Train machine learning models using Amazon Keyspaces as a data source

Many applications meant for industrial equipment maintenance, trade monitoring, fleet management, and route optimization are built using open-source Cassandra APIs and drivers to process data at high speeds and low latency. Managing Cassandra tables yourself can be time consuming and expensive. Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) lets you set up, secure, and scale Cassandra tables in the AWS Cloud without managing additional infrastructure.

In this post, we’ll walk you through AWS Services related to training machine learning (ML) models using Amazon Keyspaces at a high level, and provide step by step instructions for ingesting data from Amazon Keyspaces into Amazon SageMaker and training a model which can be used for a specific customer segmentation use case.

AWS has multiple services to help businesses implement ML processes in the cloud.

AWS ML Stack has three layers. In the middle layer is SageMaker, which provides developers, data scientists, and ML engineers with the ability to build, train, and deploy ML models at scale. It removes the complexity from each step of the ML workflow so that you can more easily deploy your ML use cases. This includes anything from predictive maintenance to computer vision to predict customer behaviors. Customers achieve up to 10 times improvement in data scientists’ productivity with SageMaker.

Apache Cassandra is a popular choice for read-heavy use cases with un-structured or semi-structured data. For example, a popular food delivery business estimates time of delivery, and a retail customer could persist frequently using product catalog information in the Apache Cassandra Database. Amazon Keyspaces is a scalable, highly available, and managed serverless Apache Cassandra–compatible database service. You don’t need to provision, patch, or manage servers, and you don’t need to install, maintain, or operate software. Tables can scale up and down automatically, and you only pay for the resources that you use. Amazon Keyspaces lets you you run your Cassandra workloads on AWS using the same Cassandra application code and developer tools that you use today.

SageMaker provides a suite of built-in algorithms to help data scientists and ML practitioners get started training and deploying ML models quickly. In this post, we’ll show you how a retail customer can use customer purchase history in the Keyspaces Database and target different customer segments for marketing campaigns.

K-means is an unsupervised learning algorithm. It attempts to find discrete groupings within data, where members of a group are as similar as possible to one another and as different as possible from members of other groups. You define the attributes that you want the algorithm to use to determine similarity. SageMaker uses a modified version of the web-scale k-means clustering algorithm. As compared with the original version of the algorithm, the version used by SageMaker is more accurate. However, like the original algorithm, it scales to massive datasets and delivers improvements in training time.

Solution overview

The instructions assume that you would be using SageMaker Studio to run the code. The associated code has been shared on AWS Sample GitHub. Following the instructions in the lab, you can do the following:

  • Install necessary dependencies.
  • Connect to Amazon Keyspaces, create a Table, and ingest sample data.
  • Build a classification ML model using the data in Amazon Keyspaces.
  • Explore model results.
  • Clean up newly created resources.

Once complete, you’ll have integrated SageMaker with Amazon Keyspaces to train ML models as shown in the following image.

Now you can follow the step-by-step instructions in this post to ingest raw data stored in Amazon Keyspaces using SageMaker and the data thus retrieved for ML processing.


First, Navigate to SageMaker.

Next, if this is the first time that you’re using SageMaker, select Get Started.

Next, select Setup up SageMaker Domain.

Next, create a new user profile with Name – sagemakeruser, and select Create New Role in the Default Execution Role sub section.

Next, in the screen that pops up, select any Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and select Create role.

This role will be used in the following steps to allow SageMaker to access Keyspaces Table using temporary credentials from the role. This eliminates the need to store a username and password in the notebook.

Next, retrieve the role associated with the sagemakeruser that was created in the previous step from the summary section.

Then, navigate to the AWS Console and look up AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). Within IAM, navigate to Roles. Within Roles, search for the execution role identified in the previous step.

Next, select the role identified in the previous step and select Add Permissions. In the drop down that appears, select Create Inline Policy. SageMaker lets you provide a granular level of access that restricts what actions a user/application can perform based on business requirements.

Then, select the JSON tab and copy the policy from the Note section of Github page. This policy allows the SageMaker notebook to connect to Keyspaces and retrieve data for further processing.

Then, select Add permissions again and from the drop down, and select Attach Policy.

Lookup AmazonKeyspacesFullAccess policy, and select the checkbox next to the matching result, and select Attach Policies.

Verify that the permissions policies section includes AmazonS3FullAccess, AmazonSageMakerFullAccess, AmazonKeyspacesFullAccess, as well as the newly added inline policy.

Next, navigate to SageMaker Studio using the AWS Console and select the SageMaker Studio. Once there, select Launch App and select Studio.

Notebook walkthrough

The preferred way to connect to Keyspaces from SageMaker Notebook is by using AWS Signature Version 4 process (SigV4) based Temporary Credentials for authentication. In this scenario, we do NOT need to generate or store Keyspaces credentials and can use the credentials to authenticate with the SigV4 plugin. Temporary security credentials consist of an access key ID and a secret access key. However, they also include a security token that indicates when the credentials expire. In this post, we’ll create an IAM role and generate temporary security credentials.

First, we install a driver (cassandra-sigv4). This driver enables you to add authentication information to your API requests using the AWS Signature Version 4 Process (SigV4). Using the plugin, you can provide users and applications with short-term credentials to access Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) using IAM users and roles. Following this, you’ll import a required certificate along with additional package dependencies. In the end, you will allow the notebook to assume the role to talk to Keyspaces.

# Install missing packages and import dependencies
# Installing Cassandra SigV4
%pip install  cassandra-sigv4

# Get Security certificate
!curl -O

# Import
from sagemaker import get_execution_role
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
from ssl import SSLContext, PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, CERT_REQUIRED
from cassandra_sigv4.auth import SigV4AuthProvider
import boto3

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame

import csv
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
from datetime import datetime
import time
from datetime import timedelta

import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

# Getting credentials from the role
client = boto3.client("sts")

# Get notebook Role
role = get_execution_role()
role_info = {"RoleArn": role, "RoleSessionName": "session1"}

credentials = client.assume_role(**role_info)

Next, connect to Amazon Keyspaces and read systems data from Keyspaces into Pandas DataFrame to validate the connection.

# Connect to Cassandra Database from SageMaker Notebook 
# using temporary credentials from the Role.
session = boto3.session.Session()

### You can also pass specific credentials to the session
#session = boto3.session.Session(
# aws_access_key_id=credentials["Credentials"]["AccessKeyId"],
# aws_secret_access_key=credentials["Credentials"]["SecretAccessKey"],
# aws_session_token=credentials["Credentials"]["SessionToken"],

region_name = session.region_name

# Set Context
ssl_context = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)
ssl_context.verify_mode = CERT_REQUIRED

auth_provider = SigV4AuthProvider(session)
keyspaces_host = "cassandra." + region_name + ""

cluster = Cluster([keyspaces_host], ssl_context=ssl_context, auth_provider=auth_provider, port=9142)
session = cluster.connect()

# Read data from Keyspaces system table. 
# Keyspaces is serverless DB so you don't have to create Keyspaces DB ahead of time.
r = session.execute("select * from system_schema.keyspaces")

# Read Keyspaces row into Panda DataFrame
df = DataFrame(r)

Next, prepare the data for training on the raw data set. In the python notebook associated with this post, use a retail data set downloaded from here, and process it. Our business objective given the data set is to cluster the customers using a specific metric call RFM. The RFM model is based on three quantitative factors:

  • Recency: How recently a customer has made a purchase.
  • Frequency: How often a customer makes a purchase.
  • Monetary Value: How much money a customer spends on purchases.

RFM analysis numerically ranks a customer in each of these three categories, generally on a scale of 1 to 5 (the higher the number, the better the result). The “best” customer would receive a top score in every category. We’ll use pandas’s Quantile-based discretization function (qcut). It will help discretize values into equal-sized buckets based or based on sample quantiles.

# Prepare Data
r = session.execute("select * from " + keyspaces_schema + ".online_retail")

df = DataFrame(r)

df["totalprice"] = df["quantity"] * df["price"]
df.groupby("invoice").agg({"totalprice": "sum"}).head()

df.groupby("description").agg({"price": "max"}).sort_values("price", ascending=False).head()
df.sort_values("price", ascending=False).head()
df.groupby("country").agg({"totalprice": "sum"}).sort_values("totalprice", ascending=False).head()

returned = df[df["invoice"].str.contains("C", na=False)]
returned.sort_values("quantity", ascending=True).head()

df.describe([0.05, 0.01, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.80, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99]).T
df.drop(df.loc[df["customer_id"] == ""].index, inplace=True)

# Recency Metric
import datetime as dt

today_date =, 12, 9)
df["customer_id"] = df["customer_id"].astype(int)

# create get the most recent invoice for each customer
temp_df = df.groupby("customer_id").agg({"invoice_date": "max"})
temp_df["invoice_date"] = temp_df["invoice_date"].astype(str)
temp_df["invoice_date"] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df["invoice_date"])
temp_df["Recency"] = (today_date - temp_df["invoice_date"]).dt.days
recency_df = temp_df.drop(columns=["invoice_date"])

# Frequency Metric
temp_df = df.groupby(["customer_id", "invoice"]).agg({"invoice": "count"})
freq_df = temp_df.groupby("customer_id").agg({"invoice": "count"})
freq_df.rename(columns={"invoice": "Frequency"}, inplace=True)

# Monetary Metric
monetary_df = df.groupby("customer_id").agg({"totalprice": "sum"})
monetary_df.rename(columns={"totalprice": "Monetary"}, inplace=True)
rfm = pd.concat([recency_df, freq_df, monetary_df], axis=1)

df = rfm
df["RecencyScore"] = pd.qcut(df["Recency"], 5, labels=[5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
df["FrequencyScore"] = pd.qcut(df["Frequency"].rank(method="first"), 5, labels=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
df["Monetary"] = df["Monetary"].astype(int)
df["MonetaryScore"] = pd.qcut(df["Monetary"], 5, labels=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
df["RFM_SCORE"] = (
    + df["FrequencyScore"].astype(str)
    + df["MonetaryScore"].astype(str)
seg_map = {
    r"[1-2][1-2]": "Hibernating",
    r"[1-2][3-4]": "At Risk",
    r"[1-2]5": "Can't Loose",
    r"3[1-2]": "About to Sleep",
    r"33": "Need Attention",
    r"[3-4][4-5]": "Loyal Customers",
    r"41": "Promising",
    r"51": "New Customers",
    r"[4-5][2-3]": "Potential Loyalists",
    r"5[4-5]": "Champions",

df["Segment"] = df["RecencyScore"].astype(str) + rfm["FrequencyScore"].astype(str)
df["Segment"] = df["Segment"].replace(seg_map, regex=True)
rfm = df.loc[:, "Recency":"Monetary"]
df.groupby("customer_id").agg({"Segment": "sum"}).head()

In this example, we use CQL to read records from the Keyspace table. In some ML use-cases, you may need to read the same data from the same Keyspaces table multiple times. In this case, we would recommend that you save your data into an Amazon S3 bucket to avoid incurring additional costs reading from Amazon Keyspaces. Depending on your scenario, you may also use Amazon EMR to ingest a very large Amazon S3 file into SageMaker.

## Optional Code to save Python DataFrame to S3
from io import StringIO # python3 (or BytesIO for python2)

smclient = boto3.Session().client('sagemaker')
sess = sagemaker.Session()
bucket = sess.default_bucket() # Set a default S3 bucket

csv_buffer = StringIO()
s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
s3_resource.Object(bucket, ‘out/saved_online_retail.csv').put(Body=csv_buffer.getvalue())

Next, we train an ML model using the KMeans algorithm and make sure that the clusters are created. In this particular scenario, you would see that the created clusters are printed, showing that the customers in the raw data set have been grouped together based on various attributes in the data set. This cluster information can be used for targeted marketing campaigns.

# Training

sc = MinMaxScaler((0, 1))
df = sc.fit_transform(rfm)

# Clustering
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=6).fit(df)

# Result
segment = kmeans.labels_

# Visualize the clusters
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

final_df = pd.DataFrame({"customer_id": rfm.index, "Segment": segment})
bucket_data = final_df.groupby("Segment").agg({"customer_id": "count"}).head()
index_data = final_df.groupby("Segment").agg({"Segment": "max"}).head()
index_data["Segment"] = index_data["Segment"].astype(int)
dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data=bucket_data["customer_id"], index=index_data["Segment"])
dataFrame.rename(columns={"customer_id": "Total Customers"})
    rot=70, title="RFM clustering"
#, title="RFM clustering");;

(Optional) Next, we save the customer segments that have been identified by the ML model back to an Amazon Keyspaces table for targeted marketing. A batch job could read this data and run targeted campaigns to customers in specific segments.

# Create ml_clustering_results table to store results 
createTable = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s.ml_clustering_results ( 
 run_id text,
 segment int,
 total_customers int,
 run_date date,
    PRIMARY KEY (run_id, segment));
cr = session.execute(createTable % keyspaces_schema)
print("Table 'ml_clustering_results' created")
insert_ml = (
    + keyspaces_schema
    + '.ml_clustering_results'  
    + '("run_id","segment","total_customers","run_date") ' 
    + 'VALUES (?,?,?,?); '

prepared = session.prepare(insert_ml)
prepared.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM

run_id = "101"
dt =

for ind in dataFrame.index:
    print(ind, dataFrame['customer_id'][ind])
    r = session.execute(
                        run_id, ind, dataFrame['customer_id'][ind], dt,

Finally, we clean up the resources created during this tutorial to avoid incurring additional charges.

# Delete blog keyspace and tables
deleteKeyspace = "DROP KEYSPACE IF EXISTS blog"
dr = session.execute(deleteKeyspace)

print("Dropping %s keyspace. It may take a few seconds to a minute to complete deletion keyspace and table." % keyspaces_schema )

It may take a few seconds to a minute to complete the deletion of keyspace and tables. When you delete a keyspace, the keyspace and all of its tables are deleted and you stop accruing charges from them.


This post showed you how to ingest customer data from Amazon Keyspaces into SageMaker and train a clustering model that allowed you to segment customers. You could use this information for targeted marketing, thus greatly improving your business KPI. To learn more about Amazon Keyspaces, review the following resources:

About the Authors

Vadim Lyakhovich is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS in the San Francisco Bay Area helping customers migrate to AWS. He is working with organizations ranging from large enterprises to small startups to support their innovations. He is also helping customers to architect scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions on AWS.

Parth Patel is a Solutions Architect at AWS in the San Francisco Bay Area. Parth guides customers to accelerate their journey to cloud and help them adopt AWS cloud successfully. He focuses on ML and Application Modernization.

Ram Pathangi is a Solutions Architect at AWS in the San Francisco Bay Area. He has helped customers in Agriculture, Insurance, Banking, Retail, Health Care & Life Sciences, Hospitality, and Hi-Tech verticals to run their business successfully on AWS cloud. He specializes in Databases, Analytics and ML.

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Improve organizational diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives with Amazon Polly

Organizational diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are at the forefront of companies across the globe. By constructing inclusive spaces with individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, businesses can better represent our mutual societal needs and deliver on objectives. In the article How Diversity Can Drive Innovation, Harvard Business Review states that companies that focus on multiple dimensions of diversity are 45% more likely to grow their market share and 70% more likely to capture new markets.

DEI initiatives can be difficult and complex to scale, taking long periods of time to show impact. As such, organizations should plan initiatives in phases, similar to an agile delivery process. Achieving small but meaningful wins at each phase can contribute towards larger organizational goals. An example of such an initiative at Amazon is the “Say my Name” tool.

Amazon’s global workforce—with offices in over 30 countries—requires the consistent innovation of inclusive tools to foster an environment that dispels unconscious bias. “Say my Name” was created to help internal Amazon employees share the correct pronunciation of their names and practice saying the name of their colleagues in a culturally competent manner. Incorrect name pronunciation can alienate team members and can have adverse effects on performance and team morale. A study by reported that employees are more innovative when they feel more included. In India, 62% of innovation is driven by employee perceptions of inclusion. Adding this pronunciation guide to written names aims to create a more inclusive and respectful professional environment for employees.

The following screenshots show examples of pronunciations generated by “Say my Name”.

Say my name tool interface- practice any name

The application is powered by Amazon Polly. Amazon Polly provides users a text-to-speech (TTS) service that uses advanced deep learning technologies to synthesize natural-sounding human speech. Amazon Polly provides users with dozens of lifelike voices across a broad set of languages, allowing users to select the voice, ethnicity, and accent they would like to share with their colleagues.

In this post, we show how to deploy this name pronunciation application in your AWS environment, along with ways to scale the application across the organization.

Solution overview

The application follows a serverless architecture. The front end is built from a static React app hosted in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket behind an Amazon CloudFront distribution. The backend runs behind Amazon API Gateway, implemented as AWS Lambda functions to interface with Amazon Polly. Here, the application is fully downloaded to the client and rendered in a web browser. The following diagram shows the solution architecture.

Solution overview

To view a sample demo without using the AWS Management Console, navigate our demo site.

The site allows users to do the following:

  • Hear how their name and colleagues’ names sound with the different voices of Amazon Polly.
  • Generate MP3 files to put in email signatures or profiles.
  • Generate shareable links to provide colleagues or external partners with accurate pronunciation of names.

To deploy the application in your environment, continue following along with this post.


You must complete the following prerequisites to implement this solution:

  1. Install Node.js version 16.14.0 or above.
  2. Install the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) version 2.16.0 or above.
  3. Configure AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  4. Install Docker and have Docker Daemon running.
  5. Install and configure Git.

The solution is optimized best to work in the Chrome, Safari, and Firefox web browsers.

Implement the solution

  1. To get started, clone the repository:
    git clone

The repository consists of two main folders:

    • /cdk – Code to deploy the solution
    • /pronounce_app – Front-end and backend application code
  1. We build the application components and then deploy them via the AWS CDK. To get started, run the following commands in your terminal window:
    cd aws-name-pronunciation/pronounce_app/
    npm install
    npm run build 
    cd ../cdk
    npm install
    cdk bootstrap
    cdk deploy ApiStack --outputs-file ../pronounce_app/src/config.json

This step should produce the endpoints for your backend services using API Gateway. See the following sample output:

ApiStack.getVoicesApiUrl = {endpoint_dns}
ApiStack.synthesizeSpeechApiUrl = {endpoint_dns}
  1. You can now deploy the front end:
    cd ../pronounce_app
    npm run build
    cd ../cdk
    cdk deploy FrontendStack

This step should produce the URL for your CloudFront distribution, along with the S3 bucket storing your React application. See the following sample output:

FrontendStack.Bucket = {your_bucket_name}
FrontendStack.CloudFrontReactAppURL = {your_cloudfront_distribution}

You can validate that all the deployment steps worked correctly by navigating to the AWS CloudFormation console. You should see three stacks, as shown in the following screenshot.

To access Say my name, use the value from the FrontendStack.CloudFrontReactAppURL AWS CDK output. Alternatively, choose the stack FrontendStack on the AWS CloudFormation console, and on the Outputs tab, choose the value for CloudFrontReactAppURL.

CloudFormation outputs

You’re redirected to the name pronunciation application.

Name pronunciation tool interface

In the event that Amazon Polly is unable to correctly pronounce the name entered, we suggest users check out
Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) with Amazon Polly. Using SSML-enhanced text gives you additional control over how Amazon Polly generates speech from the text you provide.

For example, you can include a long pause within your text, or change the speech rate or pitch. Other options include:
  • emphasizing specific words or phrases
  • using phonetic pronunciation
  • including breathing sounds
  • whispering
  • using the Newscaster speaking style
For complete details on the SSML tags supported by Amazon Polly and how to use them, see 
Supported SSML Tags.


Organizations have a responsibility to facilitate more inclusive and accessible spaces as workforces grow to be increasingly diverse and globalized. There are numerous use-cases for teaching the correct pronunciation of names in an organization:

  • Helping pronounce the names of new colleagues and team members.
  • Offering the correct pronunciation of your name via an MP3 or audio stream prior to meetings.
  • Providing sales teams mechanisms to learn names of clients and stakeholders prior to customer meetings.

Although this is a small step in creating a more equitable and inclusive workforce, accurate name pronunciations can have profound impacts on how people feel in their workplace. If you have ideas for features or improvements, please raise a pull request on our GitHub repo or leave a comment on this post.

To learn more about the work AWS is doing in DEI, check out AWS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. To learn more about Amazon Polly, please refer to our resources to get started with Amazon Polly.

About the Authors

Aditi Rajnish is a second-year software engineering student at University of Waterloo. Her interests include computer vision, natural language processing, and edge computing. She is also passionate about community-based STEM outreach and advocacy. In her spare time, she can be found playing badminton, learning new songs on the piano, or hiking in North America’s national parks.

Raj Pathak is a Solutions Architect and Technical advisor to Fortune 50 and Mid-Sized FSI (Banking, Insurance, Capital Markets) customers across Canada and the United States. Raj specializes in Machine Learning with applications in Document Extraction, Contact Center Transformation and Computer Vision.

Mason Force is a Solutions Architect based in Seattle. He specializes in Analytics and helps enterprise customers across the western and central United States develop efficient data strategies. Outside of work, Mason enjoys bouldering, snowboarding and exploring the wilderness across the Pacific Northwest.

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Use Serverless Inference to reduce testing costs in your MLOps pipelines

Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference is an inference option that enables you to easily deploy machine learning (ML) models for inference without having to configure or manage the underlying infrastructure. SageMaker Serverless Inference is ideal for applications with intermittent or unpredictable traffic. In this post, you’ll see how to use SageMaker Serverless Inference to reduce cost when you deploy an ML model as part of the testing phase of your MLOps pipeline.

Let’s start by using the scenario described in the SageMaker Project template called “MLOps template for model building, training, and deployment”. In this scenario, our MLOps pipeline goes through two main phases, model building and training (Figure 1), followed by model testing and deployment (Figure 2).

First half of the MLOps pipeline, covering model building and training.

Figure 1 : First half of the MLOps pipeline, covering model building and training.

Second half of the MLOps pipeline, covering model testing and deployment.

Figure 2 : Second half of the MLOps pipeline, covering model testing and deployment.

In Figure 2, you can see that we orchestrate the second half of the pipeline using AWS CodePipeline. We deploy a staging ML endpoint, enter a manual approval, and then deploy a production ML endpoint.

Let’s say that our staging environment is used inconsistently throughout the day. When we run automated functional tests, we get over 10,000 inferences per minute for 15 minutes. Experience shows that we need an ml.m5.xlarge instance to handle that peak volume. At other times, the staging endpoint is only used interactively for an average of 50 inferences per hour. Using the on-demand SageMaker pricing information for the us-east-2 region, the ml.m5.xlarge instance would cost approximately $166 per month. If we switched to using a serverless inference endpoint and our tests can tolerate the cold-start time for the serverless inference, then the cost would drop to approximately $91 per month, a 45% increase in savings. If you host numerous endpoints, then the total savings will increase accordingly, and a serverless inference endpoint also reduces the operational overhead.

Price per second for a 1 GB serverless endpoint $ 0.0000200
Number of inferences during peak testing times (1 run per day, 15 minutes per run, 10000 inferences per minute) 4,500,000
Number of inferences during steady state use (50 per hour) 35,625
Total inference time (1 second per inference) 4,535,625
Total cost (total inference time multiplied by price per second) 4,535,625 * 0.0000200 = $91

To make it easier for you to try using a serverless inference endpoint for your test and staging environments, we modified the SageMaker project template to use a serverless inference endpoint for the staging environment. Note that it still uses a regular inference endpoint for production environments.

You can try this new custom project template by following the instructions in the GitHub repository, which includes setting the sagemaker:studio-visibility tag to true.

When compared to the built-in MLOps template for model building, training, and deployment template, the new custom template has a few minor changes to use a serverless inference endpoint for non-prod changes. Most importantly, in the AWS CloudFormation template used to deploy endpoints, it adds a condition tied to the stage, and it uses that to drive the endpoint configuration.

This section of the template sets a condition based on the deployment stage name.

  IsProdEnv: !Equals 
    - !Ref StageName
    - prod

This section of the template lets us specify the allocated memory for the serverless endpoint, as well as the maximum number of concurrent invocations.

    Type: Number
    Description: The endpoint memory allocation in MB.  Allowed values are 1024 MB, 2048 MB, 3072 MB, 4096 MB, 5120 MB, or 6144 MB.
    Default: 2048
    AllowedValues: [1024,2048,3072,4096,5120,6144]   
    Type: Number
    Description: The maximum number of concurrent endpoint invocations
    MinValue: 1
    MaxValue: 50
    Default: 20

In the endpoint configuration, we use the condition to set or unset certain parameters based on the stage. For example, we don’t set an instance type value or use data capture if we use serverless inference, but we do set the serverless memory and concurrency values.

    Type: AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig
        - InitialVariantWeight: 1.0
          ModelName: !GetAtt Model.ModelName
          VariantName: AllTraffic
          InstanceType: !If [IsProdEnv, !Ref EndpointInstanceType, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
          InitialInstanceCount: !If [IsProdEnv, !Ref EndpointInstanceCount, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
              - IsProdEnv
              - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"
                MaxConcurrency: !Ref MaxConcurrency
                MemorySizeInMB: !Ref MemorySizeInMB
          - IsProdEnv
            EnableCapture: !Ref EnableDataCapture 
            InitialSamplingPercentage: !Ref SamplingPercentage
            DestinationS3Uri: !Ref DataCaptureUploadPath
              - CaptureMode: Input
              - CaptureMode: Output
          - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"

Once we deploy the custom project template and exercise the deployment CodePipeline pipeline, we can double check that the staging endpoint is a serverless endpoint using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

aws sagemaker describe-endpoint --endpoint-name sm-serverless-inf-1-staging                              
    "EndpointName": "sm-serverless-inf-1-staging",
    "EndpointArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-west-2:XXXX:endpoint/sm-serverless-inf-1-staging",
    "EndpointConfigName": "EndpointConfig-u9H3Iqw70Kp2",
    "ProductionVariants": [
            "VariantName": "AllTraffic",
            "DeployedImages": [
                    "SpecifiedImage": "",
                    "ResolvedImage": "",
                    "ResolutionTime": 1648568745.908
            "CurrentWeight": 1.0,
            "DesiredWeight": 1.0,
            "CurrentInstanceCount": 0,
            "CurrentServerlessConfig": {
                "MemorySizeInMB": 2048,
                "MaxConcurrency": 20
    "EndpointStatus": "InService",
    "CreationTime": 1648568743.886,
    "LastModifiedTime": 1648568948.752

Feature exclusions

Before using a serverless inference endpoint, make sure that you review the list of feature exclusions. Note that, at the time of writing, serverless inference doesn’t support GPUs, AWS Marketplace model packages, private Docker registries, Multi-Model Endpoints, data capture, Model Monitor, and inference pipelines.


In this post, you saw how to use SageMaker Serverless Inference endpoints to reduce the costs of hosting ML models for test and staging environments. You also saw how to use a new custom SageMaker project template to deploy a full MLOps pipeline that uses a serverless inference endpoint for the staging environment. By using serverless inference endpoints, you can reduce costs by avoiding charges for a sporadically used endpoint, and also reduce the operational overhead involved in managing inference endpoints.

Give the new serverless inference endpoints a try using the code linked in this blog, or talk to your AWS solutions architect if you need help making an evaluation.

About the Authors

Randy DeFauw is a Principal Solutions Architect. He’s an electrical engineer by training who’s been working in technology for 23 years at companies ranging from startups to large defense firms. A fascination with distributed consensus systems led him into the big data space, where he discovered a passion for analytics and machine learning. He started using AWS in his Hadoop days, where he saw how easy it was to set up large complex infrastructure, and then realized that the cloud solved some of the challenges he saw with Hadoop. Randy picked up an MBA so he could learn how business leaders think and talk, and found that the soft skill classes were some of the most interesting ones he took. Lately, he’s been dabbling with reinforcement learning as a way to tackle optimization problems, and re-reading Martin Kleppmann’s book on data intensive design.

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Accelerate and improve recommender system training and predictions using Amazon SageMaker Feature Store

Many companies must tackle the difficult use case of building a highly optimized recommender system. The challenge comes from processing large volumes of data to train and tune the model daily with new data and then make predictions based on user behavior during an active engagement. In this post, we show you how to use Amazon SageMaker Feature Store, a purpose-built repository where you can store, access, and share model features across teams in your company. With both online and offline Feature Store, you can address the complex task of creating a product recommendation engine based on consumer behavior. This post comes with an accompanying workshop and GitHub repo.

The post and workshop are catered towards data scientists and expert machine learning (ML) practitioners who need to build custom models. For the non-data scientist or ML expert audience, check out our AI service Amazon Personalize, which allows developers to build a wide array of personalized experiences without needing ML expertise. This is the same technology powering

Solution overview

In machine learning, expert practitioners know how crucial it is to feed high-quality data when training a model and designing features that influence the model’s overall prediction accuracy. This process is often quite cumbersome and takes multiple iterations to achieve a desired state. This step in the ML workflow is called feature engineering, and usually 60–70% of the process is spent on just this step. In large organizations, the problem is exacerbated and adds to a greater loss of productivity, because different teams often run identical training jobs, or even write duplicate feature engineering code because they have no knowledge of prior work, which leads to inconsistent results. In addition, there is no versioning of features, and having access to the latest feature isn’t possible because there is no notion of a central repository.

To address these challenges, Feature Store provides a fully managed central repository for ML features, making it easy to securely store and retrieve features without the heavy lifting of managing the infrastructure. It lets you define groups of features, use batch ingestion and streaming ingestion, and retrieve the latest feature values with low latency. For more information, see Getting Started with Amazon Sagemaker Feature Store.

The following Feature Store components are relevant to our use case:

  • Feature group – This is a group of features that is defined via a schema in Feature Store to describe a record. You can configure the feature group to an online or offline store, or both.
  • Online store – The online store is primarily designed for supporting real-time predictions that need low millisecond latency reads and high throughput writes.
  • Offline store – The offline store is primarily intended for batch predictions and model training. It’s an append-only store and can be used to store and access historical feature data. The offline store can help you store and serve features for exploration and model training.

Real-time recommendations are time sensitive, mission critical, and depend on the context. Demand for real-time recommendations fades quickly as customers lose interest or demand is met elsewhere. In this post, we build a real-time recommendation engine for an ecommerce website using a synthetic online grocer dataset.

We use Feature Store (both online and offline) to store customers, products, and orders data using feature groups, which we use for model training, validation, and real-time inference. The recommendation engine retrieves features from the online feature store, which is purpose-built for ultra-low latency and high throughput predictions. It suggests the top products that a customer is likely to purchase while browsing through the ecommerce website based on the customer’s purchase history, real-time clickstream data, and other customer profile information. This solution is not intended to be a state-of-the-art recommender, but to provide a rich enough example for exploring the use of Feature Store.

We walk you through the following high-level steps:

  1. Set up the data and ingest it into Feature Store.
  2. Train your models.
  3. Simulate user activity and capture clickstream events.
  4. Make real-time recommendations.


To follow along with this post, you need the following prerequisites:

Set up data and ingest it into Feature Store

We work with five different datasets based on the synthetic online grocer dataset. Each dataset has its own feature group in Feature Store. The first step is to ingest this data into Feature Store so that we can initiate training jobs for our two models. Refer to the 1_feature_store.ipynb notebook on GitHub.

The following tables show examples of the data that we’re storing in Feature Store.


A customer_id name state age is_married customer_health_index
0 C1 justin gutierrez alaska 52 1 0.59024
1 C2 karen cross idaho 29 1 0.6222
2 C3 amy king oklahoma 70 1 0.22548
3 C4 nicole hartman missouri 52 1 0.97582
4 C5 jessica powers minnesota 31 1 0.88613


A product_name product_category product_id product_health_index
0 chocolate sandwich cookies cookies_cakes P1 0.1
1 nutter butter cookie bites go-pak cookies_cakes P25 0.1
2 danish butter cookies cookies_cakes P34 0.1
3 gluten free all natural chocolate chip cookies cookies_cakes P55 0.1
4 mini nilla wafers munch pack cookies_cakes P99 0.1


A customer_id product_id purchase_amount
0 C1 P10852 87.71
1 C1 P10940 101.71
2 C1 P13818 42.11
3 C1 P2310 55.37
4 C1 P393 55.16

Clickstream historical

A customer_id product_id bought healthy_activity_last_2m rating
0 C1 P10852 1 1 3.04843
1 C3806 P10852 1 1 1.67494
2 C5257 P10852 1 0 2.69124
3 C8220 P10852 1 1 1.77345
4 C1 P10852 0 9 3.04843

Clickstream real-time

A customer_id sum_activity_weight_last_2m avg_product_health_index_last_2m
0 C09234 8 0.2
1 D19283 3 0.1
2 C1234 9 0.8

We then create the relevant feature groups in Feature Store:

customers_feature_group = create_feature_group(df_customers, customers_feature_group_name,'customer_id', prefix, sagemaker_session)

products_feature_group = create_feature_group(df_products, products_feature_group_name, 'product_id',prefix, sagemaker_session)

orders_feature_group = create_feature_group(df_orders, orders_feature_group_name, 'order_id', prefix,sagemaker_session)

click_stream_historical_feature_group = create_feature_group(df_click_stream_historical,click_stream_historical_feature_group_name,'click_stream_id', prefix, sagemaker_session)

click_stream_feature_group = create_feature_group(df_click_stream, click_stream_feature_group_name, 'customer_id',prefix, sagemaker_session)

After the feature groups are created and available, we ingest the data into each group:

ingest_data_into_feature_group(df_customers, customers_feature_group)
customers_count = df_customers.shape[0]

ingest_data_into_feature_group(df_products, products_feature_group)
products_count = df_products.shape[0]

ingest_data_into_feature_group(df_orders, orders_feature_group)
orders_count = df_orders.shape[0]

ingest_data_into_feature_group(df_click_stream_historical, click_stream_historical_feature_group)
click_stream_historical_count = df_click_stream_historical.shape[0]

# Add Feature Group counts for later use
ps.add({'customers_count': customers_count,
        'products_count': products_count,
        'orders_count': orders_count,
        'click_stream_historical_count': click_stream_historical_count,
        'click_stream_count': 0})

We don’t ingest data into the click_stream_feature_group because we expect the data to come from real-time clickstream events.

Train your models

We train two models for this use case: a collaborative filtering model and a ranking model. The following diagram illustrates the training workflow.

The collaborative filtering model recommends products based on historical user-product interactions.

The ranking model reranks the recommended products from the collaborative filtering model by taking the user’s clickstream activity and using that to make personalized recommendations. The 2_recommendation_engine_models.ipynb notebook to train the models is available on GitHub.

Collaborative filtering model

We use a collaborative filtering model based on matrix factorization using the Factorization Machines algorithm to retrieve product recommendations for a customer. This is based on a customer profile and their past purchase history in addition to features such as product category, name, and description. The customer’s historical purchase data and product data from the ecommerce store’s product catalog are stored in three separate offline Feature Store feature groups: customers, products, and click-stream-historical, which we created in the last section. After we retrieve our training data, we need to transform a few variables so that we have a proper input for our model. We use two types of transformations: one-hot encoding and TF-IDF.

  1. Let’s query the Feature Store feature groups we created to get this historical data to help with training:
    query = f'''
    select click_stream_customers.customer_id,
    from (
        select c.customer_id,
        from "{click_stream_historical_table}" as cs
        left join "{customers_table}" as c
        on cs.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ) click_stream_customers
    left join
    (select * from "{products_table}") products
    on click_stream_customers.product_id = products.product_id
    where click_stream_customers.bought = 1
    df_cf_features, query = query_offline_store(click_stream_feature_group_name, query,

A customer_id product_id rating state age is_married product_name
0 C6019 P15581 1.97827 kentucky 51 0 organic strawberry lemonade fruit juice drink
1 C1349 P1629 1.76518 nevada 74 0 sea salt garden veggie chips
2 C3750 P983 2.6721 arkansas 41 1 hair balance shampoo
3 C4537 P399 2.14151 massachusetts 33 1 plain yogurt
4 C5265 P13699 2.40822 arkansas 44 0 cacao nib crunch stone ground organic
  1. Next, prepare the data so that we can feed it to the model for training:
    X, y = load_dataset(df_cf_features)

  2. Then we split the data into train and test sets:
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
    print(X_train.shape, X_test.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape)

  3. Finally, we start training using Amazon SageMaker:
    container = sagemaker.image_uris.retrieve("factorization-machines", region=region)
    fm = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(
    # Set our hyperparameters
    input_dims = X_train.shape[1]

  4. Start training the model using the following:{'train': train_data_location, 'test': test_data_location})

  5. When our model has completed training, we deploy a real-time endpoint for use later:
    cf_model_predictor = fm.deploy(
        endpoint_name = cf_model_endpoint_name,

Ranking model

We also train an XGBoost model based on clickstream historical aggregates data to predict a customer’s propensity to buy a given product. We use aggregated features on real-time clickstream data (stored and retrieved in real time from Feature Store) along with product category features. We use Amazon Kinesis Data Streams to stream real-time clickstream data and Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to aggregate the streaming data using a stagger window query over a period of the last 2 minutes. This aggregated data is stored in an online Feature Store feature group in real time to be subsequently used for inference by the ranking model. For this use case, we predict bought, which is a Boolean variable that indicates whether a user bought an item or not.

  1. Let’s query the feature groups we created to get data to train the ranking model:
    query = f'''
    select bought,
    from (
        select c.customer_health_index,
        from "{click_stream_historical_table}" as cs
        left join "{customers_table}" as c
        on cs.customer_id = c.customer_id
    ) click_stream_customers
    left join
    (select * from "{products_table}") products
    on click_stream_customers.product_id = products.product_id
    df_rank_features, query = query_offline_store(click_stream_feature_group_name, query,

A bought healthy_activity_last_2m product_health_index customer_health_index product_category
0 0 2 0.9 0.34333 tea
1 0 0 0.9 0.74873 vitamins_supplements
2 0 0 0.8 0.37688 yogurt
3 0 0 0.7 0.42828 refrigerated
4 1 3 0.2 0.24883 chips_pretzels
  1. Prepare the data for the XGBoost ranking model:
    df_rank_features = pd.concat([df_rank_features, 
        prefix='prod_cat')], axis=1)del df_rank_features['product_category']

  2. Split the data into train and test sets:
    train_data, validation_data, _ = np.split(
        df_rank_features.sample(frac=1, random_state=1729), 
            [int(0.7 * len(df_rank_features)), 
                int(0.9 * len(df_rank_features))])
    train_data.to_csv('train.csv', header=False, index=False)
    validation_data.to_csv('validation.csv', header=False, index=False)

  3. Begin model training:
    container = sagemaker.image_uris.retrieve('xgboost', region, version='1.2-2')
    xgb = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(container,
                                        output_path='s3://{}/{}/output'.format(default_bucket, prefix),
        max_depth= 5,
        eta= 0.2,
        gamma= 4,
        min_child_weight= 6,
        subsample= 0.7,
        objective= 'binary:logistic',
        num_round= 50,
        verbosity= 2
    ){'train': s3_input_train, 'validation': s3_input_validation})

  4. When our model has completed training, we deploy a real-time endpoint for use later:
    xgb_predictor = xgb.deploy(
        endpoint_name = ranking_model_endpoint_name,
        initial_instance_count = 1,
        instance_type = 'ml.m4.xlarge',
        serializer = CSVSerializer(),

Simulate user activity and capture clickstream events

As the user interacts with the ecommerce website, we need a way to capture their activity in the form of clickstream events. In the 3_click_stream_kinesis.ipynb notebook, we simulate user activity and capture these clickstream events with Kinesis Data Streams, aggregate them with Kinesis Data Analytics, and ingest these events into Feature Store. The following diagram illustrates this workflow.

A producer emits clickstream events (simulating user activity) to the Kinesis data stream; we use Kinesis Data Analytics to aggregate the clickstream data for the last 2 minutes of activity.

Finally, an AWS Lambda function takes the data from Kinesis Data Analytics and ingests it into Feature Store (specifically the click_stream feature group).

We simulate customer clickstream activity on a web application like saving products to cart, liking products, and so on. For this, we use Kinesis Data Streams, a scalable real-time streaming service.

  1. Simulate the clickstream activity with the following code:
    kinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')
    kinesis_client.create_stream(StreamName=kinesis_stream_name, ShardCount=1)
    active_stream = False
    while not active_stream:
        status = kinesis_client.describe_stream(StreamName=kinesis_stream_name)['StreamDescription']['StreamStatus']
        if (status == 'CREATING'):
            print('Waiting for the Kinesis stream to become active...')
        elif (status == 'ACTIVE'): 
            active_stream = True
    stream_arn = kinesis_client.describe_stream(StreamName=kinesis_stream_name)['StreamDescription']['StreamARN']
    print(f'Amazon kinesis stream arn: {stream_arn}')

    The ranking model recommends ranked products to a customer based on a customer’s last 2 minutes of activity on the ecommerce website. To aggregate the streaming infomation over a window of last 2 minutes, we use Kinesis Data Analytics and create a Kinesis Data Analytics application. Kinesis Data Analytics can process data with sub-second latency from Kinesis Data Streams using SQL transformations.

  2. Create the application with the following code:
    kda_client = boto3.client('kinesisanalytics')
    sql_code = '''
        customer_id VARCHAR(8),   
        sum_activity_weight_last_2m INTEGER,   
        avg_product_health_index_last_2m DOUBLE);
        SUM(ACTIVITY_WEIGHT) AS sum_activity_weight_last_2m,   
        AVG(PRODUCT_HEALTH_INDEX) AS avg_product_health_index_last_2m

  3. Use the following input schema to define how data from the Kinesis data stream is made available to SQL queries in the Kinesis Data Analytics application:
    kda_input_schema = [{
                    'NamePrefix': 'SOURCE_SQL_STREAM',
                    'KinesisStreamsInput': {
                           'ResourceARN': stream_arn,
                           'RoleARN': role
                    'InputSchema': {
                          'RecordFormat': {
                              'RecordFormatType': 'JSON',
                              'MappingParameters': {
                                  'JSONMappingParameters': {
                                      'RecordRowPath': '$'
                          'RecordEncoding': 'UTF-8',
                          'RecordColumns': [
                              {'Name': 'EVENT_TIME',  'Mapping': '$.event_time',   'SqlType': 'TIMESTAMP'},
                              {'Name': 'CUSTOMER_ID','Mapping': '$.customer_id', 'SqlType': 'VARCHAR(8)'},
                              {'Name': 'PRODUCT_ID', 'Mapping': '$.product_id', 'SqlType': 'VARCHAR(8)'},
                              {'Name': 'PRODUCT_CATEGORY', 'Mapping': '$.product_category', 'SqlType': 'VARCHAR(20)'},
                              {'Name': 'HEALTH_CATEGORY', 'Mapping': '$.health_category', 'SqlType': 'VARCHAR(10)'},
                              {'Name': 'ACTIVITY_TYPE', 'Mapping': '$.activity_type', 'SqlType': 'VARCHAR(10)'},
                              {'Name': 'ACTIVITY_WEIGHT', 'Mapping': '$.activity_weight', 'SqlType': 'INTEGER'},
                              {'Name': 'PRODUCT_HEALTH_INDEX', 'Mapping': '$.product_health_index', 'SqlType': 'DOUBLE'}

    Now we need to create a Lambda function to take the output from our Kinesis Data Analytics application and ingest that data into Feature Store. Specifically, we ingest that data into our click stream feature group.

  4. Create the Lambda function using the code on GitHub.
  5. We then define an output schema, which contains the Lambda ARN and destination schema:
    kda_output_schema = [{'LambdaOutput': {'ResourceARN': lambda_function_arn, 
        'RoleARN': role},'Name': 'DESTINATION_SQL_STREAM','DestinationSchema': 
            {'RecordFormatType': 'JSON'}}]
    print(f'KDA output schema: {kda_output_schema}')

    Next, we invoke the API to create the Kinesis Data Analytics application. This application aggregates the incoming streaming data from Kinesis Data Streams using the SQL provided earlier using the input, output schemas, and Lambda function.

  6. Invoke the API with the following code:
    creating_app = False
    while not creating_app:
        response = kda_client.create_application(ApplicationName=kinesis_analytics_application_name, 
        status = response['ApplicationSummary']['ApplicationStatus']
        if (status != 'READY'):
            print('Waiting for the Kinesis Analytics Application to be in READY state...')
        elif (status == 'READY'): 
            creating_app = True

  7. When the app status is Ready, we start the Kinesis Data Analytics application:
        InputConfigurations=[{'Id': '1.1',

  8. For this workshop, we created two helper functions that simulate clickstream events generated on a website and send it to the Kinesis data stream:
    def generate_click_stream_data(customer_id, product_health_index_low, product_health_index_high):
        # Let's get some random product categories to help us generate click stream data
        query = f'''
        select product_category,
        from "{products_table}"
        where product_health_index between {product_health_index_low} and {product_health_index_high}
        order by random()
        limit 1
        event_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(seconds=10)
        random_products_df, query = query_offline_store(products_feature_group_name, query,
        # Pick randon activity type and activity weights
        activities = ['liked', 'added_to_cart', 'added_to_wish_list', 'saved_for_later']
        activity_weights_dict = {'liked': 1, 'added_to_cart': 2,
                                'added_to_wish_list': 1, 'saved_for_later': 2}
        random_activity_type = random.choice(activities)
        random_activity_weight = activity_weights_dict[random_activity_type]
        data = {
            'event_time': event_time.isoformat(),
            'customer_id': customer_id,
            'product_id': random_products_df.product_id.values[0],
            'product_category': random_products_df.product_category.values[0],
            'activity_type': random_activity_type,
            'activity_weight': random_activity_weight,
            'product_health_index': random_products_df.product_health_index.values[0]
        return data
    def put_records_in_kinesis_stream(customer_id, product_health_index_low,product_health_index_high):
        for i in range(n_range):
            data = generate_click_stream_data(customer_id, product_health_index_low, product_health_index_high)
            kinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')
            response = kinesis_client.put_record(

Now let’s ingest our clickstream data into Feature Store via Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics. For inference_customer_id, we simulate a customer browsing pattern for unhealthy products like cookies, ice cream, and candy using a lower health index range of 0.1–0.3.

We produce six records, which are ingested into the data stream and aggregated by Kinesis Data Analytics into a single record, which is then ingested into the click stream feature group in Feature Store. This process should take 2 minutes.

  1. Ingest the clickstream data with the following code:
    put_records_in_kinesis_stream(inference_customer_id, 0.1, 0.3)
    # It takes 2 minutes for KDA to call lambda to update feature store 
    # because we are capturing 2 minute interval of customer activity 

  2. Make sure that the data is now in the click_stream feature group:
    record = featurestore_runtime.get_record(
    print(f'Online feature store data for customer id {inference_customer_id}')
    print(f'Record: {record}')

Make real-time recommendations

The following diagram depicts how the real-time recommendations are provided.

After the model is trained and tuned, the model is deployed behind a live endpoint that the application can query over an API for real-time recommendations on items for a particular user. The collaborative filter model generates offline recommendations for particular users based on past orders and impressions. The clickstream gathers any events on recent browsing and provides this input to the ranking model, which produces the top-N recommendations to provide to the application to display to the user.

Refer to the 4_realtime_recommendations.ipynb notebook on GitHub.

  1. The first step is to create a Predictor object from our collaborative filtering model endpoint (which we created earlier) so that we can use it to make predictions:
    # Make sure model has finished deploying
    existing_endpoints = sagemaker_session.sagemaker_client.list_endpoints(
        NameContains=cf_model_endpoint_name, MaxResults=30)["Endpoints"]
    while not existing_endpoints:
        existing_endpoints = sagemaker_session.sagemaker_client.list_endpoints(
            NameContains=cf_model_endpoint_name, MaxResults=30)["Endpoints"]
    cf_model_predictor = sagemaker.predictor.Predictor(

  2. Then we pass the cached data to this predictor to get our initial set of recommendations for a particular customer:
    # Pass in our cached data as input to the Collaborative Filtering 
    modelpredictions = cf_model_predictor.predict(cf_inference_payload)['predictions']
    # Add those predictions to the input DataFrame
    predictions = [prediction["score"] for prediction in predictions]
    cf_inference_df['predictions'] = predictions
    # Sort by predictions and take top 10
    cf_inference_df = cf_inference_df.sort_values(
        by='predictions', ascending=False).head(10).reset_index()

  3. Let’s see the initial recommendations for this customer:

A index customer_id product_id state age is_married product_name predictions
0 1 C3571 P10682 maine 35 0 mini cakes birthday cake 1.65686
1 6 C3571 P6176 maine 35 0 pretzel ”shells” 1.64399
2 13 C3571 P7822 maine 35 0 degreaser 1.62522
3 14 C3571 P1832 maine 35 0 up beat craft brewed kombucha 1.60065
4 5 C3571 P6247 maine 35 0 fruit punch roarin’ waters 1.5686
5 8 C3571 P11086 maine 35 0 almonds mini nut-thins cheddar cheese 1.54271
6 12 C3571 P15430 maine 35 0 organic pork chop seasoning 1.53585
7 4 C3571 P4152 maine 35 0 white cheddar bunnies 1.52764
8 2 C3571 P16823 maine 35 0 pirouette chocolate fudge creme filled wafers 1.51293
9 9 C3571 P9981 maine 35 0 decaf tea, vanilla chai 1.483

We now create a Predictor object from our ranking model endpoint (which we created earlier) so that we can use it to get predictions for the customer using their recent activity. Remember that we simulated recent behavior using the helper scripts and streamed it using Kinesis Data Streams to the click stream feature group.

  1. Create the Predictor object with the following code:
    # Make sure model has finished deploying
    existing_endpoints = sagemaker_session.sagemaker_client.list_endpoints(
            NameContains=ranking_model_endpoint_name, MaxResults=30)["Endpoints"]
    while not existing_endpoints:
        existing_endpoints = sagemaker_session.sagemaker_client.list_endpoints(
            NameContains=ranking_model_endpoint_name, MaxResults=30)["Endpoints"]
    ranking_model_predictor = sagemaker.predictor.
                            serializer = CSVSerializer())

  2. To construct the input for the ranking model, we need to one-hot encode product categories as we did in training:
    query = f'''select product_categoryfrom "{products_table}"order by product_category'''
    product_categories_df, query = query_offline_store(
                                    products_feature_group_name, query,sagemaker_session)
    one_hot_cat_features = product_categories_df.product_category.unique()
    df_one_hot_cat_features = pd.DataFrame(one_hot_cat_features)
    df_one_hot_cat_features.columns = ['product_category']
    df_one_hot_cat_features = pd.concat([df_one_hot_cat_features, 
       pd.get_dummies(df_one_hot_cat_features['product_category'], prefix='cat')],axis=1)

    Now we create a function to take the output from the collaborative filtering model and join it with the one-hot encoded product categories and the real-time clickstream data from our click stream feature group, because this data will influence the ranking of recommended products. The following diagram illustrates this process.

  3. Create the function with the following code:
    def get_ranking_model_input_data(df, df_one_hot_cat_features):
        product_category_list = []
        product_health_index_list = []
        customer_id = df.iloc[0]['customer_id']
        # Get customer features from customers_feature_group_name
        customer_record = featurestore_runtime.get_record(FeatureGroupName=customers_feature_group_name,
        customer_health_index = customer_record['Record'][0]['ValueAsString']
        # Get product features (instead of looping, you can optionally use
        # the `batch_get_record` Feature Store API)
        for index, row_tuple in df.iterrows():
            product_id = row_tuple['product_id']
            # Get product features from products_feature_group_name
            product_record = featurestore_runtime.get_record(FeatureGroupName=products_feature_group_name,
            product_category = product_record['Record'][0]['ValueAsString']
            product_health_index = product_record['Record'][1]['ValueAsString']
        # Get click stream features from customers_click_stream_feature_group_name
        click_stream_record = featurestore_runtime.get_record(FeatureGroupName=click_stream_feature_group_name,
        # Calculate healthy_activity_last_2m as this will influence ranking as well
        sum_activity_weight_last_2m = click_stream_record['Record'][0]['ValueAsString']
        avg_product_health_index_last_2m = click_stream_record['Record'][1]['ValueAsString']
        healthy_activity_last_2m = int(sum_activity_weight_last_2m) * float(avg_product_health_index_last_2m)
        data = {'healthy_activity_last_2m': healthy_activity_last_2m,
                'product_health_index': product_health_index_list,
                'customer_health_index': customer_health_index,
                'product_category': product_category_list}
        ranking_inference_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        ranking_inference_df = ranking_inference_df.merge(df_one_hot_cat_features, on='product_category',
        del ranking_inference_df['product_category']
        return ranking_inference_d

  4. Let’s put everything together by calling the function we created to get real-time personalized product recommendations using data that’s being streamed to Feature Store to influence ranking on the initial list of recommended products from the collaborative filtering predictor:
    # Construct input data for the ranking model
    ranking_inference_df = get_ranking_model_input_data(
                                cf_inference_df, df_one_hot_cat_features)
    # Get our ranked product recommendations and attach the predictions to the model input
    ranking_inference_df['propensity_to_buy'] = ranking_model_predictor.predict(

  5. Now that we have our personalized ranked recommendations, let’s see what the top five recommended products are:
    # Join all the data back together for inspection
    personalized_recommendations = pd.concat([cf_inference_df[['customer_id', 
    'product_id', 'product_name']],ranking_inference_df[['propensity_to_buy']]], axis=1)
    # And sort by propensity to buy

Clean up

When you’re done using this solution, run the 5_cleanup.ipynb notebook to clean up the resources that you created as part of this post.


In this post, we used SageMaker Feature Store to accelerate training for a recommendation model and improve the accuracy of predictions based on recent behavioral events. We discussed the concepts of feature groups and offline and online stores and how they work together solve the common challenges businesses face with ML and solving complex use cases such as recommendation systems. This post is a companion to the workshop that was conducted live at AWS re:Invent 2021. We encourage readers to use this post and try out the workshop to grasp the design and internal workings of Feature Store.

About the Author

Arnab Sinha is a Senior Solutions Architect for AWS, acting as Field CTO to help customers design and build scalable solutions supporting business outcomes across data center migrations, digital transformation and application modernization, big data analytics and AIML. He has supported customers across a variety of industries, including retail, manufacturing, health care & life sciences, and agriculture. Arnab holds nine AWS Certifications, including the ML Specialty Certification. Prior to joining AWS, Arnab was a technology leader, Principal Enterprise Architect, and software engineer for over 21 years.

 Bobby Lindsey is a Machine Learning Specialist at Amazon Web Services. He’s been in technology for over a decade, spanning various technologies and multiple roles. He is currently focused on combining his background in software engineering, DevOps, and machine learning to help customers deliver machine learning workflows at scale. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, research, hiking, biking, and trail running.

Vikram Elango is an AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, based in Virginia USA. Vikram helps financial and insurance industry customers with design, thought leadership to build and deploy machine learning applications at scale. He is currently focused on natural language processing, responsible AI, inference optimization and scaling ML across the enterprise. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, hiking, cooking and camping with his family.

Mark Roy is a Principal Machine Learning Architect for AWS, helping customers design and build AI/ML solutions. Mark’s work covers a wide range of ML use cases, with a primary interest in computer vision, deep learning, and scaling ML across the enterprise. He has helped companies in many industries, including insurance, financial services, media and entertainment, healthcare, utilities, and manufacturing. Mark holds six AWS certifications, including the ML Specialty Certification. Prior to joining AWS, Mark was an architect, developer, and technology leader for over 25 years, including 19 years in financial services.

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Translate, redact and analyze streaming data using SQL functions with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, Amazon Translate, and Amazon Comprehend

You may have applications that generate streaming data that is full of records containing customer case notes, product reviews, and social media messages, in many languages. Your task is to identify the products that people are talking about, determine if they’re expressing positive or negative sentiment, translate their comments into a common language, and create enriched copies of the data for your business analysts. Additionally, you need to remove any personally identifiable information (PII), such as names, addresses, and credit card numbers.

You already know how to ingest streaming data into Amazon Kinesis Data Streams for sustained high-throughput workloads. Now you can also use Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio powered by Apache Zeppelin and Apache Flink to interactively analyze, translate, and redact text fields, thanks to Amazon Translate and Amazon Comprehend via user-defined functions (UDFs). Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that makes it easy to uncover insights from text. Amazon Translate is a neural machine translation service that delivers fast, high-quality, affordable, and customizable language translation.

In this post, we show you how to use these services to perform the following actions:

  • Detect the prevailing sentiment (positive, negative, neither, or both)
  • Detect the dominant language
  • Translate into your preferred language
  • Detect and redact entities (such as items, places, or quantities)
  • Detect and redact PII entities

We discuss how to set up UDFs in Kinesis Data Analytics Studio, the available functions, and how they work. We also provide a tutorial in which we perform text analytics on the Amazon Customer Reviews dataset.

The appendix at the end of this post provides a quick walkthrough of the solution capabilities.

Solution overview

We set up an end-to-end streaming analytics environment, where a Kinesis data stream is ingested with a trimmed-down version of the Amazon Customer Reviews dataset and consumed by a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook powered by Apache Zeppelin. A UDF is attached to the entire notebook instance, which allows the notebook to trigger Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate APIs using the payload from the Kinesis data stream. The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

The response from the UDF is used to enrich the payloads from the data stream, which are then stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. Schema and related metadata are stored in a dedicated AWS Glue Data Catalog. After the results in S3 bucket meet your expectations, the Studio notebook instance is deployed as a Kinesis Data Analytics application for continuous streaming analytics.

How the UDF works

The Java class TextAnalyticsUDF implements the core logic for each of our UDFs. This class extends ScalarFunction to allow invocation from Kinesis Data Analytics for Flink on a per-record basis. The required eval method is then overloaded to receive input records, the identifier for the use case to perform, and other supporting metadata for the use case. A switch case within the eval methods then maps the input record to a corresponding public method. Within these public methods, use case-specific API calls of Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate are triggered, for example DetectSentiment, DetectDominantLanguage, and TranslateText.

Amazon Comprehend API service quotas provide guardrails to limit your cost exposure from unintentional high usage (we discuss this more in the following section). By default, the single-document APIs process up to 20 records per second. Our UDFs use exponential backoff and retry to throttle the request rate to stay within these limits. You can request increases to the transactions per-second quota for APIs using the Quota Request Template on the AWS Management Console.

Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate each enforce a maximum input string length of 5,000 utf-8 bytes. Text fields that are longer than 5,000 utf-8 bytes are truncated to 5,000 bytes for language and sentiment detection, and split on sentence boundaries into multiple text blocks of under 5,000 bytes for translation and entity or PII detection and redaction. The results are then combined.

Cost involved

In addition to Kinesis Data Analytics costs, the text analytics UDFs incur usage costs from Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Translate. The amount you pay is a factor of the total number of records and characters that you process with the UDFs. For more information, see Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics pricing, Amazon Comprehend pricing, and Amazon Translate pricing.

Example 1: Analyze the language and sentiment of tweets

Let’s assume you have 10,000 tweet records, with an average length of 100 characters per tweet. Your SQL query detects the dominant language and sentiment for each tweet. You’re in your second year of service (the Free Tier no longer applies). The cost details are as follows:

  • Size of each tweet = 100 characters
  • Number of units (100 character) per record (minimum is 3 units) = 3
  • Total units = 10,000 (records) x 3 (units per record) x 2 (Amazon Comprehend requests per record) = 60,000
  • Price per unit = $0.0001
  • Total cost for Amazon Comprehend = [number of units] x [cost per unit] = 60,000 x $0.0001 = $6.00

Example 2: Translate tweets

Let’s assume that 2,000 of your tweets aren’t in your local language, so you run a second SQL query to translate them. The cost details are as follows:

  • Size of each tweet = 100 characters
  • Total characters = 2,000 (records) * 100 (characters per record) x 1 (Amazon Translate requests per record) = 200,000
  • Price per character = $0.000015
  • Total cost for Amazon Translate = [number of characters] x [cost per character] = 200,000 x $0.000015 = $3.00

Deploy solution resources

For this post, we provide an AWS CloudFormation template to create the following resources:

  • An S3 bucket named amazon-reviews-bucket-<your-stack-id> that contains artifacts copied from another public S3 bucket outside of your account. These artifacts include:
    • A trimmed-down version of the Amazon Product Review dataset with 2,000 tab-separated reviews of personal care and grocery items. The number of reviews has been reduced to minimize costs of implementing this example.
    • A JAR file to support UDF logic.
  • A Kinesis data stream named amazon-kinesis-raw-stream-<your-stack-id> along with a Kinesis Analytics Studio notebook instance named amazon-reviews-studio-application-<your-stack-id> with a dedicated AWS Glue Data Catalog, pre-attached UDF JAR, and a pre-configured S3 path for the deployed application.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies with appropriate permissions.
  • AWS Lambda functions for supporting the following operations :

    • Customize Zeppelin notebooks as per the existing stack environment and copy them to the S3 bucket
    • Start the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio instance
    • Modify the CORS policy of the S3 bucket to allow notebook imports via S3 pre-signed URLs
    • Empty the S3 bucket upon stack deletion

To deploy these resources, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch the CloudFormation stack:
  2. Enter a stack name, and leave other parameters at their default.
  3. Select I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names.
  4. Choose Create stack.
  5. When the stack is complete, choose the Outputs tab to review the primary resources created for this solution.
  6. Copy the S3 bucket name from the Outputs
  7. Navigate to the Amazon S3 console in a new browser tab and enter the bucket name in the search bar to filter.
  8. Choose the bucket name and list all objects created under the /artifacts/ prefix.

In upcoming steps, we upload these customized Zeppelin notebooks from this S3 bucket to the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio instance via Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs. The import is made possible because the CloudFormation stack attaches a CORS policy on the S3 bucket, which allows the Kinesis Data Analytics Studio instance to perform GET operations. To confirm, navigate to the root prefix of the S3 bucket, choose the Permissions tab, and navigate to the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section.

Set up the Studio notebooks

To set up your notebooks, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Kinesis Data Analytics console, choose the Studio tab.
  2. Filter for the notebook instance you created and choose the notebook name.
  3. Confirm that the status shows as Running.
  4. Choose the Configuration tab and confirm that the application is attached with an S3 path similar to s3://amazon-reviews-bucket-<stack-id>/zeppelin-code/ under Deploy as application configuration.
    This path is used during the export of a notebook to a Kinesis Data Analytics application.
  5. Also confirm that an S3 path similar to s3://amazon-reviews-bucket-<stack-id>/artifacts/text-analytics-udfs-linear-1.0.jar exists under User-defined functions.
    This path points the notebook instance towards the UDF JAR.
  6. Choose Open in Apache Zeppelin to be redirected to the Zeppelin console.

Now you’re ready to import the notebooks to the Studio instance.

  1. Open a new browser tab and navigate to your bucket on the Amazon S3 console.
  2. Choose the hyperlink for the 0-data-load-notebook.json
  3. Choose Open.
  4. Copy the pre-signed URL of the S3 file.
    If your browser doesn’t parse the JSON file in a new tab but downloads the file upon choosing Open, then you can also generate the presigned URL by choosing the Object actions drop-down menu and then Share with a presigned URL.
  5. On the Zeppelin console, choose Import Note.
  6. Choose Add from URL.
  7. Enter the pre-signed URL that you copied.
  8. Choose Import Note.
  9. Repeat these steps for the remaining notebook files:
    • 1-UDF-notebook.json
    • 2-base-SQL-notebook.json
    • 3-sentiments-notebook.json

The following screenshot shows your view on the Zeppelin console after importing all four files.

For the sake of brevity, this post illustrates a step-by-step walkthrough of the import and run process for the sentiment analysis and language translation use case only. We don’t illustrate the similar processes for 4-entities-notebook, 5-redact-entities-notebook, or 6-redact-pii-entities-notebook in the amazon-reviews-bucket-<your-stack-id> S3 bucket.

That being said, 0-UDF-notebook, 1-data-load-notebook, and 2-base-SQL-notebook are prerequisite resources for all use cases. If you already have the prerequisites set up, these distinct use case notebooks can operate similar to 3-sentiments-notebook. In a later section, we showcase the expected results for these use cases.

Studio notebook structure

To visualize the flow better, we have segregated the separate use cases into individual Studio notebooks. You can download all seven notebooks from the GitHub repo. The following diagram helps illustrate the logical flow for our sentiment detection use case.

The workflow is as follows:

  • Step 0 – The notebook 0-data-load-notebook reads the Amazon Product Review dataset from the local S3 bucket and ingests the tab-separated reviews into a Kinesis data stream.
  • Step 1 – The notebook 1-UDF-notebook uses the attached JAR file to create a UDF within StreamTableEnvironment. It also consists of other cells (#4–14) that illustrate UDF usage examples on non-streaming static data.
  • Step 2 – The notebook 2-base-SQL-notebook creates a table for the Kinesis data stream in the AWS Glue Data Catalog and uses the language detection and translation capabilities of UDF to enrich the schema with extra columns: review_body_detected_language and review_body_in_french.
  • Step 3 – The notebook 3-sentiments-notebook performs the following actions:

    • Step 3.1 – Reads from the table created in Step 2.
    • Step 3.2 – Interacts with the UDF to create views with use case-specific columns (for example, detected_sentiment and sentiment_mixed_score).
    • Step 3.3 – Dumps the streaming data into a local S3 bucket.
  • Step 4 – The studio instance saves the notebook as zip export into Amazon S3 bucket which is then used to create a standalone Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application .

Steps 0–2 are mandatory for the remaining steps to run. Step 3 remains the same for use cases with the other notebooks (4-entities-notebook, 5-redact-entities-notebook, and 6-redact-pii-entities-notebook).

Run Studio notebooks

In this section, we walk through the cells of the following notebooks:

  • 0-UDF-notebook
  • 1-data-load-notebook
  • 2-base-SQL-notebook
  • 3-sentiments-notebook


Cell #1 registers a Flink UDF with StreamTableEnvironment. Choose the play icon at the top of cell to run this cell.Cell #2 enables checkpointing, which is important for allowing S3Sink (used in 3-sentiments-notebook later) to run as expected.

Cells #3–13 are optional for understanding the functionality of UDFs on static non-streaming text. Additionally, the appendix at the end of this post provides a quick walkthrough of the solution capabilities.


Choose the play icon at the top of each cell (#1 and #2) to load data into a Kinesis data stream.

Cell #1 imports the dependencies into the runtime and configures the Kinesis producer with Kinesis data stream name and Region for ingestion. The Region and stream name variables are pre-populated as per the AWS account in which the CloudFormation stack was deployed.

Cell #2 loads the trimmed-down version of the Amazon Customer Reviews dataset into the Kinesis data stream.2-base-SQL-notebook

Choose the play icon at the top of each cell (#1 and #2) to run the notebook.

Cell #1 creates a table schema in the AWS Glue Data Catalog for the Kinesis data stream.

Cell #2 creates the view amazon_reviews_enriched on the streaming data and runs the UDF to enrich additional columns in the schema (review_body_in_french and review_body_detected_language).

Cell #3 is optional for understanding the modifications on the base schema.


Choose the play icon at the top of each cell (#1–3) to run the notebook.

Cell #1 creates another view named sentiment_view on top of the amazon_reviews_enriched view to further determine the sentiments of the product reviews.

Because the intention of cell #2 is to have a quick preview of rows expected in the destination S3 bucket and we don’t need the corresponding Flink job to run forever, choose the cancel icon in cell #2 to stop the job after you get sufficient rows as output. You can expect the notebook cell to populate with results in approximately 2–3 minutes. This duration is a one-time investment to start the Flink job, after which the job continues to process streaming data as it arrives.

Cell #3 creates a table called amazon_reviews_sentiments to store the UDF modified streaming data in an S3 bucket.

Run cell #4 to send sentiments to the S3 destination bucket. This cell creates an Apache Flink job that reads dataset records from the Kinesis data stream, applies the UDF transformations, and stores the modified records in Amazon S3.

You can expect the notebook cell to populate the S3 bucket with results in approximately 5 minutes. Note, this duration is a one-time investment to start the Flink job, after which the job continues to process streaming data as it arrives. You can stop the notebook cell to stop this Flink job after you review the end results in the S3 bucket.

Query the file using S3 Select to validate the contents.

The following screenshot shows your query input and output settings.

The following screenshot shows the query results for sentiment detection.

The following are equivalent results of 4-entities-notebook in the S3 bucket.

The following are equivalent results of 5-redact-entities-notebook in the S3 bucket.

The following are equivalent results of 6-redact-pii-entities-notebook in the S3 bucket.

Export the Studio notebook as a Kinesis Data Analytics application

There are two modes of running an Apache Flink application on Kinesis Data Analytics:

  • Create notes within a Studio notebook. This provides the ability to develop your code interactively, view results of your code in real time, and visualize it within your note. We have already achieved this in previous steps.
  • Deploy a note to run in streaming mode.

After you deploy a note to run in streaming mode, Kinesis Data Analytics creates an application for you that runs continuously, reads data from your sources, writes to your destinations, maintains a long-running application state, and scales automatically based on the throughput of your source streams.

The CloudFormation stack already configured a Kinesis Data Analytics Studio notebook to store the exported application artifacts in the amazon-reviews-bucket-<your-stack-id>/zeppelin-code/ S3 prefix. The SQL criteria for Studio notebook export prevents the presence of simple SELECT statements in cells of the notebook to export. Therefore, we can’t export 3-sentiments-notebook because the notebook contains SELECT statements under cell #2: Preview sentiments. To export the end result, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Apache Zeppelin UI for the notebook instance.
  2. Open 3-sentiments-notebook and copy the last cell’s SQL query:
    %flink.ssql(type=update, parallelism=1)

  3. Create a new notebook (named dep_to_kda in this post) and enter the copied content into a new cell.
  4. On the Actions menu, choose Build and export to Amazon S3.
  5. Enter an application name, confirm the S3 destination path, and choose Build and export.

    The process of building and exporting the artifacts is complete in approximately 5 minutes. You can monitor the progress on the console.
  6. Validate the creation of the required ZIP export in the S3 bucket.
  7. Navigate back to the Apache Zeppelin UI for the notebook instance and open the newly created notebook (named dep-to-kda in this post).
  8. On the Actions menu, choose Deploy export as Kinesis Analytics application.

  9. Choose Deploy using AWS console to continue with the deployment.

    You’re automatically redirected to the Kinesis Data Analytics console.
  10. On the Kinesis Data Analytics console, select Choose from IAM roles that Kinesis Data Analytics can assume and choose the KDAExecutionRole-<stack-id> role.
  11. Leave the remaining configurations at default and choose Create streaming application.
  12. Navigate back to the Kinesis Analytics application and choose Run to run the application.
  13. When the status shows as Running, choose Open Apache Flink Dashboard.

You can now review the progress of the running Flink job.


If your query fails, check the Amazon CloudWatch logs generated by the Kinesis Data Analytics for Flink application:

  1. On the Kinesis Data Analytics console, choose the exported application in previous steps and navigate to the Configuration
  2. Scroll down and choose Logging and Monitoring.
  3. Choose the hyperlink under Log Group to open the log streams for additional troubleshooting insights.

For more information about viewing CloudWatch logs, see Logging and Monitoring in Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink.

Additional use cases

There are many use cases for the discussed text analytics functions. In addition to the example shown in this post, consider the following:

  • Prepare research-ready datasets by redacting PII from customer or patient interactions.
  • Simplify extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines by using incremental SQL queries to enrich text data with sentiment and entities, such as streaming social media streams ingested by Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.
  • Use SQL queries to explore sentiment and entities in your customer support texts, emails, and support cases.
  • Standardize many languages to a single common language.

You may have additional use cases for these functions, or additional capabilities you want to see added, such as the following:

  • SQL functions to call custom entity recognition and custom classification models in Amazon Comprehend.
  • SQL functions for de-identification—extending the entity and PII redaction functions to replace entities with alternate unique identifiers.

The implementation is open source, which means that you can clone the repo, modify and extend the functions as you see fit, and (hopefully) send us pull requests so we can merge your improvements back into the project and make it better for everyone.

Clean up

After you complete this tutorial, you might want to clean up any AWS resources you no longer want to use. Active AWS resources can continue to incur charges in your account.

Because the deployed Kinesis Data Analytics application is independent of the CloudFormation stack, we need to delete the application individually.

  1. On the Kinesis Data Analytics console, select the application.
  2. On the Actions drop-down menu, choose Delete.
  3. On the AWS CloudFormation console, choose the stack deployed earlier and choose Delete.


We have shown you how to install the sample text analytics UDF function for Kinesis Data Analytics, so that you can use simple SQL queries to translate text using Amazon Translate, generate insights from text using Amazon Comprehend, and redact sensitive information. We hope you find this useful, and share examples of how you can use it to simplify your architectures and implement new capabilities for your business.

The SQL functions described in this post are also available for Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift. For more information, see Translate, redact, and analyze text using SQL functions with Amazon Athena, Amazon Translate, and Amazon Comprehend and Translate and analyze text using SQL functions with Amazon Redshift, Amazon Translate, and Amazon Comprehend.

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section, or in the issues section of the project’s GitHub repository.

Appendix: Available function reference

This section summarizes the example queries and results on non-streaming static data. To access these functions in your CloudFormation deployed environment, refer to cells #3–13 of 0-UDF-notebook.

Detect language

This function uses the Amazon Comprehend DetectDominantLanguage API to identify the dominant language and return a language code, such as fr for French or en for English:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('detect_dominant_language', message) as detected_language
        ('I am very happy')
    )AS NameTable(message)

         message     | detected_language
I am very happy | en

The following code returns a comma-separated string of language codes and corresponding confidence scores:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('detect_dominant_language_all', message) as detected_language
        ('I am very happy et joyeux')
    )AS NameTable(message)

              message     |               detected_language
I am very happy et joyeux | lang_code=fr,score=0.5603816,lang_code=en,score=0.30602336

Detect sentiment

This function uses the Amazon Comprehend DetectSentiment API to identify the sentiment and return results as POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, NEUTRAL, or MIXED:


TextAnalyticsUDF(‘detect_sentiment’, message, ‘en’) as sentiment
               (‘I am very happy’)
)AS NameTable(message)

    message     | sentiment
I am very happy | [POSITIVE]

The following code returns a comma-separated string containing detected sentiment and confidence scores for each sentiment value:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('detect_sentiment_all', message, 'en') as sentiment
        ('I am very happy')
    )AS NameTable(message)

    message     | sentiment
I am very happy | [sentiment=POSITIVE,positiveScore=0.999519,negativetiveScore=7.407639E-5,neutralScore=2.7478999E-4,mixedScore=1.3210243E-4]

Detect entities

This function uses the Amazon Comprehend DetectEntities API to identify entities:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('detect_entities', message, 'en') as entities
        ('I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars')
    )AS NameTable(message)

		                     message    |              entities
I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars | [[["PERSON","Bob"],["LOCATION","Herndon VA"]]]

The following code returns a comma-separated string containing entity types and values:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('detect_entities_all', message, 'en') as entities
        ('I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars')
    )AS NameTable(message)

		       message    |              entities
I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars |[score=0.9976127,type=PERSON,text=Bob,beginOffset=5,endOffset=8, score=0.995559,type=LOCATION,text=Herndon VA,beginOffset=20,endOffset=30]

Detect PII entities

This function uses the DetectPiiEntities API to identify PII:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('detect_pii_entities', message, 'en') as pii_entities
        ('I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars')
    )AS NameTable(message)

		       message    |              pii_entities
I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars | [[["NAME","Bob"],["ADDRESS","Herndon VA"]]]

The following code returns a comma-separated string containing PII entity types, with their scores and character offsets:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('detect_pii_entities_all', message, 'en') as pii_entities
        ('I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars')
    )AS NameTable(message)

		       message    |              pii_entities
I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars | [score=0.9999832,type=NAME,beginOffset=5,endOffset=8, score=0.9999931,type=ADDRESS,beginOffset=20,endOffset=30]

Redact entities

This function replaces entity values for the specified entity types with “[ENTITY_TYPE]”:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('redact_entities', message, 'en') as redacted_entities
        ('I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars')
    )AS NameTable(message)
				         message                 |              redacted_entities
I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars | [I am [PERSON], I live in [LOCATION], and I love cars]

Redact PII entities

This function replaces PII entity values for the specified entity types with “[PII_ENTITY_TYPE]”:

    TextAnalyticsUDF('redact_pii_entities', message, 'en') as redacted_pii_entities
        ('I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars')
    )AS NameTable(message)
				         message                 |              redacted_pii_entities
I am Bob, I live in Herndon VA, and I love cars | [I am [NAME], I live in [ADDRESS], and I love cars]

Translate text

This function translates text from the source language to the target language:

TextAnalyticsUDF(‘translate_text’, message, ‘fr’, ‘null’) as translated_text_to_french
               (‘It is a beautiful day in neighborhood’)
)AS NameTable(message)

                 Message                |         translated_text_to_french
It is a beautiful day in neighborhood   | C'est une belle journée dans le quartier

About the Authors

Nikhil Khokhar is a Solutions Architect at AWS. He joined AWS in 2016 and specializes in building and supporting data streaming solutions that help customers analyze and get value out of their data. In his free time, he makes use of his 3D printing skills to solve everyday problems.

Bob StrahanBob Strahan is a Principal Solutions Architect in the AWS Language AI Services team.

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Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now support configuring and restricting IMDS versions

Today, we’re excited to announce that Amazon SageMaker now supports the ability to configure Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) for Notebook Instances, and for administrators to control the minimum version with which end-users create new Notebook Instances. You can now choose IMDSv2 only for your new and existing SageMaker Notebook Instances to take advantage of the latest protection and support provided by IMDSv2.

Instance metadata is data about your instance that you can use to configure or manage the running instance, by providing temporary and frequently rotated credentials that can only be accessed by software running on the instance. IMDS makes metadata about the instance, such as its network and storage, available through a special link-local IP address of You can use IMDS on your SageMaker Notebook Instances, similar to how you would use IMDS on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. For detailed documentation, see Instance metadata and user data.

The release of IMDSv2 adds an additional layer of protection using session authentication. With IMDSv2, each session starts with a PUT request to IMDSv2 to get a secure token, with an expiry time, which can be a minimum of 1 second and a maximum of 6 hours. Any subsequent GET request to IMDS must send the resulting token as a header, in order to receive a successful response. When the specified duration expires, a new token is required for future requests.

A sample IMDSv1 call looks like the following code:


With IMDSv2, the call looks like the following code:

TOKEN=`curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"` 

curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"

Adopting IMDSv2 and setting it as the minimum version offers various security benefits over IMDSv1. IMDSv2 protects against unrestricted Web Application Firewall (WAF) configurations, open reverse proxies, Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerabilities, and open layer 3 firewalls and NATs that could be used to access the instance metadata. For a detailed comparison, see Add defense in depth against open firewalls, reverse proxies, and SSRF vulnerabilities with enhancements to the EC2 Instance Metadata Service.

In this post, we show you how to configure your SageMaker notebooks with IMDSv2 only support. We also share the support plan for IMDSv1, and how you can enforce IMDSv2 on your notebooks.

What’s new with IMDSv2 support and SageMaker

You can now configure the IMDS version of SageMaker Notebook Instances while creating or updating the instance, which you can do via the SageMaker API or the SageMaker Console, with the minimum IMDS version parameter. The minimum IMDS version specifies the minimum supported version. Setting to a value of 1 allows support for both IMDSv1 and IMDSv2, and setting the minimum version to 2 supports only IMDSv2. With an IMDSv2-only notebook, you can leverage the additional defense in depth that IMDSv2 provides.

We also provide a SageMaker condition key for IAM policies that allows you to restrict the IMDS version for Notebook Instances through the CreateNotebookInstance and UpdateNotebookInstance API calls. Administrators can use this condition key to restrict their end users to creating and/or updating notebooks to support IMDSv2 only. You can add this condition key to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy attached to IAM users, roles or groups responsible for creating and updating notebooks.

Additionally, you can also switch between IMDS version configurations using the minimum IMDS version parameter in the SageMaker UpdateNotebookInstance API.

Support for configuring the IMDS version and restricting the IMDS version to v2 only is now available in all AWS Regions in which SageMaker Notebook Instances are available.

Support plan for IMDS versions on SageMaker Notebook Instances

On June 1, 2022, we rolled out support for controlling the minimum version of IMDS to be used with Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances. All Notebook Instances launched before June 1, 2022 will have the default minimum version set to 1. You will have the option to update the minimum version to 2 using the SageMaker API or the console.

Configure IMDS version on your SageMaker Notebook Instance

You can configure the minimum IMDS version for SageMaker notebook through the AWS SageMaker console (see Create a Notebook Instance), SDK, or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI). This is an optional configuration, with a default value to set to 1, meaning that the notebook instance will support both IMDSv1 and IMDSv2 calls.

When creating a new notebook instance on the SageMaker console, you now have the option Minimum IMDS version to specify the minimum supported IMDS version, as shown in the following screenshot. If the value is set to 1, both IMDSv1 and IMDSv2 are supported. If the value is set to 2, only IMDSv2 is supported.


You can also edit an existing notebook instance to support IMDSv2 only using the SageMaker console, as shown in the following screenshot.


The default value will remain 1 until 31 August, 2022, and will switch to 2 on 31 August, 2022.

When using the AWS CLI to create a notebook, you can use the MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion parameter to set the minimum supported IMDS version:

   "InstanceMetadataServiceConfiguration": {
      "MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion": "string"
      //Valid Inputs: "1","2"

The following is a sample AWS CLI command to create a notebook instance with IMDSv2 support only:

aws sagemaker create-notebook-instance 
    --region region 
    --notebook-instance-name my-imds-v2-instance 
    --instance-type ml.t3.medium 
    --role-arn sagemaker-execution-role-arn 
    --instance-metadata-service-configuration MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion=2

If you want to update an existing notebook to support IMDSv2 only, you can do it using the UpdateNotebookInstance API:

aws sagemaker update-notebook-instance 
    --region region 
    --notebook-instance-name my-existing-instance-name 
    --instance-metadata-service-configuration MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion=2

Enforce IMDSv2 for all SageMaker Notebook Instances

You can use a condition key to enforce that your users can only create or update Notebook Instances that support IMDSv2 only, to enhance security. You can use this condition key in IAM policies attached to the IAM users, roles or groups responsible for creating and updating the notebooks, or AWS Organizations service control policies.

The following is a sample policy statement that restricts both create and update notebook instance APIs to allow IMDSv2 only:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Sid": "AllowSagemakerWithIMDSv2Only",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*",
                    "sagemaker:MinimumInstanceMetadataServiceVersion": "2"


Today, we announced support for configuring and administratively restricting your Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) version for Notebook Instances. We showed you how to configure the IMDS version for your new and existing notebooks using the SageMaker console and AWS CLI. We also showed you how to administratively restrict IMDS versions using IAM condition keys, and discussed the advantages of supporting IMDSv2 only.

If you have any questions and feedback regarding IMDSv2, please speak to your AWS support contact or post a message in the Amazon EC2 and Amazon SageMaker discussion forums.

About the Authors

Apoorva Gupta is a Software Engineer on the SageMaker Notebooks team. Her focus is on enabling customers to leverage SageMaker more effectively in all aspects of their ML operations. She has been contributing to Amazon SageMaker Notebooks since 2021. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, painting, gardening, cooking and traveling.

Durga Sury is a ML Solutions Architect in the Amazon SageMaker Service SA team. She is passionate about making machine learning accessible to everyone. In her 3 years at AWS, she has helped set up AI/ML platforms for enterprise customers. Prior to AWS, she enabled non-profit and government agencies derive insights from their data to improve education outcomes. When she isn’t working, she loves motorcycle rides, mystery novels, and hikes with her four-year old husky.

Siddhanth Deshpande is an Engineering Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS). His current focus is building best-in-class managed Machine Learning (ML) infrastructure and tooling services which aim to get customers from “I need to use ML” to “I am using ML successfully” quickly and easily. He has worked for AWS since 2013 in various engineering roles, developing AWS services like Amazon Simple Notification Service, Amazon Simple Queue Service, Amazon EC2, Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon SageMaker. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, reading, cooking, gardening and travelling the world.

Prashant Pawan Pisipati is a Principal Product Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS). He has built various products across AWS and Alexa, and is currently focused on helping Machine Learning practitioners be more productive through AWS services.

Edwin Bejarano is a Software Engineer on the SageMaker Notebooks team. He is an Air Force veteran that has been working for Amazon since 2017 with contributions to services like AWS Lambda, Amazon Pinpoint, Amazon Tax Exemption Program, and Amazon SageMaker. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, hiking, biking, and playing video games.

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Reimagine search on GitHub repositories with the power of the Amazon Kendra GitHub connector

Amazon Kendra offers highly accurate semantic and natural language search powered by machine learning (ML).

Many organizations use GitHub as a code hosting platform for version control and to redefine collaboration of open-source software projects. A GitHub account repository might include many content types, such as files, issues, issue comments, issue comment attachments, pull requests, pull request comments, pull request comment attachments, and more. This corpus data is scattered across multiple locations and content repositories (public, private, and internal) within an organization. However, surfacing the relevant information in a traditional keyword search is ineffective. You can now use the new Amazon Kendra data source for GitHub to index specific content types and easily find information from this data. The GitHub data source syncs the data in your GitHub repositories to your Amazon Kendra index.

This post guides you through the step-by-step process to configure the Amazon Kendra connector for GitHub. We also show you how to configure for the connector both GitHub Enterprise Cloud (SaaS) and GitHub Enterprise Server (on premises) services.

Solution overview

The solution consists of the following high-level steps:

  1. Set up your GitHub enterprise account.
  2. Set up a GitHub repo.
  3. Create a GitHub data source connector.
  4. Search the indexed content.


You need the following prerequisites to set up the Amazon Kendra connector for GitHub:

Set up your GitHub enterprise account

Create an enterprise account before proceeding to the next steps. For authentication, you can specify two types of tokens while configuring the GitHub connector:

  • Personal access token – Direct API requests that you authenticate with a personal access token are user-to-server requests. User-to-server requests are limited to 5,000 requests per hour and per authenticated user. Your personal access token is also an OAuth token.
  • OAuth token – With this token, the requests are subject to a higher limit of 15,000 requests per hour and per authenticated user.

Our recommendation is to use an OAuth token for better API throttle limits and connector performance.

For this post, we assume you have an enterprise account and generated OAuth token.

Set up your GitHub repo

To configure your GitHub repo, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a new repository, and specify its owner and name.
  2. Choose if the repository is public, internal, or private.
  3. For this post, update the README file with the following text:
    CreateIndex API creates a new Amazon Kendra index. Index creation is an asynchronous API. To determine if index creation has completed, check the Status field returned from a call to DescribeIndex. The Status field is set to ACTIVE when the index is ready to use.
    Once the index is active you can index your documents using the BatchPutDocument API or using one of the supported data sources.

  4. You can add a sample file to your repository with commit changes. The following is an example of using Amazon Kendra in Python:
    import boto3
    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
    import pprint
    import time
    kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
    print("Create an index.")
    # Provide a name for the index
    index_name = "python-getting-started-index"
    # Provide an optional decription for the index
    description = "Getting started index"
    # Provide the IAM role ARN required for indexes
    index_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/KendraRoleForGettingStartedIndex"
        index_response = kendra.create_index(
            Description = description,
            Name = index_name,
            RoleArn = index_role_arn
        index_id = index_response["Id"]
        print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the index.")
        while True:
            # Get the details of the index, such as the status
            index_description = kendra.describe_index(
                Id = index_id
            # When status is not CREATING quit.
            status = index_description["Status"]
            print(" Creating index. Status: "+status)
            if status != "CREATING":
        print("Create an S3 data source.")
        # Provide a name for the data source
        data_source_name = "python-getting-started-data-source"
        # Provide an optional description for the data source
        data_source_description = "Getting started data source."
        # Provide the IAM role ARN required for data sources
        data_source_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/KendraRoleForGettingStartedDataSource"
        # Provide the data source connection information 
        S3_bucket_name = "S3-bucket-name"
        data_source_type = "S3"
        # Configure the data source
        configuration = {"S3Configuration":
                "BucketName": S3_bucket_name
        data_source_response = kendra.create_data_source(
            Name = data_source_name,
            Description = description,
            RoleArn = data_source_role_arn,
            Type = data_source_type,
            Configuration = configuration,
            IndexId = index_id
        data_source_id = data_source_response["Id"]
        print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the data source.")
        while True:
            # Get the details of the data source, such as the status
            data_source_description = kendra.describe_data_source(
                Id = data_source_id,
                IndexId = index_id
            # If status is not CREATING, then quit
            status = data_source_description["Status"]
            print(" Creating data source. Status: "+status)
            if status != "CREATING":
        print("Synchronize the data source.")
        sync_response = kendra.start_data_source_sync_job(
            Id = data_source_id,
            IndexId = index_id
        print("Wait for the data source to sync with the index.")
        while True:
            jobs = kendra.list_data_source_sync_jobs(
                Id = data_source_id,
                IndexId = index_id
            # For this example, there should be one job
            status = jobs["History"][0]["Status"]
            print(" Syncing data source. Status: "+status)
            if status != "SYNCING":
    except  ClientError as e:
            print("%s" % e)
    print("Program ends.")

  5. Download to your computer, and extract the files into a folder called AWS_Whitepapers.
  6. Upload AWS_Whitepapers/Best_Practices/AWS_Serverless_Multi-Tier_Architectures to your repository.

Your repository should look like the following screenshot.

Your organization’s code repositories might hold hundreds of thousands of documents, README notes, code comments, webpages, and other items. In the next section, we showcase the document comprehension capability of Amazon Kendra to find the relevant information contained in these repositories.

Create a GitHub data source connector

For this post, we assume you have already created an Amazon Kendra index. If you don’t have an index, create a new index before proceeding with the following steps.

  1. On the Amazon Kendra console, choose the index that you want to add the data source to.
  2. Choose Add data sources.
  3. From the list of data source connectors, choose Add connector under GitHub.
  4. On the Specify data source details page, enter a data source name and an optional description.
  5. To assign metadata to your AWS resources in the form of tags, choose Add tags and enter a key and value.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. On the Define access and security page, choose your GitHub source. Amazon Kendra supports two types of GitHub services:
    1. GitHub Enterprise Cloud – If you choose this option, specify the GitHub host URL and GitHub organization name. Configure your Secrets Manager secret with the authentication credentials in the form of an OAuth2 access token of the GitHub enterprise owner. The Oauth2 token scope should be authorized for repo:status, public_repo, repo:invite, read:org, user:email, and read:user.
    2. GitHub Enterprise Server – If you choose this option, specify the GitHub host URL and GitHub organization name you created in the previous section. Configure your Secrets Manager secret with the authentication credentials in the form of an OAuth2 access token of the GitHub enterprise owner. The Oauth2 token scope should be authorized for repo:status, public_repo, repo:invite, read:org, user:email, read:user, and site_admin. To configure the SSL certificate, you can create a self-signed certificate for this post using openssl x509 -in sample.pem -out new_github.cer and add this certificate to an S3 bucket.
  8. For Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), choose the default option (No VPC).
  9. For IAM role, choose Create a new role (recommended) and enter a role name.
    Whenever you modify the Secrets Manager secret, make sure you also modify the IAM role, because it requires permission to access your secret to authenticate your GitHub account. For more information on the required permissions to include in the IAM role, see IAM roles for data sources.
  10. Choose Next.

    On the Configure sync settings page, you provide details about the sync scope and run schedule.
  11. For Select repositories to crawl, select Select repositories to configure a specific list.
  12. Choose the repository kendra-githubconnector-demo that you created earlier.
  13. Optionally, you can adjust the crawl mode. The GitHub connector supports the two modes:
    1. Full crawl mode – It crawls the entire GitHub organization as configured whenever there is a data source sync. By default, the connector runs in this mode.
    2. Change log mode – It crawls the specified changed GitHub content (added, deleted, modified, permission changes) of the organization whenever there is a data source sync.
  14. Optionally, you can filter on the specific content types to index, and configure inclusion and exclusion filters on the file name, type, and path.
  15. Under Sync run schedule, for Frequency, choose Run on demand.
  16. Choose Next.
  17. In the Set fields mapping section, define the mappings between GitHub fields to Amazon Kendra field names.
    You can configure for each content type and enable these GitHub fields as facets to further refine your search results. For this post, we use the default options.
  18. Choose Next.
  19. On the Review and create page, review your options for the GitHub data source.
  20. Choose Add data source.
  21. After the data source is created, choose Sync now to index the data from GitHub.

Search indexed content

After about 10 minutes, the data source sync is complete and the GitHub content is ingested into the index. The GitHub connector crawls the following entities:

  • Repositories on GitHub Enterprise Cloud:
    • Repository with its description
    • Code and their branches with folders and subfolders
    • Issues and pull request files for public repositories
    • Issues and pull request comments and their replies for public and private repositories
    • Issues and pull request comment attachments and their replies’ attachments for public repositories
  • Repositories on GitHub Enterprise Server:
    • Repository with its description
    • Code and their branches with folders and subfolders
    • Issues and pull request comments and their replies for public, private, and internal repositories

Now you can test some queries on the Amazon Kendra Search console.

  1. Choose Search indexed content.
  2. Enter the sample text How to check the status of the index creation?
  3. Run another query and enter the sample text What are most popular usecases for AWS Lambda?

Amazon Kendra accurately surfaces relevant information based on the content indexed from the GitHub repositories. Access control to all the information is still enforced by the original repository.

Clean up

To avoid incurring unnecessary charges, clean up the resources you created for testing this connector.

  1. Delete the Amazon Kendra index if you created one specifically for testing this solution.
  2. Delete the GitHub connector data source if you added a new data source to an existing index.
  3. Delete the content you added for your GitHub account.


In this post, we covered the process of setting up the new Amazon Kendra connector for GitHub. Organizations can empower their software developers by providing secure and intelligent search of content spread across many different GitHub repositories.

This post illustrates the basic connector capabilities. You can also customize the search by enabling facets based on GitHub fields and map to Amazon Kendra index fields. With the GitHub connector, you can control access to the data because it can crawl orgname-reponame and set a group as the principle and collaborators of the repository as members of the group. Furthermore, Amazon Kendra provides features such as Custom Document Enrichment and Experience Builder to enhance the search experience.

For more details about Amazon Kendra, refer to the Amazon Kendra Developer Guide.

About the Authors

Manjula Nagineni is a Solutions Architect with AWS based in New York. She works with major Financial service institutions, architecting, and modernizing their large-scale applications while adopting AWS cloud services. She is passionate about designing big data workloads cloud-natively. She has over 20 years of IT experience in Software Development, Analytics and Architecture across multiple domains such as finance, manufacturing and telecom.

Arjun Agrawal is Software Development Engineer at AWS Kendra.

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Merge cells and column headers in Amazon Textract tables

Financial documents such as bank, loan, or mortgage statements are often formatted to be visually appealing and easy to read for the human eye. These same features can also make automated processing challenging at times. For instance, in the following sample statement, merging rows or columns in a table helps reduce information redundancy, but it can become difficult to write the code that identifies the repeating value and assign it to the corresponding elements.

Sample Bank Statement

In April 2022, Amazon Textract introduced a new capability of the table feature that automatically detects merged rows and columns as well as headers. Prior to this enhancement, for a similar document, the table’s output would have contained empty values for the Date column. Customers had to write custom code to detect the beginning of a new row and carry over the appropriate value.

This post walks you through a simple example of how to use the merged cells and headers features.

The new Amazon Textract table response structure

The response schema for the Amazon Textract API is now enhanced with two new structure types, as illustrated in the following diagram:

  • A new block type called MERGED_CELL
  • New cell entity types called COLUMN_HEADER or ROW_HEADER

AnalyzeDocument Response Structure

MERGED_CELL blocks are appended to the JSON document as any other CELL block. The MERGED_CELL blocks have a parent/child relationship with the CELL blocks they combine. This allows you to propagate the same cell value across multiple columns or rows even when not explicitly represented in the document. The MERGED_CELL block itself is then referenced from the TABLE block via a parent/child relationship.

Headers are flagged through a new entity type populated within the corresponding CELL block.

Using the new feature

Let’s try out the new feature on the sample statement presented earlier. The following code snippet calls Amazon Textract to extract tables out of the document, turn the output data into a Pandas DataFrame, and display its content.

We use the following modules in this example:

Let’s initialize the Boto3 session and invoke Amazon Textract with the sample statement as the input document:

session = boto3.Session(profile_name='<your_profile_name>')
documentName = " s3://amazon-textract-public-content/blogs/Textract-MergeCell-Sample-Bank-Statement.pdf"
textract_json = call_textract(input_document=documentName, features = [Textract_Features.TABLES])

Let’s pretty-print the response payload. As you can see, by default the date is not populated across all rows.

print(get_string(textract_json=textract_json, output_type=[Textract_Pretty_Print.TABLES]))
| Beginning Balance: | $8000.0 |
| Deposits           | $3005.5 |
| Other Subtractions | -1539.5 |
| Checks             |         |
| 0.00               |         |
| Service Fees 0.00  |         |
| Account   | name     | John Doe                     |
| Account   | number   | 00002134001                  |
| Statement | Date:    |                              |
| Date      | February | 1, 2022 to February 28, 2022 |
|          |                         |         | Amount  |        |          |
| Date     | Description             | Details | Credits | Debits | Balance  |
| 2/4/2022 | Life Insurance Payments | Credit  |         | 445    | 9500.45  |
|          | Property Management     | Credit  |         | 300    | 9945.45  |
|          | Retail Store 4          | Credit  |         | 65.75  | 10245.45 |
| 2/3/2022 | Electricity Bill        | Credit  |         | 245.45 | 10311.2  |
|          | Water Bill              | Credit  |         | 312.85 | 10556.65 |
|          | Rental Deposit          | Credit  | 3000    |        | 10869.5  |
| 2/2/2022 | Retail Store 3          | Credit  |         | 125    | 7869.5   |
|          | Retail Store 2 Refund   | Debit   | 5.5     |        | 7994.5   |
|          | Retail Store 1          | Credit  |         | 45.5   | 8000     |
| 2/1/2022 | Shoe Store Refund       | Credit  | 33      |        | 8045.5   |
|          | Snack Vending Machine   | Debit   |         | 4      | 8012.5   |

Then, we load the response into a document by using the Amazon Textract response parser module, and reorder the blocks by location:

t_doc = TDocumentSchema().load(textract_json)
ordered_doc = order_blocks_by_geo(t_doc)
trp_doc = Document(TDocumentSchema().dump(ordered_doc))

Now let’s iterate through the tables’ content, and extract the data into a DataFrame:

table_index = 1
dataframes = []
 def combine_headers(top_h, bottom_h):
   bottom_h[3] = top_h[2] + " " + bottom_h[3]
   bottom_h[4] = top_h[2] + " " + bottom_h[4]
 for page in trp_doc.pages:
   for table in page.tables:
     table_data = []
     headers = table.get_header_field_names()         #New Table method to retrieve header column names
     if(len(headers)>0):                   #Let's retain the only table with headers
       print("Statememt headers: "+ repr(headers))
       top_header= headers[0]
       bottom_header = headers[1]
       combine_headers(top_header, bottom_header)     #The statement has two headers. let's combine them
       for r, row in enumerate(table.rows_without_header): #New Table attribute returning rows without headers
         for c, cell in enumerate(row.cells):
           table_data[r].append(cell.mergedText)    #New Cell attribute returning merged cells common values
       if len(table_data)>0:
         df = pd.DataFrame(table_data, columns=bottom_header)

The trp module has been improved to include two new capabilities, as highlighted in the preceding code’s comments:

  • Fetch the header column names
  • Expose merged cells’ repeated value

Displaying the DataFrame produces the following output.

Statement Table Dataframe Display

We can now use multi-level indexing and reproduce the table’s initial structure:

multi = df.set_index(['Date', 'Details'])

Statement Table Dataframe Display 2

For a complete version of the notebook presented in this post, visit the amazon-textract-code-samples GitHub repository.


Amazon Textract already helps you speed up document processing and reduce the number of manual tasks. The table’s new headers and merged cells features help you even further by reducing the need for custom or hard-coded logic. It can also help reduce postprocessing manual corrections.

For more information, please visit the Amazon Textract Response Objects documentation page. And if you are interested in learning more about another recently announced Textract feature, we highly recommend checking out Specify and extract information from documents using the new Queries feature in Amazon Textract.

About the Authors

Narcisse Zekpa is a Solutions Architect based in Boston. He helps customers in the Northeast U.S. accelerate their adoption of the AWS Cloud, by providing architectural guidelines, design innovative, and scalable solutions. When Narcisse is not building, he enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, cooking, and playing basketball.

Martin Schade is a Senior ML Product SA with the Amazon Textract team. He has over 20 years of experience with internet-related technologies, engineering, and architecting solutions. He joined AWS in 2014, first guiding some of the largest AWS customers on the most efficient and scalable use of AWS services, and later focused on AI/ML with a focus on computer vision. Currently, he’s obsessed with extracting information from documents.

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Detect financial transaction fraud using a Graph Neural Network with Amazon SageMaker

Fraud plagues many online businesses and costs them billions of dollars each year. Financial fraud, counterfeit reviews, bot attacks, account takeovers, and spam are all examples of online fraud and malicious behaviors.

Although many businesses take approaches to combat online fraud, these existing approaches can have severe limitations. First, many existing methods aren’t sophisticated or flexible enough to detect the whole spectrum of fraudulent or suspicious online behaviors. Second, fraudsters can evolve and adapt to deceive simple rule-based or feature-based methods. For instance, fraudsters can create multiple coordinated accounts to avoid triggering limits on individual accounts.

However, if we construct a full interaction graph encompassing not only single transaction data but also account information, historical activities, and more, it’s more difficult for fraudsters to conceal their behavior. For example, accounts that are often connected to other fraudulent-related nodes may indicate guilt by association. We can also combine weak signals from individual nodes to derive stronger signals about that node’s activity. Fraud detection with graphs is effective because we can detect patterns such as node aggregation, which may occur when a particular user starts to connect with many other users or entities, and activity aggregation, which may occur when a large number of suspicious accounts begin to act in tandem.

In this post, we show you how to quickly deploy a financial transaction fraud detection solution with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a fully managed service to build customized fraud detection models without writing code, we recommend checking out Amazon Fraud Detector. Amazon Fraud Detector enables customers with no machine learning experience to automate building fraud detection models customized for their data, leveraging more than 20 years of fraud detection expertise from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and

Benefits of Graph Neural Networks

To illustrate why a Graph Neural Network is a great fit for online transaction fraud detection, let’s look at the following example heterogeneous graph constructed from a sample dataset of typical financial transaction data.

An example heterogeneous graph

A heterogeneous graph contains different types of nodes and edges, which in turn tend to have different types of attributes that are designed to capture characteristics of each node and edge type.

The sample dataset contains not only features of each transaction, such as the purchased product type and transaction amount, but also multiple identity information that could be used to identify the relations between transactions. That information can be used to construct Relational Graph Convolutional Networks (R-GCNs). In the preceding example graph, the node types correspond to categorical columns in the sample dataset such as card number, card type, and email domain.

GNNs utilize all the constructed information to learn a hidden representation (embedding) for each transaction, so that the hidden representation is used as input for a linear classification layer to determine whether the transaction is fraudulent or not.

The solution shown in this post uses Amazon SageMaker and the Deep Graph Library (DGL) to construct a heterogeneous graph from tabular data and train an R-GCNs model to identify fraudulent transactions.

Solution overview

At a high level, the solution trains a graph neural network to accept an interaction graph, as well as some features about the users in order to classify those users as potentially fraudulent or not. This approach ensures that we detect signals that are present in the user attributes or features, as well as in the connectivity structure, and interaction behavior of the users.

This solution employs the following algorithms:

  • R-GCNs, which is a state-of-the-art GNN model for heterogenous graph input
  • SageMaker XGBoost, which we use as the baseline model to compare performances

By default, this solution uses synthetic datasets that are created to mimic typical examples of financial transactions datasets. We demonstrate how to use your own labeled dataset later in this post.

The outputs of the solution are as follows:

  • An R-GCNs model trained on the input datasets.
  • An XGBoost model trained on the input datasets.
  • Predictions of the probability for each transaction being fraudulent. If the estimated probability of a transaction is over a threshold, it’s classified as fraudulent.

In this solution, we focus on the SageMaker components, which include two main parts:

The following diagram illustrates the solution architecture.

Architecture diagram


To try out the solution in your own account, make sure that you have the following in place:

When the Studio instance is ready, you can launch Studio and access JumpStart. JumpStart solutions are not available in SageMaker notebook instances, and you can’t access them through SageMaker APIs or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Launch the solution

To launch the solution, complete the following steps:

  1. Open JumpStart by using the JumpStart launcher in the Get Started section or by choosing the JumpStart icon in the left sidebar.
  2. Under Solutions, choose Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions to open the solution in another Studio tab.
    Launch the solution in SageMaker JumpStart
  3. In the solution tab, choose Launch to launch the solution.
    Launch the solution
    The solution resources are provisioned and another tab opens showing the deployment progress. When the deployment is finished, an Open Notebook button appears.
  4. Choose Open Notebook to open the solution notebook in Studio.
    Open notebook

Explore the default dataset

The default dataset used in this solution is a synthetic dataset created to mimic typical examples of financial transactions dataset that many companies have. The dataset consists of two tables:

  • Transactions – Records transactions and metadata about transactions between two users. Examples of columns include the product code for the transaction and features on the card used for the transaction, and a column indicating whether the corresponded transaction is fraud or not.
  • Identity – Contains information about the identity users performing transactions. Examples of columns include the device type and device IDs used.

The two tables can be joined together using the unique identified-key column TransactionID. The following screenshot shows the first five observations of the Transactions dataset.

Sample dataset transactions table

The following screenshot shows the first five observations of the Identity dataset.

Sample dataset identity table

The following screenshot shows the joined dataset.

Sample dataset joined table

Besides the unique identifier column (TransactionID) to identify each transaction, there are two types of predicting columns and one target column:

  • Identity columns – These contain identity information related to a transaction, including card_no, card_type, email_domain, IpAddress, PhoneNo, and DeviceID
  • Categorical or numerical columns – These describe the features of each transaction, including ProductCD and TransactionAmt
  • Target column – The isFraud column indicates whether the corresponded transaction is fraudulent or not

The goal is to fully utilize the information in the predicting columns to classify each transaction (each row in the table) to be either fraud or not fraud.

Upload the raw data to Amazon S3

The solution notebook contains code that downloads the default synthetic datasets and uploads them to the input Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket provisioned by the solution.

To use your own labeled datasets, before running the code cell in the Upload raw data to S3 notebook section, edit the value of the variable raw_data_location so that it points to the location of your own input data.

Code lines that specify data location

In the Data Visualization notebook section, you can run the code cells to visualize and explore the input data as tables.

If you’re using your own datasets with different data file names or table columns, remember to also update the data exploration code accordingly.

Data preprocessing and feature engineering

The solution provides a data preprocessing and feature engineering Python script data-preprocessing/ This script serves as a general processing framework to convert a relational table to heterogeneous graph edge lists based on the column types of the relational table. Some of the data transformation and feature engineering techniques include:

  • Performing numerical encoding for categorical variables and logarithmic transformation for transaction amount
  • Constructing graph edge lists between transactions and other entities for the various relation types

All the columns in the relational table are classified into one of the following three types for data transformation:

  • Identity columns – Columns that contain identity information related to a user or a transaction, such as IP address, phone number, and device identifiers. These column types become node types in the heterogeneous graph, and the entries in these columns become the nodes.
  • Categorical columns – Columns that correspond to categorical features such as a user’s age group, or whether or not a provided address matches an address on file. The entries in these columns undergo numerical feature transformation and are used as node attributes in the heterogeneous graph.
  • Numerical columns – Columns that correspond to numerical features such as how many times a user has tried a transaction. The entries here are also used as node attributes in the heterogeneous graph. The script assumes that all columns in the tables that aren’t identity columns or categorical columns are numerical columns.

The names of the identity columns and categorical columns need to be provided as command line arguments when running the Python script (--id-cols for identity column names and --cat-cols for category column names).

Code lines that specify Python script command line arguments

If you’re using your own data and your data is in the same format as the default synthetic dataset but with different column names, you simply need to adapt the Python arguments in the notebook code cell according to your dataset’s column names. However, if your data is in a different format, you need to modify the following section in the data-preprocessing/ Python script.

Code lines that handle data format

We divide the dataset into training (70% of the entire data), validation (20%), and test datasets (10%). The validation dataset is used for hyperparameter optimization (HPO) to select the optimal set of hyperparameters. The test dataset is used for the final evaluation to compare various models. If you need to adjust these ratios, you can use the command line arguments --train-data-ratio and --valid-data-ratio when running the preprocessing Python script.

When the preprocessing job is complete, we have a set of bipartite edge lists between transactions and different device ID types (suppose we’re using the default dataset), as well as the features, labels, and a set of transactions to validate our graph model performance. You can find the transformed data in the S3 bucket created by the solution, under the dgl-fraud-detection/preprocessed-data folder.

Preprocessed data in S3

Train an XGBoost baseline model with HPO

Before diving into training a graph neural network with the DGL, we first train an XGBoost model with HPO as the baseline on the transaction table data.

  1. Read the data from features_xgboost.csv and upload the data to Amazon S3 for training the baseline model. This CSV file was generated in the data preprocessing and feature engineering job in the last step. Only the categorical columns productCD, card_type, and the numerical column TransactionAmt are included.
  2. Create an XGBoost estimator with the SageMaker XGBoost algorithm container.
  3. Create and fit an XGBoost estimator with HPO:
    1. Specify dynamic hyperparameters we want to tune and their searching ranges.
    2. Define optimization objectives in terms of metrics and objective type.
    3. Create hyperparameter tuning jobs to train the model.
  4. Deploy the endpoint of the best tuning job and make predictions with the baseline model.

Train the Graph Neural Network using the DGL with HPO

Graph Neural Networks work by learning representation for nodes or edges of a graph that are well suited for some downstream tasks. We can model the fraud detection problem as a node classification task, and the goal of the GNN is to learn how to use information from the topology of the sub-graph for each transaction node to transform the node’s features to a representation space where the node can be easily classified as fraud or not.

Specifically, we use a relational graph convolutional neural networks model (R-GCNs) on a heterogeneous graph because we have nodes and edges of different types.

  1. Define hyperparameters to determine properties such as the class of GNN models, the network architecture, the optimizer, and optimization parameters.
  2. Create and train the R-GCNs model.

For this post, we use the DGL, with MXNet as the backend deep learning framework. We create a SageMaker MXNet estimator and pass in our model training script (sagemaker_graph_fraud_detection/dgl_fraud_detection/, the hyperparameters, as well as the number and type of training instances we want to use. When the training is complete, the trained model and prediction result on the test data are uploaded to Amazon S3.

  1. Optionally, you can inspect the prediction results and compare the model metrics with the baseline XGBoost model.
  2. Create and fit a SageMaker estimator using the DGL with HPO:
    1. Specify dynamic hyperparameters we want to tune and their searching ranges.
    2. Define optimization objectives in terms of metrics and objective type.
    3. Create hyperparameter tuning jobs to train the model.
  3. Read the prediction output for the test dataset from the best tuning job.

Clean up

When you’re finished with this solution, make sure that you delete all unwanted AWS resources to avoid incurring unintended charges. In the Delete solution section on your solution tab, choose Delete all resources to delete resources automatically created when launching this solution.

Clean up in SageMaker JumpStart

Alternatively, you can use AWS CloudFormation to delete all standard resources automatically created by the solution and notebook. To use this approach, on the AWS CloudFormation console, find the CloudFormation stack whose description contains sagemaker-graph-fraud-detection, and delete it. This is a parent stack; deleting this stack automatically deletes the nested stacks.

Clean up from AWS CloudFormation

With either approach, you still need to manually delete any extra resources that you may have created in this notebook. Some examples include extra S3 buckets (in addition to the solution’s default bucket), extra SageMaker endpoints (using a custom name), and extra Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) repositories.


In this post, we discussed the business problem caused by online transaction fraud, the issues in traditional fraud detection approaches, and why a GNN is a good fit for solving this business problem. We showed you how to build an end-to-end solution for detecting fraud in financial transactions using a GNN with SageMaker and a JumpStart solution. We also explained other features of JumpStart, such as using your own dataset, using SageMaker algorithm containers, and using HPO to automate hyperparameter tuning and find the best tuning job to make predictions.

To learn more about this JumpStart solution, check out the solution’s GitHub repository.

About the Authors

Xiaoli Shen profile pictureXiaoli Shen is a Solutions Architect and Machine Learning Technical Field Community (TFC) member at Amazon Web Services. She’s focused on helping customers architecting on the cloud and leveraging AWS services to derive business value. Prior to joining AWS, she was a senior full-stack engineer building large-scale data-intensive distributed systems on the cloud. Outside of work she’s passionate about volunteering in technical communities, traveling the world, and making music.

Xin Huang profile picture Dr. Xin Huang is an applied scientist for Amazon SageMaker JumpStart and Amazon SageMaker built-in algorithms. He focuses on developing scalable machine learning algorithms. His research interests are in the area of natural language processing, explainable deep learning on tabular data, and robust analysis of non-parametric space-time clustering.

Vedant Jain profile picture Vedant Jain is a Sr. AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect, helping customers derive value out of the Machine Learning ecosystem at AWS. Prior to joining AWS, Vedant has held ML/Data Science Specialty positions at various companies such as Databricks, Hortonworks (now Cloudera) & JP Morgan Chase. Outside of his work, Vedant is passionate about making music, using Science to lead a meaningful life & exploring delicious vegetarian cuisine from around the world.

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