What’s new in TensorFlow 2.12 and Keras 2.12?

What’s new in TensorFlow 2.12 and Keras 2.12?

Posted by the TensorFlow & Keras teams

TensorFlow 2.12 and Keras 2.12 have been released! Highlights of this release include the new Keras model saving and exporting format, the keras.utils.FeatureSpace utility, SavedModel fingerprinting, Python 3.11 wheels for TensorFlow and many more.

TensorFlow Core

SavedModel Fingerprinting

Models saved with tf.saved_model.save now come with a fingerprint file containing hashes to uniquely identify the SavedModel. Multiple fingerprints are derived from the model content, allowing you to compare the structure, graph, signatures, and weights across models. Read more about fingerprinting in the RFC and check out the read_fingerprint API and Fingerprint class.


tf.function now uses the Python inspect library to consistently mimic the decorated function’s signature. WYSIWYG: decorated and non-decorated behavior is identical, even for complex uses like wrapping (functools.wraps) and partial application (functools.partial).

We now detect incompatible tf.function input types (such as mismatched functools.wraps calls). Additionally, we have improved type constraining logic (input_signature) for better error messages and consistency (e.g. a function with no parameters now automatically has input_signature=[]).

Additionally, we have added experimental.extension_type.as_dict() to convert tf.experimental.ExtensionTypes to Python dicts.


New model format

The biggest new Keras feature in this release is the new model export formats. We’ve completely reworked Keras saving and serialization to cleanly separate two key use cases:

1. Python saving & reloading. This is when you save a Keras model to re-instantiate it later in a Python runtime, exactly as it was. We achieve this with a new file format, called the “Keras v3” format (.keras). You can start using it by calling model.save("your_model.keras", save_format="keras_v3").


2. Model export for inference in a runtime that might not support Python at all (e.g. the TF Serving runtime). You can create a lightweight (single-file) export via model.export("your_model") – and reload it in TF Serving or Python via tf.saved_model.load("your_model"). By default, this format only preserves a single serving endpoint, the forward pass of the model, available upon reload as .serve(). Further customization is available through the keras.export.ExportArchive class.

In the 2.13 release, keras_v3 will become the default for all files with the .keras extension. The format supports non-numerical state such as vocabulary files and lookup tables, and it is easy to save custom layers with exotic state elements (such as a FIFOQueue). The format does not rely on loading arbitrary code through bytecode or pickling, so it is safe by default. This is a big advance for secure ML. Note that due to this safety-first mindset, Python lambdas are disallowed at loading time. If you want to use a lambda, and you trust the source of the model, you can pass safe_mode=False to the loading method.

The legacy formats (“h5” and “Keras SavedModel” format based on TF SavedModel) will stay supported in perpetuity. However, we recommend that you consider adopting the new Keras v3 format for richer Python-side model saving/reloading, and using export() for inference-optimized model export.


Another exciting feature is the introduction of the keras.utils.FeatureSpace utility. It enables one-step indexing and preprocessing of structured data – including feature hashing and feature crossing. See the [feature space tutorial](https://keras.io/examples/structured_data/structured_data_classification_with_feature_space/) for more information.

Like all Keras APIs, FeatureSpace is built with progressive disclosure of complexity in mind, so it is fully customizable – you can even specify custom feature types that rely on your own preprocessing layers. For instance, if you want to create a feature that encodes a text paragraph, that’s just two lines of code:

from tensorflow.keras import layers, utils custom_layer = layers.TextVectorization(output_mode="tf_idf") feature_space = utils.FeatureSpace( features={ "text": FeatureSpace.feature( preprocessor=custom_layer, dtype="string", output_mode="float" ), }, output_mode="concat", )

There are just the release highlights – there are many more Keras-related improvements included, so be sure to check out the release notes!


Warm starting

tf.data has added support for warm-starting input processing. If warm_start=True (on tf.data.experimental.OptimizationOptions), tf.data will start preemptively start background threads during iterator creation (instead of waiting for the first call to GetNext). This allows users to improve latency to the initial GetNext call at the expense of higher memory usage.

Re-randomizing across epochs

tf.data added a new rerandomize_each_iteration argument to tf.data.Dataset.random(), to control whether the sequence of generated random numbers should be re-randomized every epoch, or not (the default behavior). If seed is set and rerandomize_each_iteration=True, random() will produce a different (deterministic) sequence of numbers every epoch. This can be useful when training over a relatively smaller number of input examples to ensure that the model doesn’t learn the sequence itself.

Infra Updates

  • Protobuf python runtime version was upgraded to 4.21.9. All protobuf *_pb2.py stubs are generated now with protoc 3.21.9. The minimal supported protobuf runtime version is 3.20.3.
  • We released Python 3.11 wheels for the TensorFlow packages with this release!
  • We removed Python 3.7 support from this version. Going forward, we will no longer release patches for Python 3.7.

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      People of AI

      People of AI

      Posted by Ashley Oldacre and Laurence Moroney

      Throughout the years, we have seen some incredible ways AI has had an impact on our careers and daily lives. From solving some really challenging problems like predicting air quality through apps like Air Cognizer, helping parents of deaf children learn sign language, protecting the Great Barrier Reef and bringing culture and people together through projects like Sounds of India and Shadow Art, the sky’s the limit.

      But who are the people behind it all?

      To answer this question, I joined forces with my co-host, Laurence Moroney, to launch the People of AI podcast. We want to share the stories of some of the incredible people behind this technology. Through our interviews, we learn from a handful of current AI/ML leaders and practitioners and invite them to share their stories, what they are building, lessons learned along the way, and how they see the future of the industry. Through our conversations, we uncover the passion and creativity behind AI and ML development, and potential applications and use cases for good.

      There is no doubt that AI is front and center in our lives today. It’s changing the future and shaping our conversations – whether it’s with family or the latest chat app. Throughout this podcast we will connect with some of the people behind the technology, share in their enthusiasm, concerns and learn from them.

      Starting today, we will release one new episode of “People of AI” per week. Listen to the first episode on the People of AI site, also available on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Deezer and Stitcher.

      • Episode 1: meet your hosts, Ashley Oldacre and Laurence Moroney, as we uncover what it means to be a person of AI.
      • Episode 2: learn about entrepreneurship with Sharon Zhou, CS Faculty at Stanford and MIT Technology Review’s 35 Under 35.
      • Episode 3: learn about the amazing ways you can use ML on the web with Jason Mayes, the public face of Web ML at Google, Web Engineer, and Creative Innovator.
      • Episode 4: learn how to pivot mid-career into the field of ML with Catherine Nelson, Principal Data Scientist at SAP Concur.
      • Episode 5: learn how to follow your passion and bring it into your work with Gant Laborde, Chief Innovation Officer at Infinite Red, Inc. and Google Developer Expert.
      • Episode 6: we talk with Joana Carrasqueira, Head of Community for Developer Relations in ML at Google, about empowering and connecting our communities around AI.

      Whether you’re just getting started in AI/ML, or looking to expand your established experience, these stories are for you. We hope you will tune in!

      This podcast is sponsored by Google. Any remarks made by the speakers are their own and are not endorsed by Google.

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      TensorFlow with MATLAB

      TensorFlow with MATLAB

      Posted by Sivylla Paraskevopoulou, Product Marketing Manager at MathWorks

      In this blog post I will show you how to use TensorFlow™ with MATLAB® for deep learning applications. More specifically, I will show you how to convert pretrained TensorFlow models to MATLAB models, convert models from MATLAB to TensorFlow, and use MATLAB and TensorFlow together.

      These interoperability features, offered by MATLAB, enable collaboration between colleagues, teams, and communities that work on different platforms. Today’s post will show you how to use these features, and give you examples of when you might want to use them and how they connect the work of AI developers and engineers to enable domain-specific AI system design.


      What is MATLAB?

      MATLAB is a computing platform tailored for engineering and scientific applications like data analysis, signal and image processing, control systems, wireless communications, and robotics. MATLAB includes a programming language, interactive apps, and tools for automatically generating embedded code. MATLAB is also the foundation for Simulink®, a block diagram environment for simulating complex multi-domain systems.

      Similarly to Python® libraries, MATLAB provides toolboxes for achieving different goals. More specifically, MATLAB provides the Deep Learning Toolbox™ for deep learning workflows. Deep Learning Toolbox provides a framework for designing and implementing deep neural networks with algorithms, pretrained models, and apps. It can be combined with domain-specific toolboxes in areas such as computer vision, signal processing, and audio applications.

      Flow chart depicting the correlation between Python and MATLAB as programming languages to TensorFlow and Deep Learning Toolbox as Deep Learning Platforms respectively
      Figure:Python and MATLAB are programming languages; Python can leverage the TensorFlow library for deep learning workflows, while MATLAB provides the Deep Learning Toolbox.

      Why TensorFlow and MATLAB?

      Both TensorFlow and MATLAB are widely used for deep learning. Many MATLAB customers are interested in integrating TensorFlow models into their AI design, for creating customized tools, simulating complex systems, or optimizing data modeling. TensorFlow users can also leverage MATLAB to generate, analyze, and visualize training data, post-process model output, and deploy trained neural networks to desktop, web apps, or embedded hardware.

      For example, engineers have integrated TensorFlow models into Simulink (MATLAB simulation environment) to develop a battery state-of charge estimator for an electric vehicle and scientists have used MATLAB with TensorFlow to build a custom toolbox for reading climate data. For more details on these examples, see Integrate TensorFlow Model into Simulink for Simulation and Code Generation and Climate Data Store Toolbox for MATLAB.

      What’s Next?

      Now you have started to see the benefits of using TensorFlow with MATLAB. Let’s get into more of the technical details on how to use TensorFlow with MATLAB in the following three sections.

      You will see how straightforward it is to use TensorFlow with MATLAB and why I (and other engineers) like having the option to combine them for deep learning applications. Why choose when you don’t have to?

      Convert Model from TensorFlow to MATLAB

      Flow chart showing the conversion of a model `importTensorFlowNetwork` from TensorFlow to MATLAB

      You can convert a pretrained model from TensorFlow to MATLAB by using the MATLAB function importTensorFlowNetwork. A scenario when this function might be useful; a data scientist creates a model in TensorFlow and then an engineer integrates this model into an AI system created in MATLAB.

      We will show you here how to import an image classification TensorFlow model into MATLAB and (1) use it for prediction and (2) integrate it into an AI system.

      Convert model from TensorFlow to MATLAB
      Before importing a pretrained TensorFlow model into MATLAB network, you must save the TensorFlow model in the SavedModel format.

      Python code:

      import tensorflow as tf tf.saved_model.save(model.modelFolder)
      Then, you can import the TensorFlow model into MATLAB by using the MATLAB function importTensorFlowNetwork. You only need one line of code!

      MATLAB code:

      modelFolder = “EfficientNetV2L”;net = importTensorFlowNetwork(modelFolder,OutputLayerType=”classification”)

      Classify Image

      Read the image you want to classify. Resize the image to the input size of the network.
      MATLAB code:
      Im = imread(“mydoc.jpg”);InputSize = net.Layers(1).InputSize;Im = imresize(Im,InputSize(1:2));

      Before you classify the image, the image might require further preprocessing or changing the dimension ordering from TensorFlow to MATLAB. To learn more and get answers to common questions about importing models, see Tips on Importing Models from TensorFlow.

      Predict and plot image with classified label. MATLAB code:

      label = classify(net,Im); imshow(Im) title("Predicted label: " + string(label));

      Image of a pomeranian with text 'Predicted label: Pomeranian'

      To see the full example on how to import an image classification TensorFlow model into MATLAB and use the model for prediction, see Image Classification in MATLAB Using Converted TensorFlow Model. To learn more on importing TensorFlow models into MATLAB, check out the blog post Importing Models from TensorFlow, PyTorch, and ONNX.

      Transfer Learning
      A common reason to import a pretrained TensorFlow model into MATLAB is to perform transfer learning. Transfer learning is the process of taking a pretrained deep learning model and fine-tuning to fit the model to a new problem. For example, you are doing object detection in MATLAB, and you find a TensorFlow model that can improve the detection accuracy, but you need to retrain the model with your data. Using transfer learning is usually faster and easier than training a network from scratch.

      In MATLAB, you can perform transfer learning programmatically or interactively by using the Deep Network Designer (DND) app. It’s easy to do model surgery (prepare a network to train on new data) with a few lines of MATLAB code by using built-in functions that replace, remove, or add layers at any part of the network architecture. For an example, see Train Deep Learning Network to Classify New Images. With DND, you can interactively prepare the network for training, train the network, export the retrained network, and then use it for the new task. For an example, see Transfer Learning with Deep Network Designer.

      Screen grab showing editing of a pretrained model in Deep Network Designer
      Figure:Edit pretrained model with a low-code app for transfer learning.

      AI System Design in Simulink
      Simulink is a block diagram environment used to design systems with multi-domain models, simulate systems before moving to hardware, and deploy without writing code. Simulink users have expressed interest in the ability to bring in AI models and simulate entire systems. In fact, this is very easy to do with Simulink blocks.

      In the following figure, you can see a very simple AI system that reads and classifies an image using an imported TensorFlow model. Essentially, the Simulink system executes the same workflow shown above. To learn more about how to design and simulate such a system, see Classify Images in Simulink with Imported TensorFlow Network.

      Screen grab of using image_classifier in Simulink
      Figure:Simple Simulink system for predicting image label

      Of course, Simulink capabilities extend far beyond classifying an image of my dog after I gave him a bad haircut and trying to predict his breed. For example, you can use deep neural networks inside a Simulink model to perform lane and vehicle detection. To learn more, see Machine Learning with Simulink and NVIDIA Jetson.

      Moving image showing lane and vehicle detection output in Simulink
      Lane and vehicle detection in Simulink using deep learning

      Convert Model from MATLAB to TensorFlow

      Flow chart showing conversion of `exportnetworktoTensorFlow` from MATLAB to TensorFlow

      You can convert a trained or untrained model from MATLAB to TensorFlow by using the MATLAB function exportNetworkToTensorFlow. In MATLAB, we refer to trained models as networks and to untrained models as layer graphs. The Pretrained Deep Neural Networks documentation page shows you all the options of how to get a pretrained network. You can alternatively create your own network.

      Create Untrained Model

      Create a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) network to classify sequence data. An LSTM network takes sequence data as input and makes predictions based on the individual time steps of the sequence data.

      Architecture of LSTM model
      Figure:Architecture of LSTM model

      MATLAB code:

      inputSize = 12;numHiddenUnits = 100;numClasses = 9; layers = [ sequenceInputLayer(inputSize) bilstmLayer(numHiddenUnits,OutputMode="last") fullyConnectedLayer(numClasses) softmaxLayer]; lgraph = layerGraph(layers);

      To learn how to create the training data set for this model, see Export Untrained Layer Graph to TensorFlow. An important step is to permute the sequence data from the Deep Learning Toolbox ordering (CSN) to the TensorFlow ordering (NSC), where C is the number of features of the sequence, S is the sequence length, and N is the number of sequence observations. To learn more about the dimension ordering of the input data for different deep learning platforms, see Input Dimension Ordering.

      Export Model to TensorFlow

      Export the layer graph to TensorFlow. The exportNetworkToTensorFlow function saves the TensorFlow model in the Python package myModel.

      MATLAB code:


      Train TensorFlow Model

      Run the following code in Python to load the exported model from the Python package myModel. You can also compile and train the exported model in Python. To train the model, use the training data in training_data.mat that you previously created.

      Python code:

      import myModel model = myModel.load_model()

      Load training data.

      Python code:

      import scipy.io as sio data = sio.loadmat("training_data.mat") XTrain = data["XTrain"] YTrain = data["TTrain"]

      Compile and train model.

      Python code:

      model.compile(optimizer = "adam", loss = "sparse_categorical_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"]) r = model.fit(XTrain, YTrain, epochs=100, batch_size=27)

      To learn more on how to export MATLAB models to TensorFlow, check out our blog post.

      moving image showing how to export an untrained model from MATLAB to TensorFlow and train on Google Colab
      Export untrained model from MATLAB to TensorFlow and train on Google Colab

      Run TensorFlow and MATLAB Together

      TensorFlow + MATLAB

      You ‘ve seen so far how to convert models between TensorFlow and MATLAB. You also have the option to use TensorFlow and MATLAB together (run from the same environment) by either calling Python from MATLAB or calling MATLAB from Python. This way you can take advantage of the best capabilities from each environment by creating an integrated workflow.

      For example, TensorFlow might offer newer models but you like MATLAB apps for labeling data, or you might want to train your TensorFlow model under multiple initial conditions using the Experiment Manager app (see example).

      Call Python from MATLAB

      Instead of importing a TensorFlow model into MATLAB you have the option to directly use the TensorFlow model in your MATLAB workflow by calling Python from MATLAB. You can access Python libraries by adding the py. prefix and execute any Python statement from MATLAB by using the pyrun function. For an example that shows how to call a TensorFlow model in MATLAB, see Image Classification in MATLAB Using TensorFlow.

      A use case that this option might be useful is the following. You have created an object detection workflow in MATLAB. You want to quickly compare TensorFlow models to find the best suited model for your task before importing the best suited model into MATLAB. Call TensorFlow from MATLAB to run an inference test quickly.

      Call MATLAB from Python

      You can use MATLAB Engine API to call MATLAB from a Python environment and thus, integrate MATLAB tools and apps into your existing Python workflow. MATLAB is convenient for labeling and exploring data for domain-specific (e.g., radar, wireless, audio, and biomedical) signal processing using low-code apps. For an example, see our GitHub repo Co-Execution for Training a Speech Command Recognition System.


      The bottom line is that both TensorFlow and MATLAB offer excellent tools that enable applying deep learning to your application. MATLAB integrates with TensorFlow to take full advantage of these tools and enable access to hundreds of deep learning models. Choose between the interoperability features (convert models between TensorFlow and MATLAB, or use TensorFlow and MATLAB together) to create a deep learning workflow that bridges platforms and teams.

      If you have questions about how, when, and why to use the described interoperability, email me at sparaske@mathworks.com. I would love to hear more about your workflow and discuss how working across deep learning platforms accelerates the application of deep learning to your domain.

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      How Vodafone Uses TensorFlow Data Validation in their Data Contracts to Elevate Data Governance at Scale

      How Vodafone Uses TensorFlow Data Validation in their Data Contracts to Elevate Data Governance at Scale

      Posted by Amandeep Singh (Vodafone), Max Vökler (Google Cloud)

      Vodafone leverages Google Cloud to deploy AI/ML use cases at scale

      As one of the largest telecommunications companies worldwide, Vodafone is working with Google Cloud to advance their entire data landscape, including their data lake, data warehouse (DWH), and in particular AI/ML strategies. While Vodafone has used AI/ML for some time in production, the growing number of use cases has posed challenges for industrialization and scalability. For Vodafone, it is key to rapidly build and deploy ML use cases at scale in a highly regulated industry. While Vodafone’s AI Booster Platform – built on top of Google Cloud’s Vertex AI – has provided a huge step to achieve that, this blog post will dive into how TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV) helps advance data governance at scale.

      High-quality Data is a Prerequisite for ML Use Cases, yet not Easily Achieved

      Excelling in data governance is a key enabler to utilize the AI Booster Platform at scale. As Vodafone works in distributed teams and has shared responsibilities when developing use cases, it is important to avoid disruptions across the involved parties:

      • Machine Learning Engineer at Vodafone Group level (works on global initiatives and provides best practices on productionizing ML at scale)
      • Data Scientist in local market (works on a concrete implementation for their specific country, needs to ensure proper data quality and feature engineering)
      • Data Owner in local market (needs to ensure data schemas do not change)

      An issue that often arises is that table schemas are modified, or feature names and data types change. This could be due to a variety of reasons. For example, the data engineering process, which is owned by IT teams, is revised.

      Data Contracts Define the Expected Form and Shape of Data

      Data Contracts in machine learning are a set of rules that define the structure, data types, and constraints of the data that your models are trained on. The contracts provide a way to specify the expected schema and statistics of your data. The following can be included as part of your Data Contract:

      • Feature names
      • Data types
      • Expected distribution of values in each column.

      It can also include constraints on the data, such as:

      • Minimum and maximum values for numerical columns
      • Allowed values for categorical columns.

      Before a model is productionized, the Contract is agreed upon by the stakeholders working on the pipeline, such as the ML Engineers, Data Scientists and Data Owners. Once the Data Contract is agreed upon, it cannot change. If a pipeline breaks due to a change, the error can be traced back to the responsible party. If the Contract needs amending, it needs to go to a review between the stakeholders, and once agreed upon, the changes can be implemented into the pipeline. This helps ensure the quality of data going into our model in production.

      Vodafone Benefits from TFDV Data Contracts as a Way to Streamline Data Governance

      As part of Vodafone’s efforts to streamline data governance, we made use of Data Contracts. A Data Contract ensures all teams work in unison, helping to maintain quality throughout the data lifecycle. These contacts are a powerful tool for managing and validating data used for machine learning. They provide a way to ensure that data is of high quality, free of errors and has the expected distribution. This blog post covers the basics of Data Contracts, discusses how they can be used to validate and understand your data better, and shows you how to use them in combination with TFDV to improve the accuracy and performance of your ML models. Whether you’re a data scientist, an ML engineer, or a developer working with machine learning, understanding Data Contracts is essential for building high-quality, accurate models.

      How Vodafone Uses Data Contracts

      Utilizing such a Data Contract, both in training and prediction pipelines, we can detect and diagnose issues such as outliers, inconsistencies, and errors in the data before they can cause problems with the models. Another great use of using Data Contracts is that it helps us detect data drift. Data drift is the most common reason for performance degradation in ML Models. Data drift is when the input data to your model changes to what it was trained on, leading to errors and inaccuracies in your predictions. Using Data Contracts can help you identify this issue.

      Data Contracts are just one example of the many KPIs we have within Vodafone regarding AI Governance and Scalability. Since the development and release of AI Booster, more and more markets are using the platform to productionize their use case, and as part of this, we have the resources to scale components vertically. Examples of this, apart from Data Contracts, can be specialized logging, agreed-upon ways of calculating Model Metrics and Model Testing strategies, such as Champion/Challenger and A/B Testing.

      How TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV) Brings Data Contracts to Life

      TFDV is a library provided by the TensorFlow team, for analyzing and validating machine learning data. It provides a way to check that the data conforms to a Data Contract. TFDV also provides visualization options to help developers understand the data, such as histograms and summary statistics. It allows the user to define data constraints and detect errors, anomalies, and drift between datasets. This can help to detect and diagnose issues such as outliers, inconsistencies, and errors in your data before they can cause problems with your models.

      When you use TFDV to validate your data, it will check that the data has the expected schema. If there are any discrepancies, such as a missing column or a column with the wrong datatype, TFDV will raise an error and provide detailed information about the problem.

      At Vodafone, before a pipeline is put into production, a schema is agreed upon for the input data. The agreement is between the Product Manager/Use Case Owner, Data Owner, Data Scientist and ML Engineer. The first thing we do in our pipeline, as seen in Figure 1, is to generate statistics about our data.

      Flow diagram showing components of a data contract in a typical Vodafone training pipeline
      Figure 1: Components of a Data Contract in a typical Vodafone training pipeline

      The code below uses TFDV to generate statistics for the training dataset and visualizes them (step 2), making it easy to understand the distribution of the data and how it’s been transformed. The output of this step is an HTML file, displaying general statistics about our input dataset. You can also choose a range of different functionalities on the HTML webpage to play around with the statistics and get a deeper understanding of the data.

      # generate training statisticsgen_statistics = generate_statistics( dataset=train_dataset.output, file_pattern=file_pattern, ).set_display_name("Generate data statistics") # visualise statisticsvisualised_statistics = visualise_statistics( statistics=gen_statistics.output, statistics_name="Training Statistics").set_display_name("Visualise data statistics")

      Step 3 is concerned with validating the schema. Within our predefined schema, we also define some thresholds for certain data fields. We can specify domain constraints on our Data Contract, such as minimum and maximum values for numerical columns or allowed values for categorical columns. When you validate your data, TFDV will check that all the values in the dataset are within the specified domain. If any values are out of range, TFDV will provide a warning and give you the option to either discard or correct the data. There is also the possibility to specify the expected distribution of values in each feature of the Data Contract. TFDV will compute the actual statistics of your data, as shown in Figure 2, and compare them to the expected distribution. If there are any significant discrepancies, TFDV will provide a warning and give you the option to investigate the data further.

      Furthermore, this allows us to detect outliers and anomalies in the data (step 4) by comparing the actual statistics of your data to the expected statistics. It can flag any data points that deviate significantly from the expected distribution and provide visualizations to help you understand the nature of the anomaly.

      screen shot showing visualization of the dataset statistics created by TFDV
      Figure 2: Example visualization of the dataset statistics created by TFDV

      This code below is using the TFDV library to validate the data schema and detect any anomalies. The validate_schema function takes two arguments, statistics, and schema_path. Statistics argument is the output of a previous step which is generating statistics, and schema_path is the path to the schema file that was constructed in the first line. This function checks if the data conforms to the schema specified in the schema file.

      # Construct schema_path from base GCS path + filenametfdv_schema_path = ( f"{pipeline_files_gcs_path}/{tfdv_schema_filename}") # validate data schemavalidated_schema = validate_schema( statistics=gen_statistics.output, schema_path=tfdv_schema_path ).set_display_name("Validate data schema") # show anomalies and fail if any anomalies were detectedanomalies = show_anomalies( anomalies=validated_schema.output, fail_on_anomalies=True).set_display_name("Show anomalies")

      The next block calls the show_anomalies function which takes two arguments, anomalies and fail_on_anomalies. The anomalies argument is the output of the previous validate_schema function, which includes the detected anomalies if any. The fail_on_anomalies argument is a flag that when set to true, will fail the pipeline if any anomalies are detected. This function will display the anomalies if any were detected, which looks something like this.

      anomaly_info { key: "producer_used" value { description: "Examples contain values missing from the schema: Microsoft (<1%), Sony Ericsson (<1%), Xiaomi (<1%), Samsung (<1%), IPhone (<1%). " severity: ERROR short_description: "Unexpected string values" reason { type: ENUM_TYPE_UNEXPECTED_STRING_VALUES short_description: "Unexpected string values" description: "Examples contain values missing from the schema: Microsoft (<1%), Sony Ericsson (<1%), Xiaomi (<1%), Samsung (<1%), IPhone (<1%). " } path { step: "producer_used" } } }

      All the above components were developed internally using Custom KFP components and TFDV.

      How Vodafone Industrialized the Approach on its AI Booster Platform

      As part of the AI Booster platform, we have also provided templates for different Modeling Libraries such as XGBoost, TensorFlow, AutoML and BigQuery ML. These templates, which are based on Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) pipelines, offer a wide range of customizable components that can be easily integrated into your machine learning workflow.

      Our templates provide a starting point for our Data Scientists and ML Engineers, but they are fully customizable to fit their specific needs. However, we do enforce the inclusion of certain components in the pipeline when it is being productionized. As shown in Figure 1, we require that all production pipelines include Data Contract components. These components are not specific to a particular model and are intended to be used whenever data is being ingested for training or prediction.

      Automating this step helps with our data validation process, making it more efficient and less prone to human error. It gives all stakeholders the confidence that whenever the model is in production, the data being used by the Model is always up to standard and not full of surprises. In addition, it helps with reproducibility of use cases in different markets, using local data. But most importantly it helps with Compliance and Privacy. It ensures us that our data is being used in compliance with company policies and regulations, and provides a framework for tracking and monitoring the usage of the data to make sure that it is being used appropriately.

      Data Contracts with TFDV Helped Vodafone Industrialize their ML Workflow

      Data Contracts play a critical role in ensuring the quality and integrity of the data used in machine learning models. Data Contracts provide:

      • a set of rules and guidelines for how data should be collected, stored, and used, and help to ensure that the data is of high quality and free of errors
      • a framework for identifying and resolving issues with the data, such as outliers, inconsistencies, and errors, before they can cause problems with the models
      • a way to ensure compliance with company policies and regulations
      • a way to trace back the origin and history of the data, which can be useful for auditing and troubleshooting purposes

      They also help to ensure that the data is being used consistently and in a reproducible way, which can help to improve the accuracy and performance of the models and reduce the risk of errors and inaccuracies in the predictions. Data contracts used in conjunction with tools like TFDV help automate the data validation process, making it more efficient and less prone to human error. Applying this concept in AI Booster helped us at Vodafone to make a key step forward in industrializing our AI/ML use cases.

      Find Out More

      For more information about TFDV, see the user guide and tutorials on tensorflow.org. Special thanks to Amandeep Singh of Vodafone and Max Vökler of Google Cloud for their work to create this design and for writing this post.

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      TensorFlow Hub ❤️ Kaggle

      TensorFlow Hub ❤️ Kaggle

      Posted by Luiz GUStavo Martins, Google AI Developer Advocate

      We’re excited to announce our new integration with Kaggle Models, a recently launched pre-trained model platform. All 2,300+ TensorFlow models published on TFHub by Google, DeepMind, and more are now discoverable and usable on Kaggle Models, with documentation and sample code.

      Why Kaggle?

      Kaggle is a global community of over 12 million machine learners who test their knowledge in competitions and share machine learning resources, including over 200,000 public datasets. Over the past 10+ years, Kaggle’s competitions have become a proving ground for what works well and what doesn’t across a multitude of ML use cases. This is why Kaggle recently launched its open model hub, Kaggle Models, to better enable the ML community to stress test and validate models publicly and at scale.

      Hosting TensorFlow models on Kaggle makes them more easily accessible to the broader ML community, democratizing model building and advancement. We can’t wait to see what solutions come from this partnership.

      How to Get Started

      A great place to check out the new integration is with the live Kaggle competition called BirdCLEF 2023 using the recently published Bird Vocalization Classifier model. Participants are challenged to build a model that identifies bird species by sound. Bird populations around the world are falling alarmingly, with approximately 48% of existing species experiencing population declines. The results of this competition contribute to scaling the critical work of bird species monitoring that allows researchers to better evaluate whether interventions are working.

      The Bird Vocalization Classifier model was just open-sourced by the Google Research team on TFHub (and subsequently Kaggle Models 🙌). It’s a global bird embedding and classification model that can identify more than 10k bird species’ vocalizations, and also creates embedding vectors that can be used for other tasks.

      To try the model on Kaggle:
      1. Navigate to the model here.
      2. Click the “New Notebook” button, which will open a Kaggle Notebooks editor.
      3. Click the “Copy Code” button on the right-hand side of the editor, which will copy sample code that loads the model using the TensorFlow Hub library.
      4. Paste the code into the notebook’s cell, and you’re ready to go!
      5. Click the “Add Model” button at the bottom. This will attach the model to your notebook.
      Moving image showing the user's experience of the Bird Vocalization Classifier Model on Kaggle

      The snippet imports TFHub library and loads the newly published Bird Vocalization Classifier model. To find more information about this model, you can check its documentation and even play with a full example that demonstrates how to use the model in the competition here.

      import tensorflow_hub as hub keras_layer = hub.KerasLayer('https://kaggle.com/models/google/bird-vocalization-classifier/frameworks/TensorFlow2/variations/bird-vocalization-classifier/versions/1')

      For more information on Kaggle Models including its current feature set and future roadmap, check the official announcement here. We look forward to seeing what you build as a result of this integration!

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      A new Kaggle competition to help parents of deaf children learn sign language

      A new Kaggle competition to help parents of deaf children learn sign language

      By Sam Sepah, ML Research Program Manager

      As a Deaf person who learned sign language from my family at an early age, I consider myself lucky. Every day, 33 babies are born with permanent hearing loss in the U.S. (kdhe.ks.gov, deafchildren.org) The majority of deaf children are born to hearing parents who do not know how to sign, like my own. My parents were determined to provide me with the ability to communicate effectively anywhere, anytime, and anyplace. Because of this rich language environment, today I can achieve my dreams and live the life I want to live.

      But most hearing parents do not know how to sign and might not have the resources to learn. Because of this, they may not be able to have a conversation with their deaf child, even at the family dinner table.

      Deaf children who grow up in homes where sign language is not used are at risk for language deprivation. Language deprivation is a delay in language development that occurs when sufficient exposure to language, spoken or signed, is not provided in the first few years of a child’s life. Language deprivation is very common in deaf children, but it can happen to hearing children as well. It often leads to a life of challenges with employment, relationships, and the ability to be successful in one’s life goals.

      So, what can be done?

      You can help reduce the risk of language deprivation for deaf children by joining our new Isolated Sign Language Recognition competition on Kaggle and training an accurate, real-time sign language recognition (TensorFlow Lite) model!

      We plan to open source the winning model and add it to the PopSign smartphone game app. PopSign* is a smartphone app that makes learning American Sign Language (ASL) fun and interactive. Players match videos of ASL signs with bubbles containing written English words to pop them.

      PopSign is designed to help parents with deaf children learn ASL, but it’s open to anyone who wants to learn sign language vocabulary. The app is a great resource for parents who want to learn sign language and help their children develop language and social skills. By adding a sign language recognizer from this competition, PopSign players will be able to sign the type of bubble they want to shoot, providing the player with the opportunity to form the sign instead of just watching videos of other people signing.

      We are grateful to our partners, the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Deaf Professional Arts Network, for developing the PopSign game app, creating the dataset and helping us prepare for this competition. The game, dataset, and model you train will help us improve access to communication for so many families!

      Join the competition today and together, we can make a difference for deaf children worldwide.

      *PopSign is an app developed by the Georgia Institute of Technology and the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at Rochester Institute of Technology. The app is available in beta on Android and iOS.

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      TensorFlow Datasets is turning 4!

      TensorFlow Datasets is turning 4!

      Posted by the TensorFlow Datasets team

      Datasets landscape has changed a lot since TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) was introduced about 4 years ago: TFDS made sharing or re-using a dataset significantly easier, and transformed the datasets landscape by inspiring other ML tools, libraries and services.

      Loading a dataset went from complicated scripts to:

      import tensorflow_datasets as tfds ds = tfds.load('mnist', split='train') for example in ds: # example is `{'image': tf.Tensor, 'label': tf.Tensor}` print(list(example.keys())) image = example["image"] label = example["label"] print(image.shape, label)

      Read the documentation for a more extensive introduction.

      Over the years, TFDS has grown to become a recognized way to load datasets. To celebrate our last 4.8.2 release, we would like to take some time to reflect on the progress and improvements made over those past years and thank the community for their support.

      TFDS is still a library to facilitate download, preparation and loading of datasets for ML pipelines, but it now supports hundreds of datasets and offers the following main features:

      1. A large variety of features with encoding and decoding, ranging from text to images, videos, audio and even RL-specific types (e.g. dataset of datasets).
      2. Large datasets support: TFDS is successfully used within Google to prepare and load large datasets (PBs) using high performance input pipelines.
      3. Dataset collections, to arbitrarily group together a number of existing TFDS datasets, for example used in a benchmark.
      4. Support for all main ML Python frameworks: yes there is “TF” in “TFDS”, but besides TensorFlow, one can use TFDS with Torch, Jax, NumPy, Keras and any other Python ML framework that can consume a tf.data.Dataset or a NumPy Iterator.
      5. Global shuffling at preparation time: It is good practice to shuffle training data, TFDS optionally does a global shuffling at preparation time in case the source of the data wasn’t already shuffled.
      6. Splits and slicing: datasets can specify their splits, and readers can specify which split(s) they want to read, or slices of splits they want to read, eg: test[:10%] to “load the 10 first percent of the test split”.
      7. Versioning and determinism: TFDS datasets and collection are versioned, so it is possible to reproduce experiments reliably. Loading a dataset pinned at a particular version will always return the same set of examples. This works with slicing and global shuffling too, as those are deterministic.
      8. Code-less sharing: TFDS can read TFDS prepared datasets even if the code used to prepare the dataset is not available. This facilitates sharing and versioning datasets.
      9. Community datasets and support for internal datasets within organizations: TFDS allows organizations to manage different corpuses of datasets and make them available to their internal users.
      10. Formats-specific builders: to easily define datasets based on well known formats such as CoNLL.
      11. GCS integration: TFDS works well with GCS.

      Thank you to all of our contributors and users!

      What’s next?

      TFDS is under active development to bring you the best datasets to use as input in your ML pipelines.

      Notably, we work on making transformations seamless. Sometimes, a dataset is derived from another dataset by a few transformations (e.g., data augmentation or column renaming). We want those transformations to be as easy to implement as possible. This feature is already available experimentally, don’t hesitate to give feedback on GitHub!

      We are also working on making the TensorFlow dependency optional. TFDS is a framework agnostic library that provides datasets and tools to support machine learning research. TFDS does not rely on any specific machine learning framework, and we are working to make the TensorFlow dependency optional.

      We have other plans too, smaller ones such as the support of partitioned datasets, and longer-term ones that could durably influence the field. Follow us on GitHub to receive future updates about those upcoming developments!

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      Updates: TensorFlow Decision Forests is production ready

      Updates: TensorFlow Decision Forests is production ready

      Posted by Mathieu Guillame-Bert, Richard Stotz, Luiz GUStavo Martins

      Two years ago, we open sourced the experimental version of TensorFlow Decision Forests and Yggdrasil Decision Forests, a pair of libraries to train and use decision forest models such as Random Forests and Gradient Boosted Trees in TensorFlow. Since then, we’ve added a lot of new features and improvements.

      TensorFlow Decision Forests

      Today, we are happy to announce that TensorFlow Decision Forests is production ready. In this post, we are going to show you all the new features that come with it 🙂. Buckle up!

      First, what are decision forests?

      Decision forests are a type of machine learning model that train fast and work extremely well on tabular datasets. Informally, a decision forest is composed of many small decision trees. Together, they make better predictions thanks to the wisdom of the crowd principle. If you want to learn more, check out our class.

      Illustration of a simple decision tree to select an animal based on number of legs (more than or equal to 4; if no = penguin, and/or number of eyes (more than or equal to three; if yes = spider, if no = dog)

      If you’re new to TensorFlow Decision Forests, we recommend that you try the beginner tutorial. Here is how easy it is to use TF-DF:

      train_df = pd.read_csv("train.csv") train_ds = tfdf.keras.pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset(train_df, label="species") model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel() model.fit(train_ds) model.save("my_model")

      Following are the main new features introduced to TensorFlow Decision Forests (TF-DF) in the 1.x release.

      Easier hyper-parameter tuning

      ML Illustration

      Like all machine learning algorithms, Decision Forests have hyper-parameters. The default values of those parameters give good results, but, if you really want the best possible results for your model, you need to “tune” those parameters.

      TF-DF makes it easy to tune parameters. For example, the objective function and the configuration for distribution are selected automatically, and you specify the hyper-parameters you wish to tune as follows:

      tuner = tfdf.tuner.RandomSearch(num_trials=50) tuner.choice("min_examples", [2, 5, 7, 10]) tuner.choice("categorical_algorithm", ["CART", "RANDOM"]) tuner.choice("max_depth", [3, 4, 5, 6, 8]) tuner.choice("use_hessian_gain", [True, False]) tuner.choice("shrinkage", [0.02, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15]) tuner.choice("growing_strategy", ["LOCAL"]).choice("max_depth", [3, 4, 5, 6, 8]) tuner.choice("growing_strategy", ["BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL"], merge=True).choice("max_num_nodes", [16, 32, 64, 128, 256]) # ... Add all the parameters to tune model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(verbose=2, tuner=tuner) model.fit(training_dataset

      Starting with TF-DF 1.0, you can use the pre-configured hyper-parameter tuning search space. Simply add use_predefined_hps=True to your model constructor and the tuning will be done automatically:

      tuner = tfdf.tuner.RandomSearch(num_trials=50, use_predefined_hps=True) # No need to configure each hyper-parameters tuned_model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(verbose=2, tuner=tuner) tuned_model.fit(train_ds, verbose=2)

      Check the hyper-parameter tuning tutorial for more details. And, if your dataset is large, or if you have a lot of parameters to optimize, you can even use distributed training to tune your hyper-parameters.

      Hyper-parameters templates

      As mentioned above, to maximize the quality of your model you need to tune the hyper-parameters. However, this operation takes time. If you don’t have the time to tune your hyper-parameters, we have a new solution for you: Hyper-parameter templates.

      Hyper-parameter templates are a set of hyper-parameters that have been discovered by testing hundreds of datasets. To use them, you simply need to set the hyperparameter_template argument.

      model = tfdf.keras.GradientBoostedTreesModel(hyperparameter_template="benchmark_rank1") model.fit(training_dataset)

      In our paper called “Yggdrasil Decision Forests: A Fast and Extensible Decision Forests Library”, we show experimentally that the results are almost as good as with manual hyper-parameter tuning.

      See the “hyper-parameter templates” sections in the hyper-parameter index for more details.

      Serving models on Google Cloud

      Cloud Logo

      TensorFlow Decision Forests is now included in the official release of TensorFlow Serving and in Google Cloud’s Vertex AI. Without any special configuration or custom images, you can now run TensorFlow Decision Forests in Google Cloud.

      See our examples for TensorFlow Serving.

      Distributed training on billions of examples

      illustration of ten desktop PCs in two rows of five

      Training TF-DF on datasets with less than a million examples is almost instantaneous. On larger datasets however, training takes longer. TF-DF now supports distributed training. If your dataset contains multiple millions or even billions of examples, you can use distributed training on tens or even hundreds of machines.

      Here is an example:

      cluster_resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TFConfigClusterResolver() strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.ParameterServerStrategy(cluster_resolver) with strategy.scope(): model = tfdf.keras.DistributedGradientBoostedTreesModel( temp_directory=..., num_threads=30, ) model.fit_on_dataset_path( train_path=os.path.join(dataset_path, "train@60"), valid_path=os.path.join(dataset_path, "valid@20"), label_key="my_label", dataset_format="csv")

      See our end-to-end example and documentation for more details and examples.

      Training models in Google Sheets

      To make it even easier to train decision forests, we created Simple ML for Sheets. Simple ML for Sheets makes it possible to train, evaluate, and interpret TensorFlow Decision Forests models in Google Sheets without any coding!

      Cloud Logo

      And once you have trained your model in Google Sheets, you can export it back to TensorFlow Decision Forests and use it like any other models.

      Check the Simple ML for Sheets tutorial for more details.

      Next steps

      We hope you enjoyed reading this news, and that the new version of TensorFlow Decision Forests will be useful for your work.

      To learn more about the TensorFlow Decision Forests library, see the following resources:

      • See tutorials on this page.
      • Learn more about advanced usages of TensorFlow Decision Forests and Yggdrasil Decision Forests on this page.

      And if you have questions, please ask them on the discuss.tensorflow.org using the tag “TFDF” and we’ll do our best to help. Thanks again.

      — The TensorFlow Decision Forests team

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      Extend your TFX pipeline with TFX-Addons

      Extend your TFX pipeline with TFX-Addons

      Posted by Hannes Hapke and Robert Crowe

      figuration framework and shared libraries to integrate common components needed to define, launch, and monitor your machine learning system.

      What is TFX-Addons?

      TFX-Addons is a special interest group (SIG) for TFX users who are extending the standard set of components provided by Google’s TensorFlow team. The addons are implementations by other machine learning companies and developers which rely heavily on TFX for their production machine learning operations.

      Common MLOps patterns, for example ingesting data into machine learning pipelines, are solved through TFX components. As an example, members of TFX-Addons developed and open-sourced a TFX component to ingest data from a Feast feature store, a component maintained by machine learning engineers at Twitter and Apple.

      How can you use the TFX-Addons components or examples?

      The TFX-Addons components and examples are accessible via a simple pip installation. To install the latest version, run the following:

      pip install tfx-addons

      To ensure you have a compatible version of dependencies for any given project, you can specify the project name as an extra requirement during install:

      pip install tfx-addons[feast_examplegen]

      To use TFX-Addons:

      from tfx import v1 as tfx
      import tfx_addons as tfxa

      # Then you can easily load projects tfxa.{project_name}. Ex:


      The TFX-Addons components can be used in any TFX pipeline. Most components support all TFX orchestrators including Google Cloud’s Vertex Pipelines, Apache Beam, Apache Airflow, or Kubeflow Pipelines.

      Which additional components are currently available?

      The list of components, libraries, and examples is constantly growing, with several new projects currently in development. As of this writing, these are the currently available components.

      Feast Component

      The Example Generator allows you to ingest data samples from a Feast Feature Store.

      Message Exit Handler

      This component provides an exit handler for TFX pipelines which notifies the user about the final state of the pipeline (failed or succeeded) via a Slack message. If the pipeline fails, the component will provide the error message. The message component supports a number of message providers (e.g. Slack, stdout, logging providers) and can easily be extended to support Twilio. It also serves as an example of how to write exit handlers for TFX pipelines.

      Schema Curation Component

      This component allows its users to update/change the schema produced by the SchemaGen component, and curate it based on domain knowledge. The curated schema can be used to stop pipelines if a feature drift is detected.

      Feature Selection Component

      This component allows users to select features from datasets. This component is useful if you want to select features based on statistical feature selection metrics.

      XGBoost Evaluator Component

      This component extends the standard TFX Evaluator component to support trained XGBoost models, in order to do deep analysis of model performance.

      Sampling Component

      This component allows users to balance their training datasets by randomly undersampling or oversampling, reducing the data to the lowest- or highest-frequency class.

      Pandas Transform Component

      This component can be used instead of the standard TFX Transform component, and allows you to work with Pandas dataframes for your feature engineering. Processing is distributed using Beam for scalability.

      Firebase Publisher

      This project helps users to publish trained models directly from a TFX pipeline to Firebase ML.

      HuggingFace Model Pusher

      The HuggingFace Model Pusher (HFModelPusher) pushes a blessed model to the HuggingFace Model Hub. Also, it optionally pushes an application to HuggingFace Space Hub.

      How can you participate?

      The TFX-Addons SIG is all about sharing reusable components and best practices. If you are interested in MLOps, join our bi-weekly conference calls. It doesn’t matter if you are new to TFX or an experienced ML engineer, everyone is welcome and the SIG accepts open source contributions from all participants.

      If you want to join our next meeting, sign up to our list group sig-tfx-addons@tensorflow.org.

      Other resources:

      Already using TFX-Addons?

      If you’re already using TFX-Addons we’d love to hear from you! Use this form to send us your story!

      Thanks to all Contributors

      Big thanks to all the open-source component contributions from following members:
      Badrul Chowdhury, Daniel Kim, Fatimah Adwan, Gerard Casas Saez, Hannes Hapke, Marcus Chang, Kshitijaa Jaglan, Pratishtha Abrol, Robert Crowe, Nirzari Gupta, Thea Lamkin, Wihan Booyse, Michael Hu, Vulko Milev, and all the other contributors! Open-source only happens when people like you contribute!

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      Get inspired in 2023 with new machine learning solutions for web developers with MediaPipe

      Get inspired in 2023 with new machine learning solutions for web developers with MediaPipe

      Posted by Jen Person, Senior Developer Relations Engineer

      I’m the type of person to say I don’t like to make New Year’s resolutions, but then I still quietly resolve to make some changes anyway. After overindulging over the holidays, I resolve to eat healthier, exercise more, spend more time with friends and family, and prioritize my mental health…but they’re not *New Year’s* resolutions I swear! Because whether you like to make New Year’s resolutions or not, the start of a new year can give you a feeling of inspiration. It’s like a blank slate full of possibilities!

      What kind of changes are you resolving to make this year? If you’re looking to create an exciting new web project or take your work to the next level, then I recommend adding machine learning (ML)!

      Near year, new solutions

      MediaPipe has been a great go-to solution for web developers interested in adding ML to their web applications. In 2022, the MediaPipe hands NPM package had around 70K downloads, the pose package had about 90K downloads, and the selfie segmentation package had over 130K downloads!

      This year, MediaPipe has expanded to include MediaPipe Tasks, Model Maker, and Studio! Tasks are aptly named because they can be used to perform common ML tasks like image classification and object detection. Model Maker is a low-code solution for customizing your MediaPipe Tasks to fit your app’s needs. With MediaPipe Studio, you can view interactive demos of MediaPipe Tasks. In the future, you will be able to customize your tasks in MediaPipe Studio without writing any code.

      MediaPipe’s solutions are special because they are available across multiple platforms, including Android, web, and Python, but given my background in JavaScript, I want to take this opportunity to shine the spotlight on web.

      When compared to server-side ML, web ML has some unique benefits:

      Lower latency – Predictions are done right on your users’ devices, so there is no waiting for server calls to complete. This is essential for applications that use a streaming component like the webcam.

      User privacy – With predictions taking place on-device, your users’ data never leaves their device.

      Click and go – Your users don’t have to download any additional applications or plugins. Just navigate to the desired URL and your ML experience is good to go!

      MediaPipe is updating its offerings, including more solutions and opportunities for customization. Check out these new MediaPipe Tasks:

      Image Classification – identify what an image represents among a set of categories defined at training time.

      Photo of an American Flamingo facing left with ttext 'Flamingo 95%'

      Object Detection – detect the presence and location of multiple classes of object.

      Image of a dog on the left and a cat on the right with respective Object detection labels 'dog' and 'cat'

      Text Classification – classify text into a set of defined categories, such as positive or negative sentiment.

      Image showing input text in a white bubble reads 'Great movie with a classic plot. I will recommend this to everyone.'and Output showing five turquoise stars and a white thumbs up against a green background

      Gesture Recognition – recognize specific hand gestures from a user, and invoke application features that correspond to those gestures.

      Image showing a hand giving thumbs up gesture. Text in a white bubble reads 'Thumbs up 63%'

      Hand Landmark Detection – localize key points of the hands and render visual effects over the hands.

      Image showing a hand holding an egg. White lines with blue nodes indicate the detection of landmarks in the hand in the image

      MediaPipe is adding more exciting solutions in 2023, so keep an eye out for what’s next!

      Customize for your needs

      Many of these solutions offer customization using MediaPipe Model Maker. The MediaPipe Model Maker package is a simple, low-code solution for customizing on-device ML models, including models for the web. And with MediaPipe Studio, you can prototype and benchmark solutions in-browser!

      Resolve to make something great!

      By now, a lot of our New Year’s resolutions have already been abandoned. But it’s definitely not too late to make a new one! Why not resolve to build something amazing with MediaPipe solutions for the web?

      Create a rock paper scissors game

      At the Women in ML Symposium, the MediaPipe team hosted a workshop walking through creating a rock paper scissors game using the MediaPipe solutions Gesture Recognizer task. Learn how to train a custom gesture recognizer by following along with the workshop on YouTube using the corresponding Colab notebook. You can also view a complete version of the game on Codepen.

      Categorize your images

      When uploading images, run image classification to automatically add relevant tags. Check out the image classification task documentation and the Codepen demo to see how to get started. You can even customize your model to add your own tags to suit your needs.

      Cropped Screen grab of Mediapipe Image Classifier for web Codepen demo showing the image of a dog under text which reads Demo: Classify images Click in an image below to see its classification

      Run sentiment analysis

      Want to get an idea how your users are feeling? Run sentiment analysis on text to classify it as positive or negative. See the documentation and the Codepen demo to find out how it’s done. The best part is that you can also customize your model to classify text in whatever category you need!

      Cropped Screen grab of Mediapipe Text Classifier for web Codepen demo showing the image of a dog under text which reads Demo: Classify images Click in an image below to see its classification

      [Your idea here]

      Let’s face it: you’re much more creative than I am! So when you build something amazing with MediaPipe Solutions, share it with us on the TensorFlow forum, LinkedIn, or Twitter!

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