machine Learning Research

Responsible AI at Google Research: Perception Fairness

Responsible AI at Google Research: Perception Fairness

Google’s Responsible AI research is built on a foundation of collaboration — between teams with diverse backgrounds and expertise, between researchers and product developers, and ultimately with the community at large. The Perception Fairness team drives progress by combining deep subject-matter expertise in both computer vision and machine learning (ML) fairness with direct connections to the researchers building the perception systems that power products across Google and beyond. Together, we are working to intentionally design our systems to be inclusive from the ground up, guided by Google’s AI Principles.

Perception Fairness research spans the design, development, and deployment of advanced multimodal models including the latest foundation and generative models powering Google’s products.

Our team’s mission is to advance the frontiers of fairness and inclusion in multimodal ML systems, especially related to foundation models and generative AI. This encompasses core technology components including classification, localization, captioning, retrieval, visual question answering, text-to-image or text-to-video generation, and generative image and video editing. We believe that fairness and inclusion can and should be top-line performance goals for these applications. Our research is focused on unlocking novel analyses and mitigations that enable us to proactively design for these objectives throughout the development cycle. We answer core questions, such as: How can we use ML to responsibly and faithfully model human perception of demographic, cultural, and social identities in order to promote fairness and inclusion? What kinds of system biases (e.g., underperforming on images of people with certain skin tones) can we measure and how can we use these metrics to design better algorithms? How can we build more inclusive algorithms and systems and react quickly when failures occur?

Measuring representation of people in media

ML systems that can edit, curate or create images or videos can affect anyone exposed to their outputs, shaping or reinforcing the beliefs of viewers around the world. Research to reduce representational harms, such as reinforcing stereotypes or denigrating or erasing groups of people, requires a deep understanding of both the content and the societal context. It hinges on how different observers perceive themselves, their communities, or how others are represented. There’s considerable debate in the field regarding which social categories should be studied with computational tools and how to do so responsibly. Our research focuses on working toward scalable solutions that are informed by sociology and social psychology, are aligned with human perception, embrace the subjective nature of the problem, and enable nuanced measurement and mitigation. One example is our research on differences in human perception and annotation of skin tone in images using the Monk Skin Tone scale.

Our tools are also used to study representation in large-scale content collections. Through our Media Understanding for Social Exploration (MUSE) project, we’ve partnered with academic researchers, nonprofit organizations, and major consumer brands to understand patterns in mainstream media and advertising content. We first published this work in 2017, with a co-authored study analyzing gender equity in Hollywood movies. Since then, we’ve increased the scale and depth of our analyses. In 2019, we released findings based on over 2.7 million YouTube advertisements. In the latest study, we examine representation across intersections of perceived gender presentation, perceived age, and skin tone in over twelve years of popular U.S. television shows. These studies provide insights for content creators and advertisers and further inform our own research.

An illustration (not actual data) of computational signals that can be analyzed at scale to reveal representational patterns in media collections. [Video Collection / Getty Images]

Moving forward, we’re expanding the ML fairness concepts on which we focus and the domains in which they are responsibly applied. Looking beyond photorealistic images of people, we are working to develop tools that model the representation of communities and cultures in illustrations, abstract depictions of humanoid characters, and even images with no people in them at all. Finally, we need to reason about not just who is depicted, but how they are portrayed — what narrative is communicated through the surrounding image content, the accompanying text, and the broader cultural context.

Analyzing bias properties of perceptual systems

Building advanced ML systems is complex, with multiple stakeholders informing various criteria that decide product behavior. Overall quality has historically been defined and measured using summary statistics (like overall accuracy) over a test dataset as a proxy for user experience. But not all users experience products in the same way.

Perception Fairness enables practical measurement of nuanced system behavior beyond summary statistics, and makes these metrics core to the system quality that directly informs product behaviors and launch decisions. This is often much harder than it seems. Distilling complex bias issues (e.g., disparities in performance across intersectional subgroups or instances of stereotype reinforcement) to a small number of metrics without losing important nuance is extremely challenging. Another challenge is balancing the interplay between fairness metrics and other product metrics (e.g., user satisfaction, accuracy, latency), which are often phrased as conflicting despite being compatible. It is common for researchers to describe their work as optimizing an “accuracy-fairness” tradeoff when in reality widespread user satisfaction is aligned with meeting fairness and inclusion objectives.

We built and released the MIAP dataset as part of Open Images, leveraging our research on perception of socially relevant concepts and detection of biased behavior in complex systems to create a resource that furthers ML fairness research in computer vision. Original photo credits — left: Boston Public Library; middle: jen robinson; right: Garin Fons; all used with permission under the CC- BY 2.0 license.

To these ends, our team focuses on two broad research directions. First, democratizing access to well-understood and widely-applicable fairness analysis tooling, engaging partner organizations in adopting them into product workflows, and informing leadership across the company in interpreting results. This work includes developing broad benchmarks, curating widely-useful high-quality test datasets and tooling centered around techniques such as sliced analysis and counterfactual testing — often building on the core representation signals work described earlier. Second, advancing novel approaches towards fairness analytics — including partnering with product efforts that may result in breakthrough findings or inform launch strategy.

Advancing AI responsibly

Our work does not stop with analyzing model behavior. Rather, we use this as a jumping-off point for identifying algorithmic improvements in collaboration with other researchers and engineers on product teams. Over the past year we’ve launched upgraded components that power Search and Memories features in Google Photos, leading to more consistent performance and drastically improving robustness through added layers that keep mistakes from cascading through the system. We are working on improving ranking algorithms in Google Images to diversify representation. We updated algorithms that may reinforce historical stereotypes, using additional signals responsibly, such that it’s more likely for everyone to see themselves reflected in Search results and find what they’re looking for.

This work naturally carries over to the world of generative AI, where models can create collections of images or videos seeded from image and text prompts and can answer questions about images and videos. We’re excited about the potential of these technologies to deliver new experiences to users and as tools to further our own research. To enable this, we’re collaborating across the research and responsible AI communities to develop guardrails that mitigate failure modes. We’re leveraging our tools for understanding representation to power scalable benchmarks that can be combined with human feedback, and investing in research from pre-training through deployment to steer the models to generate higher quality, more inclusive, and more controllable output. We want these models to inspire people, producing diverse outputs, translating concepts without relying on tropes or stereotypes, and providing consistent behaviors and responses across counterfactual variations of prompts.

Opportunities and ongoing work

Despite over a decade of focused work, the field of perception fairness technologies still seems like a nascent and fast-growing space, rife with opportunities for breakthrough techniques. We continue to see opportunities to contribute technical advances backed by interdisciplinary scholarship. The gap between what we can measure in images versus the underlying aspects of human identity and expression is large — closing this gap will require increasingly complex media analytics solutions. Data metrics that indicate true representation, situated in the appropriate context and heeding a diversity of viewpoints, remains an open challenge for us. Can we reach a point where we can reliably identify depictions of nuanced stereotypes, continually update them to reflect an ever-changing society, and discern situations in which they could be offensive? Algorithmic advances driven by human feedback point a promising path forward.

Recent focus on AI safety and ethics in the context of modern large model development has spurred new ways of thinking about measuring systemic biases. We are exploring multiple avenues to use these models — along with recent developments in concept-based explainability methods, causal inference methods, and cutting-edge UX research — to quantify and minimize undesired biased behaviors. We look forward to tackling the challenges ahead and developing technology that is built for everybody.


We would like to thank every member of the Perception Fairness team, and all of our collaborators.

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How to compare a noisy quantum processor to a classical computer

How to compare a noisy quantum processor to a classical computer

A full-scale error-corrected quantum computer will be able to solve some problems that are impossible for classical computers, but building such a device is a huge endeavor. We are proud of the milestones that we have achieved toward a fully error-corrected quantum computer, but that large-scale computer is still some number of years away. Meanwhile, we are using our current noisy quantum processors as flexible platforms for quantum experiments.

In contrast to an error-corrected quantum computer, experiments in noisy quantum processors are currently limited to a few thousand quantum operations or gates, before noise degrades the quantum state. In 2019 we implemented a specific computational task called random circuit sampling on our quantum processor and showed for the first time that it outperformed state-of-the-art classical supercomputing.

Although they have not yet reached beyond-classical capabilities, we have also used our processors to observe novel physical phenomena, such as time crystals and Majorana edge modes, and have made new experimental discoveries, such as robust bound states of interacting photons and the noise-resilience of Majorana edge modes of Floquet evolutions.

We expect that even in this intermediate, noisy regime, we will find applications for the quantum processors in which useful quantum experiments can be performed much faster than can be calculated on classical supercomputers — we call these “computational applications” of the quantum processors. No one has yet demonstrated such a beyond-classical computational application. So as we aim to achieve this milestone, the question is: What is the best way to compare a quantum experiment run on such a quantum processor to the computational cost of a classical application?

We already know how to compare an error-corrected quantum algorithm to a classical algorithm. In that case, the field of computational complexity tells us that we can compare their respective computational costs — that is, the number of operations required to accomplish the task. But with our current experimental quantum processors, the situation is not so well defined.

In “Effective quantum volume, fidelity and computational cost of noisy quantum processing experiments”, we provide a framework for measuring the computational cost of a quantum experiment, introducing the experiment’s “effective quantum volume”, which is the number of quantum operations or gates that contribute to a measurement outcome. We apply this framework to evaluate the computational cost of three recent experiments: our random circuit sampling experiment, our experiment measuring quantities known as “out of time order correlators” (OTOCs), and a recent experiment on a Floquet evolution related to the Ising model. We are particularly excited about OTOCs because they provide a direct way to experimentally measure the effective quantum volume of a circuit (a sequence of quantum gates or operations), which is itself a computationally difficult task for a classical computer to estimate precisely. OTOCs are also important in nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Therefore, we believe that OTOC experiments are a promising candidate for a first-ever computational application of quantum processors.

Plot of computational cost and impact of some recent quantum experiments. While some (e.g., QC-QMC 2022) have had high impact and others (e.g., RCS 2023) have had high computational cost, none have yet been both useful and hard enough to be considered a “computational application.” We hypothesize that our future OTOC experiment could be the first to pass this threshold. Other experiments plotted are referenced in the text.

Random circuit sampling: Evaluating the computational cost of a noisy circuit

When it comes to running a quantum circuit on a noisy quantum processor, there are two competing considerations. On one hand, we aim to do something that is difficult to achieve classically. The computational cost — the number of operations required to accomplish the task on a classical computer — depends on the quantum circuit’s effective quantum volume: the larger the volume, the higher the computational cost, and the more a quantum processor can outperform a classical one.

But on the other hand, on a noisy processor, each quantum gate can introduce an error to the calculation. The more operations, the higher the error, and the lower the fidelity of the quantum circuit in measuring a quantity of interest. Under this consideration, we might prefer simpler circuits with a smaller effective volume, but these are easily simulated by classical computers. The balance of these competing considerations, which we want to maximize, is called the “computational resource”, shown below.

Graph of the tradeoff between quantum volume and noise in a quantum circuit, captured in a quantity called the “computational resource.” For a noisy quantum circuit, this will initially increase with the computational cost, but eventually, noise will overrun the circuit and cause it to decrease.

We can see how these competing considerations play out in a simple “hello world” program for quantum processors, known as random circuit sampling (RCS), which was the first demonstration of a quantum processor outperforming a classical computer. Any error in any gate is likely to make this experiment fail. Inevitably, this is a hard experiment to achieve with significant fidelity, and thus it also serves as a benchmark of system fidelity. But it also corresponds to the highest known computational cost achievable by a quantum processor. We recently reported the most powerful RCS experiment performed to date, with a low measured experimental fidelity of 1.7×10-3, and a high theoretical computational cost of ~1023. These quantum circuits had 700 two-qubit gates. We estimate that this experiment would take ~47 years to simulate in the world’s largest supercomputer. While this checks one of the two boxes needed for a computational application — it outperforms a classical supercomputer — it is not a particularly useful application per se.

OTOCs and Floquet evolution: The effective quantum volume of a local observable

There are many open questions in quantum many-body physics that are classically intractable, so running some of these experiments on our quantum processor has great potential. We typically think of these experiments a bit differently than we do the RCS experiment. Rather than measuring the quantum state of all qubits at the end of the experiment, we are usually concerned with more specific, local physical observables. Because not every operation in the circuit necessarily impacts the observable, a local observable’s effective quantum volume might be smaller than that of the full circuit needed to run the experiment.

We can understand this by applying the concept of a light cone from relativity, which determines which events in space-time can be causally connected: some events cannot possibly influence one another because information takes time to propagate between them. We say that two such events are outside their respective light cones. In a quantum experiment, we replace the light cone with something called a “butterfly cone,” where the growth of the cone is determined by the butterfly speed — the speed with which information spreads throughout the system. (This speed is characterized by measuring OTOCs, discussed later.) The effective quantum volume of a local observable is essentially the volume of the butterfly cone, including only the quantum operations that are causally connected to the observable. So, the faster information spreads in a system, the larger the effective volume and therefore the harder it is to simulate classically.

A depiction of the effective volume Veff of the gates contributing to the local observable B. A related quantity called the effective area Aeff is represented by the cross-section of the plane and the cone. The perimeter of the base corresponds to the front of information travel that moves with the butterfly velocity vB.

We apply this framework to a recent experiment implementing a so-called Floquet Ising model, a physical model related to the time crystal and Majorana experiments. From the data of this experiment, one can directly estimate an effective fidelity of 0.37 for the largest circuits. With the measured gate error rate of ~1%, this gives an estimated effective volume of ~100. This is much smaller than the light cone, which included two thousand gates on 127 qubits. So, the butterfly velocity of this experiment is quite small. Indeed, we argue that the effective volume covers only ~28 qubits, not 127, using numerical simulations that obtain a larger precision than the experiment. This small effective volume has also been corroborated with the OTOC technique. Although this was a deep circuit, the estimated computational cost is 5×1011, almost one trillion times less than the recent RCS experiment. Correspondingly, this experiment can be simulated in less than a second per data point on a single A100 GPU. So, while this is certainly a useful application, it does not fulfill the second requirement of a computational application: substantially outperforming a classical simulation.

Information scrambling experiments with OTOCs are a promising avenue for a computational application. OTOCs can tell us important physical information about a system, such as the butterfly velocity, which is critical for precisely measuring the effective quantum volume of a circuit. OTOC experiments with fast entangling gates offer a potential path for a first beyond-classical demonstration of a computational application with a quantum processor. Indeed, in our experiment from 2021 we achieved an effective fidelity of Feff ~ 0.06 with an experimental signal-to-noise ratio of ~1, corresponding to an effective volume of ~250 gates and a computational cost of 2×1012.

While these early OTOC experiments are not sufficiently complex to outperform classical simulations, there is a deep physical reason why OTOC experiments are good candidates for the first demonstration of a computational application. Most of the interesting quantum phenomena accessible to near-term quantum processors that are hard to simulate classically correspond to a quantum circuit exploring many, many quantum energy levels. Such evolutions are typically chaotic and standard time-order correlators (TOC) decay very quickly to a purely random average in this regime. There is no experimental signal left. This does not happen for OTOC measurements, which allows us to grow complexity at will, only limited by the error per gate. We anticipate that a reduction of the error rate by half would double the computational cost, pushing this experiment to the beyond-classical regime.


Using the effective quantum volume framework we have developed, we have determined the computational cost of our RCS and OTOC experiments, as well as a recent Floquet evolution experiment. While none of these meet the requirements yet for a computational application, we expect that with improved error rates, an OTOC experiment will be the first beyond-classical, useful application of a quantum processor.

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Announcing the Preview of Amazon SageMaker Profiler: Track and visualize detailed hardware performance data for your model training workloads

Announcing the Preview of Amazon SageMaker Profiler: Track and visualize detailed hardware performance data for your model training workloads

Today, we’re pleased to announce the preview of Amazon SageMaker Profiler, a capability of Amazon SageMaker that provides a detailed view into the AWS compute resources provisioned during training deep learning models on SageMaker. With SageMaker Profiler, you can track all activities on CPUs and GPUs, such as CPU and GPU utilizations, kernel runs on GPUs, kernel launches on CPUs, sync operations, memory operations across GPUs, latencies between kernel launches and corresponding runs, and data transfer between CPUs and GPUs. In this post, we walk you through the capabilities of SageMaker Profiler.

SageMaker Profiler provides Python modules for annotating PyTorch or TensorFlow training scripts and activating SageMaker Profiler. It also offers a user interface (UI) that visualizes the profile, a statistical summary of profiled events, and the timeline of a training job for tracking and understanding the time relationship of the events between GPUs and CPUs.

The need for profiling training jobs

With the rise of deep learning (DL), machine learning (ML) has become compute and data intensive, typically requiring multi-node, multi-GPU clusters. As state-of-the-art models grow in size in the order of trillions of parameters, their computational complexity and cost also increase rapidly. ML practitioners have to cope with common challenges of efficient resource utilization when training such large models. This is particularly evident in large language models (LLMs), which typically have billions of parameters and therefore require large multi-node GPU clusters in order to train them efficiently.

When training these models on large compute clusters, we can encounter compute resource optimization challenges such as I/O bottlenecks, kernel launch latencies, memory limits, and low resource utilizations. If the training job configuration is not optimized, these challenges can result in inefficient hardware utilization and longer training times or incomplete training runs, which increase the overall costs and timelines for the project.


The following are the prerequisites to start using SageMaker Profiler:

  • A SageMaker domain in your AWS account – For instructions on setting up a domain, see Onboard to Amazon SageMaker Domain using quick setup. You also need to add domain user profiles for individual users to access the SageMaker Profiler UI application. For more information, see Add and remove SageMaker Domain user profiles.
  • Permissions – The following list is the minimum set of permissions that should be assigned to the execution role for using the SageMaker Profiler UI application:
    • sagemaker:CreateApp
    • sagemaker:DeleteApp
    • sagemaker:DescribeTrainingJob
    • sagemaker:SearchTrainingJobs
    • s3:GetObject
    • s3:ListBucket

Prepare and run a training job with SageMaker Profiler

To start capturing kernel runs on GPUs while the training job is running, modify your training script using the SageMaker Profiler Python modules. Import the library and add the start_profiling() and stop_profiling() methods to define the beginning and the end of profiling. You can also use optional custom annotations to add markers in the training script to visualize hardware activities during particular operations in each step.

There are two approaches that you can take to profile your training scripts with SageMaker Profiler. The first approach is based on profiling full functions; the second approach is based on profiling specific code lines in functions.

To profile by functions, use the context manager smppy.annotate to annotate full functions. The following example script shows how to implement the context manager to wrap the training loop and full functions in each iteration:

import smppy

sm_prof = smppy.SMProfiler.instance()
config = smppy.Config()
config.profiler = {
    "EnableCuda": "1",

for epoch in range(args.epochs):
    if world_size > 1:
    tstart = time.perf_counter()
    for i, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0):
        with smppy.annotate("step_"+str(i)):
            inputs, labels = data
            inputs ="cuda", non_blocking=True)
            labels ="cuda", non_blocking=True)
            with smppy.annotate("Forward"):
                outputs = net(inputs)
            with smppy.annotate("Loss"):
                loss = criterion(outputs, labels)
            with smppy.annotate("Backward"):
            with smppy.annotate("Optimizer"):


You can also use smppy.annotation_begin() and smppy.annotation_end() to annotate specific lines of code in functions. For more information, refer to documentation.

Configure the SageMaker training job launcher

After you’re done annotating and setting up the profiler initiation modules, save the training script and prepare the SageMaker framework estimator for training using the SageMaker Python SDK.

  1. Set up a profiler_config object using the ProfilerConfig and Profiler modules as follows:
    from sagemaker import ProfilerConfig, Profiler
    profiler_config = ProfilerConfig(
        profiler_params = Profiler(cpu_profiling_duration=3600))

  2. Create a SageMaker estimator with the profiler_config object created in the previous step. The following code shows an example of creating a PyTorch estimator:
    import sagemaker
    from sagemaker.pytorch import PyTorch
    estimator = PyTorch(
        entry_point="", # your training job entry point
        source_dir=source_dir, # source dir for your training script
        hyperparameters=hyperparameters, # if any

If you want to create a TensorFlow estimator, import sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlow instead, and specify one of the TensorFlow versions supported by SageMaker Profiler. For more information about supported frameworks and instance types, see Supported frameworks.

  1. Start the training job by running the fit method:

Launch the SageMaker Profiler UI

When the training job is complete, you can launch the SageMaker Profiler UI to visualize and explore the profile of the training job. You can access the SageMaker Profiler UI application through the SageMaker Profiler landing page on the SageMaker console or through the SageMaker domain.

To launch the SageMaker Profiler UI application on the SageMaker console, complete the following steps:

  1. On the SageMaker console, choose Profiler in the navigation pane.
  2. Under Get started, select the domain in which you want to launch the SageMaker Profiler UI application.

If your user profile only belongs to one domain, you will not see the option for selecting a domain.

  1. Select the user profile for which you want to launch the SageMaker Profiler UI application.

If there is no user profile in the domain, choose Create user profile. For more information about creating a new user profile, see Add and Remove User Profiles.

  1. Choose Open Profiler.

You can also launch the SageMaker Profiler UI from the domain details page.

Gain insights from the SageMaker Profiler

When you open the SageMaker Profiler UI, the Select and load a profile page opens, as shown in the following screenshot.

You can view a list of all the training jobs that have been submitted to SageMaker Profiler and search for a particular training job by its name, creation time, and run status (In Progress, Completed, Failed, Stopped, or Stopping). To load a profile, select the training job you want to view and choose Load. The job name should appear in the Loaded profile section at the top.

Choose the job name to generate the dashboard and timeline. Note that when you choose the job, the UI automatically opens the dashboard. You can load and visualize one profile at a time. To load another profile, you must first unload the previously loaded profile. To unload a profile, choose the trash bin icon in the Loaded profile section.

For this post, we view the profile of an ALBEF training job on two ml.p4d.24xlarge instances.

After you finish loading and selecting the training job, the UI opens the Dashboard page, as shown in the following screenshot.

You can see the plots for key metrics, namely the GPU active time, GPU utilization over time, CPU active time, and CPU utilization over time. The GPU active time pie chart shows the percentage of GPU active time vs. GPU idle time, which enables us to check if the GPUs are more active than idle throughout the entire training job. The GPU utilization over time timeline graph shows the average GPU utilization rate over time per node, aggregating all the nodes in a single chart. You can check if the GPUs have an unbalanced workload, under-utilization issues, bottlenecks, or idle issues during certain time intervals. For more details on interpreting these metrics, refer to documentation.

The dashboard provides you with additional plots, including time spent by all GPU kernels, time spent by the top 15 GPU kernels, launch counts of all GPU kernels, and launch counts of the top 15 GPU kernels, as shown in the following screenshot.

Lastly, the dashboard enables you to visualize additional metrics, such as the step time distribution, which is a histogram that shows the distribution of step durations on GPUs, and the kernel precision distribution pie chart, which shows the percentage of time spent on running kernels in different data types such as FP32, FP16, INT32, and INT8.

You can also obtain a pie chart on the GPU activity distribution that shows the percentage of time spent on GPU activities, such as running kernels, memory (memcpy and memset), and synchronization (sync). You can visualize the percentage of time spent on GPU memory operations from the GPU memory operations distribution pie chart.

You can also create your own histograms based on a custom metric that you annotated manually as described earlier in this post. When adding a custom annotation to a new histogram, select or enter the name of the annotation you added in the training script.

Timeline interface

The SageMaker Profiler UI also includes a timeline interface, which provides you with a detailed view into the compute resources at the level of operations and kernels scheduled on the CPUs and run on the GPUs. The timeline is organized in a tree structure, giving you information from the host level to the device level, as shown in the following screenshot.

For each CPU, you can track the CPU performance counters, such as clk_unhalted_ref.tsc and itlb_misses.miss_causes_a_walk. For each GPU on the 2x p4d.24xlarge instance, you can see a host timeline and a device timeline. Kernel launches are on the host timeline and kernel runs are on the device timeline.

You can also zoom in to the individual steps. In the following screenshot, we have zoomed in to step_41. The timeline strip selected in the following screenshot is the AllReduce operation, an essential communication and synchronization step in distributed training, run on GPU-0. In the screenshot, note that the kernel launch in the GPU-0 host connects to the kernel run in the GPU-0 device stream 1, indicated with the arrow in cyan.

Availability and considerations

SageMaker Profiler is available in PyTorch (version 2.0.0 and 1.13.1) and TensorFlow (version 2.12.0 and 2.11.1). The following table provides the links to the supported AWS Deep Learning Containers for SageMaker.

Framework Version AWS DLC Image URI
PyTorch 2.0.0 763104351884.dkr.ecr.<region>
PyTorch 1.13.1 763104351884.dkr.ecr.<region>
TensorFlow 2.12.0 763104351884.dkr.ecr.<region>
TensorFlow 2.11.1 763104351884.dkr.ecr.<region>

SageMaker Profiler is currently available in the following Regions: US East (Ohio, N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Frankfurt, Ireland).

SageMaker Profiler is available in the training instance types ml.p4d.24xlarge, ml.p3dn.24xlarge, and ml.g4dn.12xlarge.

For the full list of supported frameworks and versions, refer to documentation.

SageMaker Profiler incurs charges after the SageMaker Free Tier or the free trial period of the feature ends. For more information, see Amazon SageMaker Pricing.

Performance of SageMaker Profiler

We compared the overhead of SageMaker Profiler against various open-source profilers. The baseline used for the comparison was obtained from running the training job without a profiler.

Our key finding revealed that SageMaker Profiler generally resulted in a shorter billable training duration because it had less overhead time on the end-to-end training runs. It also generated less profiling data (up to 10 times less) when compared against open-source alternatives. The smaller profiling artifacts generated by SageMaker Profiler require less storage, thereby also saving on costs.


SageMaker Profiler enables you to get detailed insights into the utilization of compute resources when training your deep learning models. This can enable you to resolve performance hotspots and bottlenecks to ensure efficient resource utilization that would ultimately drive down training costs and reduce the overall training duration.

To get started with SageMaker Profiler, refer to documentation.

About the Authors

 Roy Allela is a Senior AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS based in Munich, Germany. Roy helps AWS customers—from small startups to large enterprises—train and deploy large language models efficiently on AWS. Roy is passionate about computational optimization problems and improving the performance of AI workloads.

Sushant Moon is a Data Scientist at AWS, India, specializing in guiding customers through their AI/ML endeavors. With a diverse background spanning retail, finance, and insurance domains, he delivers innovative and tailored solutions. Beyond his professional life, Sushant finds rejuvenation in swimming and seeks inspiration from his travels to diverse locales.

Diksha Sharma is an AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect in the Worldwide Specialist Organization. She works with public sector customers to help them architect efficient, secure, and scalable machine learning applications including generative AI solutions on AWS. In her spare time, Diksha loves to read, paint, and spend time with her family.

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Teaching language models to reason algorithmically

Teaching language models to reason algorithmically

Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 and PaLM, have shown impressive progress in recent years, which have been driven by scaling up models and training data sizes. Nonetheless, a long standing debate has been whether LLMs can reason symbolically (i.e., manipulating symbols based on logical rules). For example, LLMs are able to perform simple arithmetic operations when numbers are small, but struggle to perform with large numbers. This suggests that LLMs have not learned the underlying rules needed to perform these arithmetic operations.

While neural networks have powerful pattern matching capabilities, they are prone to overfitting to spurious statistical patterns in the data. This does not hinder good performance when the training data is large and diverse and the evaluation is in-distribution. However, for tasks that require rule-based reasoning (such as addition), LLMs struggle with out-of-distribution generalization as spurious correlations in the training data are often much easier to exploit than the true rule-based solution. As a result, despite significant progress in a variety of natural language processing tasks, performance on simple arithmetic tasks like addition has remained a challenge. Even with modest improvement of GPT-4 on the MATH dataset, errors are still largely due to arithmetic and calculation mistakes. Thus, an important question is whether LLMs are capable of algorithmic reasoning, which involves solving a task by applying a set of abstract rules that define the algorithm.

In “Teaching Algorithmic Reasoning via In-Context Learning”, we describe an approach that leverages in-context learning to enable algorithmic reasoning capabilities in LLMs. In-context learning refers to a model’s ability to perform a task after seeing a few examples of it within the context of the model. The task is specified to the model using a prompt, without the need for weight updates. We also present a novel algorithmic prompting technique that enables general purpose language models to achieve strong generalization on arithmetic problems that are more difficult than those seen in the prompt. Finally, we demonstrate that a model can reliably execute algorithms on out-of-distribution examples with an appropriate choice of prompting strategy.

By providing algorithmic prompts, we can teach a model the rules of arithmetic via in-context learning. In this example, the LLM (word predictor) outputs the correct answer when prompted with an easy addition question (e.g., 267+197), but fails when asked a similar addition question with longer digits. However, when the more difficult question is appended with an algorithmic prompt for addition (blue box with white + shown below the word predictor), the model is able to answer correctly. Moreover, the model is capable of simulating the multiplication algorithm (X) by composing a series of addition calculations.

Teaching an algorithm as a skill

In order to teach a model an algorithm as a skill, we develop algorithmic prompting, which builds upon other rationale-augmented approaches (e.g., scratchpad and chain-of-thought). Algorithmic prompting extracts algorithmic reasoning abilities from LLMs, and has two notable distinctions compared to other prompting approaches: (1) it solves tasks by outputting the steps needed for an algorithmic solution, and (2) it explains each algorithmic step with sufficient detail so there is no room for misinterpretation by the LLM.

To gain intuition for algorithmic prompting, let’s consider the task of two-number addition. In a scratchpad-style prompt, we process each digit from right to left and keep track of the carry value (i.e., we add a 1 to the next digit if the current digit is greater than 9) at each step. However, the rule of carry is ambiguous after seeing only a few examples of carry values. We find that including explicit equations to describe the rule of carry helps the model focus on the relevant details and interpret the prompt more accurately. We use this insight to develop an algorithmic prompt for two-number addition, where we provide explicit equations for each step of computation and describe various indexing operations in non-ambiguous formats.

Illustration of various prompt strategies for addition.

Using only three prompt examples of addition with answer length up to five digits, we evaluate performance on additions of up to 19 digits. Accuracy is measured over 2,000 total examples sampled uniformly over the length of the answer. As shown below, the use of algorithmic prompts maintains high accuracy for questions significantly longer than what’s seen in the prompt, which demonstrates that the model is indeed solving the task by executing an input-agnostic algorithm.

Test accuracy on addition questions of increasing length for different prompting methods.

Leveraging algorithmic skills as tool use

To evaluate if the model can leverage algorithmic reasoning in a broader reasoning process, we evaluate performance using grade school math word problems (GSM8k). We specifically attempt to replace addition calculations from GSM8k with an algorithmic solution.

Motivated by context length limitations and possible interference between different algorithms, we explore a strategy where differently-prompted models interact with one another to solve complex tasks. In the context of GSM8k, we have one model that specializes in informal mathematical reasoning using chain-of-thought prompting, and a second model that specializes in addition using algorithmic prompting. The informal mathematical reasoning model is prompted to output specialized tokens in order to call on the addition-prompted model to perform the arithmetic steps. We extract the queries between tokens, send them to the addition-model and return the answer to the first model, after which the first model continues its output. We evaluate our approach using a difficult problem from the GSM8k (GSM8k-Hard), where we randomly select 50 addition-only questions and increase the numerical values in the questions.

An example from the GSM8k-Hard dataset. The chain-of-thought prompt is augmented with brackets to indicate when an algorithmic call should be performed.

We find that using separate contexts and models with specialized prompts is an effective way to tackle GSM8k-Hard. Below, we observe that the performance of the model with algorithmic call for addition is 2.3x the chain-of-thought baseline. Finally, this strategy presents an example of solving complex tasks by facilitating interactions between LLMs specialized to different skills via in-context learning.

Chain-of-thought (CoT) performance on GSM8k-Hard with or without algorithmic call.


We present an approach that leverages in-context learning and a novel algorithmic prompting technique to unlock algorithmic reasoning abilities in LLMs. Our results suggest that it may be possible to transform longer context into better reasoning performance by providing more detailed explanations. Thus, these findings point to the ability of using or otherwise simulating long contexts and generating more informative rationales as promising research directions.


We thank our co-authors Behnam Neyshabur, Azade Nova, Hugo Larochelle and Aaron Courville for their valuable contributions to the paper and great feedback on the blog. We thank Tom Small for creating the animations in this post. This work was done during Hattie Zhou’s internship at Google Research.

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Distributed Fast Fourier Transform in TensorFlow

Distributed Fast Fourier Transform in TensorFlow

Posted by Ruijiao Sun, Google Intern – DTensor team

Fast Fourier Transform is an important method of signal processing, which is commonly used in a number of ways, including speeding up convolutions, extracting features, and regularizing models. Distributed Fast Fourier Transform (Distributed FFT) offers a way to compute Fourier Transforms in models that work with image-like datasets that are too large to fit into the memory of a single accelerator device. In a previous Google Research Paper, “Large-Scale Discrete Fourier Transform on TPUs” by Tianjian Lu, a Distributed FFT algorithm was implemented for TensorFlow v1 as a library. This work presents the newly added native support in TensorFlow v2 for Distributed FFT, through the new TensorFlow distribution API, DTensor.

About DTensor

DTensor is an extension to TensorFlow for synchronous distributed computing. It distributes the program and tensors through a procedure called Single program, multiple data (SPMD) extension. DTensor offers an uniform API for traditional data and model parallelism patterns used widely in Machine Learning.

Example Usage

The API interface for distributed FFT is the same as the original FFT in TensorFlow. Users just need to pass a sharded tensor as an input to the existing FFT ops in TensorFlow, such as tf.signal.fft2d. The output of a distributed FFT becomes sharded too.

import TensorFlow as tf
from TensorFlow.experimental import dtensor

# Set up devices
device_type = dtensor.preferred_device_type()
if device_type == 'CPU':
cpu = tf.config.list_physical_devices(device_type)
tf.config.set_logical_device_configuration(cpu[0], [tf.config.LogicalDeviceConfiguration()] * 8)
if device_type == 'GPU':
gpu = tf.config.list_physical_devices(device_type)
tf.config.set_logical_device_configuration(gpu[0], [tf.config.LogicalDeviceConfiguration(memory_limit=1000)] * 8)

# Create a mesh
mesh = dtensor.create_distributed_mesh(mesh_dims=[('x', 1), ('y', 2), ('z', 4)], device_type=device_type)

# Set up a distributed input Tensor
input = tf.complex(
tf.random.stateless_normal(shape=(2, 2, 4), seed=(1, 2), dtype=tf.float32),
tf.random.stateless_normal(shape=(2, 2, 4), seed=(2, 4), dtype=tf.float32))
init_layout = dtensor.Layout(['x', 'y', 'z'], mesh)
d_input = dtensor.relayout(input, layout=init_layout)

# Run distributed fft2d. DTensor determines the most efficient
layout of of d_output.
d_output = tf.signal.fft2d(d_input)

Performance Analysis

The following experiment demonstrates that the distributed FFT can process more data than the non-distributed one by utilizing memory across multiple devices. The tradeoff is spending additional time on communication and data transposes that slow down the calculation speed.

Graph of performance on different machines, measuri8ng wall clock time in seconds by size per dimension across single GPU, Distributed FFT and Undistributed FFT

This phenomenon is shown in detail from the profiling result of the 10K*10K distributed FFT experiment. The current implementation of distributed FFT in TensorFlow follows the simple shuffle+local FFT method, which is also used by other popular distributed FFT libraries such as FFTW and PFFT. Notably, the two local FFT ops only take 3.6% of the total time (15ms). This is around 1/3 of the time for non-distributed fft2d. Most of the computing time is spent on data shuffling, represented by the ncclAllToAll Operation. Note that these experiments were conducted on an 8xV100 GPU system.

Table of Top 10 TensorFlow operations on GPU highlighting two local FFT ops in the top 3

Next steps

The feature is new and we have adopted a simplest distributed FFT algorithm. A few ideas to fine tune or improve the performance are:

  • Switch to a different DFT/FFT algorithm.
  • Tweaks on the NCCL communication settings for the particular FFT sizes may improve utilization of the network bandwidth and increase the speed.
  • Reducing the number of collectives to minimize bandwidth requirements.
  • Use N-d local FFTs, rather than multiple 1-d local FFTs.

Try the new distributed FFT! We welcome your feedback on the TensorFlow Forum and look forward to working with you on improving the performance. Your input would be invaluable!

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