Hunting speculative information leaks with Revizor

Hunting speculative information leaks with Revizor

Revizor chart

Spectre and Meltdown are two security vulnerabilities that affect the vast majority of CPUs in use today. CPUs, or central processing units, act as the brains of a computer, directing the functions of its other components. By targeting a feature of the CPU implementation that optimizes performance, attackers could access sensitive data previously considered inaccessible. 

For example, Spectre exploits speculative execution—an aggressive strategy for increasing processing speed by postponing certain security checks. But it turns out that before the CPU performs the security check, attackers might have already extracted secrets via so-called side-channels. This vulnerability went undetected for years before it was discovered and mitigated in 2018. Security researchers warned that thieves could use it to target countless computers, phones and mobile devices. Researchers began hunting for more vulnerabilities, and they continue to find them. But this process is manual and progress came slowly. With no tools available to help them search, researchers had to analyze documentation, read through patents, and experiment with different CPU generations. 

A group of researchers from Microsoft and academic partners began exploring a method for systematically finding and analyzing CPU vulnerabilities. This effort would produce a tool called Revizor (REV-izz-or), which automatically detects microarchitectural leakage in CPUs—with no prior knowledge about the internal CPU components. Revizor achieves this by differentiating between expected and unexpected information leaks on the CPU. 

Spotlight: Microsoft Research Podcast

AI Frontiers: The Physics of AI with Sébastien Bubeck

What is intelligence? How does it emerge and how do we measure it? Ashley Llorens and machine learning theorist Sébastian Bubeck discuss accelerating progress in large-scale AI and early experiments with GPT-4.

The Revizor process begins by describing what is expected from the CPU in a so-called “leakage contract.” Revizor then searches the CPU to find any violations of this contract. It creates random programs, runs them on the CPU, records the information they expose, and compares the information with the contract. When it finds a mismatch that violates the contract, it reports it as a potential vulnerability. 

Details were published in 2022 in the paper: Revizor: Testing Black-box CPUs against Speculation Contracts

To demonstrate Revizor’s effectiveness, the researchers tested a handful of commercial CPUs and found several known vulnerabilities, including Spectre, MDS, and LVI, as well as several previously unknown variants. 

However, the search was still slow, which hindered the discovery of entirely new classes of leaks. The team identified the root causes of the performance limitations, and proposed techniques to overcome them, improving the testing speed by up to two orders of magnitude. The improvements are described in a newly published paper: Hide and Seek with Spectres: Efficient discovery of speculative information leaks with random testing

These improvements supported a testing campaign of unprecedented depth on Intel and AMD CPUs. In the process, the researchers found two types of previously unknown speculative leaks (affecting string comparison and division) that had escaped previous analyses—both manual and automated. These results show that work which previously required persistent hacking and painstaking manual labor can now be automated and rapidly accelerated. 

The team began working with the Microsoft Security Response Center and hardware vendors, and together they continue to find vulnerabilities so they can be closed before they are discovered by hackers—thereby protecting customers from risk. 

Revizor is part of Project Venice, which investigates novel mechanisms for the secure sharing and partitioning of computing resources, together with techniques for specifying and rigorously validating their resilience to side-channel attacks. 

The post Hunting speculative information leaks with Revizor appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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AI Frontiers: Models and Systems with Ece Kamar

AI Frontiers: Models and Systems with Ece Kamar

black and white photo of Ece Kamar, Partner Research Manager at Microsoft Research, next to the Microsoft Research Podcast

Episode 138 | April 13, 2023

Powerful new large-scale AI models like GPT-4 are showing dramatic improvements in reasoning, problem-solving, and language capabilities. This marks a phase change for artificial intelligence—and a signal of accelerating progress to come.

In this Microsoft Research Podcast series, AI scientist and engineer Ashley Llorens hosts conversations with his collaborators and colleagues about what these new models—and the models that will come next—mean for our approach to creating, understanding, and deploying AI, its applications in areas such as health care and education, and its potential to benefit humanity.

The third episode features Ece Kamar, deputy lab director at Microsoft Research Redmond. Kamar draws on decades of experience in AI research and an opportunity she and Microsoft colleagues had to evaluate and experiment with GPT-4 prior to its release in discussing the capabilities and limitations of today’s large-scale models. She explores the short-term mitigation techniques she and her team are using to make these models viable components of the AI systems that give them purpose and shares the long-term research questions that will help maximize their value. 



Ashley Llorens: I’m Ashley Llorens with Microsoft Research. I’ve spent the last 20 years working in AI and machine learning, but I’ve never felt more fortunate to work in the field than at this moment. The development of increasingly powerful large-scale models is accelerating the advancement of AI. Most recently, GPT-4 is exhibiting surprising new abilities like problem-solving and translation across languages and domains.

In this podcast series, I’ll share conversations with fellow researchers about our impressions of GPT-4, the nature of intelligence, and ultimately how innovations like these can have the greatest benefit for humanity.

Today we’re sitting down with Ece Kamar, deputy lab director at Microsoft Research in Redmond. In the months leading up to the release of GPT-4, Ece and her team leverage their many years of experience in AI research to evaluate the model and to help understand and mitigate its limitations.

So the experiences it powers can bring the greatest benefit to the people that use them.

Welcome to AI Frontiers.

All right, why don’t we just jump right in.

Ece Kamar: Okay.

Llorens: Okay.

Kamar: Take it over.


Llorens: All right, so I want to start at a place that I think will be close to your heart, and that is with the difference between a model and a system. But let me, let me paint the picture a little bit, right. So machine learning is a process through which we create something called a model, which is learned from data. The model is a kind of program that maps inputs to outputs, be it language, images, etc. In deep learning, the models are some variant of an artificial neural network. And finally, in the current era of large-scale AI, these models can have hundreds of billions of parameters or more. But there’s a model, and then there’s a system. The system is the thing that gets deployed when we put out a product or something. So, Ece, from your perspective, what’s the difference between a model as described here and a system?

Ece Kamar: Yeah, that’s, that’s something that I’m thinking so much about these days because we are all getting very excited about the emerging capabilities we see in the latest models—what they can do, what kind of questions we can ask them, the generalizability, the interactive power, even some of the reasoning capabilities that are surprising just to be able to get them with that input-output mapping that, Ashley, you’ve been talking about. However, when you think about it, these models on their own, they don’t really have a purpose. They are just trying to replicate what they have seen in these massive data sources. And the thing that has been driving me as a researcher, even from my earlier days, has been the purpose: why are we building technology, and what is the purpose behind it? And the main difference between a system and a model is a system has a purpose. We build these systems for a particular reason that—in particular, the reason I care very much about is providing value to people who use these systems. So in terms of that distinction, I am spending a lot of time these days thinking about system design with the purpose of enabling, augmenting people, and these systems will have these latest models as building blocks. No question about it. They are so powerful in terms of synthesizing information, having a cohesive, interesting conversation. But at the same time, they are not enough. To be helpful to people, we have additional capabilities like knowing about that individual, learning from that individual, having an understanding of the goals that the individual would like to have. So we are trying to get to that system architecture, the system design that can actually make that input-output model a very crucial part of a much bigger, uh, purpose.

Llorens: Maybe next we can go into the system lifecycle. So there’s a way that a system component like a model becomes part, uh, of a larger system that eventually gets deployed. So tell me about that lifecycle. What’s that like from your experience?

Kamar: From my experience, actually, the larger system you really care about is the hybrid human-AI system because at the end of the day, what we really care about is not how great a system is alone, like an AI system is alone, but we care very much about how well that partnership is working between the human and the AI system. And right now, we have some systems out in the world that are actually already providing a lot of value for. For example, Copilot is a great example of this—the GitHub Copilot—where as you’re writing code, it can make suggestions for you and you can accept or reject them. At the same time, this is really missing some very crucial abilities in it because we are still in the very early days of this copilot-AI revolution. So what are some of the capabilities we are missing? Copilot still doesn’t really have a very good understanding of me as a developer. What are the particular habits I have? What kind of code I love to write? Maybe I care very much about the interpretability of my code by others when I’m not in that project anymore. It is not necessarily a preference that Copilot has about me. I think soon enough it will because I think we are going to get to a world where these AI systems will know a lot about us, our goals, our preferences, our intentions, our habits. And then they are going to become a lot more helpful to us. The other thing that’s not happening with the current systems is that they are not learning from feedback. As individuals, when we are part of teams—let’s say I’m working with you, which we do, all the time—I learn about you; you give me your feedback. You say, “Next time, don’t do that. Maybe don’t consider doing it that way.” I take that into account. I get better at what I do because I learn from you. So the more we build these self-feeding feedback loops into our AI systems, they are going to have a better understanding of us as users, but also they are going to be able to provide more value for us.

Llorens: The first time I used GPT-4, I asked it a question that was inspired by my own work in underwater robotics. I asked it how far away I could hear a sound generated underwater in the ocean. The response took me completely by surprise. The model pointed out that more information was needed, like how temperature would affect the speed of sound through the water. It suggested I consider using a sonar array. It went ahead and made its own assumptions about those things and then gave me an answer. The reasoning was breathtaking to me. I knew for a fact it hadn’t been explicitly trained to do any of that. It challenged my notion of the value of being able to do this kind of reasoning as a researcher.

So maybe we can actually start with the model and your experience of it. The capabilities and limitations. But why don’t we just start with your first impressions of it?

Kamar: It was surprising, mainly because I have been working in the AI space for almost like, I don’t want to say it, but two decades. So we have been all thinking about new models, new architectures, what is coming in AI; we always had in mind these kind of ambitious goals for AI. For me, it has always been these AI assistants that come and help us with whatever we are doing, even from the early days it has been that. But always that aspiration never really landed because when we tried to build these systems, they became narrow that they did not really match what, as users, we needed from them. And when I saw GPT-4 and started interacting with it, I saw some mind-blowing capabilities that I thought I wouldn’t see for many years to come. And one of the surprises was how quickly we get here. So that’s kind of No. 1. And we can talk a lot more about like what are those surprising abilities, but second, immediately, my mind goes to, what can we do with this? Because first of all, there’s so much potential now we have in terms of bringing that vision of helping people into reality.

But second of all, because I also care a lot about responsibility, “Oh, my god, this powerful model will come with so much responsibility.” What, as Microsoft, we build with this plus what others will be able to build with this model or maybe models [that] will come next, that’s going to matter a lot for not only for us as researchers, not only for users, but our society overall.

So the other reaction I had was like, what can go wrong and what can we do to prevent those negative consequences from happening? And that’s going to be a long journey that we are going to be on.

Llorens: Sure. Let’s get further into those surprising capabilities.

Kamar: Yeah, sure. So one of the very surprising capabilities is how general purpose these models are at the moment. I can prompt it to write code, write poems. I can ask—I’m Turkish. I can ask questions in Turkish and I can get very fluid responses in Turkish. It can actually write me beautiful poems about sunset in Cappadocia in Turkish, which is like, oh my god, this is already creating an emotional reaction, right, when I’m interacting with it. And then, though, you get into much more practical tasks. For example, how do I turn some of my thoughts into, into writing? Um, how can I customize my voice for different audiences? And the model seems to know about these things and can help me, but not producing a final result, but bringing me to a point where I can be a lot more productive.

So that general-purpose nature of it, like I can go from writing a poem—which I’m terrible at it—to writing academic papers—I think I’m better at that—and helping me throughout the spectrum when I’m not good at something, when I’m kind of good at something. That is just showing me so much potential, such a big spectrum.

But the other thing is the interactivity. It is not this static tool where I basically ask one thing, it gives me one answer, and I’m kind of done, like whatever I can do with that one turn is all I get. It is actually the opposite. It gives me a response and I can actually instruct it further. I can talk about my preferences, how I would like that to be changed for something that’s a much better fit for my needs.

And as a person, I may not be able to articulate my needs at the beginning clearly, so that interaction of being able to see what it can do and asking further is just making it a much, much more capable tool. And the other thing is the reasoning capabilities. What I mean by that is that, you know, for the last few years, as these larger models came out and came out, we all said, OK, this is pretty powerful, but it is still just like repeating patterns it has seen in the, in the internet. And one of the—you know, I think some of my colleagues used the term—was “stochastic parrots.” It’s just repeating things back to you. And what we are seeing with GPT-4—and I think it’s just the phase transition; we’re at this point in this phase transition and these capabilities are going to get stronger and stronger—is that the capabilities for synthesis, compiling information together to get into new insights that may not exist. I’m not claiming all of those insights are correct, but they are giving people sparks that they can further think about and build on. Also, it can reason about multiple steps. It’s not a planner yet, but it has the basics of top-level reasoning where we can start from a point towards the goal and we can collaborate to work towards a plan to get there.

And those are all very powerful things, especially when we think about building an AI system that can take somebody’s goals and turn them into actions.

Llorens: So you mentioned, planning as a limitation of the model, but let’s just talk about, you know, maybe more fully about the limitations that, that you see in, the in the current, current model, current state of the art.

Kamar: You know, a lot of people, when they think about these limitations, they see these as reasons not to invest in these technologies at all. I look at it from a different perspective. I see these as pieces of the puzzle that we need to invent and put in place. So we started this conversation with the distinction between the model and the system. The model is a very powerful piece of this puzzle, but we are also, as we are building these systems—like Bing is a great example, the GitHub Copilot is another example—we are seeing what they can do, but we are seeing a lot about what they cannot do, and that is giving us, as researchers, ideas about new puzzle pieces we need to invent so that we can come to this architecture.

So a huge limitation, hallucinations. I think that is top of mind for a lot of us. These models are learning from large datasets on the internet, they don’t have fresh information. They are not able to separate reliable information from unreliable information. And also because these models are general-purpose tools, sometimes we want to use them for creating something new that doesn’t exist on the internet, for example, writing a brand-new poem that nobody else wrote before. But sometimes you want them as information retrieval engines, where the biggest requirement is being correct in terms of that information coming back. So we are all learning, like, how can we understand the purpose, turn it into prompts, and then figure out the best way to instruct these models so that, so that we are getting our desired behavior in return, but also how can we actually, in the future, specialize these models in a way that we can have versions that are much less prone to hallucinations?

How can we ground them with the right context and know how to communicate that intent well, so that I can be assured that whenever they are giving me information, giving me facts when I need the facts, they are giving me the right facts? We are at the very beginning of solving this puzzle. But in my mind, this is not a limitation.

This is actually showing me a lot of problems, research problems, to invest in.

Llorens: So, Ece, you’re a leader here at Microsoft Research. You’ve got a team, and your team, uh, is instrumental in this process of turning the model into a system, uh, for some of these applications. And I guess you’ve talked about understanding the purpose—systems have a purpose—and maybe there’s aspects of the system design that mitigate or deal with some of the limitations in order to make it fit for that purpose.

You mentioned grounding, for example, as one of those methods, but can you just get deeper maybe into grounding and some of the other techniques that you use to, again, turn the model into a system?

Kamar: Yeah, definitely. We have been working with different teams across Microsoft as some of these technologies find their way into products, both understanding the limitations but also helping to overcome those limitations, um, with existing techniques. Of course, there’s a lot to be invented, but right now we still have some things in our capabilities list that we can apply to make these problems mitigated, up to some extent.

Just to give a few examples, right, when we are giving search results, instead of just using GPT-4 to produce that result, we are actually getting better, more accurate results when the top search results are provided as context to the models for them to create their generations. So that is one technique that is currently implemented. That is an example of grounding, grounding with that context. You can imagine that for another application, let’s say for writing an email for you, here we can ground with your past emails written to the same person; we can ground based on your personal documents. For example, if I’m writing you an email about this podcast, you probably have an outline or a document where we have previously discussed some of these ideas. That becomes important grounding so that that email represents my voice, represents my thoughts, but it actually becomes a way for me to just do things faster and more efficiently. So those are some examples of the grounding. The other thing we have in our toolbox these days is how we talk to the model. This is called prompting. A lot of people are talking about prompting because we are discovering new ways to communicate with these models as developers.

If you remember back in the day, um, the way a developer would talk to a machine learning model was giving labeled data. Here’s an example: True, false. Here’s an example: True, false. Now our communication channel with the model in terms of developing systems is increasing. Our bandwidth is so much higher. Now we can talk to the model in natural language.

The problem with this is this is, uh, not a perfect specification. However, still, the way I can instruct the model carries a lot of power. So when we are building systems with prompting, we can tell the model, instruct the model, that whenever the model is talking about a fact, it should cite the source of that material. This has two particular benefits. One benefit is that this is instructing the model that everything the model says should be coming from a source and the links should be there. Of course, I’m not claiming that we are doing this perfectly, but it’s a step in that direction. But second, and even the more important reason is, we are giving people accountability to check. As I said, none of the systems we are trying to build are there to automate the role of the human being.

It is all about complementarity and augmentation and enablement. So when we are building a system, giving results to the human, the goal is always having the human in the driver’s seat, having the human control what is being generated, and by providing sources in the results, that is one way we can enable the user, because then the user can go to these links and check.

These are just some of the things that we are currently inventing as, you know, short-term ideas to mitigate these problems as much as possible. But also we have to think about long-term solutions that can really make these problems go away. We are not there yet, but as a researcher, I’m very excited about the potential.

Llorens: I’d love to just drill into this notion of specification for a moment. You mentioned the complementarity, you mentioned the intent to have these systems amplify human agency, and with that stewardship of the system comes the expression of intent. And you know, you mentioned maybe even in the era before machine learning, the way to express intent was through a very explicitly written program and, you know, kind of machine learning for more narrow systems, it’s identifying labels for data. And now we have natural language as a means of specification, and you called it an imperfect means of specification. So can you just maybe take us a little deeper into that thought?

Kamar: Yeah. So we have been talking about what we are seeing in the latest models in GPT-4 as a phase transition. We haven’t arrived at the best possible model, and we haven’t arrived at the best possible way to communicate with that model. We are at this very specific point in our history where we are saying, “OK, our models are getting really capable and that communication channel has opened up.

Now I can talk to it in natural language.” I personally don’t think that this very noisy way of just communicating things in natural language as a way of prompts is the final product of how we are going to be talking to our AI systems. However, it is a way, and with iteration, we can become more precise. So let me tell you this.

Let’s say I want this AI system to write me an email to you. The simple prompt could be, “Write me an email to Ashley, and it should talk about this and this.” I can see the result. Immediately, I can see what I don’t like about it. Imagine I could say more specification, right, I can say, “Oh, don’t mention this; include this, as well. The tone should be this way and not that way.”

These are all additional specifications I may not think about when I’m just prompting the model, but over time, I may get better and better in terms of really specifying my preferences, my intent. So right now, we’re in this very noisy process of almost like trial and error. We are trying something, looking at the result; if we don’t like it, we come up with a correction. I think over time we can really compile these experiences—how people are specifying things into these models—and that can pave the way for much better communication methods. Again, we don’t have the answers yet, but I’m also, I’m also not thinking that these prompts are the best way to interact.

Llorens: And as I learn to specify my intent to a particular model, how much does that knowledge or that skill of prompting this model in an effective way translate when I pick up another model or maybe, you know, another iteration on the same model. Do I have to relearn it every time?

Kamar: Ideally not, because we all want to be consistent. Uh, we don’t want our experiences to go away just because we are starting over with a new model. Again, so far, a lot of the model developments have been guided by numbers—how big the models are, how accurate they are, how did they do on certain benchmarks. Now, as these models are enabling real systems for humans, we need to bring in other criteria that are human-centered, that can not only be explained by how well you predict the next word, but it is about what you said. How can I get consistency in the way I communicate with this model? How does this model learn better about me? How this model can capture the right context about me? So I think we are at the beginning of understanding those human-centered considerations we want to have in these models and somehow incorporate them into the way these models are trained.

Llorens: Earlier you mentioned responsibility, you know, that, that Microsoft, you know, has a responsibility, you know, when we put these systems out in the world. As researchers and engineers, um, we have some stewardship of that responsibility in the design process, and throughout the lifecycle. How has that manifested here, you know, for GPT-4 in the applications that you’ve worked on? How does that aspect of responsibility enter into the system design and engineering for you?

Kamar: In a very similar way to how we have been thinking about responsible AI for the last five, six years. It is a journey, and with every model, including GPT-4, the first step, is understanding—understanding the capabilities, understanding the limitations, understanding what can go wrong and what can we do in a short term to prevent those negative effects to be as little as possible.

So from the early days of Microsoft’s interaction with GPT-4, uh, me and many of my colleagues have been involved. We started playing with it. We started observing what it can do, what it cannot do, started documenting all of those capabilities. And now you need to take a step back and say, “OK, what can I say about the risks?” Because you observe the instances, but there are these higher-level risks that you should be considerate about. So it became obvious that hallucination was an issue. The other issue is something we call manipulation. The fact that these models don’t have a good understanding of what they don’t know, but at the same time, they can also not admit that they don’t have the right answer, and they may actually even try to convince you as the user that what they are providing is the right one.

So we started thinking what kind of mitigations we can bring in place to make these problems as little as possible. Of course, another consideration is offensive language, biases, content moderation. So that’s another, another factor that a lot of my colleagues have been involved with from the early days. And we worked closely across the company in terms of putting practices in place.

Sometimes this is content moderation modules. Sometimes this is prompt engineering to get hallucinations to be as low as possible. Sometimes it is really thinking about those high-level guidelines you can give to the systems to make these risks as low as possible. So we have been very heavily involved from the beginning, and we are also putting our ideas into publications to share with the wider world, because not everybody—we are aware that not everybody will have as much experience as we have with these models.

So how can we actually capture our experience and share with our academic colleagues so that we can all think about these problems together? So now I think we have some understanding. Again, now this is distilling the longer-term research questions and getting our teams to focus on those.

Llorens: You know, another important phase of the research lifecycle or the system lifecycle is the test and evaluation. So you design a system; you conceptualize it; you develop it. At some point, you know—put some mitigations in place, perhaps like the ones you suggested. Um, at some point, then you have to test it. How does that happen, uh, with these, with this kind of a system, this kind of general-purpose system?

Kamar: Yeah. So, you know, just thinking about traditional machine learning, testing was always a very core part of the way we built machine learning. You would collect some data, you would make part of that data training and you would have part of that data as test set, and then you would have a call to measure for every model you’re building from, from Day 1.

That is no longer the case with these generative models, especially as we get into this “prompt something and you have your application development” culture. There are really big questions about how we evaluate these models. The insight there is that because these models are generative, they can also be used for creating test data. So on the topic of hallucination, for example, we have been using GPT-4 for simulating dialogues fed by, um, queries, common queries, and also get the model to check if some certain risks like hallucinations are happening.

So this is giving us a partly automated, GPT-4–powered evaluation pipeline that, of course, needs to have human eyes on it because not everything the machine generates or validates is always correct. But this gives us a loop to be able to generate data at scale and do evaluation. But, of course, not all problems are equally vital for our society.

There are certain things that carry a lot more weight than others. For example, even on the topic of hallucinations, if a search engine is providing wrong guidance on a critical health query, that is a much bigger risk. So this is why another important part of the evaluation is red teaming. How can we bring human eyes onto the system in the most critical ways and actually get them to check what the systems are doing?

So again, we are at the early days of figuring out what evaluation is going to look like for this new generation of models. Again, human-AI partnership is going to play a key role in the way we evaluate these systems. We see that generative capabilities of these models are powerful for creating data. Human eyes are always going to be important as the final checkers of what is right and what is wrong.

And we just need to build these techniques and make them part of the way we build AI systems with these latest models.

Llorens: I want to ask you about a term, uh, the term agent. Um, you, you kind of referenced it earlier, but I want to come back to it, and I want to come back to it in the context of what your vision for the future is for, I’ll say, AI models and systems that we use, that we create from those models.

What is that vision, and what does that vision have to do with agents?

Kamar: You know, the word agent comes from agency, and the question is what does agency mean for an AI system? It is the fact that they are aware, they can act, and they can learn. So those are the three main capabilities we want to have in our AI systems. Just to take a bit deeper into this: being aware—again, we are building these agents not to act independently in the world. We are building them to partner with people and help people with their tasks. So when we talk about them being aware, we are talking about being aware of their users, being aware of their needs, being aware of their goals, and also being aware of the information on the world so that they don’t have to start from scratch. The other part is action—taking action on behalf of their users.

And here I think we are going to see a lot more interesting scenarios going forward in terms of what the AI systems can do in partnership with people. Right now, we are seeing writing documents, collecting information from the web, and presenting them, but in the future, what other creative things AI systems and humans can do together?

What other tasks that you just don’t want to do and you want the AI to take over with your accountability and control, of course. So that’s the part of the acting we need to figure out. And the other part that is very important is learning. We talked about GitHub Copilot, which is a wonderful AI application that so many people are getting value in the world.

At the same time, we are not only talking about GitHub Copilot getting better at code completion; we are talking about GitHub Copilot getting better in terms of providing value for people. So in terms of like getting better, we have to figure out what does that human-centered reward we can provide to these AI systems just in terms of the value people get—what has been good, what has been bad—and use that reward signal to teach the machine how to act better in the world. Those are all part of the framework we have for this AI agent. And just to reiterate, this is always going to have these very powerful models as a building block. But as you can imagine, we will need other components to get there.


Llorens: Thanks, Ece. Well, I’m certainly excited by the technologies we have today, and I’m excited for the vision that you’ve articulated for the future. So, yeah, really appreciate you sharing that vision with us today, and thanks for spending the time.

Kamar: Thank you.

The post AI Frontiers: Models and Systems with Ece Kamar appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Hunting speculative information leaks with Revizor

Hunting speculative information leaks with Revizor

Revizor chart

Spectre and Meltdown are two security vulnerabilities that affect the vast majority of CPUs in use today. CPUs, or central processing units, act as the brains of a computer, directing the functions of its other components. By targeting a feature of the CPU implementation that optimizes performance, attackers could access sensitive data previously considered inaccessible. 

For example, Spectre exploits speculative execution—an aggressive strategy for increasing processing speed by postponing certain security checks. But it turns out that before the CPU performs the security check, attackers might have already extracted secrets via so-called side-channels. This vulnerability went undetected for years before it was discovered and mitigated in 2018. Security researchers warned that thieves could use it to target countless computers, phones and mobile devices. Researchers began hunting for more vulnerabilities, and they continue to find them. But this process is manual and progress came slowly. With no tools available to help them search, researchers had to analyze documentation, read through patents, and experiment with different CPU generations. 

A group of researchers from Microsoft and academic partners began exploring a method for systematically finding and analyzing CPU vulnerabilities. This effort would produce a tool called Revizor (REV-izz-or), which automatically detects microarchitectural leakage in CPUs—with no prior knowledge about the internal CPU components. Revizor achieves this by differentiating between expected and unexpected information leaks on the CPU. 

Spotlight: Microsoft Research Podcast

AI Frontiers: The Physics of AI with Sébastien Bubeck

What is intelligence? How does it emerge and how do we measure it? Ashley Llorens and machine learning theorist Sébastian Bubeck discuss accelerating progress in large-scale AI and early experiments with GPT-4.

The Revizor process begins by describing what is expected from the CPU in a so-called “leakage contract.” Revizor then searches the CPU to find any violations of this contract. It creates random programs, runs them on the CPU, records the information they expose, and compares the information with the contract. When it finds a mismatch that violates the contract, it reports it as a potential vulnerability. 

Details were published in 2022 in the paper: Revizor: Testing Black-box CPUs against Speculation Contracts

To demonstrate Revizor’s effectiveness, the researchers tested a handful of commercial CPUs and found several known vulnerabilities, including Spectre, MDS, and LVI, as well as several previously unknown variants. 

However, the search was still slow, which hindered the discovery of entirely new classes of leaks. The team identified the root causes of the performance limitations, and proposed techniques to overcome them, improving the testing speed by up to two orders of magnitude. The improvements are described in a newly published paper: Hide and Seek with Spectres: Efficient discovery of speculative information leaks with random testing

These improvements supported a testing campaign of unprecedented depth on Intel and AMD CPUs. In the process, the researchers found two types of previously unknown speculative leaks (affecting string comparison and division) that had escaped previous analyses—both manual and automated. These results show that work which previously required persistent hacking and painstaking manual labor can now be automated and rapidly accelerated. 

The team began working with the Microsoft Security Response Center and hardware vendors, and together they continue to find vulnerabilities so they can be closed before they are discovered by hackers—thereby protecting customers from risk. 

Revizor is part of Project Venice, which investigates novel mechanisms for the secure sharing and partitioning of computing resources, together with techniques for specifying and rigorously validating their resilience to side-channel attacks. 

The post Hunting speculative information leaks with Revizor appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Research Focus: Week of April 10, 2023

Research Focus: Week of April 10, 2023

Microsoft Research Focus 13 edition, week of April 10, 2023

Welcome to Research Focus, a series of blog posts that highlights notable publications, events, code/datasets, new hires and other milestones from across the research community at Microsoft.


Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost Computing with Mixture of Spot and On-Demand VMs

To improve the utilization of computing resources, cloud providers often offer underutilized capacity at a discount, but with lower guarantees of availability. However, many customers hesitate to take full advantage of such offerings (such as spot virtual machines), even though they can provide scalability and lower costs for workloads that can handle interruptions.

In a new paper: Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost Computing with Mixture of Spot and On-Demand VMs,
researchers from Microsoft propose an intelligent framework to optimize customer cost while maintaining resource availability by dynamically mixing on-demand VMs with spot VMs. Snape is composed with a reliable model for predicting the eviction rate of spot VMs from the production trace and an intelligent constrained reinforcement learning (CRL) framework for learning the best mixture policy, given the predicted eviction rate and other service signals. 

This proactive design enables an online decision-making system for dynamically adjusting the mixture of on-demand and spot VMs and ensures that a more aggressive and cheaper policy is only adopted when the reliability is high (low predicted eviction rates of spot VM). Experiments across different configurations show that Snape achieves 44% savings compared to the policy of using only on-demand VMs, and at the same time, maintains 99.96% availability—2.77% higher than with a policy of using only spot VMs. 

Spotlight: Microsoft Research Podcast

AI Frontiers: The Physics of AI with Sébastien Bubeck

What is intelligence? How does it emerge and how do we measure it? Ashley Llorens and machine learning theorist Sébastian Bubeck discuss accelerating progress in large-scale AI and early experiments with GPT-4.


Embracing Noise: How can systems be designed and created with and for noise? 

Noise—as a term used to describe data as not meaningful or useful to a system—is a helpful concept in fields like data science, machine learning, and AI. It can help make data manageable, for example by allowing “noisy” data points to be identified and removed so the data can be streamlined to fit a computational structure. But unlike computer systems, which operate with explicit definitions and discrete structures, people have varying boundaries and perceptions of what is meaningful. This presents choices that involve noise. For example, what specific input will we be expecting and what remaining potential input will be considered noise? What constitutes valid input, and what are the consequences of deciding that something is “invalid”? 

In a new paper: Embracing Data Noise, Microsoft researcher Ida Larsen-Ledet examines conceptualization, acceptance, and use of noise; including what may be gained from viewing seemingly undesirable output as noise with potential. 

When designing computing systems, removing or reducing noise can be the right choice – for example, in safety-critical environments. But noise shouldn’t be uncritically disregarded. If we look at noise in a nuanced way, we may be better able to apply it in useful ways.


DOTE: Rethinking (Predictive) WAN Traffic Engineering 

Uncertainty about future network traffic trends presents a crucial real-world challenge for routing, especially over wide-area networks where bandwidth is expensive, and applications have stringent quality-of-service requirements. In a new paper, DOTE: Rethinking (Predictive) WAN Traffic Engineering, researchers from Microsoft Research teamed up with researchers from the Hebrew University and the Technion to explore a new design point for traffic engineering on wide-area networks (WANs): directly optimizing traffic flow on the WAN using only historical data. 

The novel algorithmic framework of DOTE combines stochastic optimization and deep learning to identify appropriate routing using as input only historical traffic demands. Intrinsically, the technique picks up on patterns in traffic demands at the scale of large WANs, allowing it to identify high-quality routing without predicting future demands. The research shows this method provably converges to the global optimum in well-studied theoretical models and demonstrates the performance benefits through extensive analyses of empirical data from operational networks, including Microsoft’s backbone network.


Predoctoral Research Assistant (contract) – Computational Social Science

Microsoft Research New York City seeks a recent college graduate for a contingent Predoctoral Research Assistant position in computational social science (CSS). Our Predoctoral Research Assistant program is aimed at candidates seeking research experience prior to pursuing a PhD in fields related to CSS. 

Our computational social science group is widely recognized as a leading center of CSS research. Our research lies at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and social sciences, and uses large-scale demographic, behavioral, and network data to investigate human activity and relationships. Apply by May 5 for a one-year assignment beginning in Summer 2023, with a possibility to extend to a total of 18 months. 

The post Research Focus: Week of April 10, 2023 appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Research Focus: Week of April 10, 2023

Research Focus: Week of April 10, 2023

Microsoft Research Focus 13 edition, week of April 10, 2023

Welcome to Research Focus, a series of blog posts that highlights notable publications, events, code/datasets, new hires and other milestones from across the research community at Microsoft.


Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost Computing with Mixture of Spot and On-Demand VMs

To improve the utilization of computing resources, cloud providers often offer underutilized capacity at a discount, but with lower guarantees of availability. However, many customers hesitate to take full advantage of such offerings (such as spot virtual machines), even though they can provide scalability and lower costs for workloads that can handle interruptions.

In a new paper: Snape: Reliable and Low-Cost Computing with Mixture of Spot and On-Demand VMs,
researchers from Microsoft propose an intelligent framework to optimize customer cost while maintaining resource availability by dynamically mixing on-demand VMs with spot VMs. Snape is composed with a reliable model for predicting the eviction rate of spot VMs from the production trace and an intelligent constrained reinforcement learning (CRL) framework for learning the best mixture policy, given the predicted eviction rate and other service signals. 

This proactive design enables an online decision-making system for dynamically adjusting the mixture of on-demand and spot VMs and ensures that a more aggressive and cheaper policy is only adopted when the reliability is high (low predicted eviction rates of spot VM). Experiments across different configurations show that Snape achieves 44% savings compared to the policy of using only on-demand VMs, and at the same time, maintains 99.96% availability—2.77% higher than with a policy of using only spot VMs. 

SPOTLIGHT: AI focus area

AI and Microsoft Research

Learn more about the breadth of AI research at Microsoft


Embracing Noise: How can systems be designed and created with and for noise? 

Noise—as a term used to describe data as not meaningful or useful to a system—is a helpful concept in fields like data science, machine learning, and AI. It can help make data manageable, for example by allowing “noisy” data points to be identified and removed so the data can be streamlined to fit a computational structure. But unlike computer systems, which operate with explicit definitions and discrete structures, people have varying boundaries and perceptions of what is meaningful. This presents choices that involve noise. For example, what specific input will we be expecting and what remaining potential input will be considered noise? What constitutes valid input, and what are the consequences of deciding that something is “invalid”? 

In a new paper: Embracing Data Noise, Microsoft researcher Ida Larsen-Ledet examines conceptualization, acceptance, and use of noise; including what may be gained from viewing seemingly undesirable output as noise with potential. 

When designing computing systems, removing or reducing noise can be the right choice – for example, in safety-critical environments. But noise shouldn’t be uncritically disregarded. If we look at noise in a nuanced way, we may be better able to apply it in useful ways.


DOTE: Rethinking (Predictive) WAN Traffic Engineering 

Uncertainty about future network traffic trends presents a crucial real-world challenge for routing, especially over wide-area networks where bandwidth is expensive, and applications have stringent quality-of-service requirements. In a new paper, DOTE: Rethinking (Predictive) WAN Traffic Engineering, researchers from Microsoft Research teamed up with researchers from the Hebrew University and the Technion to explore a new design point for traffic engineering on wide-area networks (WANs): directly optimizing traffic flow on the WAN using only historical data. 

The novel algorithmic framework of DOTE combines stochastic optimization and deep learning to identify appropriate routing using as input only historical traffic demands. Intrinsically, the technique picks up on patterns in traffic demands at the scale of large WANs, allowing it to identify high-quality routing without predicting future demands. The research shows this method provably converges to the global optimum in well-studied theoretical models and demonstrates the performance benefits through extensive analyses of empirical data from operational networks, including Microsoft’s backbone network.


Predoctoral Research Assistant (contract) – Computational Social Science

Microsoft Research New York City seeks a recent college graduate for a contingent Predoctoral Research Assistant position in computational social science (CSS). Our Predoctoral Research Assistant program is aimed at candidates seeking research experience prior to pursuing a PhD in fields related to CSS. 

Our computational social science group is widely recognized as a leading center of CSS research. Our research lies at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and social sciences, and uses large-scale demographic, behavioral, and network data to investigate human activity and relationships. Apply by May 5 for a one-year assignment beginning in Summer 2023, with a possibility to extend to a total of 18 months. 

The post Research Focus: Week of April 10, 2023 appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Building toward more autonomous and proactive cloud technologies with AI

Building toward more autonomous and proactive cloud technologies with AI

Vision of AIOps Research with four quadrants (starting in the top left and proceeding clockwise): Autonomous, Proactive, Manageable, Comprehensive

Cloud Intelligence/AIOps blog series

In the first blog post in this series, Cloud Intelligence/AIOps – Infusing AI into Cloud Computing Systems, we presented a brief overview of Microsoft’s research on Cloud Intelligence/AIOps (AIOps), which innovates AI and machine learning (ML) technologies to help design, build, and operate complex cloud platforms and services effectively and efficiently at scale. As cloud computing platforms have continued to emerge as one of the most fundamental infrastructures of our world, both their scale and complexity have grown considerably. In our previous blog post, we discussed the three major pillars of AIOps research: AI for Systems, AI for Customers, and AI for DevOps, as well as the four major research areas that constitute the AIOps problem space: detection, diagnosis, prediction, and optimization. We also envisioned the AIOps research roadmap as building toward creating more autonomous, proactive, manageable, and comprehensive cloud platforms. 

Vision of AIOps Research

Autonomous Proactive Manageable Comprehensive
Fully automate the operation of cloud systems to minimize system downtime and reduce manual efforts. Predict future cloud status, support proactive decision-making, and prevent bad things from happening. Introduce the notion of tiered autonomy for infusing autonomous routine operations and deep human expertise.  Span AIOps to the full cloud stack for global optimization/management and extend to multi-cloud environments.

Starting with this blog post, we will take a deeper dive into Microsoft’s vision for AIOps research and the ongoing efforts to realize that vision. This blog post will focus on how our researchers leveraged state-of-the-art AIOps research to help make cloud technologies more autonomous and proactive. We will discuss our work to make the cloud more manageable and comprehensive in future blog posts.

Autonomous cloud


Cloud platforms require numerous actions and decisions every second to ensure that computing resources are properly managed and failures are promptly addressed. In practice, those actions and decisions are either generated by rule-based systems constructed upon expert knowledge or made manually by experienced engineers. Still, as cloud platforms continue to grow in both scale and complexity, it is apparent that such solutions will be insufficient for the future cloud system. On one hand, rigid rule-based systems, while being knowledge empowered, often involve huge numbers of rules and require frequent maintenance for better coverage and adaptability. Still, in practice, it is often unrealistic to keep such systems up to date as cloud systems expand in both size and complexity, and even more difficult to guarantee consistency and avoid conflicts between all the rules. On the other hand, engineering efforts are very time-consuming, prone to errors, and difficult to scale.

Spotlight: Microsoft Research Podcast

AI Frontiers: The Physics of AI with Sébastien Bubeck

What is intelligence? How does it emerge and how do we measure it? Ashley Llorens and machine learning theorist Sébastian Bubeck discuss accelerating progress in large-scale AI and early experiments with GPT-4.

To break the constraints on the coverage and scalability of the existing solutions and improve the adaptability and manageability of the decision-making systems, cloud platforms must shift toward a more autonomous management paradigm. Instead of relying solely on expert knowledge, we need suitable AI/ML models to fuse operational data and expert knowledge together to enable efficient, reliable, and autonomous management decisions. Still, it will take many research and engineering efforts to overcome various barriers for developing and deploying autonomous solutions to cloud platforms.

Toward an autonomous cloud

In the journey towards an autonomous cloud, there are two major challenges. The first challenge lies in the heterogeneity of cloud data. In practice, cloud platforms deploy a huge number of monitors to collect data in various formats, including telemetry signals, machine-generated log files, and human input from engineers and users. And the patterns and distributions of those data generally exhibit a high degree of diversity and are subjected to changes over time. To ensure that the adopted AIOps solutions can function autonomously in such an environment, it is essential to empower the management system with robust and extendable AI/ML models capable of learning useful information from heterogeneous data sources and drawing right conclusions in various scenarios.

The complex interaction between different components and services presents another major challenge in deploying autonomous solutions. While it can be easy to implement autonomous features for one or a few components/services, how to construct end-to-end systems capable of automatically navigating the complex dependencies in cloud systems presents the true challenge for both researchers and engineers. To address this challenge, it is important to leverage both domain knowledge and data to optimize the automation paths in application scenarios. Researchers and engineers should also implement reliable decision-making algorithms in every decision stage to improve the efficiency and stability of the whole end-to-end decision-making process.

Over the past few years, Microsoft research groups have developed many new models and methods for overcoming those challenges and improving the level of automation in various cloud application scenarios across the AIOps problem spaces. Notable examples include:

  • Detection: Gandalf and ATAD for the early detection of problematic deployments; HALO for hierarchical faulty localization; and Onion for detecting incident-indicating logs.
  • Diagnosis: SPINE and UniParser for log parsing; Logic and Warden for regression and incident diagnosis; and CONAN for batch failure diagnosis.
  • Prediction: TTMPred for predicting time to mitigate incidents; LCS for predicting the low-capacity status in cloud servers; and Eviction Prediction for predicting the eviction of spot virtual machines.
  • Optimization: MLPS for optimizing the reallocation of containers; and RESIN for the management of memory leak in cloud infrastructure.

These solutions not only improve service efficiency and reduce management time with more automatous design, but also result in higher performance and reliability with fewer human errors. As an illustration of our work toward a more autonomous cloud, we will discuss our exploration for supporting automatic safe deployment services below.

Exemplary scenario: Automatic safe deployment

In online services, the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) of new patches and builds are critical for the timely delivery of bug fixes and feature updates. Because new deployments with undetected bugs or incompatible issues can cause severe service outages and create significant customer impact, cloud platforms enforce strict safe-deployment procedures before releasing each new deployment to the production environments. Such procedures typically involve multi-stage testing and verification in a sequence of canary environments with increasing scopes. When a deployment-related anomaly is identified in one of these stages, the responsible deployment is rolled back for further diagnosis and fixing. Owing to the challenges of identifying deployment-related anomalies with heterogeneous patterns and managing a huge number of deployments, safe-deployment systems administrated manually can be extremely costly and error prone.

To support automatic and reliable anomaly detection in safe deployment, we proposed a general methodology named ATAD for the effective detection of deployment-related anomalies in time-series signals. This method addresses the challenges of capturing changes with various patterns in time-series signals and the lack of labeled anomaly samples due to the heavy cost of labeling. Specifically, this method combines ideas from both transfer learning and active learning to make good use of the temporal information in the input signal and reduce the number of labeled samples required for model training. Our experiments have shown that ATAD can outperform other state-of-the-art anomaly detection approaches, even with only 1%-5% of labeled data.

At the same time, we collaborated with product teams in Azure to develop and deploy Gandalf, an end-to-end automatic safe deployment system that reduces deployment time and increases the accuracy of detecting bad deployment in Azure. As a data-driven system, Gandalf monitors a large array of information, including performance metrics, failure signals and deployment records. It also detects anomalies in various patterns throughout the entire safe-deployment process. After detecting anomalies, Gandalf applies a vote-veto mechanism to reliably determine whether each detected anomaly is caused by a specific new deployment. Gandalf then automatically decides whether the relevant new deployment should be stopped for a fix or if it’s safe enough to proceed to the next stage. After rolling out in Azure, Gandalf has been effective at helping to capture bad deployments, achieving more than 90% precision and near 100% recall in production over a period of 18 months.

Flow of Automatic Safe Deployment System
Flow of Automatic Safe Deployment System

Proactive cloud


Traditional decision-making in the cloud focuses on optimizing immediate resource usage and addressing emerging issues. While this reactive design is not unreasonable in a relatively static system, it can lead to short-sighted decisions in a dynamic environment. In cloud platforms, both the demand and utilization of computing resources are undergoing constant changes, including regular periodical patterns, unexpected spikes, and gradual shifts in both temporal and spatial dimensions. To improve the long-term efficiency and reliability of cloud platforms, it is critical to adopt a proactive design that takes the future status of the system into account in the decision-making process.

A proactive design leverages data-driven models to predict the future status of cloud platforms and enable downstream proactive decision-making. Conceptually, a typical proactive decision-making system consists of two modules: a prediction module and a decision-making module, as displayed in the following diagram.

Cloud Platform Prediction Module

In the prediction module, historical data are collected and processed for training and fine-tuning the prediction model for deployment. The deployed prediction model takes in the online data stream and generates prediction results in real time. In the decision-making module, both the current system status and the predicted system status, along with other information such as domain knowledge and past decision history, is considered for making decisions that balance both present and future benefits.

Toward proactive design

Proactive design, while creating new opportunities for improving the long-term efficiency and reliability of cloud systems, does expose the decision-making process to additional risks. On one hand, thanks to the inherent randomness in the daily operation of cloud platforms, proactive decisions are always subjected to the uncertainty risk from the stochastic elements in both running systems and the environments. On the other hand, the reliability of prediction models adds another layer of risks in making proactive decisions. Therefore, to guarantee the performance of proactive design, engineers must put mechanisms in place to address those risks.

To manage uncertainty risk, engineers need to reformulate the decision-making in proactive design to account for the uncertainty elements. They can often use methodological frameworks, such as prediction+optimization and optimization under chance-constraints, to incorporate uncertainties into the target functions of optimization problems. Well-designed ML/AL models can also learn uncertainty from data for improving proactive decisions against uncertainty elements. As for risks associated with the prediction model, modules for improving data quality, including quality-aware feature engineering, robust data imputation, and data rebalancing, should be applied to reduce prediction errors. Engineers should also make continuous efforts to improve and update the robustness of prediction models. Moreover, safeguarding mechanisms are essential to prevent decisions that may cause harm to the cloud system.

Microsoft’s AIOps research has pioneered the transition from reactive decision-making to proactive decision-making, especially in problem spaces of prediction and optimization. Our efforts not only lead to significant improvement in many application scenarios traditionally supported by reactive decision-making, but also create many new opportunities. Notable proactive design solutions include Narya and Nenya for hardware failure mitigation, UAHS and CAHS for the intelligent virtual machine provisioning, CUC for the predictive scheduling of workloads, and UCaC for bin packing optimization under chance constraints. In the discussion below, we will use hardware failure mitigation as an example to illustrate how proactive design can be applied in cloud scenarios.

Exemplary scenario: Proactive hardware failure mitigation

A key threat to cloud platforms is hardware failure, which can cause interruptions to the hosted services and significantly impact the customer experience. Traditionally, hardware failures are only resolved reactively after the failure occurs, which typically involves temporal interruptions of hosted virtual machines and the repair or replacement of impacted hardware. Such a solution provides limited help in reducing negative customer experiences.

Narya is a proactive disk-failure mitigation service capable of taking mitigation actions before failures occur. Specifically, Narya leverages ML models to predict potential disk failures, and then make decisions accordingly. To control risks associated with uncertainty, Narya evaluates candidate mitigation actions based on the estimated impacts to customers and chooses actions with minimum impact. A feedback loop also exists for collecting follow-up assessments to improve prediction and decision modules.

Hardware failures in cloud systems are often highly interdependent. Therefore, to reduce the impact of predictions errors, Narya introduces a novel dependency-aware model to encode the dependency relationship between nodes to improve the failure prediction model. Narya also implements an adaptive approach that uses A/B testing and bandit modeling to improve the ability to estimate the impacts of actions. Several safeguarding mechanisms in different stages of Narya are also in place to eliminate the chance of making unsafe mitigation actions. Implementation of Narya in Azure’s production environment has reduced the node hardware interruption rate for virtual machines by more than 26%.

Narya's Feedback loop

Our recent work, Nenya, is another example for proactive failure mitigation. Under a reinforcement learning framework, Nenya fuses prediction and decision-making modules into an end-to-end proactive decision-making system. It can weigh both mitigation costs and failure rates to better prioritize cost-effective mitigation actions against uncertainty. Moreover, the traditional failure mitigation method usually suffers from data imbalance issues; cases of failure form only a very small portion of all cases, which have mostly healthy situations. Such data imbalance would introduce bias to both the prediction and decision-making process. To address this problem, Nenya adopts a cascading framework to ensure that mitigation decisions are not made with heavy costs. Experiments with Microsoft 365 data sets on database failure have proved that Nenya can reduce both mitigation costs and database failure rates compared with existing methods.

Future work

As management systems become more automated and proactive, it is important to pay special attention to both the safety of cloud systems and the responsibility to cloud customers. The autonomous and proactive decision system will depend heavily on advanced AI/ML models with little manual effort. How to ensure that the decisions made by those approaches are both safe and responsible is an essential question that future work should answer.

The autonomous and proactive cloud relies on the effective data usage and feedback loop across all stages in the management and operation of cloud platforms. On one hand, high-quality data on the status of cloud systems are needed to enable downstream autonomous and proactive decision-making systems. On the other hand, it is important to monitor and analyze the impact of each decision on the entire cloud platform in order to improve the management system. Such feedback loops can exist simultaneously for many related application scenarios. Therefore, to better support an autonomous and proactive cloud, a unified data plane responsible for the processing and feedback loop can take a central role in the whole system design and should be a key area of investment.

As such, the future of cloud relies not only on adopting more autonomous and proactive solutions, but also on improving the manageability of cloud systems and the comprehensive infusion of AIOps technologies over all stacks of cloud systems. In future blog posts, we will discuss how to work toward a more manageable and comprehensive cloud.

Stay tuned!

The post Building toward more autonomous and proactive cloud technologies with AI appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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Building toward more autonomous and proactive cloud technologies with AI

Building toward more autonomous and proactive cloud technologies with AI

Vision of AIOps Research with four quadrants (starting in the top left and proceeding clockwise): Autonomous, Proactive, Manageable, Comprehensive

Cloud Intelligence/AIOps blog series

In the first blog post in this series, Cloud Intelligence/AIOps – Infusing AI into Cloud Computing Systems, we presented a brief overview of Microsoft’s research on Cloud Intelligence/AIOps (AIOps), which innovates AI and machine learning (ML) technologies to help design, build, and operate complex cloud platforms and services effectively and efficiently at scale. As cloud computing platforms have continued to emerge as one of the most fundamental infrastructures of our world, both their scale and complexity have grown considerably. In our previous blog post, we discussed the three major pillars of AIOps research: AI for Systems, AI for Customers, and AI for DevOps, as well as the four major research areas that constitute the AIOps problem space: detection, diagnosis, prediction, and optimization. We also envisioned the AIOps research roadmap as building toward creating more autonomous, proactive, manageable, and comprehensive cloud platforms. 

Vision of AIOps Research

Autonomous Proactive Manageable Comprehensive
Fully automate the operation of cloud systems to minimize system downtime and reduce manual efforts. Predict future cloud status, support proactive decision-making, and prevent bad things from happening. Introduce the notion of tiered autonomy for infusing autonomous routine operations and deep human expertise.  Span AIOps to the full cloud stack for global optimization/management and extend to multi-cloud environments.

Starting with this blog post, we will take a deeper dive into Microsoft’s vision for AIOps research and the ongoing efforts to realize that vision. This blog post will focus on how our researchers leveraged state-of-the-art AIOps research to help make cloud technologies more autonomous and proactive. We will discuss our work to make the cloud more manageable and comprehensive in future blog posts.

Autonomous cloud


Cloud platforms require numerous actions and decisions every second to ensure that computing resources are properly managed and failures are promptly addressed. In practice, those actions and decisions are either generated by rule-based systems constructed upon expert knowledge or made manually by experienced engineers. Still, as cloud platforms continue to grow in both scale and complexity, it is apparent that such solutions will be insufficient for the future cloud system. On one hand, rigid rule-based systems, while being knowledge empowered, often involve huge numbers of rules and require frequent maintenance for better coverage and adaptability. Still, in practice, it is often unrealistic to keep such systems up to date as cloud systems expand in both size and complexity, and even more difficult to guarantee consistency and avoid conflicts between all the rules. On the other hand, engineering efforts are very time-consuming, prone to errors, and difficult to scale.

Spotlight: Microsoft Research Podcast

AI Frontiers: The Physics of AI with Sébastien Bubeck

What is intelligence? How does it emerge and how do we measure it? Ashley Llorens and machine learning theorist Sébastian Bubeck discuss accelerating progress in large-scale AI and early experiments with GPT-4.

To break the constraints on the coverage and scalability of the existing solutions and improve the adaptability and manageability of the decision-making systems, cloud platforms must shift toward a more autonomous management paradigm. Instead of relying solely on expert knowledge, we need suitable AI/ML models to fuse operational data and expert knowledge together to enable efficient, reliable, and autonomous management decisions. Still, it will take many research and engineering efforts to overcome various barriers for developing and deploying autonomous solutions to cloud platforms.

Toward an autonomous cloud

In the journey towards an autonomous cloud, there are two major challenges. The first challenge lies in the heterogeneity of cloud data. In practice, cloud platforms deploy a huge number of monitors to collect data in various formats, including telemetry signals, machine-generated log files, and human input from engineers and users. And the patterns and distributions of those data generally exhibit a high degree of diversity and are subjected to changes over time. To ensure that the adopted AIOps solutions can function autonomously in such an environment, it is essential to empower the management system with robust and extendable AI/ML models capable of learning useful information from heterogeneous data sources and drawing right conclusions in various scenarios.

The complex interaction between different components and services presents another major challenge in deploying autonomous solutions. While it can be easy to implement autonomous features for one or a few components/services, how to construct end-to-end systems capable of automatically navigating the complex dependencies in cloud systems presents the true challenge for both researchers and engineers. To address this challenge, it is important to leverage both domain knowledge and data to optimize the automation paths in application scenarios. Researchers and engineers should also implement reliable decision-making algorithms in every decision stage to improve the efficiency and stability of the whole end-to-end decision-making process.

Over the past few years, Microsoft research groups have developed many new models and methods for overcoming those challenges and improving the level of automation in various cloud application scenarios across the AIOps problem spaces. Notable examples include:

  • Detection: Gandalf and ATAD for the early detection of problematic deployments; HALO for hierarchical faulty localization; and Onion for detecting incident-indicating logs.
  • Diagnosis: SPINE and UniParser for log parsing; Logic and Warden for regression and incident diagnosis; and CONAN for batch failure diagnosis.
  • Prediction: TTMPred for predicting time to mitigate incidents; LCS for predicting the low-capacity status in cloud servers; and Eviction Prediction for predicting the eviction of spot virtual machines.
  • Optimization: MLPS for optimizing the reallocation of containers; and RESIN for the management of memory leak in cloud infrastructure.

These solutions not only improve service efficiency and reduce management time with more automatous design, but also result in higher performance and reliability with fewer human errors. As an illustration of our work toward a more autonomous cloud, we will discuss our exploration for supporting automatic safe deployment services below.

Exemplary scenario: Automatic safe deployment

In online services, the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) of new patches and builds are critical for the timely delivery of bug fixes and feature updates. Because new deployments with undetected bugs or incompatible issues can cause severe service outages and create significant customer impact, cloud platforms enforce strict safe-deployment procedures before releasing each new deployment to the production environments. Such procedures typically involve multi-stage testing and verification in a sequence of canary environments with increasing scopes. When a deployment-related anomaly is identified in one of these stages, the responsible deployment is rolled back for further diagnosis and fixing. Owing to the challenges of identifying deployment-related anomalies with heterogeneous patterns and managing a huge number of deployments, safe-deployment systems administrated manually can be extremely costly and error prone.

To support automatic and reliable anomaly detection in safe deployment, we proposed a general methodology named ATAD for the effective detection of deployment-related anomalies in time-series signals. This method addresses the challenges of capturing changes with various patterns in time-series signals and the lack of labeled anomaly samples due to the heavy cost of labeling. Specifically, this method combines ideas from both transfer learning and active learning to make good use of the temporal information in the input signal and reduce the number of labeled samples required for model training. Our experiments have shown that ATAD can outperform other state-of-the-art anomaly detection approaches, even with only 1%-5% of labeled data.

At the same time, we collaborated with product teams in Azure to develop and deploy Gandalf, an end-to-end automatic safe deployment system that reduces deployment time and increases the accuracy of detecting bad deployment in Azure. As a data-driven system, Gandalf monitors a large array of information, including performance metrics, failure signals and deployment records. It also detects anomalies in various patterns throughout the entire safe-deployment process. After detecting anomalies, Gandalf applies a vote-veto mechanism to reliably determine whether each detected anomaly is caused by a specific new deployment. Gandalf then automatically decides whether the relevant new deployment should be stopped for a fix or if it’s safe enough to proceed to the next stage. After rolling out in Azure, Gandalf has been effective at helping to capture bad deployments, achieving more than 90% precision and near 100% recall in production over a period of 18 months.

Flow of Automatic Safe Deployment System
Flow of Automatic Safe Deployment System

Proactive cloud


Traditional decision-making in the cloud focuses on optimizing immediate resource usage and addressing emerging issues. While this reactive design is not unreasonable in a relatively static system, it can lead to short-sighted decisions in a dynamic environment. In cloud platforms, both the demand and utilization of computing resources are undergoing constant changes, including regular periodical patterns, unexpected spikes, and gradual shifts in both temporal and spatial dimensions. To improve the long-term efficiency and reliability of cloud platforms, it is critical to adopt a proactive design that takes the future status of the system into account in the decision-making process.

A proactive design leverages data-driven models to predict the future status of cloud platforms and enable downstream proactive decision-making. Conceptually, a typical proactive decision-making system consists of two modules: a prediction module and a decision-making module, as displayed in the following diagram.

Cloud Platform Prediction Module

In the prediction module, historical data are collected and processed for training and fine-tuning the prediction model for deployment. The deployed prediction model takes in the online data stream and generates prediction results in real time. In the decision-making module, both the current system status and the predicted system status, along with other information such as domain knowledge and past decision history, is considered for making decisions that balance both present and future benefits.

Toward proactive design

Proactive design, while creating new opportunities for improving the long-term efficiency and reliability of cloud systems, does expose the decision-making process to additional risks. On one hand, thanks to the inherent randomness in the daily operation of cloud platforms, proactive decisions are always subjected to the uncertainty risk from the stochastic elements in both running systems and the environments. On the other hand, the reliability of prediction models adds another layer of risks in making proactive decisions. Therefore, to guarantee the performance of proactive design, engineers must put mechanisms in place to address those risks.

To manage uncertainty risk, engineers need to reformulate the decision-making in proactive design to account for the uncertainty elements. They can often use methodological frameworks, such as prediction+optimization and optimization under chance-constraints, to incorporate uncertainties into the target functions of optimization problems. Well-designed ML/AL models can also learn uncertainty from data for improving proactive decisions against uncertainty elements. As for risks associated with the prediction model, modules for improving data quality, including quality-aware feature engineering, robust data imputation, and data rebalancing, should be applied to reduce prediction errors. Engineers should also make continuous efforts to improve and update the robustness of prediction models. Moreover, safeguarding mechanisms are essential to prevent decisions that may cause harm to the cloud system.

Microsoft’s AIOps research has pioneered the transition from reactive decision-making to proactive decision-making, especially in problem spaces of prediction and optimization. Our efforts not only lead to significant improvement in many application scenarios traditionally supported by reactive decision-making, but also create many new opportunities. Notable proactive design solutions include Narya and Nenya for hardware failure mitigation, UAHS and CAHS for the intelligent virtual machine provisioning, CUC for the predictive scheduling of workloads, and UCaC for bin packing optimization under chance constraints. In the discussion below, we will use hardware failure mitigation as an example to illustrate how proactive design can be applied in cloud scenarios.

Exemplary scenario: Proactive hardware failure mitigation

A key threat to cloud platforms is hardware failure, which can cause interruptions to the hosted services and significantly impact the customer experience. Traditionally, hardware failures are only resolved reactively after the failure occurs, which typically involves temporal interruptions of hosted virtual machines and the repair or replacement of impacted hardware. Such a solution provides limited help in reducing negative customer experiences.

Narya is a proactive disk-failure mitigation service capable of taking mitigation actions before failures occur. Specifically, Narya leverages ML models to predict potential disk failures, and then make decisions accordingly. To control risks associated with uncertainty, Narya evaluates candidate mitigation actions based on the estimated impacts to customers and chooses actions with minimum impact. A feedback loop also exists for collecting follow-up assessments to improve prediction and decision modules.

Hardware failures in cloud systems are often highly interdependent. Therefore, to reduce the impact of predictions errors, Narya introduces a novel dependency-aware model to encode the dependency relationship between nodes to improve the failure prediction model. Narya also implements an adaptive approach that uses A/B testing and bandit modeling to improve the ability to estimate the impacts of actions. Several safeguarding mechanisms in different stages of Narya are also in place to eliminate the chance of making unsafe mitigation actions. Implementation of Narya in Azure’s production environment has reduced the node hardware interruption rate for virtual machines by more than 26%.

Narya's Feedback loop

Our recent work, Nenya, is another example for proactive failure mitigation. Under a reinforcement learning framework, Nenya fuses prediction and decision-making modules into an end-to-end proactive decision-making system. It can weigh both mitigation costs and failure rates to better prioritize cost-effective mitigation actions against uncertainty. Moreover, the traditional failure mitigation method usually suffers from data imbalance issues; cases of failure form only a very small portion of all cases, which have mostly healthy situations. Such data imbalance would introduce bias to both the prediction and decision-making process. To address this problem, Nenya adopts a cascading framework to ensure that mitigation decisions are not made with heavy costs. Experiments with Microsoft 365 data sets on database failure have proved that Nenya can reduce both mitigation costs and database failure rates compared with existing methods.

Future work

As management systems become more automated and proactive, it is important to pay special attention to both the safety of cloud systems and the responsibility to cloud customers. The autonomous and proactive decision system will depend heavily on advanced AI/ML models with little manual effort. How to ensure that the decisions made by those approaches are both safe and responsible is an essential question that future work should answer.

The autonomous and proactive cloud relies on the effective data usage and feedback loop across all stages in the management and operation of cloud platforms. On one hand, high-quality data on the status of cloud systems are needed to enable downstream autonomous and proactive decision-making systems. On the other hand, it is important to monitor and analyze the impact of each decision on the entire cloud platform in order to improve the management system. Such feedback loops can exist simultaneously for many related application scenarios. Therefore, to better support an autonomous and proactive cloud, a unified data plane responsible for the processing and feedback loop can take a central role in the whole system design and should be a key area of investment.

As such, the future of cloud relies not only on adopting more autonomous and proactive solutions, but also on improving the manageability of cloud systems and the comprehensive infusion of AIOps technologies over all stacks of cloud systems. In future blog posts, we will discuss how to work toward a more manageable and comprehensive cloud.

Stay tuned!

The post Building toward more autonomous and proactive cloud technologies with AI appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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AI and the Future of Health

AI and the Future of Health

AI and the future of health - female doctor reviewing tablet

The emergence of increasingly capable large-scale AI models, such as the recently released GPT-4, is one of the most significant advances in computing in decades. These innovations are rapidly transforming every aspect of the value we get from technology, as demonstrated through Microsoft’s integration of GPT-4 into Bing, Edge, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, GitHub, and other offerings. More recently, Nuance has announced DAX Express, which uses a unique combination of conversational, ambient, and generative AI to automatically draft clinical notes after patient visits – helping to reduce care providers’ cognitive burdens and increase the joy of practicing medicine (whilst releasing time for care).

We are at an inflection point for the use of AI in healthcare – one of society’s most critical sectors. The significance of this moment is reflected in Peter Lee’s recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine on the potential future clinical applications of GPT-4. At Microsoft Research’s Health Futures organization, the multidisciplinary group dedicated to discovery in this space, we see this as the continuation of a journey, and a major milestone in the long process of innovating to help address the greatest challenges in healthcare.

In this blog, we will share some of our research team’s work to make healthcare more data-driven, predictive, and precise – ultimately, empowering every person on the planet to live a healthier future.

Enabling precision medicine and connected care

We are today at a unique moment in history where medicine, biology, and technology are converging on a large scale. This presents immense possibilities to revolutionize healthcare and the practice of medicine with the aid of trustworthy AI. While we embrace the potential of AI, we understand that the practice of medicine is an intricate balance of “art” and “science.” We recognize and honor the enduring physician-patient relationship, which is fundamental and timeless. Our diverse team comprises researchers, scientists, engineers, biotechnologists, designers, social scientists, strategists, healthcare experts, and medical professionals who collaborate globally and inclusively to reimagine and transform the lives of the patients and public we serve.

As we consider how technologies have shaped the practice of medicine over the centuries, from the individual to the ecosystem level, we are reminded that no technology exists in a vacuum. Our core understanding of biological systems is rapidly evolving, and with it, our understanding of what technologies are relevant and useful. Simultaneously, the use of technology across the health and life science industries, and the way healthcare is delivered, are also rapidly changing – reshaping our traditional healthcare delivery model from one of diagnosis and treatment, to one that prioritizes prevention and precise individualized care.

Spotlight: On-Demand EVENT

Microsoft Research Summit 2022

Watch now to learn about some of the most pressing questions facing our research community and listen in on conversations with 120+ researchers around how to ensure new technologies have the broadest possible benefit for humanity.

Recent advancements in machine learning and AI have fueled computational technologies that allow us to aggregate complex inputs from multiple data sources, with the potential to derive rich insights that rapidly expand our knowledge base and drive deeper discovery and faster innovation. At the same time, it remains an open question how to best use and regulate these technologies in real-world settings and at scale across healthcare and the life sciences. Nonetheless, we believe that we are on a path to delivering on the goal of precision medicine – a change in clinical practice which will be enabled by precision diagnostics, precision therapeutics, and connected care technologies.

To achieve this goal, we seek to collaborate with health and life sciences organizations with a similar appetite for transformation, complementary expertise, and a commitment to propel the change required. We are also engaged with the broader community in pursuing responsible and ethical use of AI in healthcare. Our diverse team has been successful in bridging the gap between the fields of medicine, biology and chemistry on one hand, and computing on the other. We act as “translators” between these fields, and through a process of ongoing collaboration and feedback, we have discovered new challenges and innovative solutions.

Below are some examples of our collaborative research approach:

Exploring diagnostic tools from new modalities

Multimodal foundation models for medicine: an example from radiology

The field of biomedicine involves a great deal of multimodal data, such as radiology images and text-based reports. Interpreting this data at scale is essential for improving care and accelerating research. Radiology reports often compare current and prior images to track changes in findings over time. This is crucial for decision making, but most AI models do not take into account this temporal structure. We are exploring a novel self-supervised framework that pre-trains vision-language models using pairs of reports and sequences of images. This includes handling missing or misaligned images and exploiting temporal information to learn more efficiently. Our approach, called BioViL-T, achieves state-of-the-art results on several downstream tasks, such as report generation, and interpreting disease progression by focusing on relevant image regions across time. BioViL-T is part of ongoing collaboration with our colleagues at Nuance to develop scalable and flexible AI solutions for radiology that can empower care providers and augment existing workflows.

Project InnerEye: Democratizing Medical Imaging AI

Project InnerEye is a research project that is exploring ways in which machine learning has the potential to assist clinicians in planning radiotherapy treatments so that they can spend more time with their patients. Project InnerEye has been working closely with the University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to make progress on this problem through a deep research collaboration. To make our research as accessible as possible, we released the InnerEye Deep Learning Toolkit as open-source software. Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust led an NHS AI in Health and Care Award to evaluate how this technology could potentially save clinicians’ time, reduce the time between the scan and commencing treatment, and scale this to more NHS Trusts. Any clinical use of the InnerEye machine learning models remains subject to regulatory approval.

Immunomics: Decoding the Immune System to Diagnose Disease

The human immune system is an astonishing diagnostic engine, continuously adapting itself to detect any signal of disease in the body. Essentially, the state of the immune system tells a story about virtually everything affecting a person’s health. What if we could “read” this story? Our scientific understanding of human health would be fundamentally advanced. More importantly, this would provide a platform for a new generation of precise medical diagnostics and treatment options. We are partnering with Adaptive Biotechnologies to develop the machine learning and biotechnology tools that will allow us to realize this dream.

Fundamental advances towards new medicines and therapeutics

Protein Engineering

Several research groups are delving into the potential of machine learning to enhance our comprehension of proteins and their pivotal role in various biological processes. We are also using AI to design new proteins for therapeutics and industry. By applying machine learning to extract patterns from databases of sequences, structures, and properties, Microsoft hopes to train models that can make protein engineering by directed evolution more efficient, and directly generate proteins that will perform desired functions. The ability to generate computationally distinct yet viable protein structures holds tremendous promise for uncovering novel biological insights and developing targeted therapies for previously untreatable illnesses.

Investigating the Cancer Microenvironment through Ex Vivo Research

Microsoft is working on ways to identify specific characteristics of cancer cells and their surrounding microenvironments that might be targeted for treatment. By studying how cancer cells and their surroundings interact with each other, the team aims to create a more precise approach to cancer treatment that takes into account both genetic and non-genetic factors.

Accelerating biomedical research

Microsoft and the Broad Institute – combining their expertise in genomics, disease research, cloud computing and data analytics – are developing an open-source platform to accelerate biomedical research using scalable analytical tools. The platform is built on top of the Broad Institute’s Terra platform, providing a user-friendly interface for accessing and analyzing genomic data. Leveraging Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing services, the platform will enable secure storage and analysis of large datasets. Additionally, the platform will incorporate machine learning and other advanced analytical tools to help researchers gain insights into complex diseases and develop new treatments.

Advancing clinical interpretation and exploration through multimodal language models

In the quest for precision medicine and accelerating biomedical discovery, Microsoft is committed to advancing the state of the art in biomedical natural language processing (NLP). A crucial factor in future-facing, data-driven health systems is the accessibility and interpretability of multimodal health information. To meet this need, Microsoft has laid a solid foundation across multiple modalities in biomedical NLP building on our deep research assets in deep learning and biomedical machine reading.

One significant achievement is our development and application of large language models (LLMs) in biomedicine. Microsoft was among the first to create and assess the applicability of LLMs, such as PubMedBERT and BioGPT, which are highly effective in structuring biomedical data. However, to address the inherent limitations of LLMs, Microsoft is developing methods to teach them to fact-check themselves and provide fine-grained provenance. Additionally, Microsoft is exploring ways to facilitate efficient verification with humans in the loop.

Besides text, other modalities such as radiology images, digital pathology slides, and genomics contain valuable health information. Microsoft is developing multimodal learning and fusion methods that incorporate these modalities. These methods include predicting disease progression and drug response, with the ultimate goal of delivering safe and high-quality healthcare.

Observational data in biomedicine is often plagued by confounders, making it challenging to draw causal relationships. To overcome this obstacle, Microsoft is developing advanced causal methods that correct implicit biases and scale biomedical discovery. These methods will allow Microsoft to leverage real-world evidence and contribute to the creation of more effective healthcare delivery systems. For our end-to-end biomedical applications, we have made exciting progress in deep collaborations with Microsoft partners such as The Jackson Laboratory and Providence St. Joseph Health.

Empowering everyone to live a healthier future

Microsoft has pursued interdisciplinary research that enables people to reach the full potential of their health for many years, but we’ve never been more excited about the possibilities than we are today. The latest developments in AI have inspired us to accelerate our efforts across these and many other projects, and we look forward to even more innovation and collaboration in this new era.

The post AI and the Future of Health appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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AI and the Future of Health

AI and the Future of Health

AI and the future of health - female doctor reviewing tablet

The emergence of increasingly capable large-scale AI models, such as the recently released GPT-4, is one of the most significant advances in computing in decades. These innovations are rapidly transforming every aspect of the value we get from technology, as demonstrated through Microsoft’s integration of GPT-4 into Bing, Edge, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, GitHub, and other offerings. More recently, Nuance has announced DAX Express, which uses a unique combination of conversational, ambient, and generative AI to automatically draft clinical notes after patient visits – helping to reduce care providers’ cognitive burdens and increase the joy of practicing medicine (whilst releasing time for care).

We are at an inflection point for the use of AI in healthcare – one of society’s most critical sectors. The significance of this moment is reflected in Peter Lee’s recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine on the potential future clinical applications of GPT-4. At Microsoft Research’s Health Futures organization, the multidisciplinary group dedicated to discovery in this space, we see this as the continuation of a journey, and a major milestone in the long process of innovating to help address the greatest challenges in healthcare.

In this blog, we will share some of our research team’s work to make healthcare more data-driven, predictive, and precise – ultimately, empowering every person on the planet to live a healthier future.

Enabling precision medicine and connected care

We are today at a unique moment in history where medicine, biology, and technology are converging on a large scale. This presents immense possibilities to revolutionize healthcare and the practice of medicine with the aid of trustworthy AI. While we embrace the potential of AI, we understand that the practice of medicine is an intricate balance of “art” and “science.” We recognize and honor the enduring physician-patient relationship, which is fundamental and timeless. Our diverse team comprises researchers, scientists, engineers, biotechnologists, designers, social scientists, strategists, healthcare experts, and medical professionals who collaborate globally and inclusively to reimagine and transform the lives of the patients and public we serve.

As we consider how technologies have shaped the practice of medicine over the centuries, from the individual to the ecosystem level, we are reminded that no technology exists in a vacuum. Our core understanding of biological systems is rapidly evolving, and with it, our understanding of what technologies are relevant and useful. Simultaneously, the use of technology across the health and life science industries, and the way healthcare is delivered, are also rapidly changing – reshaping our traditional healthcare delivery model from one of diagnosis and treatment, to one that prioritizes prevention and precise individualized care.

Spotlight: On-demand video

AI Explainer: Foundation models ​and the next era of AI

Explore how the transformer architecture, larger models and more data, and in-context learning have helped advance AI from perception to creation.

Recent advancements in machine learning and AI have fueled computational technologies that allow us to aggregate complex inputs from multiple data sources, with the potential to derive rich insights that rapidly expand our knowledge base and drive deeper discovery and faster innovation. At the same time, it remains an open question how to best use and regulate these technologies in real-world settings and at scale across healthcare and the life sciences. Nonetheless, we believe that we are on a path to delivering on the goal of precision medicine – a change in clinical practice which will be enabled by precision diagnostics, precision therapeutics, and connected care technologies.

To achieve this goal, we seek to collaborate with health and life sciences organizations with a similar appetite for transformation, complementary expertise, and a commitment to propel the change required. We are also engaged with the broader community in pursuing responsible and ethical use of AI in healthcare. Our diverse team has been successful in bridging the gap between the fields of medicine, biology and chemistry on one hand, and computing on the other. We act as “translators” between these fields, and through a process of ongoing collaboration and feedback, we have discovered new challenges and innovative solutions.

Below are some examples of our collaborative research approach:

Exploring diagnostic tools from new modalities

Multimodal foundation models for medicine: an example from radiology

The field of biomedicine involves a great deal of multimodal data, such as radiology images and text-based reports. Interpreting this data at scale is essential for improving care and accelerating research. Radiology reports often compare current and prior images to track changes in findings over time. This is crucial for decision making, but most AI models do not take into account this temporal structure. We are exploring a novel self-supervised framework that pre-trains vision-language models using pairs of reports and sequences of images. This includes handling missing or misaligned images and exploiting temporal information to learn more efficiently. Our approach, called BioViL-T, achieves state-of-the-art results on several downstream tasks, such as report generation, and interpreting disease progression by focusing on relevant image regions across time. BioViL-T is part of ongoing collaboration with our colleagues at Nuance to develop scalable and flexible AI solutions for radiology that can empower care providers and augment existing workflows.

Project InnerEye: Democratizing Medical Imaging AI

Project InnerEye is a research project that is exploring ways in which machine learning has the potential to assist clinicians in planning radiotherapy treatments so that they can spend more time with their patients. Project InnerEye has been working closely with the University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to make progress on this problem through a deep research collaboration. To make our research as accessible as possible, we released the InnerEye Deep Learning Toolkit as open-source software. Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust led an NHS AI in Health and Care Award to evaluate how this technology could potentially save clinicians’ time, reduce the time between the scan and commencing treatment, and scale this to more NHS Trusts. Any clinical use of the InnerEye machine learning models remains subject to regulatory approval.

Immunomics: Decoding the Immune System to Diagnose Disease

The human immune system is an astonishing diagnostic engine, continuously adapting itself to detect any signal of disease in the body. Essentially, the state of the immune system tells a story about virtually everything affecting a person’s health. What if we could “read” this story? Our scientific understanding of human health would be fundamentally advanced. More importantly, this would provide a platform for a new generation of precise medical diagnostics and treatment options. We are partnering with Adaptive Biotechnologies to develop the machine learning and biotechnology tools that will allow us to realize this dream.

Fundamental advances towards new medicines and therapeutics

Protein Engineering

Several research groups are delving into the potential of machine learning to enhance our comprehension of proteins and their pivotal role in various biological processes. We are also using AI to design new proteins for therapeutics and industry. By applying machine learning to extract patterns from databases of sequences, structures, and properties, Microsoft hopes to train models that can make protein engineering by directed evolution more efficient, and directly generate proteins that will perform desired functions. The ability to generate computationally distinct yet viable protein structures holds tremendous promise for uncovering novel biological insights and developing targeted therapies for previously untreatable illnesses.

Investigating the Cancer Microenvironment through Ex Vivo Research

Microsoft is working on ways to identify specific characteristics of cancer cells and their surrounding microenvironments that might be targeted for treatment. By studying how cancer cells and their surroundings interact with each other, the team aims to create a more precise approach to cancer treatment that takes into account both genetic and non-genetic factors.

Accelerating biomedical research

Microsoft and the Broad Institute – combining their expertise in genomics, disease research, cloud computing and data analytics – are developing an open-source platform to accelerate biomedical research using scalable analytical tools. The platform is built on top of the Broad Institute’s Terra platform, providing a user-friendly interface for accessing and analyzing genomic data. Leveraging Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing services, the platform will enable secure storage and analysis of large datasets. Additionally, the platform will incorporate machine learning and other advanced analytical tools to help researchers gain insights into complex diseases and develop new treatments.

Advancing clinical interpretation and exploration through multimodal language models

In the quest for precision medicine and accelerating biomedical discovery, Microsoft is committed to advancing the state of the art in biomedical natural language processing (NLP). A crucial factor in future-facing, data-driven health systems is the accessibility and interpretability of multimodal health information. To meet this need, Microsoft has laid a solid foundation across multiple modalities in biomedical NLP building on our deep research assets in deep learning and biomedical machine reading.

One significant achievement is our development and application of large language models (LLMs) in biomedicine. Microsoft was among the first to create and assess the applicability of LLMs, such as PubMedBERT and BioGPT, which are highly effective in structuring biomedical data. However, to address the inherent limitations of LLMs, Microsoft is developing methods to teach them to fact-check themselves and provide fine-grained provenance. Additionally, Microsoft is exploring ways to facilitate efficient verification with humans in the loop.

Besides text, other modalities such as radiology images, digital pathology slides, and genomics contain valuable health information. Microsoft is developing multimodal learning and fusion methods that incorporate these modalities. These methods include predicting disease progression and drug response, with the ultimate goal of delivering safe and high-quality healthcare.

Observational data in biomedicine is often plagued by confounders, making it challenging to draw causal relationships. To overcome this obstacle, Microsoft is developing advanced causal methods that correct implicit biases and scale biomedical discovery. These methods will allow Microsoft to leverage real-world evidence and contribute to the creation of more effective healthcare delivery systems. For our end-to-end biomedical applications, we have made exciting progress in deep collaborations with Microsoft partners such as The Jackson Laboratory and Providence St. Joseph Health.

Empowering everyone to live a healthier future

Microsoft has pursued interdisciplinary research that enables people to reach the full potential of their health for many years, but we’ve never been more excited about the possibilities than we are today. The latest developments in AI have inspired us to accelerate our efforts across these and many other projects, and we look forward to even more innovation and collaboration in this new era.

The post AI and the Future of Health appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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AI Frontiers: AI for health and the future of research with Peter Lee

AI Frontiers: AI for health and the future of research with Peter Lee

Peter Lee wearing glasses and smiling at the camera with the Microsoft Research Podcast logo to the left

Episode 137 | March 30, 2023

Powerful new large-scale AI models like GPT-4 are showing dramatic improvements in reasoning, problem-solving, and language capabilities. This marks a phase change for artificial intelligence—and a signal of accelerating progress to come.

In this new Microsoft Research Podcast series, AI scientist and engineer Ashley Llorens hosts conversations with his collaborators and colleagues about what these new models—and the models that will come next—mean for our approach to creating, understanding, and deploying AI, its applications in areas such as health care and education, and its potential to benefit humanity.

The second episode features Peter Lee, head of Microsoft Research. Lee was among a group within Microsoft to have early access to GPT-4 for evaluation and experimentation. Here, he applies his philosophy of tackling research from what will be inevitably true at a future point in time to this current moment. He also explores the differences that may make integrating today’s AI advancements into health care more attainable, a topic he expands on in the soon-to-be-released book The AI Revolution in Medicine: GPT-4 and Beyond and the New England Journal of Medicine article “Benefits, Limits, and Risks of GPT-4 as an AI Chatbot for Medicine.”



Ashley Llorens: I’m Ashley Llorens with Microsoft Research. I’ve spent the last 20 years working in AI and machine learning. But I’ve never felt more fortunate to work in the field than at this moment. Just this month, March 2023, OpenAI announced GPT-4, a powerful new large-scale AI model with dramatic improvements in reasoning, problem-solving, and much more. This model and the models that will come after it represent a phase change in the decades-long pursuit of artificial intelligence.

In this podcast series, I’ll share conversations with fellow researchers about our initial impressions of GPT-4, the nature of intelligence, and ultimately, how innovations like these can have the greatest benefit for humanity.

Today we’re sitting down with Peter Lee, head of Microsoft Research. Peter and a number of MSR colleagues, including myself, have had the privilege of working to evaluate and experiment with GPT-4 and support its integration into Microsoft products.

Peter has also deeply explored the potential application of GPT-4 in health care, where its powerful reasoning and language capabilities could make it a useful copilot for practitioners in patient interaction, managing paperwork, and many other tasks.

Welcome to AI Frontiers.


I’m going to jump right in here, Peter. So you and I have known each other now for a few years. And one of the values I believe that you and I share is around societal impact and in particular creating spaces and opportunities where science and technology research can have the maximum benefit to society. In fact, this shared value is one of the reasons I found coming to Redmond to work with you an exciting prospect

Now, in preparing for this episode, I listened again to your discussion with our colleague Kevin Scott on his podcast around the idea of research in context. And the world’s changed a little bit since then, and I just wonder how that thought of research in context kind of finds you in the current moment.

Peter Lee: It’s such an important question and, you know, research in context, I think the way I explained it before is about inevitable futures. You try to think about, you know, what will definitely be true about the world at some point in the future. It might be a future just one year from now or maybe 30 years from now. But if you think about that, you know what’s definitely going to be true about the world and then try to work backwards from there.

And I think the example I gave in that podcast with Kevin was, well, 10 years from now, we feel very confident as scientists that cancer will be a largely solved problem. But aging demographics on multiple continents, particularly North America but also Europe and Asia, is going to give huge rise to age-related neurological disease. And so knowing that, that’s a very different world than today, because today most of medical research funding is focused on cancer research, not on neurological disease.

And so what are the implications of that change? And what does that tell us about what kinds of research we should be doing? The research is still very future oriented. You’re looking ahead a decade or more, but it’s situated in the real world. Research in context. And so now if we think about inevitable futures, well, it’s looking increasingly inevitable that very general forms of artificial intelligence at or potentially beyond human intelligence are inevitable. And maybe very quickly, you know, like in much, much less than 10 years, maybe much less than five years.

And so what are the implications for research and the kinds of research questions and problems we should be thinking about and working on today? That just seems so much more disruptive, so much more profound, and so much more challenging for all of us than the cancer and neurological disease thing, as big as those are.

I was reflecting a little bit through my research career, and I realized I’ve lived through one aspect of this disruption five times before. The first time was when I was still an assistant professor in the late 1980s at Carnegie Mellon University, and, uh, Carnegie Mellon University, as well as several other top universities’, uh, computer science departments, had a lot of, of really fantastic research on 3D computer graphics.

It was really a big deal. And so ideas like ray tracing, radiosity, uh, silicon architectures for accelerating these things were being invented at universities, and there was a big academic conference called SIGGRAPH that would draw hundreds of professors and graduate students, uh, to present their results. And then by the early 1990s, startup companies started taking these research ideas and founding companies to try to make 3D computer graphics real. One notable company that got founded in 1993 was NVIDIA.

You know, over the course of the 1990s, this ended up being a triumph of fundamental computer science research, now to the point where today you literally feel naked and vulnerable if you don’t have a GPU in your pocket. Like if you leave your home, you know, without your mobile phone, uh, it feels bad.

And so what happened is there’s a triumph of computer science research, let’s say in this case in 3D computer graphics, that ultimately resulted in a fundamental infrastructure for life, at least in the developed world. In that transition, which is just a positive outcome of research, it also had some disruptive effect on research.

You know, in 1991, when Microsoft Research was founded, one of the founding research groups was a 3D computer graphics research group that was amongst, uh, the first three research groups for MSR. At Carnegie Mellon University and at Microsoft Research, we don’t have 3D computer graphics research anymore. There had to be a transition and a disruptive impact on researchers who had been building their careers on this. Even with the triumph of things, when you’re talking about the scale of infrastructure for human life, it moves out of the realm completely of—of fundamental research. And that’s happened with compiler design. That was my, uh, area of research. It’s happened with wireless networking; it’s happened with hypertext and, you know, hyperlinked document research, with operating systems research, and all of these things, you know, have become things that that you depend on all day, every day as you go about your life. And they all represent just majestic achievements of computer science research. We are now, I believe, right in the midst of that transition for large language models.

Llorens: I wonder if you see this particular transition, though, as qualitatively different in that those other technologies are ones that blend into the background. You take them for granted. You mentioned that I leave the home every day with a GPU in my pocket, but I don’t think of it that way. Then again, maybe I have some kind of personification of my phone that I’m not thinking of. But certainly, with language models, it’s a foreground effect. And I wonder if, if you see something different there.

Lee: You know, it’s such a good question, and I don’t know the answer to that, but I agree it feels different. I think in terms of the impact on research labs, on academia, on the researchers themselves who have been building careers in this space, the effects might not be that different. But for us, as the consumers and users of this technology, it certainly does feel different. There’s something about these large language models that seems more profound than, let’s say, the movement of pinch-to-zoom UX design, you know, out of academic research labs into, into our pockets. This might get into this big question about, I think, the hardwiring in our brains that when we interact with these large language models, even though we know consciously they aren’t, you know, sentient beings with feelings and emotions, our hardwiring forces uswe can’t resist feeling that way.

I think it’s a, it’s a deep sort of thing that we evolved, you know, in the same way that when we look at an optical illusion, we can be told rationally that it’s an optical illusion, but the hardwiring in our kind of visual perception, just no amount of willpower can overcome, to see past the optical illusion.

And similarly, I think there’s a similar hardwiring that, you know, we are drawn to anthropomorphize these systems, and that does seem to put it into the foreground, as you’ve—as you’ve put it. Yeah, I think for our human experience and our lives, it does seem like it’ll feel—your term is a good one—it’ll feel more in the foreground.

Llorens: Let’s pin some of these, uh, concepts because I think we’ll come back to them. I’d like to turn our attention now to the health aspect of your current endeavors and your path at Microsoft.

You’ve been eloquent about the many challenges around translating frontier AI technologies into the health system and into the health care space in general. In our interview, [LAUGHS] actually, um, when I came here to Redmond, you described the grueling work that would be needed there. I’d like to talk a little bit about those challenges in the context of the emergent capabilities that we’re seeing in GPT-4 and the wave of large-scale AI models that we’re seeing. What’s different about this wave of AI technologies relative to those systemic challenges in, in the health space?

Lee: Yeah, and I think to be really correct and precise about it, we don’t know that GPT-4 will be the difference maker. That still has to be proven. I think it really will, but it, it has to actually happen because we’ve been here before where there’s been so much optimism about how technology can really help health care and in advanced medicine. And we’ve just been disappointed over and over again. You know, I think that those challenges stem from maybe a little bit of overoptimism or what I call irrational exuberance. As techies, we look at some of the problems in health care and we think, oh, we can solve those. You know, we look at the challenges of reading radiological images and measuring tumor growth, or we look at, uh, the problem of, uh, ranking differential diagnosis options or therapeutic options, or we look at the problem of extracting billing codes out of an unstructured medical note. These are all problems that we think we know how to solve in computer science. And then in the medical community, they look at the technology industry and computer science research, and they’re dazzled by all of the snazzy, impressive-looking AI and machine learning and cloud computing that we have. And so there is this incredible optimism coming from both sides that ends up feeding into overoptimism because the actual challenges of integrating technology into the workflow of health care and medicine, of making sure that it’s safe and sort of getting that workflow altered to really harness the best of the technology capabilities that we have now, ends up being really, really difficult.

Furthermore, when we get into actual application of medicine, so that’s in diagnosis and in developing therapeutic pathways, they happen in a really fluid environment, which in a machine learning context involves a lot of confounding factors. And those confounding factors ended up being really important because medicine today is founded on precise understanding of causes and effects, of causal reasoning.

Our best tools right now in machine learning are essentially correlation machines. And as the old saying goes, correlation is not causation. And so if you take a classic example like does smoking cause cancer, it’s very important to take account of the confounding effects and know for certain that there’s a cause-and-effect relationship there. And so there’s always been those sorts of issues.

When we’re talking about GPT-4, I remember I was sitting next to Eric Horvitz the first time it got exposed to me. So Greg Brockman from OpenAI, who’s amazing, and actually his whole team at OpenAI is just spectacularly good. And, uh, Greg was giving a demonstration of an early version of GPT-4 that was codenamed Davinci 3 at the time, and he was showing, as part of the demo, the ability of the system to solve biology problems from the AP biology exam.

And it, you know, gets, I think, a score of 5, the maximum score of 5, on that exam. Of course, the AP exam is this multiple-choice exam, so it was making those multiple choices. But then Greg was able to ask the system to explain itself. How did you come up with that answer? And it would explain, in natural language, its answer. And what jumped out at me was in its explanation, it was using the word “because.”

“Well, I think the answer is C, because, you know, when you look at this aspect, uh, statement of the problem, this causes something else to happen, then that causes some other biological thing to happen, and therefore we can rule out answers A and B and E, and then because of this other factor, we can rule out answer D, and all the causes and effects line up.”

And so I turned immediately to Eric Horvitz, who was sitting next to me, and I said, “Eric, where is that cause-and-effect analysis coming from? This is just a large language model. This should be impossible.” And Eric just looked at me, and he just shook his head and he said, “I have no idea.” And it was just this mysterious thing.

And so that is just one of a hundred aspects of GPT-4 that we’ve been studying over the past now more than half year that seemed to overcome some of the things that have been blockers to the integration of machine intelligence in health care and medicine, like the ability to actually reason and explain its reasoning in these medical scenarios, in medical terms, and that plus its generality just seems to give us just a lot more optimism that this could finally be the very significant difference maker.

The other aspect is that we don’t have to focus squarely on that clinical application. We’ve discovered that, wow, this thing is really good at filling out forms and reducing paperwork burden. It knows how to apply for prior authorization for health care reimbursement. That’s part of the crushing kind of administrative and clerical burden that doctors are under right now.

This thing just seems to be great at that. And that doesn’t really impinge on life-or-death diagnostic or therapeutic decisions. But they happen in the back office. And those back-office functions, again, are bread and butter for Microsoft’s businesses. We know how to interact and sell and deploy technologies there, and so working with OpenAI, it seems like, again, there’s just a ton of reason why we think that it could really make a big difference.

Llorens: Every new technology has opportunities and risks associated with it. This new class of AI models and systems, you know, they’re fundamentally different because they’re not learning, uh, specialized function mapping. There were many open problems on even that kind of machine learning in various applications, and there still are, but instead, it’s—it’s got this general-purpose kind of quality to it. How do you see both the opportunities and the risks associated with this kind of general-purpose technology in the context of, of health care, for example?

Lee: Well, I—I think one thing that has made an unfortunate amount of social media and public media attention are those times when the system hallucinates or goes off the rails. So hallucination is actually a term which isn’t a very nice term. It really, for listeners who aren’t familiar with the idea, is the problem that GPT-4 and other similar systems can have sometimes where they, uh, make stuff up, fabricate, uh, information.

You know, over the many months now that we’ve been working on this, uh, we’ve witnessed the steady evolution of GPT-4, and it hallucinates less and less. But what we’ve also come to understand is that it seems that that tendency is also related to GPT-4’s ability to be creative, to make informed, educated guesses, to engage in intelligent speculation.

And if you think about the practice of medicine, in many situations, that’s what doctors and nurses are doing. And so there’s sort of a fine line here in the desire to make sure that this thing doesn’t make mistakes versus its ability to operate in problem-solving scenarios that—the way I would put it is—for the first time, we have an AI system where you can ask it questions that don’t have any known answer. It turns out that that’s incredibly useful. But now the question is—and the risk is—can you trust the answers that you get? One of the things that happens is GPT-4 has some limitations, particularly that can be exposed fairly easily in mathematics. It seems to be very good at, say, differential equations and calculus at a basic level, but I have found that it makes some strange and elementary errors in basic statistics.

There’s an example from my colleague at Harvard Medical School, Zak Kohane, uh, where he uses standard Pearson correlation kinds of math problems, and it seems to consistently forget to square a term and—and make a mistake. And then what is interesting is when you point out the mistake to GPT-4, its first impulse sometimes is to say, “Uh, no, I didn’t make a mistake; you made a mistake.” Now that tendency to kind of accuse the user of making the mistake, it doesn’t happen so much anymore as the system has improved, but we still in many medical scenarios where there’s this kind of problem-solving have gotten in the habit of having a second instance of GPT-4 look over the work of the first one because it seems to be less attached to its own answers that way and it spots errors very readily.

So that whole story is a long-winded way of saying that there are risks because we’re asking this AI system for the first time to tackle problems that require some speculation, require some guessing, and may not have precise answers. That’s what medicine is at core. Now the question is to what extent can we trust the thing, but also, what are the techniques for making sure that the answers are as good as possible. So one technique that we’ve fallen into the habit of is having a second instance. And, by the way, that second instance ends up really being useful for detecting errors made by the human doctor, as well, because that second instance doesn’t care whether the answers were produced by man or machine. And so that ends up being important. But now moving away from that, there are bigger questions that—as you and I have discussed a lot, Ashley, at work—pertain to this phrase responsible AI, uh, which has been a research area in computer science research. And that term, I think you and I have discussed, doesn’t feel apt anymore.

I don’t know if it should be called societal AI or something like that. And I know you have opinions about this. You know, it’s not just errors and correctness. It’s not just the possibility that these things might be goaded into saying something harmful or promoting misinformation, but there are bigger issues about regulation; about job displacements, perhaps at societal scale; about new digital divides; about haves and have-nots with respect to access to these things. And so there are now these bigger looming issues that pertain to the idea of risks of these things, and they affect medicine and health care directly, as well.

Llorens: Certainly, this matter of trust is multifaceted. You know, there’s trust at the level of institutions, and then there’s trust at the level of individual human beings that need to make decisions, tough decisions, you know—where, when, and if to use an AI technology in the context of a workflow. What do you see in terms of health care professionals making those kinds of decisions? Any barriers to adoption that you would see at the level of those kinds of independent decisions? And what’s the way forward there?

Lee: That’s the crucial question of today right now. There is a lot of discussion about to what extent and how should, for medical uses, how should GPT-4 and its ilk be regulated. Let’s just take the United States context, but there are similar discussions in the UK, Europe, Brazil, Asia, China, and so on.

In the United States, there’s a regulatory agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, and they actually have authority to regulate medical devices. And there’s a category of medical devices called SaMDs, software as a medical device, and the big discussion really over the past, I would say, four or five years has been how to regulate SaMDs that are based on machine learning, or AI. Steadily, there’s been, uh, more and more approval by the FDA of medical devices that use machine learning, and I think the FDA and the United States has been getting closer and closer to actually having a fairly, uh, solid framework for validating ML-based medical devices for clinical use. As far as we’ve been able to tell, those emerging frameworks don’t apply at all to GPT-4. The methods for doing the clinical validation do not make sense and don’t work for GPT-4.

And so a first question to ask is—even before you get to, should this thing be regulated?—is if you were to regulate it, how on earth would you do it. Uh, because it’s basically putting a doctor’s brain in a box. And so, Ashley, if I put a doctor—let’s take our colleague Jim Weinstein, you know, a great spine surgeon. If we put his brain in a box and I give it to you and ask you, “Please validate this thing,” how on earth do you think about that? What’s the framework for that? And so my conclusion in all of this—it’s possible that regulators will react and impose some rules, but I think it would be a mistake, because I think my fundamental conclusion of all this is that at least for the time being, the rules of application engagement have to apply to human beings, not to the machines.

Now the question is what should doctors and nurses and, you know, receptionists and insurance adjusters, and all of the people involved, you know, hospital administrators, what are their guidelines and what is and isn’t appropriate use of these things. And I think that those decisions are not a matter for the regulators, but that the medical community itself should take ownership of the development of those guidelines and those rules of engagement and encourage, and if necessary, find ways to impose—maybe through medical licensing and other certification—adherence to those things.

That’s where we’re at today. Someday in the future—and we would encourage and in fact we are actively encouraging universities to create research projects that would try to explore frameworks for clinical validation of a brain in a box, and if those research projects bear fruit, then they might end up informing and creating a foundation for regulators like the FDA to have a new form of medical device. I don’t know what you would call it, AI MD, maybe, where you could actually relieve some of the burden from human beings and instead have a version of some sense of a validated, certified brain in a box. But until we get there, you know, I think it’s—it’s really on human beings to kind of develop and monitor and enforce their own behavior.

Llorens: I think some of these questions around test and evaluation, around assurance, are at least as interesting as, [LAUGHS] you knowdoing research in that space is going to be at least as interesting as—as creating the models themselves, for sure.

Lee: Yes. By the way, I want to take this opportunity just to commend Sam Altman and the OpenAI folks. I feel like, uh, you and I and other colleagues here at Microsoft Research, we’re in an extremely privileged position to get very early access, specifically to try to flesh out and get some early understanding of the implications for really critical areas of human development like health and medicine, education, and so on.

The instigator was really Sam Altman and crew at OpenAI. They saw the need for this, and they really engaged with us at Microsoft Research to kind of dive deep, and they gave us a lot of latitude to kind of explore deeply in as kind of honest and unvarnished a way as possible, and I think it’s important, and I’m hoping that as we share this with the world, that—that there can be an informed discussion and debate about things. I think it would be a mistake for, say, regulators or anyone to overreact at this point. This needs study. It needs debate. It needs kind of careful consideration, uh, just to understand what we’re dealing with here.

Llorens: Yeah, what a—what a privilege it’s been to be anywhere near the epicenter of these—of these advancements. Just briefly back to this idea of a brain in a box. One of the super interesting aspects of that is it’s not a human brain, right? So some of what we might intuitively think about when you say brain in the box doesn’t really apply, and it gets back to this notion of test and evaluation in that if I give a licensing exam, say, to the brain in the box and it passes it with flying colors, had that been a human, there would have been other things about the intelligence of that entity that are underlying assumptions that are not explicitly tested in that test that then those combined with the knowledge required for the certification makes you fit to do some job. It’s just interesting; there are ways in which the brain that we can currently conceive of as being an AI in that box underperforms human intelligence in some ways and overperforms it in others.

Lee: Right.

Llorens: Verifying and assuring that brain in that—that box I think is going to be just a really interesting challenge.

Lee: Yeah. Let me acknowledge that there are probably going to be a lot of listeners to this podcast who will really object to the idea of “brain in the box” because it crosses the line of kind of anthropomorphizing these systems. And I acknowledge that, that there’s probably a better way to talk about this than doing that. But I’m intentionally being overdramatic by using that phrase just to drive home the point, what a different beast this is when we’re talking about something like clinical validation. It’s not the kind of narrow AI—it’s not like a machine learning system that gives you a precise signature of a T-cell receptor repertoire. There’s a single right answer to those things. In fact, you can freeze the model weights in that machine learning system as we’ve done collaboratively with Adaptive Biotechnologies in order to get an FDA approval as a medical device, as an SaMD. There’s nothing that is—this is so much more stochastic. The model weights matter, but they’re not the fundamental thing.

There’s an alignment of a self-attention network that is in constant evolution. And you’re right, though, that it’s not a brain in some really very important ways. There’s no episodic memory. Uh, it’s not learning actively. And so it, I guess to your point, it is just, it’s a different thing. The big important thing I’m trying to say here is it’s also just different from all the previous machine learning systems that we’ve tried and successfully inserted into health care and medicine.

Llorens: And to your point, all the thinking around various kinds of societally important frameworks are trying to catch up to that previous generation and not yet even aimed really adequately, I think, at these new technologies. You know, as we start to wrap up here, maybe I’ll invoke Peter Lee, the head of Microsoft Research, again, [LAUGHS] kind of—kind of where we started. This is a watershed moment for AI and for computing research, uh, more broadly. And in that context, what do you see next for computing research?

Lee: Of course, AI is just looming so large and Microsoft Research is in a weird spot. You know, I had talked before about the early days of 3D computer graphics and the founding of NVIDIA and the decade-long kind of industrialization of 3D computer graphics, going from research to just, you know, pure infrastructure, technical infrastructure of life. And so with respect to AI, this flavor of AI, we’re sort of at the nexus of that. And Microsoft Research is in a really interesting position, because we are at once contributors to all of the research that is making what OpenAI is doing possible, along with, you know, great researchers and research labs around the world. We’re also then part of the company, Microsoft, that wants to make this with OpenAI a part of the infrastructure of everyday life for everybody. So we’re part of that transition. And so I think for that reason, Microsoft Research, uh, will be very focused on kind of major threads in AI; in fact, we’ve sort of identified five major AI threads.

One we’ve talked about, which is this sort of AI in society and the societal impact, which encompasses also responsible AI and so on. One that our colleague here at Microsoft Research Sébastien Bubeck has been advancing is this notion of the physics of AGI. There has always been a very important thread of theoretical computer science, uh, in machine learning. But what we’re finding is that that style of research is increasingly applicable to trying to understand the fundamental capabilities, limits, and trend lines for these large language models. And you don’t anymore get kind of hard mathematical theorems, but it’s still kind of mathematically oriented, just like physics of the cosmos and of the Big Bang and so on, so physics of AGI.

There’s a third aspect, which more is about the application level. And we’ve been, I think in some parts of Microsoft Research, calling that costar or copilot, you know, the idea of how is this thing a companion that amplifies what you’re trying to do every day in life? You know, how can that happen? What are the modes of interaction? And so on.

And then there is AI4Science. And, you know, we’ve made a big deal about this, and we still see just tremendous just evidence, in mounting evidence, that these large AI systems can give us new ways to make scientific discoveries in physics, in astronomy, in chemistry, biology, and the like. And that, you know, ends up being, you know, just really incredible.

And then there’s the core nuts and bolts, what we call model innovation. Just a little while ago, we released new model architectures, one called Kosmos, for doing multimodal kind of machine learning and classification and recognition interaction. Earlier, we did VALL-E, you know, which just based on a three-second sample of speech is able to ascertain your speech patterns and replicate speech. And those are kind of in the realm of model innovations, um, that will keep happening.

The long-term trajectory is that at some point, if Microsoft and other companies are successful, OpenAI and others, this will become a completely industrialized part of the infrastructure of our lives. And I think I would expect the research on large language models specifically to start to fade over the next decade. But then, whole new vistas will open up, and that’s on top of all the other things we do in cybersecurity, and in privacy and security, and the physical sciences, and on and on and on. For sure, it’s just a very, very special time in AI, especially along those five dimensions.

Llorens: It will be really interesting to see which aspects of the technology sink into the background and become part of the foundation and which ones remain up close and foregrounded and how those aspects change what it means to be human in some ways and maybe to be—to be intelligent, uh, in some ways. Fascinating discussion, Peter. Really appreciate the time today.

Lee: It was really great to have a chance to chat with you about things and always just great to spend time with you, Ashley.

Llorens: Likewise.


The post AI Frontiers: AI for health and the future of research with Peter Lee appeared first on Microsoft Research.

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