Optimize deployment cost of Amazon SageMaker JumpStart foundation models with Amazon SageMaker asynchronous endpoints

Optimize deployment cost of Amazon SageMaker JumpStart foundation models with Amazon SageMaker asynchronous endpoints

The success of generative AI applications across a wide range of industries has attracted the attention and interest of companies worldwide who are looking to reproduce and surpass the achievements of competitors or solve new and exciting use cases. These customers are looking into foundation models, such as TII Falcon, Stable Diffusion XL, or OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, as the engines that power the generative AI innovation.

Foundation models are a class of generative AI models that are capable of understanding and generating human-like content, thanks to the vast amounts of unstructured data they have been trained on. These models have revolutionized various computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including image generation, translation, and question answering. They serve as the building blocks for many AI applications and have become a crucial component in the development of advanced intelligent systems.

However, the deployment of foundation models can come with significant challenges, particularly in terms of cost and resource requirements. These models are known for their size, often ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of parameters. Their large size demands extensive computational resources, including powerful hardware and significant memory capacity. In fact, deploying foundation models usually requires at least one (often more) GPUs to handle the computational load efficiently. For example, the TII Falcon-40B Instruct model requires at least an ml.g5.12xlarge instance to be loaded into memory successfully, but performs best with bigger instances. As a result, the return on investment (ROI) of deploying and maintaining these models can be too low to prove business value, especially during development cycles or for spiky workloads. This is due to the running costs of having GPU-powered instances for long sessions, potentially 24/7.

Earlier this year, we announced Amazon Bedrock, a serverless API to access foundation models from Amazon and our generative AI partners. Although it’s currently in Private Preview, its serverless API allows you to use foundation models from Amazon, Anthropic, Stability AI, and AI21, without having to deploy any endpoints yourself. However, open-source models from communities such as Hugging Face have been growing a lot, and not every one of them has been made available through Amazon Bedrock.

In this post, we target these situations and solve the problem of risking high costs by deploying large foundation models to Amazon SageMaker asynchronous endpoints from Amazon SageMaker JumpStart. This can help cut costs of the architecture, allowing the endpoint to run only when requests are in the queue and for a short time-to-live, while scaling down to zero when no requests are waiting to be serviced. This sounds great for a lot of use cases; however, an endpoint that has scaled down to zero will introduce a cold start time before being able to serve inferences.

Solution overview

The following diagram illustrates our solution architecture.

The architecture we deploy is very straightforward:

  • The user interface is a notebook, which can be replaced by a web UI built on Streamlit or similar technology. In our case, the notebook is an Amazon SageMaker Studio notebook, running on an ml.m5.large instance with the PyTorch 2.0 Python 3.10 CPU kernel.
  • The notebook queries the endpoint in three ways: the SageMaker Python SDK, the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), and LangChain.
  • The endpoint is running asynchronously on SageMaker, and on the endpoint, we deploy the Falcon-40B Instruct model. It’s currently the state of the art in terms of instruct models and available in SageMaker JumpStart. A single API call allows us to deploy the model on the endpoint.

What is SageMaker asynchronous inference

SageMaker asynchronous inference is one of the four deployment options in SageMaker, together with real-time endpoints, batch inference, and serverless inference. To learn more about the different deployment options, refer to Deploy models for Inference.

SageMaker asynchronous inference queues incoming requests and processes them asynchronously, making this option ideal for requests with large payload sizes up to 1 GB, long processing times, and near-real-time latency requirements. However, the main advantage that it provides when dealing with large foundation models, especially during a proof of concept (POC) or during development, is the capability to configure asynchronous inference to scale in to an instance count of zero when there are no requests to process, thereby saving costs. For more information about SageMaker asynchronous inference, refer to Asynchronous inference. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

To deploy an asynchronous inference endpoint, you need to create an AsyncInferenceConfig object. If you create AsyncInferenceConfig without specifying its arguments, the default S3OutputPath will be s3://sagemaker-{REGION}-{ACCOUNTID}/async-endpoint-outputs/{UNIQUE-JOB-NAME} and S3FailurePath will be s3://sagemaker-{REGION}-{ACCOUNTID}/async-endpoint-failures/{UNIQUE-JOB-NAME}.

What is SageMaker JumpStart

Our model comes from SageMaker JumpStart, a feature of SageMaker that accelerates the machine learning (ML) journey by offering pre-trained models, solution templates, and example notebooks. It provides access to a wide range of pre-trained models for different problem types, allowing you to start your ML tasks with a solid foundation. SageMaker JumpStart also offers solution templates for common use cases and example notebooks for learning. With SageMaker JumpStart, you can reduce the time and effort required to start your ML projects with one-click solution launches and comprehensive resources for practical ML experience.

The following screenshot shows an example of just some of the models available on the SageMaker JumpStart UI.

Deploy the model

Our first step is to deploy the model to SageMaker. To do that, we can use the UI for SageMaker JumpStart or the SageMaker Python SDK, which provides an API that we can use to deploy the model to the asynchronous endpoint:

from sagemaker.jumpstart.model import JumpStartModel, AsyncInferenceConfig
from sagemaker.serializers import JSONSerializer
from sagemaker.deserializers import JSONDeserializer

model_id, model_version = "huggingface-llm-falcon-40b-instruct-bf16", "*"
my_model = JumpStartModel(model_id=model_id)
predictor = my_model.deploy(

This call can take approximately10 minutes to complete. During this time, the endpoint is spun up, the container together with the model artifacts are downloaded to the endpoint, the model configuration is loaded from SageMaker JumpStart, then the asynchronous endpoint is exposed via a DNS endpoint. To make sure that our endpoint can scale down to zero, we need to configure auto scaling on the asynchronous endpoint using Application Auto Scaling. You need to first register your endpoint variant with Application Auto Scaling, define a scaling policy, and then apply the scaling policy. In this configuration, we use a custom metric using CustomizedMetricSpecification, called ApproximateBacklogSizePerInstance, as shown in the following code. For a detailed list of Amazon CloudWatch metrics available with your asynchronous inference endpoint, refer to Monitoring with CloudWatch.

import boto3

client = boto3.client("application-autoscaling")
resource_id = "endpoint/" + my_model.endpoint_name + "/variant/" + "AllTraffic"

# Configure Autoscaling on asynchronous endpoint down to zero instances
response = client.register_scalable_target(
    MinCapacity=0, # Miminum number of instances we want to scale down to - scale down to 0 to stop incurring in costs
    MaxCapacity=1, # Maximum number of instances we want to scale up to - scale up to 1 max is good enough for dev

response = client.put_scaling_policy(
    ServiceNamespace="sagemaker",  # The namespace of the AWS service that provides the resource.
    ResourceId=resource_id,  # Endpoint name
    ScalableDimension="sagemaker:variant:DesiredInstanceCount",  # SageMaker supports only Instance Count
    PolicyType="TargetTrackingScaling",  # 'StepScaling'|'TargetTrackingScaling'
        "TargetValue": 5.0,  # The target value for the metric. - here the metric is - SageMakerVariantInvocationsPerInstance
        "CustomizedMetricSpecification": {
            "MetricName": "ApproximateBacklogSizePerInstance",
            "Namespace": "AWS/SageMaker",
            "Dimensions": [{"Name": "EndpointName", "Value": my_model.endpoint_name}],
            "Statistic": "Average",
        "ScaleInCooldown": 600,  # The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start.
        "ScaleOutCooldown": 300,  # ScaleOutCooldown - The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start.
        # 'DisableScaleIn': True|False - indicates whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled.
        # If the value is true, scale in is disabled and the target tracking policy won't remove capacity from the scalable resource.

You can verify that this policy has been set successfully by navigating to the SageMaker console, choosing Endpoints under Inference in the navigation pane, and looking for the endpoint we just deployed.

Invoke the asynchronous endpoint

To invoke the endpoint, you need to place the request payload in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and provide a pointer to this payload as a part of the InvokeEndpointAsync request. Upon invocation, SageMaker queues the request for processing and returns an identifier and output location as a response. Upon processing, SageMaker places the result in the Amazon S3 location. You can optionally choose to receive success or error notifications with Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS).

SageMaker Python SDK

After deployment is complete, it will return an AsyncPredictor object. To perform asynchronous inference, you need to upload data to Amazon S3 and use the predict_async() method with the S3 URI as the input. It will return an AsyncInferenceResponse object, and you can check the result using the get_response() method.

Alternatively, if you would like to check for a result periodically and return it upon generation, use the predict() method. We use this second method in the following code:

import time

# Invoking the asynchronous endpoint with the SageMaker Python SDK
def query_endpoint(payload):
    """Query endpoint and print the response"""
    response = predictor.predict_async(
        input_path="s3://{}/{}".format(bucket, prefix),
    while True:
            response = response.get_result()
            print("Inference is not ready ...")
    print(f"33[1m Input:33[0m {payload['inputs']}")
    print(f"33[1m Output:33[0m {response[0]['generated_text']}")


Let’s now explore the invoke_endpoint_async method from Boto3’s sagemaker-runtime client. It enables developers to asynchronously invoke a SageMaker endpoint, providing a token for progress tracking and retrieval of the response later. Boto3 doesn’t offer a way to wait for the asynchronous inference to be completed like the SageMaker Python SDK’s get_result() operation. Therefore, we take advantage of the fact that Boto3 will store the inference output in Amazon S3 in the response["OutputLocation"]. We can use the following function to wait for the inference file to be written to Amazon S3:

import json
import time
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

s3_client = boto3.client("s3")

# Wait until the prediction is generated
def wait_inference_file(bucket, prefix):
    while True:
            response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=prefix)
        except ClientError as ex:
            if ex.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchKey':
                print("Waiting for file to be generated...")
        except Exception as e:
    return response

With this function, we can now query the endpoint:

# Invoking the asynchronous endpoint with the Boto3 SDK
import boto3

sagemaker_client = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime")

# Query the endpoint function
def query_endpoint_boto3(payload):
    """Query endpoint and print the response"""
    response = sagemaker_client.invoke_endpoint_async(
        InputLocation="s3://{}/{}".format(bucket, prefix),
    output_url = response["OutputLocation"]
    output_prefix = "/".join(output_url.split("/")[3:])
    # Read the bytes of the file from S3 in output_url with Boto3
    output = wait_inference_file(bucket, output_prefix)
    output = json.loads(output['Body'].read())[0]['generated_text']
    # Emit output
    print(f"33[1m Input:33[0m {payload['inputs']}")
    print(f"33[1m Output:33[0m {output}")



LangChain is an open-source framework launched in October 2022 by Harrison Chase. It simplifies the development of applications using large language models (LLMs) by providing integrations with various systems and data sources. LangChain allows for document analysis, summarization, chatbot creation, code analysis, and more. It has gained popularity, with contributions from hundreds of developers and significant funding from venture firms. LangChain enables the connection of LLMs with external sources, making it possible to create dynamic, data-responsive applications. It offers libraries, APIs, and documentation to streamline the development process.

LangChain provides libraries and examples for using SageMaker endpoints with its framework, making it easier to use ML models hosted on SageMaker as the “brain” of the chain. To learn more about how LangChain integrates with SageMaker, refer to the SageMaker Endpoint in the LangChain documentation.

One of the limits of the current implementation of LangChain is that it doesn’t support asynchronous endpoints natively. To use an asynchronous endpoint to LangChain, we have to define a new class, SagemakerAsyncEndpoint, that extends the SagemakerEndpoint class already available in LangChain. Additionally, we provide the following information:

  • The S3 bucket and prefix where asynchronous inference will store the inputs (and outputs)
  • A maximum number of seconds to wait before timing out
  • An updated _call() function to query the endpoint with invoke_endpoint_async() instead of invoke_endpoint()
  • A way to wake up the asynchronous endpoint if it’s in cold start (scaled down to zero)

To review the newly created SagemakerAsyncEndpoint, you can check out the sagemaker_async_endpoint.py file available on GitHub.

from typing import Dict
from langchain import PromptTemplate
from langchain.llms.sagemaker_endpoint import LLMContentHandler
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from sagemaker_async_endpoint import SagemakerAsyncEndpoint

class ContentHandler(LLMContentHandler):
    content_type:str = "application/json"
    accepts:str = "application/json"
    len_prompt:int = 0

    def transform_input(self, prompt: str, model_kwargs: Dict) -> bytes:
        self.len_prompt = len(prompt)
        input_str = json.dumps({"inputs": prompt, "parameters": {"max_new_tokens": 100, "do_sample": False, "repetition_penalty": 1.1}})
        return input_str.encode('utf-8')

    def transform_output(self, output: bytes) -> str:
        response_json = output.read()
        res = json.loads(response_json)
        ans = res[0]['generated_text']
        return ans

chain = LLMChain(


Clean up

When you’re done testing the generation of inferences from the endpoint, remember to delete the endpoint to avoid incurring in extra charges:



When deploying large foundation models like TII Falcon, optimizing cost is crucial. These models require powerful hardware and substantial memory capacity, leading to high infrastructure costs. SageMaker asynchronous inference, a deployment option that processes requests asynchronously, reduces expenses by scaling the instance count to zero when there are no pending requests. In this post, we demonstrated how to deploy large SageMaker JumpStart foundation models to SageMaker asynchronous endpoints. We provided code examples using the SageMaker Python SDK, Boto3, and LangChain to illustrate different methods for invoking asynchronous endpoints and retrieving results. These techniques enable developers and researchers to optimize costs while using the capabilities of foundation models for advanced language understanding systems.

To learn more about asynchronous inference and SageMaker JumpStart, check out the following posts:

About the author

Picture of DavideDavide Gallitelli is a Specialist Solutions Architect for AI/ML in the EMEA region. He is based in Brussels and works closely with customers throughout Benelux. He has been a developer since he was very young, starting to code at the age of 7. He started learning AI/ML at university, and has fallen in love with it since then.

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Rethinking trust in direct messages in the AI era

Rethinking trust in direct messages in the AI era

Rethinking trust in direct messages in the AI era - blog hero showing a flowchart diagram

This blog post is a part of a series exploring our research in privacy, security, and cryptography. For the previous post, see https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/research-trends-in-privacy-security-and-cryptography. While AI has the potential to massively increase productivity, this power can be used equally well for malicious purposes, for example, to automate the creation of sophisticated scam messages. In this post, we explore threats AI can pose for online communication ecosystems and outline a high-level approach to mitigating these threats.

Communication in the age of AI

Concerns regarding the influence of AI on the integrity of online communication are increasingly shared by policymakers, AI researchers, business leaders, and other individuals. These concerns are well-founded, as benign AI chatbots can be easily repurposed to impersonate people, help spread misinformation, and sway both public opinion and personal beliefs. So-called “spear phishing” attacks, which are personalized to the target, have proved devastatingly effective. This is particularly true if victims are not using multifactor authentication, meaning an attacker who steals their login credentials with a phishing mail could access authentic services with those credentials. This opportunity has not been missed by organized cybercrime; AI-powered tools marketed to scammers and fraudsters are already emerging. This is disturbing, because democratic systems, business integrity, and interpersonal relationships all hinge on credible and effective communication—a process that has notably migrated to the digital sphere.

As we enter a world where people increasingly interact with artificial agents, it is critical to acknowledge that these challenges from generative AI are not merely hypothetical. In the context of our product offerings at Microsoft, they materialize as genuine threats that we are actively addressing. We are beginning to witness the impact of AI in generating highly specific types of text (emails, reports, scripts, code) in a personalized, automated, and scalable manner. In the workplace, AI-powered tools are expected to bring about a huge increase in productivity, allowing people to focus on the more creative parts of their work rather than tedious, repetitive details. In addition, AI-powered tools can improve productivity and communication for people with disabilities or among people who do not speak the same language.  

In this blog post, we focus on the challenge of establishing trust and accountability in direct communication (between two people), such as email, direct messages on social media platforms, SMS, and even phone calls. In all these scenarios, messaging commonly takes place between individuals who share little or no prior context or connection, yet those messages may carry information of high importance. Some examples include emails discussing job prospects, new connections from mutual friends, and unsolicited but important phone calls. The communication may be initiated on behalf of an organization or an individual, but in either case we encounter the same problem: if the message proves to be misleading, malicious, or otherwise inappropriate, holding anyone accountable for it is impractical, may require difficult and slow legal procedures, and does not extend across different communication platforms. 

As the scale of these activities increases, there is also a growing need for a flexible cross-platform accountability mechanism that allows both the message sender and receiver to explicitly declare the nature of their communication. Concretely, the sender should be able to declare accountability for their message and the receiver should be able to hold the sender accountable if the message is inappropriate.

Elements of accountability 

The problems outlined above are not exactly new, but recent advances in AI have made them more urgent. Over the past several years, the tech community, alongside media organizations and others, have investigated ways to distinguish whether text or images are created by AI; for example, C2PA is a type of watermarking technology, and one possible solution among others. With AI-powered tools increasingly being used in the workplace, Microsoft believes that it will take a combination of approaches to provide the highest value and most transparency to users. 

Focusing on accountability is one such approach. We can start by listing some properties we expect of any workable solution:

  • People and organizations need to be able to declare accountability for the messages they send. 
  • Receivers need to be able to hold the senders accountable if the message is inappropriate or malicious, to protect future potential victims. 
  • There must exist an incentive for the sender to declare accountability. 
  • The mechanism should only solve the accountability problem and nothing else. It must not have unintended side effects, such as a loss of privacy for honest participants. 
  • Receivers should not be required to register with any service. 
  • The accountability mechanism must be compatible with the plurality of methods people use to communicate today.

One way to build an accountability mechanism is to use a reputation system that verifies real-world identities, connecting our digital interactions to a tangible and ultimately accountable organization or human identity. Online reputation has now become an asset that organizations and individuals have a vested interest in preserving. It creates an incentive for honest and trustworthy behavior, which ultimately contributes to a safer and more reliable digital environment for everyone.

Reputation system for online accountability 

Consider what an online communication user experience could be like with an integrated reputation system. In this solution, a message sender could declare their accountability by binding their message to their account in the reputation system in the form of a cryptographic reputation tag. Conversely, the receiver uses the tag to verify the sender’s reputation and can use it to report the sender if the message is inappropriate, reducing the sender’s reputation. It is the sender’s responsibility to judge whether the receiver will perceive the message as inappropriate. 

Messages with an attached reputation tag are called reputed messages, whereas those without an associated reputation are called generic messages. Reputed messages would typically make the most sense in one-to-one communication that the sender intends for a particular recipient, or one-to-many communication to a few recipients. For example, a proposal to discuss a business deal, a wedding invitation email, a payment reminder SMS from a company’s billing department, or a work email discussing a joint project might be sent as reputed messages. Generic messages would typically not be intended for a particular receiver. For example, emails sent to a mailing list (many receivers) or non-personalized advertisements (large scale) should be sent as generic. 

The different components and workflows of our accountability mechanism are depicted, at a high level, in Figure 1.

system diagram
Figure 1: An accountability mechanism design, showing both the account creation and message sending/reporting workflows.

Taking a concrete example, think of a situation where you receive an email from your bank asking you to verify the security settings for your account. You know that phishing emails often target such scenarios, so your first reaction is to ignore the message. However, in this case your email client has noted the valid reputation tag and automatically moved the email to a reputed messages folder. It shows the sender’s reputation, high, next to the message. Instead of deleting the unsolicited and slightly suspicious email, you decide to check whether the link in the email truly leads you to your bank’s website. You are now convinced this is a legitimate message and proceed with the recommendations to review your security settings. 

As another example, suppose you work in your company’s billing department. You find something wrong with a customer’s billing information and decide to send them an email to get more information. Since this is an important matter, you hope to maximize the chance of them seeing your message by attaching the billing department’s reputation tag to it. The customer sees the email go in the reputed messages folder, notices the sender’s high reputation, and responds to it with appropriate urgency.

As a third example, imagine that you receive an unsolicited phone call from someone who claims to be your distant relative and wants to discuss a family reunion they are organizing. They ask you questions about your family, making you slightly uneasy. Right before calling you, they sent you a reputation tag via SMS encoding their reputation and the context of their call. You verify that the tag is valid, but that their reputation is medium. You decide to end the call and report them using the tag they shared, as you felt that their call asking for such sensitive information was inappropriate. 

These examples highlight that this single system can be used across many different modes of communication, from emails to social media messages to phone calls, fostering trust and safety across the entire landscape of direct communication methods in use today.

Microsoft Research Podcast

AI Frontiers: Models and Systems with Ece Kamar

Ece Kamar explores short-term mitigation techniques to make these models viable components of the AI systems that give them purpose and shares the long-term research questions that will help maximize their value. 

Call to action

In this blog post we have attempted to outline a solution to an already existing problem that is exacerbated by modern AI. Capturing the core of this problem is not easy, and many of the previously proposed solutions have unintended consequences that make them unworkable. For example, we explained why approaches that attempt to limit the use of AI are unlikely to succeed. 

The solutions are not easy either. The messaging ecosystem is vastly complex and any solution requiring fundamental changes to that are unlikely to be acceptable. Usability is a key concern as well: if the system is only designed to communicate risk, we may want to avoid inadvertently communicating safety, much like the presence of padlock symbols as a sign of HTTPS have caused confusion and underestimation of risk for web browser users (opens in new tab)

Is there a comprehensive identity framework that would connect real-world identities to digital identities? This connection to a unique real-world identity is crucial, as otherwise anyone could simply create as many distinct reputation accounts as they need for any nefarious purpose.

For organizations, the situation is easier, because countries and states tend to hold public records that establish their existence and “identity.” For individuals, platforms like Reddit, TripAdvisor, and Stack Overflow have built reputation systems for their internal use, but without a foundational layer that confirms unique human identities these cannot be used to solve our problem, just as Facebook’s “real name” policy and X Premium (formerly Twitter Blue) have been insufficient to prevent the creation and use of fake accounts. Still, this is not an impossible problem to solve: LinkedIn is already partnering with CLEAR (opens in new tab) to bind government ID verification to a verification marker in user profiles, and with Microsoft Entra Verified ID (opens in new tab) to verify employment status. Worldcoin (opens in new tab) is building a cryptocurrency with each wallet being linked to a unique real-world person through biometrics, and Apple recently announced Optic ID (opens in new tab) for biometric authentication through their Vision Pro headset.

Whenever we talk about identities—especially real-world identities—we need to talk about privacy. People use different digital identities and communication methods in different communities, and these identities need to be kept separate. Trusting a reputation system with such sensitive information requires careful consideration. Our preliminary research suggests that techniques from modern cryptography can be used to provide strong security and privacy guarantees so that the reputation system learns or reveals nothing unnecessary and cannot be used in unintended ways. 

What about the governance of the reputation system? In an extreme case, a single centralized party hosts the system while providing cryptographic transparency guarantees of correct operation. In another extreme, we should explore whether a purely decentralized implementation can be feasible. There are also options between these two extremes; for example, multiple smaller reputation systems hosted by different companies and organizations. 

These open questions present an opportunity and a responsibility for the research community. At Microsoft Research, we are diligently working on aspects of this problem in partnership with our research on privacy-preserving verifiable information and identity, secure hardware, transparency systems, and media provenance. We invite the rest of the research community to join in by either following the path we outlined here or suggesting better alternatives. This is the start of a broad exploration that calls for a profound commitment and contribution from all of us.

The post Rethinking trust in direct messages in the AI era appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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The Halo Effect: AI Deep Dives Into Coral Reef Conservation

The Halo Effect: AI Deep Dives Into Coral Reef Conservation

With coral reefs in rapid decline across the globe, researchers from the University of Hawaii at Mānoa have pioneered an AI-based surveying tool that monitors reef health from the sky.

Using deep learning models and high-resolution satellite imagery powered by NVIDIA GPUs, the researchers have developed a new method for spotting and tracking coral reef halos — distinctive rings of barren sand encircling reefs.

The study, recently published in the Remote Sensing of Environment journal, could unlock real-time coral reef monitoring and turn the tide on global conservation.

“Coral reef halos are a potential proxy for ecosystem health,” said Amelia Meier, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hawaii and co-author of the study. “Visible from space, these halo patterns give scientists and conservationists a unique opportunity to observe vast and distant areas. With AI, we can regularly assess halo presence and size in near real time to determine ecosystem well-being.”

Sea-ing Clearly: Illuminating Reef Health

Previously attributed solely to fish grazing, reef halos can also indicate a healthy predator-prey ecosystem, according to researchers’ recent discoveries. While some herbivorous fish graze algae or seagrass near the protective reef perimeter, hunters dig around the seafloor for burrowed invertebrates, laying bare the surrounding sand.

These dynamics indicate the area hosts a healthy food buffet for sustaining a diverse population of ocean dwellers. When the halo changes shape, it signals an imbalance in the marine food web and could indicate an unhealthy reef environment.

In Hot Water

While making up less than 1% of the ocean, coral reefs offer habitat, food and nursery grounds for over 1 million aquatic species. There’s also huge commercial value — about $375 billion annually in commercial and subsistence fishing, tourism and coastal storm protection, and providing antiviral compounds for drug discovery research.

However, reef health is threatened by overfishing, nutrient contamination and ocean acidification. Intensifying climate change — along with the resulting thermal stress from a warming ocean — also increases coral bleaching and infectious disease.

Over half of the world’s coral reefs are already lost or badly damaged, and scientists predict that by 2050 all reefs will face threats, with many in critical danger.

Charting New Horizons With AI

Spotting changes in reef halos is key to global conservation efforts. However, tracking these changes is labor- and time-intensive, limiting the number of surveys that researchers can perform every year. Access to reefs in remote locations also poses challenges.

The researchers created an AI tool that identifies and measures reef halos from global satellites, giving conservationists an opportunity to proactively address reef degradation.

Using Planet SkySat images, they developed ‌a dual-model framework employing two types of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Relying on computer vision methods for image segmentation, they trained a Mask R-CNN model that detects the edges of the reef and halo, pixel by pixel. A U-Net model trained to differentiate between the coral reef and halo then classifies and predicts the areas of both.

An overview of the study regions (A), an example of a SkySat satellite image containing halos (B) and a zoomed-in subset of halos (C).

The team used TensorFlow, Keras and PyTorch libraries for training and testing thousands of annotations on the coral reef models.

To handle the task’s large compute requirements, the CNNs operate on an NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPU, boosted by a cuDNN-accelerated PyTorch framework. The researchers received the A6000 GPU as participants in the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program.

The AI tool quickly identifies and measures around 300 halos across 100 square kilometers in about two minutes. The same task takes a human annotator roughly 10 hours. The model also reaches about 90% accuracy depending on location and can navigate various and complicated halo patterns.

“Our study marks the first instance of training AI on reef halo patterns, as opposed to more common AI datasets of images, such as those of cats and dogs,” Meier said. “Processing thousands of images can take a lot of time, but using the NVIDIA GPU sped up the process significantly.”

One challenge is that image resolution can be a limiting factor in the model’s accuracy. Course-scale imagery with low resolutions makes it difficult to spot ‌reef and halo boundaries and creates less accurate predictions.

Shoring Up Environmental Monitoring

“Our long-term goal is to transform our findings into a robust monitoring tool for assessing changes in halo size and to draw correlations to the population dynamics of predators and herbivores in the area,” Meier said.

With this new approach, the researchers are exploring the relationship between species composition, reef health, and halo presence and size. Currently, they’re looking into the association between sharks and halos. If their hypothesized predator-prey-halo interaction proves true, the team anticipates estimating shark abundance from space.

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A Perfect Pair: adidas and Covision Media Use AI, NVIDIA RTX to Create Photorealistic 3D Content

A Perfect Pair: adidas and Covision Media Use AI, NVIDIA RTX to Create Photorealistic 3D Content

Creating 3D scans of physical products can be time consuming. Businesses often use traditional methods, like photogrammetry-based apps and scanners, but these can take hours or even days. They also don’t always provide the 3D quality and level of detail needed to make models look realistic in all its applications.

Italy-based startup Covision Media is tapping into AI and NVIDIA RTX to enhance 3D scanning processes and 3D-based content creation.

Covision Media develops AI-based 3D scanners that allow customers to create digital twins of any product, including footwear, eyeglasses, sports equipment, toys, tools and household items. The company is a member of NVIDIA Inception, a free program that provides startups with access to the latest resources and technologies.

Using Covision’s technology, customers can quickly create 3D scans and automatically preserve detailed textures, materials, colors, geometry, and more to make images look as realistic as possible.

The technology runs on NVIDIA RTX, which allows users to create high-quality, detailed, photorealistic 3D models. Covision Media is also using neural radiance fields (NeRFs) to increase the quality of 3D models while tackling typical challenges like accurately capturing lighting, reflections and transparent surfaces.

adidas and its partner NUREG, a content creation studio, are among the first to use Covision Media’s 3D scanning technology for automating and scaling e-commerce content production.

Unlocking New Possibilities in 3D With RTX and AI 

Covision’s 3D scanners are connected to several workstations that run on NVIDIA RTX A5000 and RTX A6000 GPUs, both of which provide high ray-tracing performance and powerful AI capabilities.

The ray-tracing performance of the NVIDIA OptiX framework, coupled with the NVIDIA RT Cores, enables Covision to precisely measure the lighting of a scanned object. This is one of the biggest unique factors that allows customers to put their scanned products into any kind of virtual environment. Covision also harnesses NVIDIA’s software infrastructure to develop state-of-the-art AI solutions for its neural texture approach.

“Without NVIDIA RTX GPUs, it would simply not be possible to achieve the level of accuracy and performance that we need,” said Dr. Burkhard Güssefeld, tech lead at Covision Media. “NVIDIA’s hardware and software capabilities are indispensable in pushing the boundaries of our technology.”

Covision’s technology allows 3D models to be fully relightable, meaning users can adjust and manipulate the lighting in the scene. Users can also merge partial scans together to build a 360-degree scan of the product, which can be used in extended reality (XR) environments.

The core technology uses computer vision and machine learning. Covision’s strong expertise in NeRFs has enabled them to integrate it into existing pipelines to overcome traditional challenges like transparencies and reflections. This allows Covision Media to quickly reconstruct 3D shapes and appearances with just a few images.

The company has very high requirements for quality, millimetric precision, material separation and relightability. So the team adapted and expanded the capabilities of NeRF technology using data from elements such as precise light poses, controlled environments and accurate geometric cues.

NeRFs allow the team to create high-quality 3D images from the start of the process. This lets them increase throughput while reducing the amount of post-processing work required.

“Our 3D scanner automatically delivers the highest quality assets at mass production while at the same time helping customers to create value and save costs,” said Franz Tschimben, CEO of Covision Media. “Furthermore, our scanning device will help companies create high-quality 3D assets needed to populate applications and worlds on new spatial computing devices and mixed reality headsets, like Apple’s Vision Pro and Meta’s Quest.”

Covision is looking to integrate additional NVIDIA products and research projects into its solutions, such as Nvdiffrast for high-performance differentiable rendering and Tiny CUDA as a fast neural network framework. The team is also‌ deploying a custom NeRF implementation into its system, which will make use of the APIs provided by NVIDIA’s Instant-NGP.

The Brand With Three Stripes Brings 3D to Life

adidas scans thousands of items a year using Covision’s technology for its online websites and apps, where they’re compatible on both desktop and mobile.

The 3D models have helped enhance adidas’ Virtual Try-On feature, which allows customers to virtually try on shoes before buying them. adidas also uses the 3D models to automatically create 2D virtual product photos and videos, replacing the need for traditional product photography.

According to adidas, Covision’s scanning technology has helped the team take a quantum step forward in quality while maintaining its scaled scanning production. With the highly realistic scans, adidas has experienced time and cost efficiencies by switching from traditional content production, such as photo and film, to computer-generated content production.

To scale production of 3D assets, adidas relies on Covision’s technology and works with an important set of partners. NUREG is an essential partner in creating and preparing the 3D assets to go live on adidas’ platforms. In addition to NUREG’s expertise in logistics, styling and scanning, the studio provides its own software tools, as well as specialties in 2D and 3D production, which enable the 3D workflows to be scalable for thousands of assets every year.

“The unparalleled quality and relightability of 3D scans allows our global team of 3D and photo specialists to leverage the 3D models for all final applications we are creating,” said Tommy Lenssen, head of the adidas team at NUREG. “I am furthermore happy with the success of our post-production platform that allows lean collaboration and quality control.”

And for post-production workflows, Covision and NUREG work with The Kow Company, one of the leading image and video editing companies for businesses all over the world.

Customers can buy Covision Media’s 3D scanners to start production in their own content creation studios, or they can get products scanned through Covision’s partners in Europe or North America.

Learn more about Covision Media and NVIDIA RTX.

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Automated trace collection and analysis

Automated trace collection and analysis

In this blog, we share how we enabled the collection and analysis of PyTorch Profiler traces for training workloads without any user side code instrumentation. We leveraged Dynolog – an open source daemon for CPU and GPU telemetry to collect PyTorch Profiler traces, and analyzed the collected traces using Holistic Trace Analysis – an open source library for analyzing PyTorch Profiler traces. This toolchain has allowed engineers at Meta to accelerate their performance optimization workflows. The keystone to our solution was implementing pre and post hooks for the base Optimizer class in PyTorch. We demo PyTorch trace collection using Dynolog in a short video.


Software developers at Meta run a large number of distributed training runs daily. In order to ensure that GPUs are being used effectively it is necessary to measure and analyze GPU performance for all jobs. Moreover, developers need the capability to introspect models and understand how CPUs and GPUs interact to debug performance issues. Developers build initial prototypes using a handful of GPUs and the production versions scale out to hundreds or thousands of GPUs, serving numerous business use cases such as generative AI, recommendation systems, ad ranking etc.

Given the scale at Meta, it is necessary to have toolchains for performance measurement and monitoring which have low overhead and operate seamlessly with each other, to maintain high developer efficiency.

In this blog, we describe how we use the PyTorch Profiler, Dynolog (a telemetry daemon) and Holistic Trace Analysis (a performance debugging library) to collect traces without any user side code instrumentation and analyze them to identify jobs with low GPU utilization.


The diagram below shares an overview of how the toolchain works together.

  1. User launches a PyTorch application.
  2. A training service or user triggers a profiling session using the Dynolog CLI which sends a request over the network to the Dynolog daemon.
  3. Dynolog daemon relays the profiling configuration to the PyTorch application, setting it temporarily in a profiling mode.
  4. PyTorch Profiler collects a trace and stores it to the database (e.g., network file system or S3 bucket).
  5. The collected traces are then analyzed using Holistic Trace Analysis (HTA).

Figure 1: Dynolog, PyTorch Profiler and HTA toolchain workflow

Figure 1: Dynolog, PyTorch Profiler and HTA toolchain workflow

Let’s dig a bit deeper in each of the components.


Dynolog is a lightweight monitoring daemon for heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems. It supports continuous monitoring of performance metrics from the CPU (utilization, network bandwidth, instructions/second) and GPU (SM Occupancy, DRAM bandwidth, GPU power draw). Additionally, dynolog exports APIs to collect deep-dive profiling data that can be accessed via the dyno CLI.

One of the chief integrations Dynolog offers is interfacing with the PyTorch Profiler. This enables on-demand remote tracing using a single command to trace thousands of servers. This can be accomplished by using the dyno gputrace command.

PyTorch Profiler

GPU kernels execute asynchronously, and GPU-side support is needed to create the trace. NVIDIA provides this visibility via the CUPTI library. Kineto is the subsystem within Profiler that interfaces with CUPTI. The PyTorch Profiler leverages the Kineto library to collect GPU traces. To enable automated profiling of training workloads at scale without any user side code instrumentation we made a few fundamental changes to PyTorch. These changes enable trace collection without any user intervention.

  • Registration:** **First, we modified PyTorch to register with the Dynolog daemon on start up. This feature is switched on by setting the environment variable KINETO_USE_DAEMON=True. With this environment variable set to True, the PyTorch Profiler periodically polls Dynolog to check for on-demand tracing requests.
  • Iteration hooks: Then, we implemented pre and post hooks for the base Optimizer class. This allowed us to annotate start/end of training iterations. The profiler is then aware of the iteration count and can safely capture a fixed number of iterations in the trace.

Holistic Trace Analysis (HTA)

ML researchers and engineers often struggle to computationally scale up their models as they are unaware of the performance bottlenecks in their workloads. Large distributed training jobs could generate thousands of traces, containing way too much data for a human to inspect. This is where Holistic Trace Analysis comes in. HTA is an open source library for performance analysis – it takes as input PyTorch Profiler traces and up-levels the performance information contained in them. Its goal is to help researchers and engineers achieve the best performance from the hardware stack. To aid performance debugging HTA provides the following features (partial list):

  • Temporal Breakdown: Breakdown of GPU time in terms of time spent in computation, communication, memory events, and idle time on a single node and across all ranks.
  • Idle Time Breakdown: Breakdown of GPU idle time into waiting for the host, waiting for another kernel or attributed to an unknown cause.
  • Kernel Breakdown: Find kernels with the longest duration on each rank.
  • Kernel Duration Distribution: Distribution of average time taken by longest kernels across different ranks.
  • Communication Computation Overlap: Calculate the percentage of time when communication overlaps computation.

We invite you to check out these Jupyter notebooks to see what HTA can do for you. If you are a first time user we recommend starting with the trace_analysis_demo notebook.

To summarize, Dynolog allows us to collect PyTorch Profiler traces on-the-fly in a scalable manner. Furthermore, by leveraging HTA we can automate performance analysis and identify bottlenecks. At Meta, we use the Dynolog, PyTorch Profiler and HTA toolchain to accelerate our performance optimization workflows.


We share a screencast showcasing trace collection without any user side code instrumentation for a toy PyTorch program. The demo runs in a docker container and the trace collection is triggered using Dynolog. HTA can be used to subsequently analyze the collected trace.


Q. What else can dyno gputrace do for me?

The dyno gputrace command supports several custom PyTorch Profiler options:

  • capturing python stacks
  • memory profiling
  • record input shapes

Please run dyno gputrace --help for all the options.

Q. Does Dynolog collect hardware performance metrics?

Dynolog can also be used for always-on monitoring:

  • It incorporates out-of-box GPU performance monitoring for NVIDIA GPUs using DCGM.
  • Dynolog provides basic Linux kernel performance metrics including CPU, network and IO resource usage.
  • Dynolog manages hardware performance counters for micro-architecture specific events related to CPU Cache, TLBs etc on Intel and AMD CPUs.

Q: How can I build the Docker image used in the demo?

The dockerfile is available here. Use the command below to build the Docker image.

docker build -f /path/to/dynolog_repo/dynolog_hta.dockerfile -t <image_name:tag> .

Q. How can I run the docker image?

You can refer to this cheat sheet to run the Docker image.


We would like to thank Adnan Aziz, Jay Chae, Aaron Shi, Taylor Robie, Zachary Jones, William Sumendap, Jakob Johnson, Hao Wang, David Carrillo Cisneros, Alston Tang and Parth Malani for supporting this work.

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NVIDIA CEO Meets with India Prime Minister Narendra Modi 

NVIDIA CEO Meets with India Prime Minister Narendra Modi 

Underscoring NVIDIA’s growing relationship with the global technology superpower, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang Monday evening.

The meeting at 7 Lok Kalyan Marg — as the Prime Minister’s official residence in New Delhi is known — comes as Modi prepares to host a gathering of leaders from the G20 group of the world’s largest economies, including U.S. President Joe Biden, later this week.

“Had an excellent meeting with Mr. Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA,” Modi said in a social media post. “We talked at length about the rich potential India offers in the world of AI.”

The event marks the second meeting between Modi and Huang, highlighting NVIDIA’s role in the country’s fast-growing technology industry.

The meeting with Modi comes just a week after India became the first nation to successfully land on the Moon’s south pole, highlighting the expanding technological capabilities of the world’s largest democracy.

Following Huang’s meeting with Modi, Huang met with several dozen researchers from global powerhouses of science and technology, such as the Indian Institute of Science and the various campuses of the Indian Institute of Technology, for an informal dinner.

The attendees represented a dazzling collection of some of the top minds in fields as diverse as large language models, astrophysics, medicine, quantum computing, and natural language processing.

The evening’s discussions ranged across topics from the use of technology to address language barriers, improve agriculture yields, bridge gaps in health care services and transform digital economies — as well as addressing some of the grand scientific challenges of our time.

NVIDIA has deep ties to India.

NVIDIA began operations in India in 2004 in Bangalore, almost two decades ago. India is now home to four engineering development centers in India — in Gurugram, Hyderabad, Pune and Bengaluru  — and there are now more than 3,800 NVIDIANs in India.

In addition, there are more than 320,000 India-based developers in NVIDIA’s developer program. NVIDIA’s CUDA parallel programming platform is downloaded roughly 40,000 times a month in India, and NVIDIA estimates there are 60,000 experienced CUDA developers in India.

That growth comes as India’s government continues to expand the nation’s information technology infrastructure.

For example, a compute grid is expected to link 20 cities across the country soon, helping researchers and scientists collaborate and share data and computing resources more efficiently.

That effort, in turn, promises to help support India’s ambitious development goals in the years to come.

Modi has set a target of 2030 for India to become the world’s third-largest economy. It’s currently the fifth largest.

And Modi has set a target of 2047, the hundredth anniversary of India’s independence, for the South Asian nation to join the ranks of developed economies.

Huang at India reception of HPC and AI leaders
At a reception after the meeting with Modi (from left) Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, Sashikumaar Ganesan, Chair, Department of Computational & Data Sciences, IISc Bangalore, Huang and Vishal Dhupar, NVIDIA Managing Director, South Asia.

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Elevating the generative AI experience: Introducing streaming support in Amazon SageMaker hosting

Elevating the generative AI experience: Introducing streaming support in Amazon SageMaker hosting

We’re excited to announce the availability of response streaming through Amazon SageMaker real-time inference. Now you can continuously stream inference responses back to the client when using SageMaker real-time inference to help you build interactive experiences for generative AI applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and music generators. With this new feature, you can start streaming the responses immediately when they’re available instead of waiting for the entire response to be generated. This lowers the time-to-first-byte for your generative AI applications.

In this post, we’ll show how to build a streaming web application using SageMaker real-time endpoints with the new response streaming feature for an interactive chat use case. We use Streamlit for the sample demo application UI.

Solution overview

To get responses streamed back from SageMaker, you can use our new InvokeEndpointWithResponseStream API. It helps enhance customer satisfaction by delivering a faster time-to-first-response-byte. This reduction in customer-perceived latency is particularly crucial for applications built with generative AI models, where immediate processing is valued over waiting for the entire payload. Moreover, it introduces a sticky session that will enable continuity in interactions, benefiting use cases such as chatbots, to create more natural and efficient user experiences.

The implementation of response streaming in SageMaker real-time endpoints is achieved through HTTP 1.1 chunked encoding, which is a mechanism for sending multiple responses. This is a HTTP standard that supports binary content and is supported by most client/server frameworks. HTTP chunked encoding supports both text and image data streaming, which means the models hosted on SageMaker endpoints can send back streamed responses as text or image, such as Falcon, Llama 2, and Stable Diffusion models. In terms of security, both the input and output are secured using TLS using AWS Sigv4 Auth. Other streaming techniques like Server-Sent Events (SSE) are also implemented using the same HTTP chunked encoding mechanism. To take advantage of the new streaming API, you need to make sure the model container returns the streamed response as chunked encoded data.

The following diagram illustrates the high-level architecture for response streaming with a SageMaker inference endpoint.

One of the use cases that will benefit from streaming response is generative AI model-powered chatbots. Traditionally, users send a query and wait for the entire response to be generated before receiving an answer. This could take precious seconds or even longer, which can potentially degrade the performance of the application. With response streaming, the chatbot can begin sending back partial inference results as they are generated. This means that users can see the initial response almost instantaneously, even as the AI continues refining its answer in the background. This creates a seamless and engaging conversation flow, where users feel like they’re chatting with an AI that understands and responds in real time.

In this post, we showcase two container options to create a SageMaker endpoint with response streaming: using an AWS Large Model Inference (LMI) and Hugging Face Text Generation Inference (TGI) container. In the following sections, we walk you through the detailed implementation steps to deploy and test the Falcon-7B-Instruct model using both LMI and TGI containers on SageMaker. We chose Falcon 7B as an example, but any model can take advantage of this new streaming feature.


You need an AWS account with an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with permissions to manage resources created as part of the solution. For details, refer to Creating an AWS account. If this is your first time working with Amazon SageMaker Studio, you first need to create a SageMaker domain. Additionally, you may need to request a service quota increase for the corresponding SageMaker hosting instances. For the Falcon-7B-Instruct model, we use an ml.g5.2xlarge SageMaker hosting instance. For hosting a Falcon-40B-Instruct model, we use an ml.g5.48xlarge SageMaker hosting instance. You can request a quota increase from the Service Quotas UI. For more information, refer to Requesting a quota increase.

Option 1: Deploy a real-time streaming endpoint using an LMI container

The LMI container is one of the Deep Learning Containers for large model inference hosted by SageMaker to facilitate hosting large language models (LLMs) on AWS infrastructure for low-latency inference use cases. The LMI container uses Deep Java Library (DJL) Serving, which is an open-source, high-level, engine-agnostic Java framework for deep learning. With these containers, you can use corresponding open-source libraries such as DeepSpeed, Accelerate, Transformers-neuronx, and FasterTransformer to partition model parameters using model parallelism techniques to use the memory of multiple GPUs or accelerators for inference. For more details on the benefits using the LMI container to deploy large models on SageMaker, refer to Deploy large models at high performance using FasterTransformer on Amazon SageMaker and Deploy large models on Amazon SageMaker using DJLServing and DeepSpeed model parallel inference. You can also find more examples of hosting open-source LLMs on SageMaker using the LMI containers in this GitHub repo.

For the LMI container, we expect the following artifacts to help set up the model for inference:

  • serving.properties (required) – Defines the model server settings
  • model.py (optional) – A Python file to define the core inference logic
  • requirements.txt (optional) – Any additional pip wheel will need to install

LMI containers can be used to host models without providing your own inference code. This is extremely useful when there is no custom preprocessing of the input data or postprocessing of the model’s predictions. We use the following configuration:

  • For this example, we host the Falcon-7B-Instruct model. We need to create a serving.properties configuration file with our desired hosting options and package it up into a tar.gz artifact. Response streaming can be enabled in DJL Serving by setting the enable_streaming option in the serving.properties file. For all the supported parameters, refer to Streaming Python configuration.
  • In this example, we use the default handlers in DJL Serving to stream responses, so we only care about sending requests and parsing the output response. You can also provide an entrypoint code with a custom handler in a model.py file to customize input and output handlers. For more details on the custom handler, refer to Custom model.py handler.
  • Because we’re hosting the Falcon-7B-Instruct model on a single GPU instance (ml.g5.2xlarge), we set option.tensor_parallel_degree to 1. If you plan to run in multiple GPUs, use this to set the number of GPUs per worker.
  • We use option.output_formatter to control the output content type. The default output content type is application/json, so if your application requires a different output, you can overwrite this value. For more information on the available options, refer to Configurations and settings and All DJL configuration options.
%%writefile serving.properties

To create the SageMaker model, retrieve the container image URI:

image_uri = image_uris.retrieve(

Use the SageMaker Python SDK to create the SageMaker model and deploy it to a SageMaker real-time endpoint using the deploy method:

instance_type = "ml.g5.2xlarge"
endpoint_name = sagemaker.utils.name_from_base("lmi-model-falcon-7b")

model = Model(sagemaker_session=sess, 


When the endpoint is in service, you can use the InvokeEndpointWithResponseStream API call to invoke the model. This API allows the model to respond as a stream of parts of the full response payload. This enables models to respond with responses of larger size and enables faster-time-to-first-byte for models where there is a significant difference between the generation of the first and last byte of the response.

The response content type shown in x-amzn-sagemaker-content-type for the LMI container is application/jsonlines as specified in the model properties configuration. Because it’s part of the common data formats supported for inference, we can use the default deserializer provided by the SageMaker Python SDK to deserialize the JSON lines data. We create a helper LineIterator class to parse the response stream received from the inference request:

class LineIterator:
    A helper class for parsing the byte stream input. 
    The output of the model will be in the following format:
    b'{"outputs": [" a"]}n'
    b'{"outputs": [" challenging"]}n'
    b'{"outputs": [" problem"]}n'
    While usually each PayloadPart event from the event stream will contain a byte array 
    with a full json, this is not guaranteed and some of the json objects may be split across
    PayloadPart events. For example:
    {'PayloadPart': {'Bytes': b'{"outputs": '}}
    {'PayloadPart': {'Bytes': b'[" problem"]}n'}}
    This class accounts for this by concatenating bytes written via the 'write' function
    and then exposing a method which will return lines (ending with a 'n' character) within
    the buffer via the 'scan_lines' function. It maintains the position of the last read 
    position to ensure that previous bytes are not exposed again. 
    def __init__(self, stream):
        self.byte_iterator = iter(stream)
        self.buffer = io.BytesIO()
        self.read_pos = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        while True:
            line = self.buffer.readline()
            if line and line[-1] == ord('n'):
                self.read_pos += len(line)
                return line[:-1]
                chunk = next(self.byte_iterator)
            except StopIteration:
                if self.read_pos < self.buffer.getbuffer().nbytes:
            if 'PayloadPart' not in chunk:
                print('Unknown event type:' + chunk)
            self.buffer.seek(0, io.SEEK_END)

With the class in the preceding code, each time a response is streamed, it will return a binary string (for example, b'{"outputs": [" a"]}n') that can be deserialized again into a Python dictionary using JSON package. We can use the following code to iterate through each streamed line of text and return text response:

body = {"inputs": "what is life", "parameters": {"max_new_tokens":400}}
resp = smr.invoke_endpoint_with_response_stream(EndpointName=endpoint_name, Body=json.dumps(body), ContentType="application/json")
event_stream = resp['Body']

for line in LineIterator(event_stream):
    resp = json.loads(line)
    print(resp.get("outputs")[0], end='')

The following screenshot shows what it would look like if you invoked the model through the SageMaker notebook using an LMI container.

Option 2: Implement a chatbot using a Hugging Face TGI container

In the previous section, you saw how to deploy the Falcon-7B-Instruct model using an LMI container. In this section, we show how to do the same using a Hugging Face Text Generation Inference (TGI) container on SageMaker. TGI is an open source, purpose-built solution for deploying LLMs. It incorporates optimizations including tensor parallelism for faster multi-GPU inference, dynamic batching to boost overall throughput, and optimized transformers code using flash-attention for popular model architectures including BLOOM, T5, GPT-NeoX, StarCoder, and LLaMa.

TGI deep learning containers support token streaming using Server-Sent Events (SSE). With token streaming, the server can start answering after the first prefill pass directly, without waiting for all the generation to be done. For extremely long queries, this means clients can start to see something happening orders of magnitude before the work is done. The following diagram shows a high-level end-to-end request/response workflow for hosting LLMs on a SageMaker endpoint using the TGI container.

To deploy the Falcon-7B-Instruct model on a SageMaker endpoint, we use the HuggingFaceModel class from the SageMaker Python SDK. We start by setting our parameters as follows:

hf_model_id = "tiiuae/falcon-7b-instruct" # model id from huggingface.co/models
number_of_gpus = 1 # number of gpus to use for inference and tensor parallelism
health_check_timeout = 300 # Increase the timeout for the health check to 5 minutes for downloading the model
instance_type = "ml.g5.2xlarge" # instance type to use for deployment

Compared to deploying regular Hugging Face models, we first need to retrieve the container URI and provide it to our HuggingFaceModel model class with image_uri pointing to the image. To retrieve the new Hugging Face LLM DLC in SageMaker, we can use the get_huggingface_llm_image_uri method provided by the SageMaker SDK. This method allows us to retrieve the URI for the desired Hugging Face LLM DLC based on the specified backend, session, Region, and version. For more details on the available versions, refer to HuggingFace Text Generation Inference Containers.

llm_image = get_huggingface_llm_image_uri(

We then create the HuggingFaceModel and deploy it to SageMaker using the deploy method:

endpoint_name = sagemaker.utils.name_from_base("tgi-model-falcon-7b")
    llm_model = HuggingFaceModel(
            'HF_MODEL_ID': hf_model_id,
            # 'HF_MODEL_QUANTIZE': "bitsandbytes", # comment in to quantize
            'SM_NUM_GPUS': str(number_of_gpus),
            'MAX_INPUT_LENGTH': "1900",  # Max length of input text
            'MAX_TOTAL_TOKENS': "2048",  # Max length of the generation (including input text)

llm = llm_model.deploy(

The main difference compared to the LMI container is that you enable response streaming when you invoke the endpoint by supplying stream=true as part of the invocation request payload. The following code is an example of the payload used to invoke the TGI container with streaming:

body = {
    "inputs":"tell me one sentence",
        "return_full_text": False
    "stream": True

Then you can invoke the endpoint and receive a streamed response using the following command:

from sagemaker.base_deserializers import StreamDeserializer

resp = smr.invoke_endpoint_with_response_stream(EndpointName=llm.endpoint_name, Body=json.dumps(body), ContentType='application/json')

The response content type shown in x-amzn-sagemaker-content-type for the TGI container is text/event-stream. We use StreamDeserializer to deserialize the response into the EventStream class and parse the response body using the same LineIterator class as that used in the LMI container section.

Note that the streamed response from the TGI containers will return a binary string (for example, b`data:{"token": {"text": " sometext"}}`), which can be deserialized again into a Python dictionary using a JSON package. We can use the following code to iterate through each streamed line of text and return a text response:

event_stream = resp['Body']
start_json = b'{'
for line in LineIterator(event_stream):
    if line != b'' and start_json in line:
        data = json.loads(line[line.find(start_json):].decode('utf-8'))
        if data['token']['text'] != stop_token:

The following screenshot shows what it would look like if you invoked the model through the SageMaker notebook using a TGI container.

Run the chatbot app on SageMaker Studio

In this use case, we build a dynamic chatbot on SageMaker Studio using Streamlit, which invokes the Falcon-7B-Instruct model hosted on a SageMaker real-time endpoint to provide streaming responses. First, you can test that the streaming responses work in the notebook as shown in the previous section. Then, you can set up the Streamlit application in the SageMaker Studio JupyterServer terminal and access the chatbot UI from your browser by completing the following steps:

  1. Open a system terminal in SageMaker Studio.
  2. On the top menu of the SageMaker Studio console, choose File, then New, then Terminal.
  3. Install the required Python packages that are specified in the requirements.txt file:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Set up the environment variable with the endpoint name deployed in your account:
    $ export endpoint_name=<Falcon-7B-instruct endpoint name deployed in your account>

  5. Launch the Streamlit app from the streamlit_chatbot_<LMI or TGI>.py file, which will automatically update the endpoint names in the script based on the environment variable that was set up earlier:
    $ streamlit run streamlit_chatbot_LMI.py --server.port 6006

  6. To access the Streamlit UI, copy your SageMaker Studio URL to another tab in your browser and replace lab? with proxy/[PORT NUMBER]/. Because we specified the server port to 6006, the URL should look as follows:
    https://<domain ID>.studio.<region>.sagemaker.aws/jupyter/default/proxy/6006/

Replace the domain ID and Region in the preceding URL with your account and Region to access the chatbot UI. You can find some suggested prompts in the left pane to get started.

The following demo shows how response streaming revolutionizes the user experience. It can make interactions feel fluid and responsive, ultimately enhancing user satisfaction and engagement. Refer to the GitHub repo for more details of the chatbot implementation.

Clean up

When you’re done testing the models, as a best practice, delete the endpoint to save costs if the endpoint is no longer required:

# - Delete the end point


In this post, we provided an overview of building applications with generative AI, the challenges, and how SageMaker real-time response streaming helps you address these challenges. We showcased how to build a chatbot application to deploy the Falcon-7B-Instruct model to use response streaming using both SageMaker LMI and HuggingFace TGI containers using an example available on GitHub.

Start building your own cutting-edge streaming applications with LLMs and SageMaker today! Reach out to us for expert guidance and unlock the potential of large model streaming for your projects.

About the Authors

Raghu Ramesha is a Senior ML Solutions Architect with the Amazon SageMaker Service team. He focuses on helping customers build, deploy, and migrate ML production workloads to SageMaker at scale. He specializes in machine learning, AI, and computer vision domains, and holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from UT Dallas. In his free time, he enjoys traveling and photography.

Abhi Shivaditya is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS, working with strategic global enterprise organizations to facilitate the adoption of AWS services in areas such as artificial intelligence, distributed computing, networking, and storage. His expertise lies in deep learning in the domains of natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. Abhi assists customers in deploying high-performance machine learning models efficiently within the AWS ecosystem.

Alan Tan is a Senior Product Manager with SageMaker, leading efforts on large model inference. He’s passionate about applying machine learning to the area of analytics. Outside of work, he enjoys the outdoors.

Melanie Li, PhD, is a Senior AI/ML Specialist TAM at AWS based in Sydney, Australia. She helps enterprise customers build solutions using state-of-the-art AI/ML tools on AWS and provides guidance on architecting and implementing ML solutions with best practices. In her spare time, she loves to explore nature and spend time with family and friends.

Sam Edwards, is a Cloud Engineer (AI/ML) at AWS Sydney specialized in machine learning and Amazon SageMaker. He is passionate about helping customers solve issues related to machine learning workflows and creating new solutions for them. Outside of work, he enjoys playing racquet sports and traveling.

James Sanders is a Senior Software Engineer at Amazon Web Services. He works on the real-time inference platform for Amazon SageMaker.

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FMOps/LLMOps: Operationalize generative AI and differences with MLOps

FMOps/LLMOps: Operationalize generative AI and differences with MLOps

Nowadays, the majority of our customers is excited about large language models (LLMs) and thinking how generative AI could transform their business. However, bringing such solutions and models to the business-as-usual operations is not an easy task. In this post, we discuss how to operationalize generative AI applications using MLOps principles leading to foundation model operations (FMOps). Furthermore, we deep dive on the most common generative AI use case of text-to-text applications and LLM operations (LLMOps), a subset of FMOps. The following figure illustrates the topics we discuss.

Specifically, we briefly introduce MLOps principles and focus on the main differentiators compared to FMOps and LLMOps regarding processes, people, model selection and evaluation, data privacy, and model deployment. This applies to customers that use them out of the box, create foundation models from scratch, or fine-tune them. Our approach applies to both open-source and proprietary models equally.

ML operationalization summary

As defined in the post MLOps foundation roadmap for enterprises with Amazon SageMaker, ML and operations (MLOps) is the combination of people, processes, and technology to productionize machine learning (ML) solutions efficiently. To achieve this, a combination of teams and personas need to collaborate, as illustrated in the following figure.

These teams are as follows:

  • Advanced analytics team (data lake and data mesh) – Data engineers are responsible for preparing and ingesting data from multiple sources, building ETL (extract, transform, and load) pipelines to curate and catalog the data, and prepare the necessary historical data for the ML use cases. These data owners are focused on providing access to their data to multiple business units or teams.
  • Data science team – Data scientists need to focus on creating the best model based on predefined key performance indicators (KPIs) working in notebooks. After the completion of the research phase, the data scientists need to collaborate with ML engineers to create automations for building (ML pipelines) and deploying models into production using CI/CD pipelines.
  • Business team – A product owner is responsible for defining the business case, requirements, and KPIs to be used to evaluate model performance. The ML consumers are other business stakeholders who use the inference results (predictions) to drive decisions.
  • Platform team – Architects are responsible for the overall cloud architecture of the business and how all the different services are connected together. Security SMEs review the architecture based on business security policies and needs. MLOps engineers are responsible for providing a secure environment for data scientists and ML engineers to productionize the ML use cases. Specifically, they are responsible for standardizing CI/CD pipelines, user and service roles and container creation, model consumption, testing, and deployment methodology based on business and security requirements.
  • Risk and compliance team – For more restrictive environments, auditors are responsible for assessing the data, code, and model artifacts and making sure that the business is compliant with regulations, such as data privacy.

Note that multiple personas can be covered by the same person depending on the scaling and MLOps maturity of the business.

These personas need dedicated environments to perform the different processes, as illustrated in the following figure.

The environments are as follows:

  • Platform administration – The platform administration environment is the place where the platform team has access to create AWS accounts and link the right users and data
  • Data – The data layer, often known as the data lake or data mesh, is the environment that data engineers or owners and business stakeholders use to prepare, interact, and visualize with the data
  • Experimentation – The data scientists use a sandbox or experimentation environment to test new libraries and ML techniques to prove that their proof of concept can solve business problems
  • Model build, model test, model deployment – The model build, test, and deployment environment is the layer of MLOps, where data scientists and ML engineers collaborate to automate and move the research to production
  • ML governance – The last piece of the puzzle is the ML governance environment, where all the model and code artifacts are stored, reviewed, and audited by the corresponding personas

The following diagram illustrates the reference architecture, which has already been discussed in MLOps foundation roadmap for enterprises with Amazon SageMaker.

Each business unit has each own set of development (automated model training and building), preproduction (automatic testing), and production (model deployment and serving) accounts to productionize ML use cases, which retrieve data from a centralized or decentralized data lake or data mesh, respectively. All the produced models and code automation are stored in a centralized tooling account using the capability of a model registry. The infrastructure code for all these accounts is versioned in a shared service account (advanced analytics governance account) that the platform team can abstract, templatize, maintain, and reuse for the onboarding to the MLOps platform of every new team.

Generative AI definitions and differences to MLOps

In classic ML, the preceding combination of people, processes, and technology can help you productize your ML use cases. However, in generative AI, the nature of the use cases requires either an extension of those capabilities or new capabilities. One of these new notions is the foundation model (FM). They are called as such because they can be used to create a wide range of other AI models, as illustrated in the following figure.

FM have been trained based on terabytes of data and have hundreds of billions of parameters to be able to predict the next best answer based on three main categories of generative AI use cases:

  • Text-to-text – The FMs (LLMs) have been trained based on unlabeled data (such as free text) and are able to predict the next best word or sequence of words (paragraphs or long essays). Main use cases are around human-like chatbots, summarization, or other content creation such as programming code.
  • Text-to-image – Labeled data, such as pairs of <text, image>, has been used to train FMs, which are able to predict the best combination of pixels. Example use cases are clothing design generation or imaginary personalized images.
  • Text-to-audio or video – Both labeled and unlabeled data can be used for FM training. One main generative AI use case example is music composition.

To productionize those generative AI use cases, we need to borrow and extend the MLOps domain to include the following:

  • FM operations (FMOps) – This can productionize generative AI solutions, including any use case type
  • LLM operations (LLMOps) – This is a subset of FMOps focusing on productionizing LLM-based solutions, such as text-to-text

The following figure illustrates the overlap of these use cases.

Compared to classic ML and MLOps, FMOps and LLMOps defer based on four main categories that we cover in the following sections: people and process, selection and adaptation of FM, evaluation and monitoring of FM, data privacy and model deployment, and technology needs. We will cover monitoring in a separate post.

Operationalization journey per generative AI user type

To simplify the description of the processes, we need to categorize the main generative AI user types, as shown in the following figure.

The user types are as follows:

  • Providers – Users who build FMs from scratch and provide them as a product to other users (fine-tuner and consumer). They have deep end-to-end ML and natural language processing (NLP) expertise and data science skills, and massive data labeler and editor teams.
  • Fine-tuners – Users who retrain (fine-tune) FMs from providers to fit custom requirements. They orchestrate the deployment of the model as a service for use by consumers. These users need strong end-to-end ML and data science expertise and knowledge of model deployment and inference. Strong domain knowledge for tuning, including prompt engineering, is required as well.
  • Consumers – Users who interact with generative AI services from providers or fine-tuners by text prompting or a visual interface to complete desired actions. No ML expertise is required but, mostly, application developers or end-users with understanding of the service capabilities. Only prompt engineering is necessary for better results.

As per the definition and the required ML expertise, MLOps is required mostly for providers and fine-tuners, while consumers can use application productionization principles, such as DevOps and AppDev to create the generative AI applications. Furthermore, we have observed a movement among the user types, where providers might become fine-tuners to support use cases based on a specific vertical (such as the financial sector) or consumers might become fine-tuners to achieve more accurate results. But let’s observe the main processes per user type.

The journey of consumers

The following figure illustrates the consumer journey.

As previously mentioned, consumers are required to select, test, and use an FM, interacting with it by providing specific inputs, otherwise known as prompts. Prompts, in the context of computer programming and AI, refer to the input that is given to a model or system to generate a response. This can be in the form of a text, command, or a question, which the system uses to process and generate an output. The output generated by the FM can then be utilized by end-users, who should also be able to rate these outputs to enhance the model’s future responses.

Beyond these fundamental processes, we’ve noticed consumers expressing a desire to fine-tune a model by harnessing the functionality offered by fine-tuners. Take, for instance, a website that generates images. Here, end-users can set up private accounts, upload personal photos, and subsequently generate content related to those images (for example, generating an image depicting the end-user on a motorbike wielding a sword or located in an exotic location). In this scenario, the generative AI application, designed by the consumer, must interact with the fine-tuner backend via APIs to deliver this functionality to the end-users.

However, before we delve into that, let’s first concentrate on the journey of model selection, testing, usage, input and output interaction, and rating, as shown in the following figure.

*15K available FM reference

Step 1. Understand top FM capabilities

There are many dimensions that need to be considered when selecting foundation models, depending on the use case, the data available, regulations, and so on. A good checklist, although not comprehensive, might be the following:

  • Proprietary or open-source FM – Proprietary models often come at a financial cost, but they typically offer better performance (in terms of quality of the generated text or image), often being developed and maintained by dedicated teams of model providers who ensure optimal performance and reliability. On the other hand, we also see adoption of open-source models that, other than being free, offer additional benefits of being accessible and flexible (for example, every open-source model is fine-tunable). An example of a proprietary model is Anthropic’s Claude model, and an example of a high performing open-source model is Falcon-40B, as of July 2023.
  • Commercial license – Licensing considerations are crucial when deciding on an FM. It’s important to note that some models are open-source but can’t be used for commercial purposes, due to licensing restrictions or conditions. The differences can be subtle: The newly released xgen-7b-8k-base model, for example, is open source and commercially usable (Apache-2.0 license), whereas the instruction fine-tuned version of the model xgen-7b-8k-inst is only released for research purposes only. When selecting an FM for a commercial application, it’s essential to verify the license agreement, understand its limitations, and ensure it aligns with the intended use of the project.
  • Parameters – The number of parameters, which consist of the weights and biases in the neural network, is another key factor. More parameters generally means a more complex and potentially powerful model, because it can capture more intricate patterns and correlations in the data. However, the trade-off is that it requires more computational resources and, therefore, costs more to run. Additionally, we do see a trend towards smaller models, especially in the open-source space (models ranging from 7–40 billion) that perform well, especially, when fine-tuned.
  • Speed – The speed of a model is influenced by its size. Larger models tend to process data slower (higher latency) due to the increased computational complexity. Therefore, it’s crucial to balance the need for a model with high predictive power (often larger models) with the practical requirements for speed, especially in applications, like chat bots, that demand real-time or near-real-time responses.
  • Context window size (number of tokens) – The context window, defined by the maximum number of tokens that can be input or output per prompt, is crucial in determining how much context the model can consider at a time (a token roughly translates to 0.75 words for English). Models with larger context windows can understand and generate longer sequences of text, which can be useful for tasks involving longer conversations or documents.
  • Training dataset – It’s also important to understand what kind of data the FM was trained on. Some models may be trained on diverse text datasets like internet data, coding scripts, instructions, or human feedback. Others may also be trained on multimodal datasets, like combinations of text and image data. This can influence the model’s suitability for different tasks. In addition, an organization might have copyright concerns depending on the exact sources a model has been trained on—therefore, it’s mandatory to inspect the training dataset closely.
  • Quality – The quality of an FM can vary based on its type (proprietary vs. open source), size, and what it was trained on. Quality is context-dependent, meaning what is considered high-quality for one application might not be for another. For example, a model trained on internet data might be considered high quality for generating conversational text, but less so for technical or specialized tasks.
  • Fine-tunable – The ability to fine-tune an FM by adjusting its model weights or layers can be a crucial factor. Fine-tuning allows for the model to better adapt to the specific context of the application, improving performance on the specific task at hand. However, fine-tuning requires additional computational resources and technical expertise, and not all models support this feature. Open-source models are (in general) always fine-tunable because the model artifacts are available for downloading and the users are able to extend and use them at will. Proprietary models might sometimes offer the option of fine-tuning.
  • Existing customer skills – The selection of an FM can also be influenced by the skills and familiarity of the customer or the development team. If an organization has no AI/ML experts in their team, then an API service might be better suited for them. Also, if a team has extensive experience with a specific FM, it might be more efficient to continue using it rather than investing time and resources to learn and adapt to a new one.

The following is an example of two shortlists, one for proprietary models and one for open-source models. You might compile similar tables based on your specific needs to get a quick overview of the available options. Note that the performance and parameters of those models change rapidly and might be outdated by the time of reading, while other capabilities might be important for specific customers, such as the supported language.

The following is an example of notable proprietary FMs available in AWS (July 2023).

The following is an example of notable open-source FM available in AWS (July 2023).

After you have compiled an overview of 10–20 potential candidate models, it becomes necessary to further refine this shortlist. In this section, we propose a swift mechanism that will yield two or three viable final models as candidates for the next round.

The following diagram illustrates the initial shortlisting process.

Typically, prompt engineers, who are experts in creating high-quality prompts that allow AI models to understand and process user inputs, experiment with various methods to perform the same task (such as summarization) on a model. We suggest that these prompts are not created on the fly, but are systematically extracted from a prompt catalog. This prompt catalog is a central location for storing prompts to avoid replications, enable version control, and share prompts within the team to ensure consistency between different prompt testers in the different development stages, which we introduce in the next section. This prompt catalog is analogous to a Git repository of a feature store. The generative AI developer, who could potentially be the same person as the prompt engineer, then needs to evaluate the output to determine if it would be suitable for the generative AI application they are seeking to develop.

Step 2. Test and evaluate the top FM

After the shortlist is reduced to approximately three FMs, we recommend an evaluation step to further test the FMs’ capabilities and suitability for the use case. Depending on the availability and nature of evaluation data, we suggest different methods, as illustrated in the following figure.

The method to use first depends on whether you have labeled test data or not.

If you have labeled data, you can use it to conduct a model evaluation, as we do with the traditional ML models (input some samples and compare the output with the labels). Depending on whether the test data has discrete labels (such as positive, negative, or neutral sentiment analysis) or is unstructured text (such as summarization), we propose different methods for evaluation:

  • Accuracy metrics – In case of discrete outputs (such as sentiment analysis), we can use standard accuracy metrics such as precision, recall, and F1 score
  • Similarity metrics – If the output is unstructured (such as a summary), we suggest similarity metrics like ROUGE and cosine similarity

Some use cases don’t lend themselves to having one true answer (for example, “Create a short children’s story for my 5-year-old daughter”). In such cases, it becomes more challenging to evaluate the models because you don’t have labeled test data. We propose two approaches, depending on the importance of human review of the model versus automated evaluation:

  • Human-in-the-Loop (HIL) – In this case, a team of prompt testers will review the responses from a model. Depending on how critical the application is, the prompt testers might review 100% of the model outputs or just a sample.
  • LLM-powered evaluation – In this scenario, the prompt testers are replaced by an LLM, ideally one that is more powerful (although perhaps slower and most costly) than the ones being tested. The LLM will review all model-generated responses and score them. This method may result in lower quality, but it’s a cheaper and faster evaluation option that might provide a good initial gauge on the models’ performance.

For example, we can use the following example prompt to an LLM, which includes the input query, the LLM response, and instructions: “We would like to request your feedback on the performance of an AI assistant in response to the user question displayed above. Please rate the helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, level of details of the assistant’s response. The assistant shall receive an overall score on a scale of 1 to 10, where a higher score indicates better overall performance.”

This prompt will be sent to another LLM (the EvalLLM) for evaluation. The following is an example where the response of the Falcon-40B model has been evaluated by an EvalLLM (in this case Claude). We use the question “What if the Suez Canal had never been constructed?” The response is as follows:

Question: What if the Suez Canal had never been constructed?


If the Suez Canal had never been constructed, ships would have to travel around Africa to navigate between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. This would add significant time and distance to the voyage, making it less efficient and more expensive. Additionally, without the Suez Canal, many countries in the Middle East and North Africa would have been much less connected to the rest of the world, hindering economic and cultural development.

Review (Score: 9/10)

The assistant’s response is highly relevant, accurate, and detailed. It provides an excellent answer to the user’s hypothetical question about the non-existence of the Suez Canal. The assistant correctly points out the implications on maritime travel and the economic and cultural impact on the Middle East and North Africa. However, it could have further elaborated on the geopolitical implications or the impact on global trade patterns for a more comprehensive response.

The following figure illustrates the end-to-end evaluation process example.

Based on this example, to perform evaluation, we need to provide the example prompts, which we store in the prompt catalog, and an evaluation labeled or unlabeled dataset based on our specific applications. For example, with a labeled evaluation dataset, we can provide prompts (input and query) such as “Give me the full name of the UK PM in 2023” and outputs and answers, such as “Rishi Sunak.” With an unlabeled dataset, we provide just the question or instruction, such as “Generate the source code for a retail website.” We call the combination of prompt catalog and evaluation dataset the evaluation prompt catalog. The reason that we differentiate the prompt catalog and evaluation prompt catalog is because the latter is dedicated to a specific use case instead of generic prompts and instructions (such as question answering) that the prompt catalog contains.

With this evaluation prompt catalog, the next step is to feed the evaluation prompts to the top FMs. The result is an evaluation result dataset that contains the prompts, outputs of each FM, and the labeled output together with a score (if it exists). In the case of an unlabeled evaluation prompt catalog, there is an additional step for an HIL or LLM to review the results and provide a score and feedback (as we described earlier). The final outcome will be aggregated results that combine the scores of all the outputs (calculate the average precision or human rating) and allow the users to benchmark the quality of the models.

After the evaluation results have been collected, we propose choosing a model based on several dimensions. These typically come down to factors such as precision, speed, and cost. The following figure shows an example.

Each model will possess strengths and certain trade-offs along these dimensions. Depending on the use case, we should assign varying priorities to these dimensions. In the preceding example, we elected to prioritize cost as the most important factor, followed by precision, and then speed. Even though it’s slower and not as efficient as FM1, it remains sufficiently effective and significantly cheaper to host. Consequently, we might select FM2 as the top choice.

Step 3. Develop the generative AI application backend and frontend

At this point, the generative AI developers have selected the right FM for the specific application together with the help of prompt engineers and testers. The next step is to start developing the generative AI application. We have separated the development of the generative AI application into two layers, a backend and front end, as shown in the following figure.

On the backend, the generative AI developers incorporate the selected FM into the solutions and work together with the prompt engineers to create the automation to transform the end-user input to appropriate FM prompts. The prompt testers create the necessary entries to the prompt catalog for automatic or manual (HIL or LLM) testing. Then, the generative AI developers create the prompt chaining and application mechanism to provide the final output. Prompt chaining, in this context, is a technique to create more dynamic and contextually-aware LLM applications. It works by breaking down a complex task into a series of smaller, more manageable sub-tasks. For example, if we ask an LLM the question “Where was the prime minister of the UK born and how far is that place from London,” the task can be broken down into individual prompts, where a prompt might be built based on the answer of a previous prompt evaluation, such as “Who is the prime minister of the UK,” “What is their birthplace,” and “How far is that place from London?” To ensure a certain input and output quality, the generative AI developers also need to create the mechanism to monitor and filter the end-user inputs and application outputs. If, for example, the LLM application is supposed to avoid toxic requests and responses, they could apply a toxicity detector for input and output and filter those out. Lastly, they need to provide a rating mechanism, which will support the augmentation of the evaluation prompt catalog with good and bad examples. A more detailed representation of those mechanisms will be presented in future posts.

To provide the functionality to the generative AI end-user, the development of a frontend website that interacts with the backend is necessary. Therefore, DevOps and AppDevs (application developers on the cloud) personas need to follow best development practices to implement the functionality of input/output and rating.

In addition to this basic functionality, the frontend and backend need to incorporate the feature of creating personal user accounts, uploading data, initiating fine-tuning as a black box, and using the personalized model instead of the basic FM. The productionization of a generative AI application is similar with a normal application. The following figure depicts an example architecture.

In this architecture, the generative AI developers, prompt engineers, and DevOps or AppDevs create and test the application manually by deploying it via CI/CD to a development environment (generative AI App Dev in the preceding figure) using dedicated code repositories and merging with the dev branch. At this stage, the generative AI developers will use the corresponding FM by calling the API as has been provided by the FM providers of fine-tuners. Then, to test the application extensively, they need to promote the code to the test branch, which will trigger the deployment via CI/CD to the preproduction environment (generative AI App Pre-prod). At this environment, the prompt testers need to try a large amount of prompt combinations and review the results. The combination of prompts, outputs, and review need to be moved to the evaluation prompt catalog to automate the testing process in the future. After this extensive test, the last step is to promote the generative AI application to production via CI/CD by merging with the main branch (generative AI App Prod). Note that all the data, including the prompt catalog, evaluation data and results, end-user data and metadata, and fine-tuned model metadata, need to be stored in the data lake or data mesh layer. The CI/CD pipelines and repositories need to be stored in a separate tooling account (similar to the one described for MLOps).

The journey of providers

FM providers need to train FMs, such as deep learning models. For them, the end-to-end MLOps lifecycle and infrastructure is necessary. Additions are required in historical data preparation, model evaluation, and monitoring. The following figure illustrates their journey.

In classic ML, the historical data is most often created by feeding the ground truth via ETL pipelines. For example, in a churn prediction use case, an automation updates a database table based on the new status of a customer to churn/not churn automatically. In the case of FMs, they need either billions of labeled or unlabeled data points. In text-to-image use cases, a team of data labelers need to label <text, image> pairs manually. This is an expensive exercise requiring a large number of people resources. Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth Plus can provide a team of labelers to perform this activity for you. For some use cases, this process can be also partially automated, for example by using CLIP-like models. In the case of an LLM, such as text-to-text, the data is unlabeled. However, they need to be prepared and follow the format of the existing historical unlabeled data. Therefore, data editors are needed to perform necessary data preparation and ensure consistency.

With the historical data prepared, the next step is the training and productionization of the model. Note that the same evaluation techniques as we described for consumers can be used.

The journey of fine-tuners

Fine-tuners aim to adapt an existing FM to their specific context. For example, an FM model can summarize a general-purpose text but not a financial report accurately or can’t generate source code for a non-common programming language. In those cases, the fine-tuners need to label data, fine-tune a model by running a training job, deploy the model, test it based on the consumer processes, and monitor the model. The following diagram illustrates this process.

For the time being, there are two fine-tuning mechanisms:

  • Fine-tuning – By using an FM and labeled data, a training job recalculates the weights and biases of the deep learning model layers. This process can be computationally intensive and requires a representative amount of data but can generate accurate results.
  • Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) – Instead of recalculating all the weights and biases, researchers have shown that by adding additional small layers to the deep learning models, they can achieve satisfactory results (for example, LoRA). PEFT requires lower computational power than deep fine-tuning and a training job with less input data. The drawback is potential lower accuracy.

The following diagram illustrates these mechanisms.

Now that we have defined the two main fine-tuning methods, the next step is to determine how we can deploy and use the open-source and proprietary FM.

With open-source FMs, the fine-tuners can download the model artifact and the source code from the web, for example, by using the Hugging Face Model Hub. This gives you the flexibility to deep fine-tune the model, store it to a local model registry, and deploy it to an Amazon SageMaker endpoint. This process requires an internet connection. To support more secure environments (such as for customers in the financial sector), you can download the model on premises, run all the necessary security checks, and upload them to a local bucket on an AWS account. Then, the fine-tuners use the FM from the local bucket without an internet connection. This ensures data privacy, and the data doesn’t travel over the internet. The following diagram illustrates this method.

With proprietary FMs, the deployment process is different because the fine-tuners don’t have access to the model artifact or source code. The models are stored in proprietary FM provider AWS accounts and model registries. To deploy such a model to a SageMaker endpoint, the fine-tuners can request only the model package that will be deployed directly to an endpoint. This process requires customer data to be used in the proprietary FM providers’ accounts, which raises questions regarding customer-sensitive data being used in a remote account to perform fine-tuning, and models being hosted in a model registry that is shared among multiple customers. This leads to a multi-tenancy problem that becomes more challenging if the proprietary FM providers need to serve these models. If the fine-tuners use Amazon Bedrock, these challenges are resolved—the data doesn’t travel over the internet and the FM providers don’t have access to fine-tuners’ data. The same challenges hold for the open-source models if the fine-tuners want to serve models from multiple customers, such as the example we gave earlier with the website that thousands of customers will upload personalized images to. However, these scenarios can be considered controllable because only the fine-tuner is involved. The following diagram illustrates this method.

From a technology perspective, the architecture that a fine-tuner needs to support is like the one for MLOps (see the following figure). The fine-tuning needs to be conducted in dev by creating ML pipelines, such as using Amazon SageMaker Pipelines; performing preprocessing, fine-tuning (training job), and postprocessing; and sending the fine-tuned models to a local model registry in the case of an open-source FM (otherwise, the new model will be stored to the proprietary FM provide environment). Then, in pre-production, we need to test the model as we describe for the consumers’ scenario. Finally, the model will be served and monitored in prod. Note that the current (fine-tuned) FM requires GPU instance endpoints. If we need to deploy each fine-tuned model to a separate endpoint, this might increase the cost in the case of hundreds of models. Therefore, we need to use multi-model endpoints and resolve the multi-tenancy challenge.

The fine-tuners adapt an FM model based on a specific context to use it for their business purpose. That means that most of the time, the fine-tuners are also consumers required to support all the layers, as we described in the previous sections, including generative AI application development, data lake and data mesh, and MLOps.

The following figure illustrates the complete FM fine-tuning lifecycle that the fine-tuners need to provide the generative AI end-user.

The following figure illustrates the key steps.

The key steps are the following:

  1. The end-user creates a personal account and uploads private data.
  2. The data is stored in the data lake and is preprocessed to follow the format that the FM expects.
  3. This triggers a fine-tuning ML pipeline that adds the model to the model registry,
  4. From there, either the model is deployed to production with minimum testing or the model pushes extensive testing with HIL and manual approval gates.
  5. The fine-tuned model is made available for end-users.

Because this infrastructure is complex for non-enterprise customers, AWS released Amazon Bedrock to offload the effort of creating such architectures and bringing fine-tuned FMs closer to production.

FMOps and LLMOps personas and processes differentiators

Based on the preceding user type journeys (consumer, producer, and fine-tuner), new personas with specific skills are required, as illustrated in the following figure.

The new personas are as follows:

  • Data labelers and editors – These users label data, such as <text, image> pairs, or prepare unlabeled data, such as free text, and extend the advanced analytics team and data lake environments.
  • Fine-tuners – These users have deep knowledge on FMs and know to tune them, extending the data science team that will focus on classic ML.
  • Generative AI developers – They have deep knowledge on selecting FMs, chaining prompts and applications, and filtering input and outputs. They belong a new team—the generative AI application team.
  • Prompt engineers – These users design the input and output prompts to adapt the solution to the context and test and create the initial version of prompt catalog. Their team is the generative AI application team.
  • Prompt testers – They test at scale the generative AI solution (backend and frontend) and feed their results to augment the prompt catalog and evaluation dataset. Their team is the generative AI application team.
  • AppDev and DevOps – They develop the front end (such as a website) of the generative AI application. Their team is the generative AI application team.
  • Generative AI end-users – These users consume generative AI applications as black boxes, share data, and rate the quality of the output.

The extended version of the MLOps process map to incorporate generative AI can be illustrated with the following figure.

A new application layer is the environment where generative AI developers, prompt engineers, and testers, and AppDevs created the backend and front end of generative AI applications. The generative AI end-users interact with the generative AI applications front end via the internet (such as a web UI). On the other side, data labelers and editors need to preprocess the data without accessing the backend of the data lake or data mesh. Therefore, a web UI (website) with an editor is necessary for interacting securely with the data. SageMaker Ground Truth provides this functionality out of the box.


MLOps can help us productionize ML models efficiently. However, to operationalize generative AI applications, you need additional skills, processes, and technologies, leading to FMOps and LLMOps. In this post, we defined the main concepts of FMOps and LLMOps and described the key differentiators compared to MLOps capabilities in terms of people, processes, technology, FM model selection, and evaluation. Furthermore, we illustrated the thought process of a generative AI developer and the development lifecycle of a generative AI application.

In the future, we will focus on providing solutions per the domain we discussed, and will provide more details on how to integrate FM monitoring (such as toxicity, bias, and hallucination) and third-party or private data source architectural patterns, such as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), into FMOps/LLMOps.

To learn more, refer to MLOps foundation roadmap for enterprises with Amazon SageMaker and try out the end-to-end solution in Implementing MLOps practices with Amazon SageMaker JumpStart pre-trained models.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them in the comments section.

About the Authors

Dr. Sokratis Kartakis is a Senior Machine Learning and Operations Specialist Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services. Sokratis focuses on enabling enterprise customers to industrialize their Machine Learning (ML) solutions by exploiting AWS services and shaping their operating model, i.e. MLOps foundation, and transformation roadmap leveraging best development practices. He has spent 15+ years on inventing, designing, leading, and implementing innovative end-to-end production-level ML and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in the domains of energy, retail, health, finance/banking, motorsports etc. Sokratis likes to spend his spare time with family and friends, or riding motorbikes.

Heiko Hotz is a Senior Solutions Architect for AI & Machine Learning with a special focus on natural language processing, large language models, and generative AI. Prior to this role, he was the Head of Data Science for Amazon’s EU Customer Service. Heiko helps our customers be successful in their AI/ML journey on AWS and has worked with organizations in many industries, including insurance, financial services, media and entertainment, healthcare, utilities, and manufacturing. In his spare time, Heiko travels as much as possible.

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